He was even more eager to get out of the small farm town all his family lived in or around. He had no hope of going to college, being the son of a third generation farmer. His families’ reputation and legacy would ensure he led a decent, predictable life but not a very interesting one. 

When the military recruiters came to his high school on career day it seemed the perfect way out for him. Martin enlisted in the National Guard during his senior year of high school thinking it would get him out of Podunk no-where-ville. The recruiters promised that he’d get money for college and have a job in demand when he got out, all while taking care of folks in the US. 

He planned to leave the week after graduation and the family threw him a going away party. His family was not happy that he was leaving or that it was to go into the military. His mother had made a comment that military life destroys the soul and no one ever comes back the same. His mother had seen the effect the Vietnam war had on her generation and didn't want that for her son. Martin respected his mother enough not to say that time changes everything. 

Martin’s father was proud on the surface that he’d chose to serve his nation, but underneath showed his disappointment that the farm that was in his family for three generations may end up sold off. Martin got through the party saying good byes. He never intended to return, short of a visit. He left on a grey hound bus and kept his eyes forward not looking back as the bus rambled through the small town to the highway. 

Boot camp was different than anything he knew, not difficult, just different. He worked the farm since he was big enough. He worked through the summers too so he knew hard work and to follow directions, which served him well. It seemed as though the drill instructors took special delight in teasing him about his farm upbringing. When it came time to get jobs done though they often put Martin in charge. 

Martin earned his marksmen badge while in boot came thanks to squirrel hunting back on the farm. When graduation from boot came, he knew that his parents wouldn’t be there and he didn’t ask them to be. Martin knew the farm came first in their lives. Just days after graduation he was home on leave before going to his first duty assignment and September Eleventh Two Thousand and One, happened and the world changed forever.

It seemed to clarify all the training he had just completed. Martin’s family was proud of him at that point. For him the events and aftermath of September Eleventh meant a war, actual combat, not some altruistic peace time service. Martin was eager to do his duty as most Americans were after September Eleventh. He was immediately reassigned to a combat unit and shipped out. He was among the first combat troops on the ground in Afghanistan. 

As the months passed he earned an outstanding record, his home town newspaper even wrote a front page news article about him. In times of war, experience is gained quickly and Martin was getting all the experience of service, during war. He moved up quickly in the ranks based on his performance and natural talent with a rifle. He became well known as a world class sniper in Afghanistan, his hunting skills back on the farm served him well. 

Martin became so well known that the Taliban had a playing card with a grainy picture of him and a dead or alive reward on his head. He became famous the world over when he was featured in a popular gun magazine. His long distance shooting and the gun that he used became the standard for the U.S. military snipers.

Days turned to weeks and weeks to months and Martin was routinely assigned to patrol villages for insurgents going door to door. This was a common task which was dangerous because they would never know what they faced behind the doors. This also became dangerous because they were exposed for extended amounts of time. Even with advance techniques and taking lessons from everyday debriefings the teams assigned to search the villages were in extreme danger. One day in a village 65 Km away from base, things were quiet and going quickly, with little resistance, which was unusual. 

Going from one of the building to another to get a high spot, Martin was shot by a sniper. He was hit just below the knee and the medic stabilized him while still under fire. This wasn’t a heavy fire fight but they were pinned down for a while. Martin and Mike, the medic, held that position for close to an hour while the rest of his crew retrieved their Humvee and returned for them. Mike kept loosening the tourniquet and reapplying it, listening to the sounds of women and children crying and yelling in Arabic. The sporadic gun fire was unnerving, as the enemy attempted to get an angle on them, making the hour seem much longer. 

Finely the Humvee pulled up near them and the crew laid down suppression fire and helped Mike load Martin into the back. There were pings and bangs on the shell of the Humvee as they raced out of the village. Some of the sounds were the shot sound, some were from the sound of the bullets hitting. Other sounds were from Molotov cocktails and rocks being thrown at them.

They breathed a silent sigh of relief as the Humvee pulled away and rushed back toward their base, clear of the village. The sound of the racing motor and communications on the radio seemed calming compared to what they had just left. That is when the fecal matter hit the rotating oscillator (shit hit the fan.) The Humvee hit an Improvised Explosive Device or IED as they are known and the Humvee rolled as it exploded. 

Everything went into slow motion and reality seemed to move faster than Martin could comprehend, leaving lapses in his recollection of what was happening. He struggled to understand as he saw body parts fly, smoke billow through the open cab of the Humvee and blood suddenly clouding his vision. 

Two of the crew died instantly, Mike and Martin suffered severe wounds. The other crewmen that had been on the turret gun lost her right arm below the elbow, had her helmet and side of her face blown off. Mike the Medic, lost both his legs and Martin lost his other leg. He heard the radio traffic and mayday call as his mind struggled to remain conscious. Mentally he began to fill in the report that he would have to write and tried to record to memory all that had happened. The Gunner on the turret gun was a female we called Flowers because she was always picking the indigenous flowers and putting them in her tent. 

