he said he knew a guy
Sonic was a very sociable person when he wanted to be so you had no idea what his guy was
but getting your phone running again would be nice
no idea how they'd deal with the carrier thing out here
there was civilization, yeah
tons of towns with animal people and the like
but it wasn't like they were high tech
but Sonic swore up and down he'd get this guy to fix up anything
out of curiosity you agreed
you didn't expect the trek to lead to the most pristine beach
the hedgehog could outpace you whenever he liked but prefered letting you set the pace when you both walked
the mechanic ship/airstrip up past the beach seemed to be about the best guess where his friend was
when you brought up restoring your phone the first thing the hedgehog replied with was to ask if he needed sluttier attire
it wasn't that though
you'd never need porn at the rate he drained your balls
it was like he'd practically sense the slightest twitch in your dick at this point
then bam you'd be fucking him into green hills of grass for a couple hours
he vanished across the ocean in a blink and came back in a bikini bottom that barely covered his junk and a tight white top that didn't cover anything down past his nipples
his shoes ditched for sandals
"too much?" he inquired while spinning with a flourish to give you a good look
you suggested he should probably dress a little up for his friend
"I'm just going to tell him you plow me every night"
you raised an eyebrow
just such a matter of fact tone in his voice
"what are friends for?"
he shrugged and smirked
well, what could you do?
at least you might be able to get power to your phone again
these people treated it like alien technology and you guessed it was
you were an alien
it was nice to just bask in the sun
Sonic seemed to take time to stretch and show off the outfit a little
you noticed a exhibitionist streak in him
he at least kept it in your pants when you went through the little villages
outside town limits he practically had to be peeled off you
here was no different
he was eyefucking you with the brief amount of privacy he had
no other reason he'd be pushing his chest out in your direction
you knew he got off you wanting him
it was a victory
not sure how fucking him into a drooling mess was a win for him
well it had been fun
so fine you'd play along
you leaned over and groped his dick through the bottom
you weren't completely in the mood but why not humor him a little
"tease," he whined as you pulled away
you asked again if he was really sure his friend would be ok with the whole… all of this
"oh chill out"
you had your reservations
at least that pink number was sort of sporty
this new outfit just screamed "I take it violently up the ass"
didn't help it practically flossed his ass
a thin strip of yellow in a sea of blue
he made a point of sauntering in front of you
he smiled over his shoulder when he deliberately stopped and shoved his ample ass back
his hands reached back as he ground into your hips
you were trying not to engage
trying really really hard not to
just then something clicked in his head and he vanished
the hedgehog was back in seconds
"almost forgot to accessorize"
the most garish solid pink sunglasses
definitely seemed to be his preferred color by now
he tossed a black pair to you
"c'mon, let's go see Tails"
you companion was called Sonic so who were you to really judge on names
so Tails was your tech guru, supposedly
Sonic hadn't talked about much more than that
you figured you'd trust him
that hadn't exactly gotten you great results but it wasn't like you had much to lose
at least this new world was sort of peaceful
if this Tails ran a shop and hangar you wondered how much high tech stuff existed here
Sonic did mention fighting robots
how he'd fight them now, looking like he was doing an Onlyfans photo shoot at the beach, you didn't know
he was still fast and still agile
sometimes his infatuation with you made you forget that
he'd fold like cardboard the second you laid a hand on him
fighting robots seemed impossible in your eyes
well hopefully that wouldn't come up any time soon to prove you wrong
Sonic knocked his fist on the door and there was a lot of clattering on the other side of the door
"just a minute," a panicked voice on the other side remarked
Sonic just let himself in anyways
you first noticed the ass
and the two giant fluffy tails above it
jean coveralls, ending at the thigh seemed to cover up everything
was Sonic just doing the nude thing earlier to tease you?
he seemed to be the only funny animal person that hadn't been wearing pants around you
anyways, Tails was ass up buried in the internals of a bi plane
he was doing something in there to the point he didn't notice company in the shop
Sonic clearly felt like being mischievous and made his way over and gave the exposed ass a swift slap
you were understandably taken aback
he just smacked his friend on the ass
you never smacked friends on the ass
was it like a football thing?
