Adrian and Sierra join the church

[11:21] Bell tilted his head for some unknown reason, before turning to Melaine… Then nodded, to his child. "If you mean Sierra, yes. She is one of our Soldiers-to-be! She helped me recently with a rather important matter, so be nice to her, hm?"

He'd gesture to Phoenix. "This is your god-sister, Phoenix Altan. She works rather closely with me in the church, and is one of the most talented Alchemists I know if ever you need one. Who knows, perhaps if you take an interest in Asperan faith or alchemy, she could teach you~" There was a closer alchemist in the family... But alas, they were not quite so available these days.

"And Sasha, who just left... Is your aunt! She is my closest friend and our most loyal retainer, but try not to let her bully you too much..." He'd say with a bit of a chuckle, already familiar with the teasing she gives Sycamonia. Recent events, however, had shown how much he cared for his retainer. Sasha was evidently, worth more than two hundred thousand coin...

"Well... We do need Adrian, yes." He'd say with a slightly concerned hum. No doubt, with the recent wars Adrian had been through much and more of late... And likely could use the rest. "I will wait for him, but for now, Phoenix, Sierra, let us make for the church to prepare. Melaine, would you come with us to help set up the baptism? It would be good to have you familiar with the church, atleast!" He would offer, before making off for eastward.
(Bell A. Montelione)

[11:29] Bell A. Montelione says, "Anyone who wishes to witness the baptism of Sierra Walt and Adrian Sun-Broxley... We will be at the Church of Aspera."
[11:32] They looked to each individual that Bell had spoke of to them, ''Phoenix'' the first among them. Both eyes widened, even if just a little. "Hello, um.. sister?" Once more with the hesitation, but then again--how could they pretend to have known them for a very long time? They barely caught a glimpse of the one who just left them, but their senses return--when it appeared that they're heading elsewhere. And their pace followed! "What is it..?" Their gaze tilts, what is it--that they could help with?
(Melaine Montelione)

[11:43] Bell unfortunately had little focus to lend towards Melaine's uncertainty at the moment... For this day, would be one of great import to the company present, and to the Asperan Church altogether. He did not really expect Melaine to immediately see their family as longtime companions just yet, sheltered as they have been... But he fully believed, without a doubt, that the Monteliones and those close to them would mesh just fine with the green-haired little angel.

But feet would, indeed, begin to pick up the pace! "All you need to is sit and watch for now, dear." He would say to Melaine over his side. "This will be a valuable learning experience, as a member of Aphros. Know, that all in this city worship one God. He who built us from nothing, for a singular purpose. Athelios."

And Bell would lead all of their company down the eastern street, towards the most important building in all of Aphros… The Church of Aspera. A towering structure, looming among the rest of the great city. A structure which to any and all would fill them with a sense of hallowed devotion, of sacred air. When those familiar with the church would step in, they would likely follow Bell's suit and put away their weapons.

Bell stepped down the black-colored carpet, and behind him would still blob the little Holy Slime apparently dubbed Chime. He did not stop it from following, perhaps because he knew that was... not physically possible. It had its orders, and one of those was to walk with him. Always.

"Today, will be a day devoted to He. Athelios, the Bearer of Duality. Today, we will look upon His children, those who wish to fight in His name. Under His faith. We, will now witness, the cleansing of their past sins. The rebirth as they become anew under His watchful eye. Before we begin, I ask. Does any one present have any questions or concerns, regarding our faith or this baptism?"

Asthe Cardeal climbed the pulpit, and turned back behind him, he would look to all those in attendance. Not many, but each one likely here for a reason. Likely here to see what he had just described. So he would look to them all, before beginning the rite itself. A nod was given to Phoenix, a tacit gesture. One which asked her to retrieve the two artifacts so deeply important to this particular ritual.
(Bell A. Montelione)

[11:48] Sierra entered through the church doors, taking a quick glance at her surroundings before the baptism began. It had been a while since she had been in the church. Ever since the memorial, she never had a reason to go.

Upon being asked if she had any questions or concerns, Sierra shook her head. She had done her research before joining the church, the Montelione family explained it well.

"No questions sir." She said, placing her hands behind her back and keeping a firm posture.
(Sierra Walt)

[11:57] The short kitsune would lightly touch down onto the ground, her hands could come together hidden under her sleeves in front of her figure. With a slow paced stride she would move to a back room for some time. To return with a tray bearing two chalices. One gold in color the other silver, two bottles garnishing the tray on each side. A clear liquid with an oil like viscosity swirling about while the other adorned a red substance that could only be described as wine.

