Finally, he moaned, delivered one more violent thrust deep into my body and relaxed.
He lay directly on top of me as if he was in a different world. My right arm surrounded his kinky head as I turned us together to the right and my left hand directed my breast to his lips. He began nursing like a baby. To my alarm and dismay I could actually feel relief as he worked. It was clear I was producing more milk than before. A brief concern passed. What about these pills? It seemed like my breasts were moving in the wrong direction.
My momentary concern passed quickly as he rested and nursed at my breast. It was replaced by a feeling of relief and accomplishment. I had taken on my fifth black guy for sure. Why had if become such a kinky pleasure to keep track.
He kept working my breast and my body responded with one quiet pulsation after another. He felt good, and innocent, and childlike as I held him. Time passed as Amyl moved from one breast to the other. I finally began to calm a bit as my passions began to subside.
Sometime later I awoke to find Amyl was gone. I got up slowly and went down with just my skirt and blouse on. The front room was quiet and dark. I could just make out the images of a couple blacks lying on the gigantic pillows in the middle of the floor. I could not make out Bobby. No one stirred. I concluded my evening was over. I had paid all my bills.
I drove home dressed as I was; skirt and blouse, nothing else. For reasons I could not understand, I felt lonely. I had to admit I was missing the whole thing at Bobby’s. It was like my entire existence was there in the hood until this was over. It was the only place I felt safe and desired.
Tonight I had worn a new longer pleated skirt, and a new larger top that my mother had just bought. They were both in good shape. They had been neatly folded on the chair in the bedroom all evening and they did not get messed up on the way home.
My parents were out. I made my way to the bedroom after a little snack in the kitchen. For reasons I could not explain, I no longer wanted to shower when I was finished at Bobby’s. I liked everything about how I smelled and felt and I wanted it to stay with me during the night. My last thoughts were of Amyl’s black hair, encircle in my right arm, as he calmly consumed from my breast.

My weekends always moved so slowly, I was bored every minute. There was nothing happening; nothing to think about except the two subjects that dominated my life. The "program" which was bringing my life back to normal; and the wild array of new exotic feelings and emotions which I did not want admit, but which I did not want to go away.
As this weekend started I realized that only one of these was dominating my every waking moment—nothing would take the erotic thoughts out of my mind. Every quiet moment; and there were lots of them, the adventures at Bobby’s dominated my thinking and replaced any concerns I had about pregnancy and the procedure.
Physically, the sex had become captivating. My young body had adjusted readily to what I much later in life learned were enormous Negro units. I had an aching need for what they did to me. I craved the activity. Life was so boring at home, but not when I was at Bobby’s. I found I was eagerly waiting for each trip down to the hood. Three times a week had become easy to arrange at home. Things were running smoothly with the pill. Other than gaining weight I was as healthy as could be.
The whole subject of intercourse had taken on new meaning. All my early years, whenever I thought about sex it was in the context of love and marriage. He would be just the right guy; I would be the cute, young virgin in white. We would be married. It was going to be so right and then it would be so grand. Now, my shoplifting and the consequences required that I adjust to a completely different viewpoint. Now I was a tramp, nothing more, and beyond that, I had to acknowledge that the sex and all Bobby put with it, had become more than just a means to an end. It was absolutely captivating. I was, as Bobby had called me from the first—that "type" of girl. My early childhood concepts of love and all that stuff went out the window when I shoplifted and got knocked up staying out of jail. Sex was completely differently, now. I craved it.
Each of these black guys—and I had now had twenty two of them paying for the program—came to me for one purpose. They were there to fuck me. In most cased they were older and knew for sure what they wanted from a woman. It was strange though when we were done—in each and every case—I was in love with them in a very carnal, corporeal, caring way. They had paid my bills, but I had received so much more.

It was the fourth weekend of the program and I calculated I was just a couple weeks from the end. The weekend started ok. I really felt fine. I was bored. I drummed up some things to keep me busy and on Saturday afternoon I even wiped out my car.
But, sometime Sunday concerns started really work on my mind. At first, I decided I really needed to keep busier. I had two big closets filled with clothing yet I could find nothing that really fit and hid my condition any longer. My folks had been around home all week so I had little privacy. My friends were all committed to family or summer jobs so I had no one to go out with. I called Kyle; he was working out of town. I sat watching endless hours of TV wearing some baggy sweat pants and a T-shirt.