the recipient of the spanking pushed himself up and you got a good look
he was a fox
not as in foxy
well, that too
but he was also as much a fox as Sonic was a hedgehog
yellow fur with some white markings on the tails
which, made total sense for a name now
his fur was shorter on his head
bright blue eyes looked to his companion
the overalls and a decent scuffed pair of sneakers were all he wore
he got a good look at Sonic's outfit and you'd never seen someone blush that red through white fur
you had a feeling the new outfit might have attracted that look and you agreed just because monkey brain decisions
Sonic grabbed your attention however
"where are my manners? Tails, boytoy. Boytoy, Tails."
he introduced you two to each other with the flair and presentation of a trained magician on stage
you'd be discussing who was the boytoy later
but Tails got it I his head to nervously offer a handshake which you accepted
Sonic leaned over to his ear and whispered for a lot longer than you trusted
especially since Tails' eyes darted over to your crotch and just as quickly tried not to stare
then you were asked to present the phone
for the time being you could bunk here too
so that was a nice offer
the amount of crap the fox had built or salvaged was incredible
you decided to make yourself busy looking
you had it confirmed for your own eyes robots existed when you found a salvaged… Sonic?
you hefted up a silver head and torso out of the pile
you saw another Sonic
and another
you called Sonic over
"ohhhh. yeah I've got fans I guess."
he leaned against you
"the whole red monoeye thing doesn't really compare to yours truly."
he was a little confused himself
"don't know why Tails collected them though. I thought mecha there was blown up."
he pointed over to a lanky blue one
Tails had them all apparently
Sonic regaled you with a few adventures
all the while Tails tinkered around with your phone at his work table
"you know," the hedgehog said in a whisper up to your ear, "let's go behind the bi plane and I'll show you there's something I can do better than those robots."
but Tails was right there
"you'll just have to fuck my face so I won't make noise."
you'd have to admit defeat here and you had him guide you behind the plane, in the most secluded corner of the shop
he wasted no time undoing your pants
he whipped your dick out and gave you a grin as he lowered himself
you were constantly looking over your shoulder
he was stealing away your resolve and focus as he kissed your dick
you felt a laugh against your manhood as he knew he was winning you over
fine, but you'd make this quick
you had to admit the new outfit was got
to yourself
he already knew you liked it
the proof was draped over his face, his pink sunglasses pushed up on his forehead
he mouthed the words "I'm waiting"
the look on his face was mocking
begging for it
you pulled back and gripped his head with both hands
shoving your dick past his lips was easy
he didn't resist whatsoever
the hedgehog boy sucked on your cock eagerly while you pumped his face
eventually the tension eroded away and you were just going to town
Tails wasn't a concern right now
right now you were too conercened using your partner's throat like a fleshlight
you rarely ever got a blowjob before and this opportunity to cut loose was fantastic
Sonic really was skilled at taking dick
he made the strangest, sloppiest noises
you hoped it wasn't too loud
but right now that was wasn't the biggest concern
you were about to bust a nut and his hands braced on your thighs, prepping himself
his cock leaked precum as it peaked out of the bottom
you rammed your dick harder and harder
one final thrust and you growled
he gulped down your load without a compliant
only after he'd squeezed the last drop out of you did he pull off
his hand grasped your softening dick and he threw up a thumbs up and winked
a click above you
what the fuck?
you looked up and you heard scrambling off the biplane
your glare shot back down to the hedgehog
he dusted himself off as he stood
he just shrugged and readjusted his bathing suit
no excuses
no wisecracking
just carried on business as usual
it wasn't like him
the photo however, that was him
at least the phone must be working
Tails avoided all eye contact
just pretended to busy himself with his work bench
he was as shocked as you when Sonic pulled him into a sloppy kiss
it didn't take you long to figure out what happened
when Sonic broke the kiss he showed his clean tongue to you
"Tails here, he's super bashful. I just had to coax him a little. Believe it or not you're looking at the guy I practiced kissing with."
he grabbed the fox's shoulder and kissed him on the forehead
so they were really really good friends apparently
your raised eyebrow had him clarifying
"as cute he is, we've only ever done first base. you know, just bros being bros."