Slowly the woman would walk the tray to the Alter and set it down, moving to stand beside Bell when she had finished.

"This is a special day, as for you two will bot be simple acolytes, this will hopefully be the start of something more. Something greater that will spark an era of great change. One that will be one of peace and prosperity in these lands. I personally thank you two and am honored to work along those that wish to help spread the ideal's of our faith and help fight against the darknessthat plagues the lands around our kingdom."

Sapphire hues rested onto the two before her, with her part said she would take a step back and let Bell begin the ceremony.
(Phoenix Altan)

[12:11] Some time, would pass after Phoenix lent her words. No questions were raised, no concerns given. Behind the Cardeal's back, were two particularly notable features. Windows both open and of glass stained with color, would shine down upon the pulpit with a radiant and colorful glow of sunlight. And in the middle of all those sources of natural light, was a grand statue. The statue of the aforementioned Primordial, shard of Ymir.


Bell would glance, between those two Phoenix had addressed. And address both himself, without delay. Beginning with one he had known for much, much longer... "Adrian Sun-Broxley. I have been with you since far, far before you were born. Both of your parents were dear friends to me, in my young age. I witnessed, even the day you were born. Held you, shortly after."

He'd hum lightly... "Some, could have called the day a miracle. Some, an... incident. When Pontifice Elise wed your parents before a grand altar of Athelios… It was the first time I had seen love. And as luck would have it... The moment their vows were finished, you, appeared."

The story was not gone into with too much detail... But it was an absurd one. A childbirth began, immediately after the wedding...? Of course it was a miracle. "You, were granted life under Athelios' eye. Under a statue much like the one which stands before us. And while your life has not been perfect..."

"Now, you devote yourself to He in full. And cleanse all of your past failures, as your body and soul will be offered unto He."

He'd then look to Sierra. "Sierra Walt. Only a few days ago, you were suggested by our Reverendo, Phoenix Altan, to accompany me on the ransom to save our retainer. You have made light of this, as if you did not do much. But let me speak to all, of your deeds."

"You followed your orders to the letter, and followed me to a deserted island for an absurdly dangerous mission with nothing expected in return. You broke not your composure when you were inches away from two of the Five, Grisha and Xarxes. You handled the coin, two hundred thousand. And you manned the vessel on our return. Sierra, you have already done me so much. And you showed great obedience and willingness to act, all honorable features for a Soldier."

"I expect, one day, you two will earn the position of Arbitro. But for now, you will be baptized as Leigo, under the path of a Soldier. If you accept this baptism, to surrender your souls to Athelios. Sierra. Adrian. Step forward."
(Bell A. Montelione)

[12:32] Sierra stood tall, her gaze panned around the room one final time. Her sister and a few others were sitting on the benches. It was a shame only one of her family members could make it, but oh well.

She remained silent as Bell went on to give a wonderful speech about the two soon to be soldiers. Childbirth after a wedding came off only as a tiny bit strange to Sierra. But, she couldn't judge.

It was true Sierra believed herself as not that special. She felt that anyone could've handled the coin, but after hearing Bell's speech, she understood the real risks of the job she had done.

If anyone would've been attacked, it would be the person handling the money. She was so focused on getting Sasha back, it never really occurred to her. Regardless, she was still ready to fight against anyone who decided to act foolish when it came to her good people.

Luckily, Bell had been in the cabin when she did man the ship he owned. She wasn't sobad for someone who never driven even a boat before, but she still did manage to give it a few scratches.

"Aheh… Yeah... I suppose I did." She said, blushing a bit from embarrassment.

Looking up at Bell, she tipped her hat and smiled. "Thank you, mis- Cardeal Bell." Sierra corrected, now that they were in the church.

The young woman took a step forward, willing and ready to surrender her soul for Athelios in the name of Aphros.
(Sierra Walt)

[12:33] The day had come, a holy warrior to be born under the eyes of Athelios.

A sigh, straight through the Felinae's parting lips, loud in nature. The swordsman glances over his shoulder, spotting several empty benches nearby, not a single soul within the Sun-Broxley household was nearby. "I wish you all could see me today."

"Mom, dad, Jenny. And...even you Angelo." Adrain said, underneath his breath, shortly fixating his head posture forward, glancing upon his cousin and Bell.

