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This is my Extended Rentry!⠀I am Ajax or Gaille.⠀I sometimes use Dominic or Whimsy too.⠀Refer to me with (s)he / it, along with Any or Non-Human Terms.
Below will be information regarding me, & adjacent.
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I am of sixteen to seventeen years of age.⠀ I am Indonesian.⠀ I can speak⠀English,⠀Indonesian,⠀&⠀Spanish⠀semi-fluently.
It is suspected that I possess⠀NPD,⠀Autism,⠀ADHD,⠀&⠀unlisted.⠀ This affects how I interact with others.
⠀⠀・ I may be apathetic,⠀&⠀selectively empathetic.
⠀⠀・ I have low empathy in general.
⠀⠀・ I may come off as blunt or rude.
⠀⠀・ I view those around me in a Hierarchy.
I also suspect having a CDD,⠀or more commonly;⠀ a System.⠀Refer to us as Parts or Facets.⠀Some of these parts may make themselves known.
⠀⠀・ No syscourse.⠀This (link) vaguely describe my stance.
⠀⠀・ I am an amnesiac.
I am Alterhuman,⠀ which is semi-elaborated here (link).⠀ This is a way for me to communicate things that I feel & think,⠀ though not in a direct sense.
I am a Conditional-sharing ⠀Yumedanshi ⠀of⠀ Diluc Ragnvindr,⠀ Zhongli,⠀ &
The Tsaritsa⠀( Familial ). ⠀There are others who I dream of,⠀but I don't want to mention them.
I am very autistic about Chiluc (Childe x Diluc),⠀ &⠀ each of the characters too.⠀ I will talk about them a lot,⠀&⠀may get defensive over them.⠀ It also makes me feel uneasy towards other ships involving them too,⠀ except⠀ Chaeya,⠀ Zhongluc,⠀ &⠀ Tartali.⠀ I'm nice,⠀ I promise.⠀ Just very ill...
Whether it may be my identity,⠀ rentries,⠀ &⠀the like,⠀please refrain from stealing / copying them.⠀
If you have an issue with me, please speak to me directly.⠀ If you want me to be aware of it,⠀ & want me to correct it or give an explanation,⠀ then please tell me.⠀ I am not always aware of how I affect others.
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All art is by f_ai_n on Twitter
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This is list is of people who I will avoid if possible.⠀I block or soft-block whenever I feel necessary.⠀This list is not exhaustive.
- Zionist,⠀or⠀"Neutral".
- "Narc abuse",⠀&⠀other disorder-related "abuse".
- Xeno-satanists⠀/⠀Radqueers.
- Exclusionists.
- Transmed,⠀anti MOGAI⠀anti neoprns,⠀etc.
- Radfems/TERFs/SWERFs,⠀gender critical,⠀etc.
- Downplay transmasc issues & exorsexism.
- Shipcourse,⠀Darkshippers,⠀Kodocon,⠀Kaeluc / Luckae
- Excessively uses slurs (even if reclaimed).
- Certain Childe Yumejins⠀&⠀certain Yumejins of my f/os.
- I heavily ID as Childe & get uncomfy.
- Mischaracterize my favorites.
- Especially Childe⠀&⠀Diluc.
- If I fit your DNI.
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