Tails refused eye contact and twiddled his thumbs
you realized he didn't spit after that kiss
Sonic leaned over and whispered into his friends ear
that got him even more flustered
"I'm not going to call him daddy," the fox whispered back louder than he should
the hushed conference continued and you just watched
was Sonic trying to whore out his friend to you?
Tails was kind of cute
not as built as the hedgehog but he had a twink quality to him
what he lacked in legs he at least made up for everywhere else
plus those tails were fluffy
but it felt weird to do that with another guy
you weren't the cucking type
even if Sonic was cool with it
you didn't know how serious the hedgehog treated this though
just not your cup of tea
they both seemed to break off the conversation
you had no idea what had been planned
sexy or not, you'd have to put your foot down
Sonic spoke up first, with Tails back to trying not to make eye contact while his cheeks glowed red
"bad news buddy. turns out Tails only has one bunk around here. you don't mind do you?"
very clever
you'd at least see where this went

Sonic's ploy could be figured out by a blind guy
you were putting your foot down if it was cuck shit
you were hoping you knew exactly where this was going though
Sonic wasn't one to lay back
a threesome
you could definitely do that
that thought made you realize something
you'd gone from wanting nothing to do with this situation to now hoping for a threesome
this brat had you hooked
you hoped he hadn't noticed
but you bet he had
the rest of the day had become lounging on the beach for a bit
you had picked out a decent old beach chair and waited until Tails brought over your phone
"about the only thing I couldn't get working was a stronger signal. thank you for letting me look at it, I enjoyed seeing something new."
wait this place had cell service?
"my workshop has the capability for it, not ideal but it works."
he seemed to be all business when it came to his work
that was a nice contrast to the hedgehog tanning himself in the sand
he looked like he passed out but with the sunglasses you couldn't tell
though he was quiet
could he even get sunburn?
you made a note to check up on him in a little bit
so 1 on 1 with Sonic hopefully out of earshot you decided to have a conversation with the fox
get to know him
you already knew Sonic a bit
he'd mentioned friends before
just not to THAT effect
so you started with how they met
they seemed totally opposite in behavior
"I was bullied a lot when I was younger and he stuck up for me. ever since then he's been like my older brother"
you kept silent on that last part
but that did explain the friendship
you tried not to stare at the fox too hard
you didn't think he'd appreciate it like Sonic seemed to
when you went to check on the phone all of a sudden Tails had something he had to do in the workshop
you were confused until you saw the new lock screen picture
Tails had pulled the overalls off to take a selfie of his ass on his work table
he shyly looked over his shoulder to the camera phone
he hugged his two massive fluffy tails to his chest to give you a good look of his cheeks
the fox boy was covered in grease and grime even with the clothes on
so he clearly had a different way of flirting than his friend
at least you also knew Sonic had a soft side
made any flirting from the fox sort of leave a sour taste in your mouth
you two weren't exactly an item
at least not conventionally
so you decided to clear the air a little and moved to sit down next to the hedgehog
he scored softly
so this was a good excuse as any
you nudged him a little and he flipped away and lazily curled up
maybe hedgehog instincts
another poke
he swatted away the hand
"five more minutes," he grumbled
so you decided to toss a grenade in the room, so to speak
you merely asked if he put Tails up to the nude on your phone
he stretched and flipped onto his chest
"I've been trying to get him laid since before I scored you."
well that confirmed your suspicions
but you weren't cheating
"awww, you're sweet."
he propped his head up with his hands, his elbows resting in the soft sand
one leg up in a dainty fashion
his eyes drifted over to yours
a now familiar smile
"I just figured you were in it for a little fun. you know it's totally gay if you say the L word."
bold words
you were pretty sure getting ragdolled while he made girl noises made him qualified for that
that remark got a laugh
then he scooted closer and rested his head in your lap
"jokes aside, that actually does mean a lot."
you weren't one to pump and dump
he flipped around and you tried not worry worry about quills in your thigh
pants or not you didn't know how sharp they could be
he rested his hands on his chest and breathed in the ocean air
"would it sweeten the offer if I advertised it as a 2 for 1 deal?"