Yet, with the sudden burst in tone, emitting off Bell, his furry blond ears flicker, listening in closely to the man's story. His eyes lower, a tiny smile shining like the sun upon his features, soaking in the heart warming story.

Nevertheless, he found his heart shattering...

Throughout the years, the idle Felinae managed to get his life in order. He accomplished many things, but still fall as he was only a mere man in the world. Deep within his soul, had grown empty, the warmth and joy his family brought to him no longer dwells within the swordsman's core.

Who was he to share the feeling of joy with?

Forest-green orbs awaken, a clear crystal, watery walls blocks both greens eyes from shining with joy, only sadness. Ultimately, a step forward and another, approaching Bell's call. A sudden burst of energy prowess howls throughout Church wall's. Adrian's feelings could be heard as a cerulean shroud blankets his frame, giving him the strength to stand tall and proud as a warrior of light.

(Adrian Sun-Broxley)

[12:38] The chalices behind Bell would glimmer and gleam under the bright rays of the south-bound sunlight overhead. One, golden in color. Below its rim it was adorned with engraved designs resembling rose-vines. This chalice, held a transparent oil which would make for the first step of the baptism. He reached a hand down into this golden chalice. And his thin fingers, would be wet with the clear liquid, when the emerged slowly.

"Under the guidance of Enarr, and the wise council of Athelios. One's baptism is a rite of passage, to lend oneself in body and soul to the Church of Aspera and their steadfast faith. The faith which brought us to bring Abendrot alone in our fury towards demonkind. The faith which kept us safe even when the Empire trod upon us like dogs. The faith which will remain with us, forever more."

He would step forward, as the hand steeped in oil would reach out, to the forehead of Adrian Sun-Broxley. And his fingertips, would gently touch his forehead. Glide across his skin. Drawing out a symbol, a line downward and across, the Asperan Cross.

"First, you will both repeat to me these vows. Vows as one under the path of the Asperan military.

Vow that under Athelios, will ye always fight. For Aphros, will ye raise your blade. Not as wandering mercenaries but as steadfast knights of the faith.

Vow that ye will obey the words of our Lord Oracle, and the Pontifice of the Asperan Faith. To uphold that which is good and right, lend redemption to those who seek it. But also to smite down the sinners without redemption left, coldly and without remorse.

Fight, as Athelios' warriors of light. As Asperans, the both of ye, live in Astra, but be not afraid of Umbra."

He'd step aside, and adorn Sierra's forehead in much the same way. Another cross, much like Adrian's.
(Bell A. Montelione)

[12:52] The young woman stood proudly as she watched Bell step forward, adorning Adrian first with the Asperan Cross on his forehead. She wondered what it was exactly in that chalice, but it seemed to be some kind of oil. A question best saved for after the baptism.

Since Adrian was first, she'd allow them to take the vows first. Once done, it was her turn.

"I vow that under Athelios, I will always fight until my last breathe. For Aphros, I will raise my fists or any weapon of my choosing. Not as a wandering mercenary, but as a steadfast knight of the Asperan faith.

I vow that I will obey the words of our Lord Oracle- even if she hates me. -and the Pontifice of the Asperan Faith. I will uphold what is good, and what is right. Lend redemption to those who seek it, and smite down the sinners without it... In cold blood and without remorse.

I will fight as Athelios' warrior of light. As an Asperan, I will live in Astra, and will never fear Umbra."
Keeping one arm behind her back, she pumped one fist up in the air. Her excitement could hardly be contained, but she still had that fire in her eyes. She was always ready to fight, especially for her family and people.
(Sierra Walt)

[12:58] The swordsman lowers his eyes; his ears flickers, sensing Bell's thin finger, drawing a pattern across his forehead. The Asperan Cross drawn upon his forehead, a symbol that fuels the energy swordsman to fulfil his duties and carry out his tasks as a solider.

Adrian's tiny smile would only brighten, feeling the strength to march forward into the light. A light where he molds the future of his story.

A sudden spark in the swordsman's aura manifests into existence.

Curious it was as to what was the cause of such thing.

Adrian lowers on a knee, reaching for the hilt of his katana and withdrawing the whistling blade as he places it upon the onyx carpet nearby him. His forearm rests upon his knee in comfort as he lowers his head ever so slightly. A warmth emerges from within him, surfacing throughout the Church; his strength, running wild with excitement.

Sparks around his aura dances with joy.

"I've pledged myself to Aphros from the day I was born."

