Never make a pretty woman your wife :P

Hi, im Dyl im 20yo alter wise [Bodily 15] & an introject of these sources. 1 2 3 4 5 [In order of connection] And I cohost during emergencies.

I'm nonhuman, I don't mind human terms, I actually prefer them.
I can usually be found fronting with my beessst friends Adam, Mark, Eav, Sunil, or my trio.

I don't and wont interact with minors alter wise (unless family & close). I have adhd & autism, alot of it. And I don't catch on to things quickly (I'm really fucking slow) I ask for your patience when talking with me.

I ♡ Rainbow Six Siege, Bioshock, GTA, DOOM, and old YouTube. I gatekeep my interests alot.
I have a special interest in this aesthetic (laugh all you want!), first person shooter video games & weapons (especially guns,) they're super interesting to me and I love to discuss it

NOTE FOR THE FREAKS! I don't know why I have to specify this but I'm very much not into 'Zero Day' or anything else considered TCC. (Weirdo shit)

Pub: 13 Aug 2023 17:33 UTC
Edit: 06 Aug 2024 21:23 UTC
Views: 450