shuji hanma ! he / him ᶻz queer< 12/07/22 3 transfem iiiii

hi ! im shuji :3 but
i also go by seo-ah ,
gyeong-hui and others !
my pronouns are he/him
and i am male .. in a tma
body .. so i personally use
the transfem label as im
boldily a trans woman.
i am also bodily 15 but
alter wise i am 18. i am
black, asian and arab! im
heavily mixed srry ;-; (im not)
i am jewish so yh .. uhm im
a system cohost and very
autistic and bpd and just
mentally ill + roughly 70%
blind .. pls no fonts i need
a screenreader so i will cry
please dni if you like
dsmp, dgrp, homestuck, ks,
sp or anything along those
lines !! if you support hyv
or happyele just kys xox, if
you associate with this
also kys, if you are
white, cishet or a singlet
please just .. dont if
you openly dislike me, my
girlfriend or my brother pls
just fuck off ;-; uhmm also
if you fakeclaim or rc without
please note that byi i
am severely mentally unwell
and roughly 70% blind so i
need a screenreader ;-; i
am autistic and i strongly
dislike having tonetags used
on me, so pls pls dont use
them (i will use them if u
need me to !!) and i am very
open about my hatred on
things as well as very open
about my interests on stuff

Pub: 13 Nov 2022 00:39 UTC
Edit: 20 Jan 2023 11:57 UTC
Views: 358