Slowly, all the erotic temptations of the activities at Bobby’s were swept from my mind by an enormous elephant—the ever growing concern that this "program" was not working.
Every time I looked in a mirror I looked more pregnant. I was developing a real baby bump and my breasts were enormous and painful.
Each time I sat still I began trying to count all the days since Mallmart one more time just like I had before. That would end with the helpless feeling that timing no longer mattered. The only thing that mattered was Bobbie’s program.
I waited, impatiently, for Monday evening and another session at Bobby’s. I knew as that got closer the excitement there would get the other things off my mind, but all the free time over the weekend was a killer. I gave me way too much time to just worry.
Monday morning I bowed out of working at the charity. Tonight I would return to Bobby’s, but this time anticipating the erotic activities was not pushing away all that was bothering me. Last night had turned out long, worrisome, and sleepless. I was ready to go back to Bobby tonight. I was eagerly anticipating that there was only one more week after this one, but that made me think too logically about the whole thing. Nothing was happening to me. I was taking the pills as instructed, but there was not one indication they were doing anything.
I needed to talk to someone other than Bobby and his guys. I needed reassurances in the daylight from someone as much in the middle of this as me. I needed to talk to Jamal.
Opening time at Mallmart was ten and I was entering the door. I was wearing a summer dress that was really cute if belted, but on this trip it hung loosely. As such, it hid my tummy pretty well, but it was impossible to hide the size of my breasts. I could hardly button the top.
There were two security guys at the door I did not recognize. I walked into the store a short way and then turned back to the entrance. On the second circuit I summoned all my courage and asked one of the guards if Jamal was working. He wanted to know why. I told him I was a friend. He looked up and down my body at least twice before he told me that Jamal had received a big promotion to manager and was now in the main office. He then pointed me to the back of the store.
I started back through the store with my mind on automatic. I sure was not your normal Monday shopper. I was amazed at how many low class trailer court people were shopping, and how many of the overweight white women were dragging black babies. Was that my future if this damn program was not working? I got on the scale last night before bed and learned that I was about twelve pounds heavier. So here I was gaining weight rapidly and becoming more and more convinced I was carrying Jamal’s and my baby.
Each time I passed one of these women in an aisle my heart stopped. My fear was bad enough just looking at myself. Now with each step a fat frumpy white lady, with a black kid, was driving me from just fear to absolute terror. If this program was not working as it should, I was well over five months pregnant with a baby and I was only eighteen years old. My birthday was still three months away. What timing.
The only redeeming thing was that the little half breed kids were so fucking cute. How could something so cute be such a nightmare?
I walked all the way to the back wall of the enormous store and then started down a hall pass restrooms toward a counter and doors marked corporate offices. At the counter a young black girl directed me to a seat at the side. I had not seen or spoken to Jamal in over a month; not since the day he introduced me to Bobby. I was shaking.
One phone call and Jamal was standing in front of me looking down. Courage swept over me for a moment and I looked up right into his eyes. What I saw said everything. He tried to smile, but all he could do was motion for me to follow him.
We went quickly through a reception area and directly into his office; desk, executive chair, table against the wall and two conference chairs. He had windows now; they were high. I sat in one of the conference chairs he pointed to as he went to his phone and pushed a couple button.
Finished, he came over,
"Caroline, hello; needless to say, I am surprised to see you. After all you went through here at the store; I was convinced I would never see you again once it was over. Are you finished with that program? I hope it all went well. I have paid all they asked, when they asked. Or is that why you’re here? Do we owe more money?"
I looked at him as he rambled and found myself at a loss for words.
Finally, I interrupted and stammered out,
"Jamal, I have come to a terrible conclusion. I don’t think Bobbie is for real. Nothing about what he has done makes sense. The doctor he introduced to solve this seemed ok at first, but he started giving me these expensive pills that are not working. I have done everything I have been told to do and look at me! It has been well over a month. This is all supposed to be finished next week."
I stood and turned sideways, drawing the dress across my front, so he could see the obvious changes to my tummy and breasts. For reasons I cannot explain; as I showed him how I looked, a strange carnal feeling came over me. I was displaying his work. What he had done to me. This was his baby I was carrying. He was the father. He was as much into this as I was.
