pomz or floyd
he/she boything
taken blk 15yo
n1 floyd yume

GUYS ILOVE FLOYD SO MUHX YOU DONT UNDERSTAND, i'm his number one fan and yume ^.^ ilovehim so much he means the world to me on skibidi we are meant to be ILOVE HIM SO MUCH HES SO GOOFY, no one understand floyd like i do . NO ONE anyways hi i'm the /floyd owner my bf and oomfs can prove i love floyd than anyone else ^.^

more yap until i have to go to class anyways, i wnat a giant floyd plush that i can hug forever my mom gonna buy me some pins of floyd soon and i can't wait ! hsjsbsn i'm gonna die i have so much shit of him on phone it's so cute ilove floyd donichb guys, i really jut wanna kiss him so bad i hate this i wish he was real :sob: my pretty beautiful bpd adhd eel ilovehiikmmmmmm if i could draw his hc and my yumesona i would but i'm bad at drawing,,,;- BUT FLOYZ IS THE TRUEEE

IM MAKING A PICREW OF US, AHHH IXANT WAIT FOR THE RESULTS, thanks to my oomfs (jers and pastel) for inspo also my threapy has been doing alright, i still wish i brought my floyd plush with me, I MISS HIM, he looked so stupid i want to squish his stupid face also i like eelfish or wtv the ship names between riddle and floyd, THEY ARE SO CUTEEEE

iforgt to make my yumesona guys. but i'll do it soon! perchance idk, BUT my floyd pins are growing into army, illlllyysmm floyd he's so cuttteee i want to kiss his stupi face again, i keep reading his lore and stories all the i love his eel form, guyyyyys send me floyd releated stuff on revospring plsplspspls ilove floyd leech my stupid fuckibg fish. adding more onto to this note, ive got tiny shrine for floyd where he rest on ! or when i pull on the game i can get his cards easilu GUYS GUYS IDID SEE THEW NEW YEARS CARDS FLOYD LOOKS SO CUTE LOOK AT HIM HES SO ADORBLEM GUYS I CANT I LOVE THIS EEL SO MUCHHHH HE MEANS TEH WORLD TO MEEEEE ahhhhhhhhh i'm freakingout so bad

AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH FLPUD FLOYD FLOYD FLOYD, i have a shrin of him well it's not thst big . but yk i love him somuc guys pls draw me pictures or anything with floyd on here pslspspslslpls https://ask.absturztau.be/@pomz i would love it if you ddid, i will giv yoy one dollar and pat yi goodnight pleasepkeeeeeeeee i love floyd leech he means everuthing to guys i'm ao full of joy!

hey agin i'm gonna skeep updating this relugar iahdnsnm no one understand floyf like i do. iloe this eeeel, he's so cut ilovehim somc guys uhm i might make thi pretty soon but ehhh it lookfs alright for nw. it's been awhike since i played twsst i want a new floyd card already. idc if he already got oen give e,, mee more he's such a cutie pie i love him so mcuh, i'll proably won't trade this url until i get tired of making rentries or i'll give them to my bf or oomf ! but ilove lovefot ilove floys nyaaaaaaaa hes so cutee!!!!

Pub: 14 Aug 2021 09:47 UTC
Edit: 03 Mar 2025 06:12 UTC
Views: 671