see that was more like it
he explained a little
Tails was his best friend
if Sonic wasn't a total sub and involved with you, Tails might have been competition
he was pretty sure Tails was about as much of a bottom as him too
he was honest
but since that didn't work out all three of you could work something out
you didn't want there to be hard feelings
you didn't want to possibly derail a friendship and you also didn't want any fallout
for once he didn't act like he was too cool for the room
"I get what you mean. I don't want to endanger anything just because of thinking with my dick."
he sighed
"honest opinion time, you think I was too rash?"
well it isn't exactly unheard of
mostly a porn thing though
never really knew of anyone having a threesome in real life
aside from weird hook up shit you heard about but that would be like anonymous strangers
you asked if he'd be able to share if you would be willing to
just at the end of the day would he still be able to call Tails his friend?
"ha, you do love me. gayyyy~"
he folded his hands behind his head and nuzzled back against your lap
he closed his eyes but still kept the conversation going
"well, I'm glad. I think we'll do fine."
"besides," he remarked
he turned his hand to playful squeeze your dick and balls
"it would be a shame if I couldn't really brag about this thing, right?"
he cracked one eye open to look up at you
the grin returned as he unzipped your pants
"you aren't going to need these for bed tonight"
sure enough sunset was coming over the beach
you almost got up before he stopped you
"I trust Tails and I trust you. so let's have some fun tonight, alright?"
it was hard to think straight with his hand in your pants
you agreed after a little consideration
you just hoped he knew what he was doing
only then did he flip himself up and offer you a hand
the slender hedgehog looked excited, his erection tenting the bikini bottom
you were a little excited too but tried to keep it less obvious
hell, Tails might get cold feet and back out
you made your way up to the workshop, the automatic lights around the airstrip turning on as the sun slowly descended into the horizon
before you walked in he pulled you aside and you worried about what nonsense he'd pull
"he likes his tails fluffed but you didn't hear that from me," he whispered up to your ear
then he gave you a hard swat on the ass and ripped your pants down
he kicked open the workshop door and Tails turned and immediately tried not to look
ok, the pantsing had to be dealt with
that was his go to tactic
his reign of terror must be stopped
you picked your pants back up and tried to pretend that didn't happen
Tails was trying to pretend he wasn't in the room
well you had that much in common
Sonic decided to lean against the wall and you spared him a scowl
he shrugged and smiled
you thanked Tails for fixing your phone up
"aren't you going to thank him for the picture too?"
Tails fumbled with the screwdriver he'd been using and the tool clattered on the floor
very smooth Sonic
you pressed your fingers to the bridge of your nose
the hedgehog twink wasn't helping
you and Tails both grabbed the screwdriver and he got red
he thanked you and went back to the work at hand
looked like a gun until he caught you staring and started explaining about how he liked to reverse engineer off the stuff he'd recovered off Robotnik
the name sounded familiar and you remembered it mentioned in passing
"anyways, this stuff is fascinating."
well to each their own
Sonic made the most obvious fake yawn and made sure to stretch to show off his flat stomach and chest
"let's hit the hay guys," he remarked as he walked over and attempted to throw his arms over both your shoulders
you were just too tall for him to do that easily to
"Tails can talk to you more in bed, right buddy?"
you almost rolled your eyes but Tails seemed to relax a little
maybe he did want to talk shop in bed
or maybe that's how he was calming himself down
Sonic broke away to grab your hand and place it on Tails, well, tail
that made the fox look away
the twink hedgehog then leaned over and whispered a few words to the fox boy
Tails actually gulped at whatever he suggested
you spoke up a little after releasing his tail
it was as soft as you thought it'd be
Sonic was sort of being a bully here and you said as much
he smiled at that
"man, you really are a catch."
he jumped onto your back
"onward, valiant steed. Tails needs time to get ready."
you didn't bother asking what
a quick hot shower felt good after all the traveling
Sonic shocked you with an actually masculine outfit
boxer briefs clung to his bottom like plastic wrap
"what? it's hot"
he brought you in for a kiss on your throat and neck
"you were sweet earlier. maybe I do go a little overboard with Tails. but he's like my brother. it's hard not to tease him a little."