She called in their position to command but couldn’t hear the responses. Martin managed to take the microphone and gave a brief description of their situation before passing out. An Air Med-Evac Black Hawk flew in and retrieved them all. From that point on Martin was under intense care, often unconscious or heavily sedated. Time, places and his reality passed as do waves of a nightmare. This wasn’t a nightmare though, it was the reality of war.

One day the fog cleared and Martin was conscious. His first words were about his crew, and he was briefly told the news. He took survey of himself and asked about his injuries. He was told that his left leg was blown off at the hip. His right leg that had been his initial injury was amputated just below the knee. He had several other lesser injuries that were healing. His hearing was in question, but he could hear some obviously. 

He was told that with therapy and prosthetics he could lead a productive life. He thought to himself, the wording, so careful, productive not normal. Not even close to normal for him. Years of hard work and intense pain were ahead of him. His survival instinct pushed him through most of it. It was a completely different life then he'd ever imagined for himself. The noteriety he'd gained early in his career faded as time dragged on in Army hospitals.

Years later the wording still rang fresh in his head as he rolled out of the VA hospital in his state of the art electric wheel chair and a personal care aide at his side. He was going to look at a facility where he could live outside of the hospital or rehab facility. They called it assisted care independent living. During his initial recovery time in Germany all he could think about was if he would ever be able to live on his own, have a life. Now after three years he would have his chance. 

Over the next two years living in the assisted care center, he gained independence. Martin was setup with a van specially equipped just for him. He went to a veterans’ day parade and rode on a float as a part of his recovery process. He went shopping and learned to cook for himself. Martin was finally able to be left alone for a day without assistance. 

It had taken 5 years of surgeries, physical therapy and rehabilitation but finally he was able to live on his own. He moved into an apartment building that had accessibility, and the tools he needed. The building was in the downtown part of the city and was an apartment of his-own choosing. This was a completely new situation for him as he had never actually lived alone before. 

He had wanted to go back to his hometown but there weren’t any facilities for him and his needs. He had gone home to visit but even his parents’ home wasn’t accessible. The restrictions of a wheel chair in a town that didn’t have sidewalks or accessibility made it difficult at best. Even if his parents had made a place for him, the town just wasn’t accessible, so he would be stuck.

The new place was liberating, not being taken care of full time. He was now able to go places that he thought he’d never be able to and did things that most took for granted. Leaving his apartment on his own and going to the lobby to check his mail was one of his first accomplishments. Soon he was able to go out of his building and across the street to the convenient store for a soda. Most people take such menial things for granted, but not Martin . The inner city allowed him accessibility and choices that he would never have in his home town. He even started to make friends, socialize, going to the movies and out to dinner.

Still with all the new things Martin could do, one thing still eluded him. He yearned for a mate; a life partner to share his life with, this was his main focus now. He tried dating services and that didn’t go well at all. And then one evening while he was driving around he saw a night club open that he’d never seen open before. There was no name on the outside of the building but people were going in and loud music could be heard outside. 

Martin with a new sense of freedom decided to explore, so he parked and went in. There was a door man who checked his ID for his age and looked at him odd. He just wrote the look off to the wheel chair. Once inside Martin found that this was a different type of club, a diversity club, one that catered to a sexually kinky world.

There were leather folks, the bondage freaks and then there were the gay couples of either gender. There were some folks who were tattooed and others with extreme piercings. This place had them all so it seemed. Martin had never been exposed to this side of life in a real way. He found himself very interested intellectually at all the different things going on. This evening there was a bondage night going on and there were tables and different devices like gym setups, all in roped off areas. 

Martin rolled over to the bar and the bartender looked over to him and asked him what he wanted, and he ordered a beer. It was the first time he’d had a beer since his injuries. He’d been in bars before but never un-escorted, never so anonymous, he seemed to fit in. He paid for his beer and went over to a roped off area where a couple entered the roped off area and others were just gathering.

He watched as the woman took some things out of a bag and the male with her stood waiting. Then she told the man to bend over face down on the table. Martin felt less conspicuous as others gathered to watch as well. The Dominatrix tied the males’ hands to the table using rings built into the table. Martin remembered being secured to a similar table for physical therapy. 

He never thought of the physical therapy table being used like this though. Soon the woman was doing all sorts of things to the man. The man, who while protesting was enjoying the treatment. Martin felt something inside him stir and come to life. He watched and thought how he could do the different tasks the woman was performing. He noticed a woman on the other side of the roped off area look at him several times and looked away when she noticed he saw her looking. 

After that performance was over Martin waited for the crowd to disburse some. He moved with the flow to another area where several younger males were using large hooks to pierce themselves and hang from a rack. It truly looked like something out of a torture story being acted out in real time. As Martin watched he noticed a presence of someone close to him. At his side the woman from the other side of the ropes was there. 

