Name: Ji Jeong-Hui
Starting Area: Former L Corp
Job: Fixer
Gift: EGOist
Perks: (260)
That is that, and this is this. Chemical Abuse. Backstreet’s Ghost. Extreme Survivalist. Urban Movement. Junk Rat. Right Tool for the Job. Detective. Weak Point Analysis. Association Contact (Zwei). Red Gaze.
Equipment: (140) + (200)
Quality IV WAW Weapon - A Sword Sharpened by Tears
Quality II TETH Weapon - Fourth Match Flame Matchstick
High III Armor - Zwei Association "Civilian" VIP Bodyguard Suit
Misc Items: (50) + (180).
Vehicle II, Serum Cocktail, Faeries, Locks, HP Syringes.
Canned Human Experiences, more Canned Experiences, K Corp HP Combat Injector, Telepathic Communicator.
Body Enhancements: (180) + (10)
Tier III Tattoo - Strength, Tier IV Tattoo - Resistance
Tier III Enhancement - Reengineered Musculature, Tier I Enhancement - Faster Thinking
Drawbacks: Lightful. COWARD. Urgency. (-70)
DLC: (250)
E.G.O. Synchronization with Roseate Desire:
I Am Fire, Thematic, A Whole Unit, Far Range.
Ji Jeong-Hui was the son a middle class family under K Corp's Wing. His failure to obtain high grades led to being kicked out into the backstreets. For someone who has lived in a Wing their entire lives, being dumped into the backstreets seems like a final stop.
Whereas his education has mostly turned out useless, he seems to have a odd knack for understanding the Backstreets, getting out of stressful situations and scavenging worthy items out of nowhere. He has stumbled into the adjacent L Corp territory and looted some hidden items in ruins, including a oddly resonant ribbon...
Originally became a Fixer in order to stop the debt from his habit of consuming N Corp Canned Human Experiences. Each Nail contains 1 hour of blissful living, which is processed by the brain over the course of 10 seconds and can be brought from your local Nagel und Hammer affiliate shop... His favorites are the ones where he has a beautiful wife.
Since then, Jin has stumbled forward and became a Grade 1 Fixer, and even feels like he could ask for access to a Wing's Nest again. It just doesn't appeal to him, though. He can only look at them as places that he doesn't belong anymore.
Ji is normally reserved, polite, and even sociable, adept at hiding his selfish nature from others. He shows his true side only to his Canned Experiences.
Ji has become a Grade 1 Fixer through and tough.
His main advantage is tactical planning. Jeong-Hui knows his enemies and knows how to work with his teammates, and his accelerated thinking lets him take full advantage of that.
The reason why Ji has no combat experience to speak of. EGO Weapons overlay their user with the abnormality's combat instincts, allowing them to fight even with no combat experience.
Roseate Desire - A simple ribbon and the first supernatural find while exploring the L Corp ruins. Could restrain and crush people as its method of attack.
With time, Synchronization rate went up. What was a singular ribbon can now bind whole rooms, covering everything in pink and warping the room in a weird haze.
A Sword Sharpened by Tears - A scavenged abnormality Weapon from the depths of L Corp's inner facility, it instinctually bestows a Noble, fencing-like combat style, backed up by being a nearly indestructible sword able to actually withstand the attacks of the weapons of the City. Its said that its name is not just a title, and it can be sharpened to allow for a devastating attack.
This is the golden find and big part of why Ji is considered a amazing recruit for the Zwei, the flowery and defensive fighting style within makes him look like a reputable and talented bodyguard.
Fourth Match Flame Matchstick - A burnt matchstick, and one of his final finds in the ruins before he was promoted to Grade 3 and had to take additional jobs. Has been unable to sell it. And who would even want a oversized, used matchstick?
Serves as a backup weapon. Can easily reignite itself, and others.
Zwei Association "Civilian" VIP Bodyguard Suit - Zwei favored combat fabric, looks undistinguishable from common civilian clothing. This one is only given to Grade 1 Fixers protecting top tier clients. Its dampening is legendary.
N Corp Canned Experiences - Already detailed above. 6 N Corp Canned Experience Nails. On the field they work as sanity restorers, like sanity counterparts to HP Syringes.
Has extra to help manage his addiction.
Two 25 point purchases.
K Corp HP Combat Injector - Essentially 5 fully automatic K Corp syringes in a small backpack, designed for Fixer use. Easily rechargeable.
50 point purchase.
Still carries HP Injectors for the sake of his teammates, and now for his clients.