Joey's url tracker, contact @nirvanoid on discord to trade hi im joe or salem wtv and this is my info page + tracker ig im 14 (suprising) and like comics and metal. if u wanna know the bands i like its STP and AiC,
i also like older rock like the doors etc etc
im not strictly comics ig i do dabble in movie stuff
i like the dcau most so i know more abt it
im a dry texter so heh... srry if ur allegricf my resource page is /yotsubato my contact is @nirvanoid on disc
or @vampbilee on tumblr
u,mmm ill maek this fancy later wishlist dirt  kurt  logan
xmen  mutant  rogue
bold = iffy
♡ = nft

emeralds  aliceinchains♡  jerry 
for  staley♡  fretted 
fretboard  fiddles  upbow 
fourchord  scogean  gruntruck 
skinyard  axl   
kathaar  yotsubato♡  jubilee♡ 
4chans  scratch  godsmack 
thom  yorke  atom 
angelsofpassione  nutshell  bamf♡ 
thembones  carry  kitti 
grind  doors  mellow 
wagner  treble  nightcrawler♡ 
gambit♡  nope  squatted 
fast  summers  batty 
afraid  mystique  blackmetal 
maximoff  azazel  would 
watchmen♡  cowboys  hall
cable  thrash  matter

Pub: 10 Sep 2020 18:54 UTC
Edit: 25 Sep 2024 01:39 UTC
Views: 559