Do you have a character? If so, what is their species and name?
Kuiper (Probably not his name, but it's definitely someone's name, and it was the first thing to pop into his mind), male Alolan Vulpix.
Responsible hard worker, very friendly if approached, but tends to be quite reserved and soft-spoken. Open to new experiences, but can sometimes let anxiety get the better of himself.
Relatively avid reader, pretty dedicated hiker, and very good at rogue-like games. Mild interest in astronomy. Might've had a cousin or coworker who was into Pokémon, but only personal experience was playing one of the PMD games, and he doesn't even remember it that well.
What do did they do before joining the Oasis Guild?
Kuiper can't remember what his job was as a human, but is pretty sure it was something paperwork related. Also can't remember how he died, or about 50% of the other things, seemingly at random, from his time as a human.
What do they do now? Do they have a job?
Upon being isekaied into the desert surrounding the oasis, heatstroke near immediately, passed out, and probably would've died if not for a passing guildmember. Ice types aren't very good at surviving in a desert during the daytime, who knew?
Currently, he works at the Library, and also often the Post Office, since the guild currently doesn't get all that much mail anyway right now but no one else is really doing it. He usually sleeps in the mornings, and then is awake during the cooler late afternoons, and overnight. He can usually be seen inside during the afternoons and evenings, and then often but not always outside at night.
Where do you live? In the guild hall? In one of the renovated buildings in town? In a shop?
The town's library, whether that's part of the guildhall, or a separate building.
What does your room look like? What do you keep in there? Do you need anything special?
Kuiper's living space is in a cool, darker corner of the building. Lots of books. Or, at least a few - it depends on how many the library actually has. Plus some soft bedding and maybe a pillow. There's not much to it.
Got the hots for anyone?
Too early to tell. Wouldn't be too 'hot' about anything in this body, anyway.
What's your favorite kinks and why?
Tails: Honestly that's one of the biggest draws of Vulpix/Ninetales as species. They're fluffy and adorable, and the multi-tail aspect provides significant interest within the PMD/Pokémon transformation framework. Having to deal with only one completely new limb, but six-to-nine. It plays into the other one mentioned as well.
Affection/Praise: It seems like it would be really nice to be pet/brushed/hugged/cuddled as a fluffy (or even not-so-fluffy) creature, and it seems like it would be nice to do the same to others as well. Praise is sort of the same way, but on a mental level rather than a physical level.
Probably a few more, but I can't think of what to describe them right now.
Does your character have any dream or goals?
It would be nice to actually be able to go outside and (occasionally) interact with people during the daytime without immediately dying. In general, "not dying" is a pretty decent goal, even if it needs more layered on top of it.
(If it's a separate building, it would also be nice to get one of those cooling towers attached to the library.)
More long term, collecting an archive of documentation about this world and its inhabitants seems like a good goal.
On a personal level, Kuiper is mostly content to "chill", so to speak. Fulfilling work, some interactions, good food, shelter: as long as those needs are met, he'll be pretty happy. Sure, it would be nice to remember more, but...he's not sure that'll ever happen.
What's the first town or 'mon they meet outside of the abandoned town? How do they react?
Kuiper hasn't actually been out of town. The heat issues also imply a pretty strict range limitation, given that anywhere he would want to go has to be within a single night's travel.
What moves does your character know?
Absolutely nothing! (Right now, at least.) He could maybe get off a Powder Snow if particularly necessary and not focusing too hard on it.
Is there anything about your new anatomy that surprises you? Anything you're learning to use or deal with?
Aside from the obvious, definitely the tails. If having one is tricky, imagine having six. Making sure they don't get caught in doors is a lot of work. Or drag along the ground and get matted. Or raise too high while walking around in public. Or-you get the point.
Is there any technology you miss? If so, can you replace it with something else? If not, how does it effect you? Like not having a clock to measure time anymore.
Without a doubt, air conditioning. Absolutely air conditioning. One or two of the buildings have cooling towers that function similarly, and mechanical fans might not be that hard to set up, but they're not quite as much of a replacement.
There also might've been some digital record-keeping systems that would've been nice to have? He's a bit fuzzy on the details, though.
Are there any skills you've learned?
A surprising amount about record-keeping and organizational systems. Also relatively slow writing with claws, how to lap up water from a dish without spilling it everywhere, and how to care for long fur
What's everyone's favorite berry?
Kuiper's favorite are Petaya berries - he does recall eating something similar a couple times as a human, and the strong bitter-spicy combination is particularly memorable. Rawst are also pretty good, while significantly easier to find.