you asked if brothers normally pimp each other out to a boyfriend
he rubbed his body closer to yours
you were keenly aware he was tenting in his underpants and you were too
"tell you what," he muttered behind kisses, "check out the surprise I got him in and then worry about that part later"
the hedgehog was smaller than you but still able to move you both so you got a good look at Tails
he was wrapped up with his shower too
his bushy tails held in front of his chest, hiding his torso
he seemed to be fidgeting judging by his legs
you wondered if it would be better if you stared at him or not
he definitely didn't have the exhibitionist streak the marathon runner hugging you chest did
Sonic frotting you through your own underwear wasn't helping
you really would need more than like two outfits out here but that was a later issue
you could tell the fox wasn't wearing the overalls any more
but what his new outfit actually was was obscured by fluffy tail
Sonic seemed to be the only super confident one in the room at the moment
you had your reservations still and Tails seemed anxious
in a blink Sonic had placed Tails up against you and sandwiched himself behind the fox
the hedgehog hugged his friend into your chest
"Sonic, I was gonna…"
"get stagefright. you know I'm always happy to help. now show off the goods a little."
the fox balked at "goods" but didn't object to the sandwich
you had little doubt where the mechanic got a light purple nightie
Sonic immediately caught your glare
"he wanted blue for some reason but purple was all I could find on short notice. besides, he's got the build for it."
you were horny but still had half a mind to clear the air
was this really OK with everybody?
this time Sonic was wise enough not to speak over his friend
thankfully Tails was a little more frank this time, maybe the situation finally got him to speak up a little
"I'm still… new to this. that kissing thing was true. I mean I tried stuff with myself. I mean we're guys, you know."
he trailed off but you got the gist of it
well, if they were both cool with it fine
you'd let the dick do the driving
you slid your hands over his sides
one occupied his hip and the other went up to his face
your thumb slid over his mouth then you pushed it in
he was a little confused until Sonic leaned in and told him to suck it
Tails did as requested
he sucked your thumb and you tried not to look into his eyes
it was hard not to
his tongue all over your thumb was really good at getting your attention
"did you clean up like I said?"
you were confused but the fox nodded
Sonic slid below and you had no idea what was going on until Tails started whimpering
the hedgehog had found a use for his mouth
the fox on the other hand was a mess
he was shaking in your embrace
moaning against your thumb
well he definitely seemed to like his ass played with
Tails was growing hard against you
you pulled your thumb away and planted your hand on Sonic's head
you leaned in and kissed the fox
fuck it
you figured you three were adults here and if Sonic knew what he was doing why not
maybe the horny was talking
Tails was less aggressive than his friend
he easily melted in your hands
you decided to pull away and he was shuddering at all the attention
you were curious to see what he was working with here
Sonic had got him prepared enough so you let go of his head
the hedgehog vanished and returned in the blink of an eye
your raised eyebrow was noticed
"I wanted to gargle and brush my teeth. I'm not that much of an ass kisser."
Tails blushed and tried not to make eye contact with you both
so you scooped him up and took him to his bunk
he squeaked
actually squeaked
he was definitely a little more innocent than the hedgehog
you'd joke about Sonic being a bad influence
what shocked you when you laid him on the bed was the fox was nearly as hung as you
the red dick leaked precum as he tried to hide it with his legs and failed
he noticed your eyes and got completely flustered

Sonic spoke up to no surprise
"yeah he's packing and he doesn't even brag about it"
Tails bopped him in the leg as the hedgehog approached
just enough to get Sonic to pipe down
you laughed
they really did have that sibling energy
Sonic pulled up behind you to grab Tails by the ankles and pull them up in the air
the fox gasped at the sudden move
"don't be shy."
