General DNI Criteria

An unbiased and professionally sourced list

  • Homophobia, transphobia, etc
  • Anti-mogai, anti-xenogenders, anti-neopronouns, identity police is still police. ACAB.
  • believe mspec is "male spectrum"
  • Racism, belief in reverse racism, islamophobic, Antisemite/zionist, anti-BLM and landback, believe in blood quantum, classism, believe mixed families can only celebrate their culture if they are that skin color, etc etc
  • user of ableist words, refuse to at least try to avoid them, use slurs you cannot reclaim or use them to others that do not consent to them.
  • Les4Les, super straight, anyone that uses labels in order to spread hatred explicitly.
  • Terf, GC, radfems, etc

A link presented by Ivotian showing the disturbing consistencies of TERFs and cultlike behavior:

  • Support problematic agencies
  • transmeds, sysmeds, anything-meds
  • Trump supporters

This one should be obvious, but if you needed any more reason to than his behavior in 2025..

  • Use the terms "nonman" and "nonwoman" despite this having antiblack history
  • pro-harassment
  • Antithiests

as an indigenous person that is creating this, you cannot be antithiest without believing in snuffing out indigenous cultures and their beliefs.

  • Antikink and anti-sex work
  • Antinatalists

watch with your own caution until the very end, please.

  • Anti-recovery

Anti-recovery is the stance that you do not and should not strive to improve or recover from any mental ailment, addiction, etc. Anti-recovery can best be exampled by sh/edtwt where the act of starving onesself + "thinspo" is encouraged and often fat people are shamed in said circles. Shtwt often posts their self harm publicly, and often with no tw or censoring, they also post encouragement to indulge in said self harm. If you are suffering from self harming tendencies, you should NOT be around online circles that encourage said harm.

  • Do not consume media from a mature and critical distance, on the other hand, judge others due to their media or hyperfixations
  • Shame neurodivergents for simply behaving in a neurodivergent way, support ABA, etc more often than not, this "therapy" traumatizes us.

  • Toxic stans, DSMP fans, kpop stans, etc

There have been countless examples of stans being toxic, however Dream in particular and his affiliats have been known to excuse abuse via their fanbase and make obscene comments. And kpop stans are known for harassment so badly that there are memes circling about it. Here is an example of an anti kpop person harassing someone for simply watching anime, with hints of Japanese centered racism. 12/19/2023 THIS IS COMPETE EVIDENCE THAT DREAM GROOMED A CHILD:

Pub: 16 Nov 2023 04:27 UTC
Edit: 03 Feb 2025 18:05 UTC
Views: 1037