"This is no different to me." Adrian said, smiling brightly like the sun's warm rays of light.

"I solemnly kneel to the Kingdom of Aphros. I vow to protect this very city we walk and live within. To obey the words of our Oracle and Pointface of the Asperan Faith. As long as I have the energy..."

"My sword will serve as a s shield to defend the enemies of Aphros. As a warrior of light, Athelios wields a swordsman born from a loving family." Adrian final words sail throughout the Church, warm in nature, coming straight from the soul.
(Adrian Sun-Broxley)

[13:04] Eyes, turned to Sierra at a particular comment of hers. Funny, but also one born of real emotions. He did not, then, see it as an unnecessary intrusion. And instead answer to that concern with genuine advice.

"Your actions in the past have brought Lady Lirael's ire. But she bears Athelios' will. She knows as well as I, that one's baptism brings about a new beginning. That one's past mistakes are washed away, under Athelios' blood. From now on you will not involve yourself in petty disputes. You will set an example to those around you. You will show compassion even to those who draw your ire." Perhaps, in part he was referring to another incident... But he did not show coldness to that particular dispute, instead speaking in a gentle tone to the Walt.

It would be... somewhat comical. Below Bell's feet as he walked to and fro across the Pulpit, performing his rites, would the little Holy Slime which had been with him from sunrise follow along. Blobbing across the carpet with the simple aim of keeping close to his person. A trail of golden slime left behind in his wake, but returning to its larger mass each time it moved. Rolling, yet upright. Walking with him, so to speak.

Again, he would steep his hand in the golden chalice. Again would he make his rounds between Adrian, and Sierra, anointing their foreheads and speaking aloud as he did. This time, he would speak not directly to them. But to another, He who was far far away, yet so very close.

"Athelios, Son of Ymir. Warden of Hel. Bearer of the Duality of Man.

I beseech thee. This is a dark time, for Meranthe. Demons run ramptant, and grow ever stronger in power as they took even your nascent brother. We do not ignore this, even as we smile and continue to know joy.

See those, who would devote themselves even still to Your side. See Sierra, and Adrian, Your flock. And smile upon both, granting them Your blessing."

The Holy Slime, Chime, would face its mass towards Adrian's glow of surging mana... Curious, perhaps, to the gradual bursting of energy. Perhaps it was it still following its instructions.

Bell's eyes turned to Phoenix, giving a nod. Signaling tacitly that it was time for her to do her part.
(Bell A. Montelione)

[13:06] Sierra Walt says, "Of course sir. I have matured much since then."
[13:24] With the small prayer being said before the two it was now that Phoenix would begin the ritual of the church adopting the two before her into their ranks. Her left hand grabbed the bottom of the Golden chalice. Uncorking the clear oil like substance in the bottle. Pouring it into the golden cup and dipping her hand into it enough to cover her finger's.

First she moved to Adrian, a soft smile resting upon her face as she gazed upon him.

"You showed great promise in the defense of Audhild, though we were pushed back you were able to best your opponent in combat."

Her right hand raising up, the oil dripping from her hand as she would draw a cross upon his head. A small motion of prayer being given with her right hand while still holding onto the chalice. Slowly she would move across the floor stopping at Sierra. Her gaze resting upon the woman with the same gentle smile she held upon her face when approaching Adrian.

"You have assisted inthe return of one of Aphros dear children, in the coming years there will be many times when such things may come to pass. I hope to have your aide for those times and in the prevention of such in the future Sierra."

The same motion was given as with Adrian, her hand dipping into the clear liquid and drawing a cross upon the girl's head. The kitsune then moving to set the chalice back onto the alter next to the silver chalice. The bottle of wine now being held in her hands as she would undo the cork, pouring half of it's contents into the silver one.

With the red liquid filling the silver cup to the brim, she strolled over to Sierra first. Extending the cup to her with both hands. "By taking this drink, you will be reborn under Athelios. Your burden will be one of that to carry out his will as the church's sword or shield."

With that said the kitsune would wait for the Waltz to take the silver chalice and drink its contents.
(Phoenix Altan)

[13:41] Sierra placed her hands behind her back, calming herself down a bit as to not ruin the moment. She watched as Phi stepped closer to them, a smile beamed from Sierra after hearing their kind words.

"Thank you, Phi. You will always have my aide. Especially now."