This time she looked down at him as he looked up at her and she didn’t turn away. Martin said hello, and Abby said hi and introduced herself. Martin did like wise and asked her if she’d like to go to a table for a drink. Abby said yes that she couldn’t watch those guys anymore. They both laughed lightly at that and went to a vacant table where she sat down. Martin asked her if she wanted something to drink and she said a beer and Martin waived to the waitress to come over and he ordered two beers.

Abby thanked him and they began talking about the first scene that had played out, and how they perceived it. Martin took note that she seemed to enjoy the one being controlled. Martin asked her how she came to be at the club. Abby said frankly that she was looking for a Master and that she’d been conversing with someone on-line who was supposed to have met her there. She found the club from a local search on Fetlife web site, that is where she "met" the Master she was supposed to be meeting. 

Martin thought to himself what he would like to be, and knew that he wanted control. He wanted to be a dominant, that he was dominant so to speak. It was as if this was what was lacking in his life. Abby looked around some and then asked Martin if he was the one that she’d been talking to on Fetlife. He said no that he’d just happened onto this place and wasn’t on-line in those places. She looked disappointed, but told him she was grateful for meeting him.

Abby hesitated for a second and then asked him about the wheelchair and what had happened to him. He internally cringed for he knew that this was usually a point at which most people lost interest in him. He carefully said it was an IED and waited for the reaction. Abby thought for a second and then said thank you for sharing, and thank you for your sacrifice and service. She didn’t shy away from the subject like most do after initially finding out. 

Abby said so now that you’re here what was are you looking for? He told her that although he never had thought about it, he now found himself very interested in his dominant side. He said he was just getting to live his life and that he felt like destiny had put him at this place and at this time.

Abby listened intently to him speak as if every word was dear to her. He went on about how he’d been repressed because of his situation but now he was finding himself and defining who and more over what he was. Abby asked Martin if he would like to, and then hesitated. Martin interrupted her and said yes if you’ll work uhm, play along with me. She beamed shaking her head and held his hand on the table. He asked her if she was interested in getting out of the club and going somewhere more private. 

She said yes Sir, and he noted her address of him. She walked along as he rolled out the door to his van, and hit the remote which opened the side door and the ramp came down. He asked her if she wanted to ride with him or if she wanted to follow him in her vehicle. She said she’d go with him that she’d had a friend drop her off at the club earlier.

When Abby was inside the ramp came up and in, the door closed automatically.Abby said she had to call her friend and give the pass word that everything was ok. Abby used her cell phone to call her friend and said " the bird is happy". She then said that she was going with someone and wouldn’t need picked up. Martin drove to the assisted living apartment building where he lived and parked in his spot near the door. Abby asked how long he’d lived there and he said six months, ever since he was released from the hospital.

Abby watched with fascination at the way Martin was able to do everything he needed to. Once inside his apartment she complimented him on his place. He put his things up and Abby sat on the couch as he turned the stereo on low. He rolled near to where she was sitting and they talked about how some people work the control of bondage and dominance and submission. As they worked out what their roles were, Abby stopped talking and looked at Martin and he said what is it? She said ok, I don’t mean to be rude or mean spirited, but I have a question. 

Martin said anything, just say it, and Abby asked about his sexual ability. He thought about it and said Oh you mean because of all the missing stuff? Abby said well yeah, Martin said that his dick still worked but that his testicles were implants, and that he wasn’t capable of producing children. Abby looked relieved and giggled lightly with him. He said in fact it’s getting hard right now just being near you. She said really? And he said yeah get on your knees I’ll show you, and she dropped to her knees directly in front of him in his chair. 

Martin lifted himself slightly and pulled his custom pants down and his hardening cock popped out. He said why don’t you suck it for me slut, he looked at her face for reaction and she popped up to his lap and took his cock in her mouth and began sucking almost like she needed it. He figured that his slut comment was well received and he put his hand in her hair not really guiding her, but enjoying the touch. He felt himself getting harder, and he lifted her head away from his lap and pulled her up to where she was sitting on his lap as it was and began kissing her, exploring her through her clothes. 

Abby's clothes fell to the floor as she stood and danced slowly removing piece by piece of her clothing. She danced teasing him, rubbing on him until Martin said in there pointing to the bed room. Once inside the bed room he transferred to the bed using his rigging. He laid on his back and held his cock up in the air.

Get up here slut and ride this hard one, waving his cock at her. Abby mounted his cock facing him as he grabbed her dangling tits. Martin was as happy as he could remember, having found his way through all the darkness that he gone through. Abby rode his cock until he came inside her. Martin used his thumb on her clit as he came causing her to come as well. She laid to the side of him using his lift to steady and position herself. Martin said I am looking at this set up in an whole new way.

The End

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Pub: 01 Oct 2024 17:31 UTC
Views: 146