well, fuck it
you pulled your pants down
with Tails perpendicular with the bed you could stand over the small fox
you own cock smacked into his making him jump just a little
he looked down nervously
you asked if you were sure this was OK
you hushed the voice behind you
you wanted to hear Tails ask for it
putting him on the spot made him stammer
the fox twink couldn't immediately speak up
in fact he tried hiding his face
but peeked down at the cock rubbing against his own
you wanted him to agree but you weren't going to force him into it
when he realized he needed to actually give the go ahead he finally understood
he nodded gently
you weren't going to push him
Sonic seemed to get off on being punished but this guy was just too soft for that
to his credit the hedgehog grapsed immediately why you'd hesitated and didn't push
when you finally grabbed hold of the fox's ankles from him he moved to the side and grabbed your dick
you pulled back and he guided your manhood to the wet foxhole
your head pushed and resistance melted away immediately
the fox released a low moan as you slowly pushed in
Sonic decided now was the time to involve himself and he started slowly stroking Tails' cock
"ease up. it'll feel better when you relax your body."
he kissed along the fox's stomach
the tiny bed played host to a threesome well enough
Sonic stroked both himself and Tails as you worked in and out very slowly
Tails ended up resting a hand on his friend's back and gripping the bed sheets
your cock was wedged deep in his ass
you didn't want to go all out like you did to Sonic
at least not now
so you settled on slow and deep
every thrust was harder anyways for how tight he was
you didn't want to outright ask if he was a virgin but you kind of figured with everything going on
Sonic graduated from kissing his stomach to kissing his cock
Tails was so overwhelmed by all this he'd had his eyes shut and back arched
his two fluffy tails were wildly swinging around
only when he was comfortable enough did you pick up the pace
all the while Sonic sucked and stroked his friend's dick
he was really getting assaulted from both sides now
it wasn't surprising when his first prostate climax made him rip the bed sheet he was gripping for dear life
he squeezed the invading cock tightly with every spasm
you pressed on though
when Sonic pulled off and you got the space you leaned down over the fox
he was loose enough now
you wanted to finish off with a strong first impression
Sonic had grabbed lube and was getting himself ready for your round two
he made sure to get on all fours on the bed and finger himself pretty openly in your direction
about as subtle as a jackhammer
speak of, Tails was completely out of it by the time you mating pressed him into his bed
you were going to make him see stars
he thrashed in the bed when you nipped at his throat
"looks like someone's got a fun button."
the hedgehog was all finished having his own fun and had turned around to watch, lazily wiggling his blue fat ass in the air
that was a rather violent reaction but judging by how Tails had rolled his hips and bucked, not a bad one
the pink nightie was torn open like gift wrap and you felt his bare, fuzzy chest against yours
your thrusts down into him got harder
he ended up locking his legs behind you out of instinct
he was definitely a bottom
Sonic crawled over and whispered something into the fox's ear
"oh fuck!"
that was the first words he'd really said since you'd started
but it seemed directed at whatever his friend had just whispered
"go on," Sonic remarked with a smug smile
the thrusts into the fox were really robbing him of his vocabulary as it was
the shy fox had meat jammed so far up him you could feel his ass clench around your base
"a-are you going to- I can't say this"
he looked about 10 more shades of red
"aww. how's he going to know he's doing a good job, little buddy?"
you glanced over to the hedgehog propping his head up with his elbows, wondering what he put his introvert friend up to
Tails looked nervous but mustered up the courage
"please… breed my… boy pussy, daddy"
the tone he said it in wasn't at all sultry
he was cute so it didn't matter
"just like those comics on your phone, right?"
ignoring the blue hedgehog grinning ear to ear at his friend's corruption, you redoubled your efforts
his ass was paying next
Tails second climax put you over the edge too and you poured what felt like a gallon into the fox
the warmth spread around your dick as you kept pounding out the orgasm
tiny little fox claws left cuts all over where Tails could reach as he splattered cum against his chest
you had to rest for a minute
pinning the tiny fox under your weight, you relaxed
Tails had come down from the climax
he hugged at you and buried his face in your neck
that sort of quiet affection as your cum decorated his insides was a cute contrast to his buddy next to you
Tails seemed to have trouble speaking up but Sonic on the other hand…
a tap on your shoulder
"mind if I cut in?"