What Sierra wasn't expecting, was having to drink the contents of the chalice. Being from the Shadowlands, her mother and father both strictly forbidden her from drinking anything from strangers. Many witch hunters wanted their family dead for Orexius Walt's crime of being a witch.

Hesitating, she fought the urge to decline the drink and took hold of the chalice. She was fairly certain that this wasn't an elaborate plan to kill her.

Staring down for a moment at the red liquid, she leaned closer and sniffed. It was a strong and strange scent, but she just shrugged her shoulders. Allowing Phoenix to hold onto the Chalice, she lifted up closer to her lips and took one big sip.

Her eyes widened and she pulled away to cough in her elbow. She gasped for air and hit her chest, "GUH- What do they put in that stuff!?" The lightweight said, clearly never having tried any type of alcohol before.
(Sierra Walt)

[13:44] Bell's professional demeanor would crack for just a smidge, as he'd chuckle lightly to Sierra's reaction. He'd speak no words to the question, as if she wished to perform a baptism in the future she would be given an explanation to each of the rite's particulars. And while she showed hesitation... She also showed the trust, to accept the chalice anyways. And that man would step forward with slow steps, finishing his prayers thusly. His feet guided him particularly towards Phoenix, though his words were still granted to Athelios.

"See them through these times and all to come. Smile upon they who would spread Your faith and fight with Your blade.

Grant your protection, and let them not be overcome by the cancer which plagues our land. Smite the sinners, who will surely oppose them.

In the name of Athelios I pray;


Bell would accept the silver chalice from Phoenix's hands, and carry it along to the other initiate of the evening. Adrian, would be offered the chalice and its contents. "By taking this drink, you will be reborn under Athelios. Your burden will be one of that to carry out His will as the church's sword or shield."

Bell would wait, then, for the young man to accept the silver chalice. The drink itself was one warm. One which would fill his whole body with a pleasant warmth and a feeling of purity. As if the crimson liquid would run through the whole of his body and cleanse from him all that he had failed before.

Once he partook of Athelios' blood, all that would be left, would be for Phoenix to finish the ceremony altogether.
(Bell A. Montelione)

[13:50] Phoenix Altan performs a ritual of initiation on Sierra Walt.
[13:50] Phoenix Altan performs a ritual of initiation on Sierra Walt.
[13:50] Phoenix Altan performs a ritual of initiation on Sierra Walt.
[13:50] Phoenix Altan performs a ritual of initiation on Sierra Walt.
[13:50] Phoenix Altan performs a ritual of initiation on Sierra Walt.
[14:01] The sword and shield.

Those very words, Adrian mentioned in his early days as a child with his aunt brings back joyful memories to the Felinae.

Forest-green hues awaken, ears flickers, sensing Phoenix nearby, creating another cross upon his forehead as her warm words would only fuel his excitement more. Adrian arises on his two feet; his eyes falling upon Bell, watching the man approaching and offering him the chalice.

"Bless you, my friend." Adrian said, bowing his head with respect as he accepts the cup, looking at the oily substance within.

From here on out, a warrior of light was to be born. The past would be the past and, a new chapter in the swordsman's life would begin to unfold.

A new path opens!

Adrian tilts his head backwards ever so slightly, parting his lips and intaking the drink, gulping it down in one shot. His eyes lowers, thoughts running wild on the past, coming to terms, and making his peace as he wished nothing but the best for his family.

Sparks begins to manifest once again!

The swordsman's eyes awaken, glowing in a bright cerulean hue, emitting waves of mana like an electric flow, from the sheer excitement and bright of something new!

"From this day forward, I walk the path of a warrior of light." Adrian said, soft in nature, accepting his role in Aphros and finding peace within his soul.

Yet, as those words sail throughout the Church. Waves of mana flares around him, sparking rapidly, ready to burst into something new. However, it was far from time for it to reveal its true form.

Overtime, the dancing sparks dies down, it movement reducing as the swordsman's original energy aura begins to take shape once more around his frame.
(Adrian Sun-Broxley)

[14:02] Phoenix Altan performs a ritual of initiation on Adrian Sun-Broxley.
[14:02] Phoenix Altan performs a ritual of initiation on Adrian Sun-Broxley.
[14:02] Phoenix Altan performs a ritual of initiation on Adrian Sun-Broxley.
[14:02] Phoenix Altan performs a ritual of initiation on Adrian Sun-Broxley.
[14:02] Phoenix Altan performs a ritual of initiation on Adrian Sun-Broxley.
[14:02] Phoenix Altan performs a ritual of initiation on Adrian Sun-Broxley.
[14:14] Lo, witness a rite of passage! Witness as two young find life anew, under the Asperan Cross! Witness!

