Within the outskirts of Dublin, lies a shop hidden within an alleyway. If its door was gazed upon by a muggle, it would seem little more than a wall at the end of the alley. Wizards however could find this secret place, filled with various white boxes each containing a wand to be taken by their chosen wizard. Yet on this night, there were only two people within it, the door locked to keep any others out. A red-haired woman quietly hummed as she picked up various blocks of wood and set them in front of a boy sitting on one of the counters, one of his arms in a cast while the other picked up the different blocks and brought them closer for inspection.

“Remember, you have to pick the one that feels right, not the one you like the most”. One by one, he looked at them and set them back down, not sure what she meant by it feeling right. Eventually he hopped down and walked into the backroom with various materials and half made wands resided, picking up various blocks to see if they felt right. Coming upon a singular beautiful piece of ebony and staring at it for longer than the rest. Bringing it back to his mother and offering it to her “This one”.

She could only smile at him as she nodded, feeling out the wood and running her hands along it. Wand makers possessed a gift when it came to understanding something that seemed so mundane. Setting it down upon the counter before looking towards an unlit fireplace within the room “Are you ready?” He nodded and followed her to it, both of them taking a handful of floo powder and vanishing off to the opposite side of Ireland. Both of them stepped out into what seemed to be the ruin of a castle. Taking a peak around to make sure there were no muggles out and about on a hike near the cliffside before they walked out, the woman held her son’s hand the whole time.

In the distance there was the cry of a bird unseen. The woman picked up her pace as she led the boy towards the source of the sound. “Oop! We have to hurry, it’s going to rain soon”. They hurried along the side of the massive cliffs, to one side seemed to be fields of green and to the other was an intimidating drop that in the boy’s mind seemed to go on forever. Yet they did not come here for no reason. Following the sound of bird cries until in the distance they saw it, a sad looking, scrawny bird, that sat within a tear shaped nest. Its head turned to look towards them as they approached.

The woman stopped and stood still, the enamored boy bumping into her side as he stared at the strange creature, only ever having seen one in a book within his father’s study. “Be very slow and very quiet.” Her hand reached into a pouch at her side and placed a small handful of dead insects within his hand “Very slow, go see if it’ll take it”. He looked at her with concern before nodding and moving far slower than was needed, a hand extended out to the bird as it nervously watched him approach.

The creature learned forward and ate from his hand, a smile coming to the boy’s face as it did. Never having been able to experience this form of bond with a creature, at least in a way that he could remember. “Go on, try and pet it. Worst you’ll get is a peck”, that only seemed to make the boy nervous as well. Child and beast shared that respective emotion as his broken arm reached up to gently pet the top of the bird’s head. That soft moment was shared for only a moment or two, but for him it felt like it was the happiest he would be for his entire life.

Cloud began to form overhead causing the creature to look up. Its wings flapped as it began to take off and fly away to begin its hunt as the rains were soon to come. The woman came close once it had left to see if one of those loose feathers had come free, picking up one of the brighter green feathers that had been left by it “Perfect! You did perfectly!” That appreciation made him smile the whole time they quickly sprinted back to the floo fireplace before the rain started to really come down and soak both of them.

With a burst of green flames they were back in her workshop. The boy hopped back up onto the counter and watched as his mother stepped into the back to perform her work, having taken the block of wood with her and leaning out the door one last time to ask “Are you sure both feel right?” He nodded and she smiled at him once again, flicking her wand to conjure a cookie in front of him to keep him distracted while she was gone. Little flicks of light and various colors came out of the room, being watched for some time before he leaned against the massive pile of wand boxes and fell asleep.

In time he would be gently awoken by his mother as she showed him a new box in her hand. Waiting for him to sit up before placing it in his hands, stepping back and looking at him with a pride she wasn’t able to express all that often. “You’ve got magic now, let's hope the wand feels the same about you”. He was anxious to open it, taking his time as he looked at the black wand, a strong spiral at the end of the handle and various metal adornments and filigrees added to its handle. He looked confused as he picked it up and felt the warmth in his hand, looking up towards her as she came closer to him.

“But mum, this one is nicer than yours!” She just shushed him before leaning in to kiss the top of his head. Holding him tight to her chest in a quiet embrace for a moment, not letting him see the sadness that had started to grow upon her face. “Once you head to Hogwarts, we might not get to see each other a lot. So just remember, all of my love is in your wand and so long as you have it, I’ll always be with you”. He could only look confused before hugging his mother in return, squeezing her as tight as he could with his broken arm. “I love you mum”, his voice was the happiest she had heard in years “I love you too”.

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Pub: 20 May 2023 03:49 UTC
Views: 303