Meadow !! HI HI MEADOW ILYSM!!! weve been close since.. we were like 5!! isnt that so cool? ur like one of my bestfriends and u mean SOSOOOSOO much to me!! weve gone thru so much together!! ur so pretty and i love ur personality!! :3!! nothing can keep us apart, no matter what happens. even if you move away (which u did grrr), even if we get in a bunch of fights, we will always be frineds!!!!!! i genuinely beleive we are PLATONIC soulmates !!! ilysm

Vani !! HAIII CUS CUS!! youve been there with me thru my hardest times and i will do anything and tdy my hsrdest to be with you thru urs!! literally none of my friends make me laugh harder than u do!!!!! ur my fav cousin (ik this isnt hard to beat bc my other cousin is a 1 yr old baby but yk im tryna PROVE A POINT)!! u actually mean alot to me uhmmm i dont even see u as a cousin tbh i see u more as a friend :P!!! i hate going down to florida but i always do look foward to seeing u!!! i would defend you will my life im not kidding. even tho ur dumb and gay i still love you!!! ur so silly!!! ive always been able to be myself around u!!! u helped me figure myself out sm. even tho i made a whole rentry abt canceling u.. (meow) ur still okay-ish i guess. u supported me thru all my weird phases and bad desicions and i couldnt be more grateful!!!!

Jing !! HAII JING!!! ILYSM AND U KNOW THIS BUTTTT!!!! anyways im so happy we met bc i love talking to you so much!! i literally HATE TIMEZONES!!! why do you have to be a whole ass 12 hours ahead of me!!!?? idk but the time we do talk is the best part if my day!! ur so nice and amazing and ir so fun to talk to!! i love you jing and id write more if i wasnt eating a donut.

hi so this is a major WIP

Pub: 03 Apr 2023 16:15 UTC
Edit: 23 Apr 2023 14:43 UTC
Views: 92