This whole thing was such a contradiction. Just looking at him drove me to distraction. He was amazingly handsome but he would be the last man I could ever imagine being associated with sexually. He was very black, a guy three times my age, a guy three times my size; a guy with a strange strict bearing that scared me; and yet there I was standing in front of him, demonstrating I was convinced I was still pregnant by him.
I stood frozen, showing him my profile, looking at him, waiting for a reaction.
His face projected a kaleidoscope of emotions; concern, anger, fear even a hint of two or pride.
Finally, he spoke,
"What kind of program did you say?"
Without further prompting, I unloaded. Driven by a lot of nervous energy and finally having someone to share my fears with, I describing it in detail, everything; Bobby, the house, the neighborhood, the doctor, the pills, the men like Rashid and Amyl, the white "nurses" the whole thing. All that had gone on during the last five weeks which now seemed to be wasted time. I spared no detail; even detailing the changes in me physically and mentally
When I finished Jamal stood up and came directly in front of me. He reached out with both hands to embrace me. Finished he stepped away. His eyes were moist with concern or perchance rage. I could not tell.


"Caroline, sit down. Let me call this Bobbie guy. I don’t know much about this kind of stuff, but this whole thing sounds fishy."
I sat. He called. He called another number, then a third. Bobby obviously answered this last call and in the next ten minutes I was party to one side of the most disturbing conversation of my life.
As they talked, I watched Jamal’s face turn darker and darker with anger. Final he began to give Bobby a series of unspeakable fowl epithets and threats that I would never repeat.
He hung up violently and looked at the wall for what seemed like forever, and then he unloaded on me.
It turned out Bobby admitted a horrible deception as Jamal threatened him with a violence he understood. In short, Bobby was told in very dark terms that if this program did not work he was a dead man and with that Bobby began to really spill the beans.
Bobby it turns out was nothing more than a high class pimp and a hustler. "Dr. Smith" was a guy that worked for him and did amateur acting on the side; he had no medical training. Joyce and Donna were trained as nurses, but they were also married women that somehow got wrapped up with Bobbie and prostitution. Rashid and Amyl were bouncers at a bar Bobby owned. The pills were harmless sugar placebos.
It went on and on. One by one Jamal revealed the dark details of my plight and my heart sunk lower and lower.
To add insult to injury, Bobby told Jamal I had earned several thousand dollars, and he would gladly give it to him if he would forget the whole thing, kick me to the curb, and not resort to violence. "After all, why get involved. I was just another bored rich white girl that had played the "nigger" lover game for kicks and got knocked up. I was a tramp. I was a white slut who finally got caught playing around with black fire. I was paying the price for my kicks."
Jamal said nothing more he just sat and looked at me. I sat looking past him to the wall. I am sure my face was absolutely expressionless. White with shock and dismay! His face was black, very black with a fearful angry expression that is inked on my mind today.
The entire nightmare swept over me like that darkest cloud. I was so pregnant with his baby. Even looking straight ahead at Jamal I could see the changes to my breasts and tummy. My entire body looked so different. I even sat differently. And all my precious time to get rid of this had passed while I was being played along by this Bobby.
I was choked up with emotion. This news had caused dampness to run down my front. I could feel tears forming in my eyes.
The only positive I could find was a strange feeling of relief. My doubts about this program had been plaguing me and now I knew the truth. I had been deceived, but the deception was over. I was now dealing with reality.
I looked over at Jamal. I could look him right in the eye now. This recent revelation moved our relationship to a complete standoff. It leveled the playing field. We were in this together. He had the tapes and the witnesses that could send me to jail, but I was carrying his black baby and one word to authorities would ruin his life. It was a true standoff. We both had a new understand of the results of what we had done together.
We sat in silence. You could cut the tension in the room with a knife. He seemed to get bigger with every moment that passed. I could not take my eyes off of him. How in the world could a thin young white girl like me have his baby? He was enormous.
He sat looking at the wall. Finally, he slowly turned toward me. He was looking down at the floor. I could clearly hear him breathing heavily. He looked up at me,
"Having sex with you was the worst thing I have ever done. I have been so angry with myself ever since. I can’t sleep. It does no good now, but I want you to know I never intended to do what I did. I am a strict rules guy, but that day I had decided to break the rules just for you. You had me sold. You had me convinced you had just made a onetime dumb mistake. I was going to just scare the hell out of you, embarrass you, and let you go.