it was true, you'd ignored Sonic a little
this was supposed a threesome after all
"thank you," Tails whispered as you pulled out gently
you flipped over and manhandled the hedgehog
if he wanted it, he'd be riding you
he got the message immediately
he stroked you to hardness while taunting you a little
"aw, one load and you're all tuckered out? you're going to have to keep up with two guys now. gotta get that stamina up"
wait, he was talking like this was full time
"you've ruined Tails for anyone else. I'm just making sure you take responsibility."
you looked over to the fox and he quickly looked away
Sonic perched on your lap and kept stroking you behind his back
his hand went for your chin and directed you to look at him
"make sure to watch, Tails"
that got the fox's attention
then the hedgehog lifted himself up, showing off your cock pressed against his ass
then impaled himself in one quick motion
he quivered just a little
"tadah, I made it disappear~"
he waved his hands a little as if presenting a new trick to the fox
he wiggled in your lap a little
"that's the stuff."
you'd felt your strength return
welp, no mercy now
your hands clapped down on blue furred thighs
his legs really were nice
you gave his thighs a soft squeeze
you could get used to all this attention
well, this wasn't so bad
the twink twitching around your cock really wanted your attention
the fox boy next to you watched on, weary but satisfied
Sonic leaned down and moved your head to face Tails
with his other hand he moved the fox's face to meet you
"now kiss," he said with a giggle
you did as requested, pushing your tongue aggressively into the fox guy's mouth
the fox was timid but you pressed hard
Sonic leaned back and decided you could multitask
you lifted himself up then slammed back down
your hands started to help him down, much to his delight
eventually you were jackhammering into him and his first orgasm hit him
Tails pulled you closer with one hand on the back of your head
clearly he was starting to really enjoy himself
Sonic was hammering down on your dick
eventually his grin turned into his tongue out
of course you couldn't see the cockiness melt
you had a brilliant idea and one hand left Sonic's thigh and you grabbed the fox and slapped him facing up on you chest
you growled for him to grab both his and Sonic's dicks while you fucked
he complied instantly
slamming it home into the hedgehog while the fox frots cocks with him was plenty for both of the three of you
you lost track of time that night
just that none of you really stopped
eventually Sonic hopped off your dick and you slammed Tails right back on it
you have him reverse cowgirl style just so you could grab at his tails, something that made him absolutely horny
he shot a rope of cum right at that gesture
Sonic, exhausted as he was, slapped the fox's ass
"get that dick, buddy"
all the fucking eventually led to all three of you collapsing in Tails' poor bed
you three slept in
really slept in
when you looked at the phone it said noon
you'd passed out half off the bed
Sonic and Tails had fallen asleep on you
they were tangled up on top of you like a furry blanket
Sonic used his friends ass like a pillow
you decided this was the perfect photo opportunity
you lifted the phone and took a panoramic photo of the handiwork
the shutter sound woke up Tails
as for Sonic he asked if you got his good side
christ you three would need another shower
you apologized for the damage to the fox boy's bed
"it's OK. I had, well, fun."
Sonic congratulated his friend for being honest
you could tell he did enjoy himself
were they serious about the threesome thing?
"yep, package deal."
Sonic was ever straight to the point
"I wanted to get Tails laid and there's no one else I would trust. so now you're stuck with a 2 for 1 deal."
Tails tried not to look towards you
Sonic caught that
"and don't you dare say no."
the finger pointed towards your face was dangerous
however, you could live with that
you pushed up off the bed, aching all over
goddamn they'd kill you eventually
Tails squeaked when you pulled him up under your arm
he was just small and light enough for it
Sonic was thrown over your shoulder
he enjoyed the spot
despite only being a head or so shorter they were both basically twigs
it was time to find out if 3 could fit in that shower
you all shredded of the ruins of the outfits you had on last night
you would definitely need a meal after this
especially with Sonic seizing on your morning wood with his hand as soon as you three set foot in the shower
God they'd be the death of you
Tails nuzzled up to your back as the hot water poured over you
you doubted you'd get any rest any time soon
this was the start of a beautiful partnership

Edit Report
Pub: 22 Aug 2023 12:12 UTC
Edit: 27 Sep 2023 23:38 UTC
Views: 1406