One of many factors for our nation opening up from being isolationist

Our isolationist tendencies are rooted in the fact that we don't want to bother with the outside world and we don't want the outside world to bother us. And for hundreds of years this has been the case because we are an island nation with relatively superior technology. However, in recent years, technology of the entire world has advanced to the point that the whole globe is mapped and powerful nations are rising and acquiring territory. We realized that we can't be passive or we will be conquered eventually. Our core motivations haven't changed. We want to be left alone in our island. But now, in order to achieve that goal, our ministry of foreign affairs went into overdrive and started making friends, trade partners, and allies to secure our future. We still have no ambitions to expand. It's mostly our ministry of foreign affairs that's putting in extreme effort to secure alliances and there's still fierce resistance in deploying our unique tech overseas.
Our ministry of foreign affairs is very inexperienced since they only started doing this recently so although they had some successes, there's also been catastrophic failures too. So some countries think really badly of us. We caused a lot of awful diplomatic incidents.

Pub: 26 Mar 2022 12:21 UTC
Views: 464