But Caroline, when I put you over the desk to act like I was going to spank you, I literally lost it. With that short skirt you were wearing it was more than I could handle sexually. I lost control. I could not deal with the temptation. I have never seen anything more tempting. I mean it. Never! My power went to my head and I took terrible advantage of you."
He stopped and looked away toward the door. I could see tears welling up in his big dark eyes. He slowly turned and looked around the room. I could hear him breathing deeply, trying to compose himself. He was absolutely tormented and it was now turning completely to anger. I felt terrible. My fears went away for a moment as I watched his seething.
I had to say something,
"You know, really this whole thing is my fault. Had I not committed the crime, had I not shoplifted, you would have never met me. None of this would have happened."
I watched the changing expressions in his face. I could see my comments were giving him some relief. I was acknowledging responsibility. I was admitting we were in this together. It was helping him.
"You know even with this jerk Bobby, you were honestly trying to help me. We were both deceived."
For reasons I will never understand all this bad news made me feel a new sense of power over the situation. In a strange way this was all about me. Everything was now revealed. We were finally dealing with a very dark troublesome reality we both had created. I stood up and walked over to put my hand on his shoulder as he sat at the desk. Strange mature, almost motherly, emotions came over me.
I honestly felt sorry for him,
"Jamal, we are in this together. I am the one who shoplifted. I am the one that wore that little skirt to play games and tempt the boys in the mall. You were a victim of the situation I created. I knew what I looked like. I shouldn’t have dressed so seductively. I shouldn’t have shoplifted for sure. You shouldn’t have taken advantage of me. So there we are. I am pregnant with your baby. We are in this together."
For unknown reasons I needed his touch. He was the only one I had now. He was the only person in the world I could talk too about all this. It was obvious we had been drawn so close by all that had happened between us.
Now, for the first time, standing here looking down at him, I could begin to comprehend the indescribable conflict within me that day he took me; the combination of fear, hatred, loathing, all mixed together with an erotic passion which I could not describe or admit. I had been unable to wrap my arms around all the emotions until right then. It was like some terrible storm had finally passed.
A feeling of empowerment came over me. I need his touch and it looked like he really needed mine as well. I reached for his hand and brought him up from his chair. I gave him a gentle hug. He was so big it was awkward. It was the first time I had tried to hug him. I could hardly reach his neck and my arms could not begin to encircle his chest. When he stepped back there were clear stains from my breasts on the front of his blue uniform shirt.
"Jamal, please, please don’t go after Bobby and the people involved in that scam. I beg you. Please just forget them. They are scum and hurting any of them will only add to my troubles and yours. They know all about you. They know where you work. They know where you live. They could hurt you so badly in many ways. They know all about me, now, as well. They could harm us both.
That whole thing down there in the hood is crazy and scary. Who in the world could I turn to if you get hurt badly or killed? I have no one else. We are in this together; Period.
Please, just put all your energy into helping me deal with this? What can I do to get out of this mess?
Please think, think, there has to be options."
For the next ten minutes we stood in a gentle embrace in the center of his office. I could feel him calming in my arms. Just his touch, the fact he had not just stepped out of the whole thing and dumped me, gave me reassurance. Together we walked toward the conference table. It was clear Jamal had accepted all this and was beginning to deal with things rationally. His calm acceptance was reassuring. We were trapped in this together and now shared the same worries and concerns.
But, what he did not understand was the other side of it for me. He had no comprehension of the uncontrollable unexplainable passions that possessed me as a result of that day. Even today, in spite of all the fear, worry and loathing in our conversation, I was in a heated sexual turmoil inside. His mature calmness only added fuel to my internal fires, and he had no idea. I was aching for his attention and physical ratification of our complex bond.
Once at the conference table I turned my back to him and brought his hands around me and up to my inflated breasts. We stood in this embrace for several minutes as he softly kissed the back of my neck and gently manipulated my breasts. Finally, I could take no more. I reached for the back of my skirt with both hands and brought it up over my back and went forward onto the table. I could hear his zipper and heavy breathing. I slid my panties down behind me and let them fall to the floor. His left hand came under to support me as my legs parted and his right hand guided his enormous manhood deep into my very ready vagina. It took effort, he was enormous, but it felt so good. I needed exactly what he provided.