Bell knelt down... And extended his hand, to Adrian's shoulder. "You, my friend, are now accepted as a member of the Asperan Church." Adrian's mana, already flowing, already dancing about his Circuits, would not be alone. Other manas would creep in, would join that gay dance which made his turbulent and plentiful emotions manifest.

One mana which touched him, was one divine. The mana of Athelios, perhaps, a sliver. It would seep into his circuits, touching him with a tiny piece of Athelios' protection.

But one other mana would join him... Bell closed his eyes, and he, too, would glow in a radiant light. His form, too, was washed with Holy Mana. That mana was channeled directly into Adrian's circuits. That mana, Bell's own energy, was offered along with his prayers.

Athelios, I beseech thee again, accept mine offer. Allow me offer a sliver of mine own life, mine energies, to our new warrior. So that he will shine, forever, and fight in my stead. Allow me to sacrifice mine own vitality, so that I can serve You as Cardeal, forevermore. So that I might bear the painful cross that is Living, as he so honorably risks his life for that sake.

The slime underfoot would blob once more, to the center of the four now surging manas… And begin to, strangely enough, twirl in place, as if seeking out each of the manas simultaneously. And Melaine, would see a near-blinding light emnate from all four. A powerful presence, which would wash over anyone nearby with comfort and pleasant feeling.

"So accept a prayer, a blessing of Athelios' protection. Accept mine own energy, as well, to see you through all times to come. You are no longer alone, Adrian... I, am here with you." Bell's vitality drained him, and drained... And drained. But he did not allow it to stop there. His eyes closed, and he'd clench his teeth. Bell though, beyond even his prayer.

I am sending him to fight... I am sending him, to the wolves. I am sending him to one day die for our sakes. While I sit back and live. Is that right...? Yes... But if I must...

I will do all I damn can, for him.

Adrian might notice, as Phoenix did the same to Sierra... Bell's mana, what he offered, was beginning to become... excessive.
(Bell A. Montelione)

[14:31] The birth of a warrior of light!

"I accept, Bell Montelione." Adrian said, smiling at the man.

His eyes lowers, sensing the man's energy course throughout him, guiding him, strengthening him, feeling his long aged life force flowing like a river.

No long was Adrian alone, there was many throughout the years, welcoming him with open arms in their journey. He would soon find the emptiness within his soul, filled with joy from the many folks he's come across throughout his lifetime.

With Bell's life force flowing throughout the swordsman, he could feel the man's hardship throughout his many years on Meranthe. A hand extends outwards, resting upon Bell's shoulder with ease as it light to the touch, streaming a portion of energy prowess into the man's mana circuits, giving him the strength to stand tall for the many more years to come.

"You've aged well, Bell. You've done enough, yet still continue to do more than you're asked for the city."

"Rest at ease, my friend. The future of Aphros is in great hands. Our city will continue to the shine. And the Church? Will blossom for eternity. I'll see to it." Adrian said, nodding towards the man, accepting everything up to this point in his life.
(Adrian Sun-Broxley)

[14:36] With the appointment of the two now over with the priestess would take note of her uncle's actions and nod. Watching as the surge of energy was called forth with holy energies from his hand and sent forth into her cousin she would much do the same to Sierra. A small hand was placed upon her shoulder as a bright light would start to radiate from the Altan woman. Small motes of holy light drifting from her form as her hand would fall from Sierra's shoulder and she would bring her hands together in prayer.

The woman falling to her knee's as her head would dip slightly, her eye's closing as a deep breath was then taken in.

"Athelios, thy warden."

"Offer this tribute I pay to bestow your power, nye your will onto this soul."

"Let the creature's of the night feel your grace radiate from her very soul."

"May you light the path for her as she remains a steadfast pillar of your faith."

Her words flowing forth like a poem as small pauses were taken with each line. Her figure rising now as the motes of life energy scattered her radiated a bright warming light to all those present. Her left hand rising up above her as she would hold a small staff in her left hand. The motes drifting in the direction of her hand converging into her palm. Her gaze cast downward onto Sierra as she would float upwards, the motes of light forming into a sphere of energy from the life stream in her palm.


A deep breath taken in, the voice of the small woman thundering forth from her lips as she spoke.

"That power and Vessel, breadth of wealth and breath of wish's."

