Collaborative Jukeboxes of the Retro Reich and Matiyotl

Thanks to the efforts of Craftsmen of the Retro Reich, the Knowledge of Souls from the Onobots together with the Knowledge of the Flesh from the Matiyotl migrants, the Retro Reich managed to create Jukeboxes that can play music based of the hard work of musicians all around the World.

With a complex process, Meat is grafted onto Machinery, and operated by a Soul that through selective pain is instructed to perform certain tasks. These Jukeboxes need only mundane food in order to play a great variety of music.


Every jukebox begins with a homunculus organism, which will act as an empty vessel to receive the Soul of Art needed to perform its function. Matiyotl fleshgrafters assemble the homunculus with parts from a variety of sources. The bulk of the homunculus' mass may be formed of meat and structural bone of any provenance, provided it is sufficiently alive at assembly time. Sound synthesis is the most important task asked of the machine, and must thus be approached with forethought. A set of human vocal chords is the bare minimum, but to enlarge the range of sounds the Jukeboxe can produce, the best models should integrate vocal chords from a wide range of singers, from the soprano all the way to the bass. Moreover, non human vocal chords can be included to increase the variety of sounds further; the gravelly voice of a large schizotroll, the gut shaking growl of a death sloth or the unearthly croaking of a dragon tortoise can all add useful notes to the machine's capabilities.

Thirdly, a receptacle for the Soul or music must be included, and for this, there is no substitute for one or more human brains, if a human musician is to be used. A bird brain could possibly take its place if the singer desired is of this species, but this is an as-of-yet unexplored possibility. This brain will be treated different depending on the type of Jukebox in use.

Finally, a digestive system has to be recreated, so as to allow the Jukebox to receive nutrition to complete its tasks. The mouth's lips also play an important role in the vocalization process, but in more complex devices, it's quite common to separate the "eating mouth" from a set of dedicated "singing mouths".

Through working Matiyotl chuubanite into the process at every step, risk of graft rejection is minimized, resulting in efficient manufacturing. For the purposes of Retro Reich craftsmanship, willing human sacrifices are the best option in terms of quality and lowered risk of graft failure, for most components besides exotic vocal chords.

Once the organic core of the machine is complete, it is common practice to encase most components of the Jukebox in mechanical parts and paneling, to protect it from dust, wear and tear, dehydration, and to make cleaning easier.


A wide variety of jukebox types for all uses are created by the industry, but they can generally be separated into two categories which are very distinct in their use and function.

Copy Jukebox

Copy Jukebox

The Copy Jukebox is a Jukebox with a built-in brain. Here, the brainwaves of musicians are copied onto the brain's neural net, allowing it to recreate the artists' music. The sound quality diminishes sadly in this copy process and the selection of music is preordained and not unique. Instead, it is shared among all Jukeboxes of this series. You might say that these Jukeboxes are soulless. However, this makes the creation process easier, and thus makes these the more common and cheap option.

Unique Jukebox

Unique Jukebox

The Unique Jukebox differs from the previous type in the music source that is used. The Onobots must first use the human brain(s) obtained to create a construct called a "Soul Sponge". These Soul Sponges can be imbued with an existing soul. The Soul exists in the Vitium Field, and is normally absolutely correlated with a material vessel in the Vitubian realm, but the Soul Sponge can be used to change "attachment point" of the soul in the material realm.

Once the soul transfer is complete, the Soul Sponge will obtain the experiences imparted on the Vitium Field by the musician, allowing it to recreate their musical experiences accurately. This is a process that can be done multiple times to allow the jukebox to draw from the Souls of multiple musician to create their music. The sound quality is of far greater quality, and the music selection of each Jukebox can be tuned based on the taste and preferences of the owner. It is a luxurious good that allows each owner to showcase their personal choice of music, as well as celebrate the skilled musicians offered to the Jukebox.


The practice of soul-crafting may be considered a polemical subject in some less tolerant cultures. The industry can thus find itself overregulated by zealous authorities in those select locales. For example, Moriji's Goddess Faithful considers all soul-crafting techniques to be interference with the Goddess' work, and thus punishable by death. It is rumored the shadowy organization is hypocritically monopolizing the island's eschatological industry for their obscure purposes. Sadly, these circumstances result in Jukebox manufacturing being unable to operate openly in this and other similarly extremist locales.

Pub: 23 Oct 2022 22:15 UTC
Views: 130