We were back where this all started only now we were full partners in everything, including this overwhelming desire for one another. Jamal started to make love to me with every fiber of his being and I responded with desires that were at the boiling point. Each of his strokes was met by my arching and contracting to take all he gave me. At some point we started to climax together, time after time, and the climaxes blended together into one uncontrollable, enormous emotional entanglement of our bodies.
Time after time he told me how much he had missed this, how much he had worried about me, how much he needed more of this. He went on and on and each of his pleadings was met by the same from me. This enormous black man was answering all the terrifying lonely nightmares I had been having for days. He was buried deep within me, his semen was flooding through my body once again, and we were cementing a relationship stronger than any marriage. We were in a terribly complex, problematic situation, but we were in it together.
It ended as he gently stood up and pulled from me with a sound I cannot describe. I was so tight around him it took effort for him to withdraw. This time I knew what he desired. This time my panties stayed on the floor as I straightened up and fixed my dress and my hair.
We embraced over and over and then turned to sit down at the table together. There was a new bond between us. We simply sat looking in one another’s eyes, but the message of love flowed between us so strongly. He was a very big, very black, very handsome man and I was a very cute white girl with a cute pony tail and a very cute bump that we had created together. Our plight was now fully understood between us.
After some time we started to discuss new solutions. We worked as a team. One by one he started to logically list the things we had going for us. On my side; I had good health, good looks, high school finished, loving parents, a good home, my car, and access to some money. He went on and on. He was describing the positive things in my life and the fact that I now had some independence. I could tell he had been doing research.
"How did you learn so much about me, Jamal?"
He reached in his shirt pocket and handed me the driver’s license and credit card I had left on his table that first day. Holy shit, I had been without them and never missed them.
"I do my homework. I have had more remorse than you will ever know. But I am the type of guy that rather than trying to forget you, I wanted to learn everything I could about you. Mallmart can run excellent background studies. Right away I learned you were not the shoplifting little white tramp I thought you were. Your background check told me you were a quality kid, although your life had been very white and sort of boring if you know what I mean."
He sat looking at me for a moment and then continued.
"Caroline, from my side I will bring everything I have to bear on this. I just got a wonderful promotion here with lot more pay, I get military retirement and medical, I am single, I have no dependents, I don’t spend much, I have good money in the bank and I own a neat condo in a fairly nice neighborhood. Up to this point I have done things right.
I have to admit you are correct in your thoughts about Bobby and his shitty buddies in the hood. Hurting any of them would only add untold complications. I will promise to get my mind off of all that and direct my thoughts to solving this problem.
Right now we both have a lot of thinking to do so maybe we should end this here today, give this more contemplation, and then quickly have a follow-up meeting at my place to go over our conclusions, ok? I want you to call me this evening and let me know your first chance get together. I am dropping everything to work on this. We need to move fast."
I nodded. We stood up. He wrapped me firmly in his arms and covered my mouth an enormous kiss. He turned to his desk and handed me his card with home address and phone. We walked toward the door. I turned back to him, went up on my tiptoes wrapped my arms around his neck and kissed him. I backed away. The front on his dark blue shirt was very wet. I pointed it out.
He smiled and said,
"I would like this to look like a casual employment conversation so I better say goodbye here, can you find your way out?"
I apologized and reached confidently for the door handle. He turned back toward his desk.
As I moved out through the reception area I was most pleased that no one seemed to take note of me.
I made a brief stop at the ladies room and then started out through the aisles.
The store had a good many shoppers now, and many caused me to reflect on my condition as I passed along the aisles. For some reason, I saw so many fat white women with the black babies. I felt fat; I actually seemed to walk differently. Maybe my weight had increased and shifted enough to make a difference. Alarmingly, I much better understood how these women got where they were.
I was less than half way out of the store when a security guard came up behind me, smiling,
"Hey Caroline; nice to see you; catching up on the weekend shopping?"
I glanced at him and continued to walk.
He moved along beside me,
"The boys in the back were talking about your thing down in the hood with that Bobby. My name is Rashaid. I am trying to make it down there to see you but you can call me here anytime; just ask for me on the main phone line. You know, you sure are one very good looking girl. I really would like to get to know you."
I tried to look at him with a smile to keep up appearances, and then ignore him and walked on. He followed along for about twenty steps continuing his kind effort to become part of my problem, and then he turned down an aisle. I walked on filled with contradictory emotions. My body was a playground of wild inconsistencies I could not understand.

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Pub: 23 Sep 2024 12:15 UTC
Views: 282