"Until the bell tolls, bring forth glory and illusion."


"Confine divine offerings with this body. This golden light bestowed from above."

"Into the hammer and into the ground, may it bestow you good fortune upon you."


The woman's wrist flicking lightly before the orb would drift forward moving to merge with Sierra's frame. A golden light visible on her figure for some time as the blessing would merge into her very circuits as it would set into place.

(Phoenix Altan)

[14:43] A nod was given to Phoenix, to ask her to follow his actions. Bell returned Adrian's smile with one of his own, which showed past tired features. In this moment, he knew... The next generation would aid him. He need not do everything alone. He could finally have people to lean on. But he would not stop there. He would continue to grow. Develop Chime until it could become one with him, and grow him even farther. Finish his Holytech, and-

Something snapped.

The aura emanating from Bell would cease, altogether. A surprised expression showed on the Cardeal's features, for a moment. Not so much from his draining of mana, but...

From the sudden, intense pain which now permeated his ever nerve.

"Ngh…" Bell would raise a hand to his mouth, as if about to vomit. He felt the sudden urge to regurgitate that which was no longer there. That was one feeling thisbrought out upon him, a sheer emptiness.

He also felt a snapping feeling, a cracking along his person. As mana circuits, strained to the utmost degree, would crackle and scream out that they could take no more. Pain, exhaustion, had been ignored for output too many times.

Bell's features turned white, but he stood tall once more. Evidently holding in whatever it was he was feeling... But speaking still. "I... Believe in you, Adrian. You will shine on. As Athelios' chosen warrior. So grow, into... That role..."

It was hard to stand. It was so abrupt, but Bell... Would step off, of the pulpit. One more feeling, which filled his heart with a sudden dread... Was a feeling that if he pushed these circuits one more time, they would break. For the moment... With that last blessing, that delve into White Magic... He had achieved no greater result. But broken, his body.

Whether that would grow him into something greater, or only weaken him... Would be uncertain, until time told its tale. Bell stepped down the black carpet with nary a word. His mind, could not focus. He could not say words calculated, and he could not act on his love for these people present. And so awkwardly, Phoenix would be left to finish the procession herself.
(Bell A. Montelione)

[15:05] Sierra watched as the holy magics were called forth from the great beyond, shining upon her area in the room. As Phoenix fell to her knees, so would Sierra to join them in holy prayer and clasp her hands together with them.

She silently prayed with Phoenix and felt the warmth of Athelios' light wash over her. Except it wasn't like any other prayer she had received before. Holy strength flowed through her, unlike anytime before.

Phoenix rose up into the air, gradually floating higher as she demanded for Sierra to grow, and grow she did. Her holy light was only dim, but Phoenix's encouraging words rose her up from the ground, the light shining brighter with every sentence.

Once she was raised up on her two feet, Sierra smiled and basked in the holy light for a moment. Raising both gauntlets toward the ceiling, she couldn't help but yell from the excitement of being filled with such righteous power.

"A-MEM!" Her voice boomed throughout the church with reinforced vigor.
(Sierra Walt)

[15:05] Sierra Walt says, "-"
[15:06] Sierra was too caught up in her own moment, quickly realizing that Bell had hurt himself.

"Oh no! H-He will be alright, right?"
(Sierra Walt)

[15:11] Krilax Kralaxis says, "... How longs it been?.."
[15:12] The child stood up long ago. When they saw the priest had seemingly exhausted himself, they looked on with both eyes almost widening. And perhaps, somewhere--before their father could touch his knees or the floor on his way out--knew then that it is time to go. For now, looking after their father's well-being seems to be the top of their priority over seeing through the baptism to its climax.

Ah, but to witness the ''rebirth'' of two souls in a dramatic ritual--even if they could not see the end of it in full. The view would definitely stick. Before they tend to their father, they looked back to all three with a tight smile. And at a careful pace, carried on to their residence.
(Melaine Montelione)

[15:17] With Bell and his daughter making their exit the very tired priestess would look forth to the two before her. "Let us rejoice, as you two are now Leigo's of the church. May you wear these titles with honor and continue to serve Aphros with honor."

A small bow was given to each before she would begin to descend the stairs, sweat dripping from the kitsune's forehead. Her silver locks of hair out of place from there usual kept manor as over all the woman looked rather drained.
(Phoenix Altan)

Pub: 20 Jun 2023 06:53 UTC
Views: 137