The key turned in the lock, and with a push, the big, wide door came open.

"We're home," said Kaworu, pushing Shinji into the vast, tall entrance hall.

"Urrrrrp," belched Shinji softly.


The flatulence puttered softly out of his enormous ass crack.

Shinji was getting fatter and fatter. He currently tipped the scales at 297 kilograms, inching steadily towards 300 kilos. He sat in the extra-wide bariatric wheelchair and filled it to the brim, his enormous bottom bulging out the back and oozing over either side of the vast seat. His gigantic belly oozed all the way over the special pad at the front of the chair; the pad was for belly support, but Shinji's mountain of a gut was too big for it, and jiggled at its edges as it dangled in empty space. His thighs were more than twice as big around as Kaworu's own waistline. His huge boy boobs were bigger than beach balls, and oozed deflated to either side of his belly's slope.

He was wearing the biggest pair of pants they could find, huge khakis that wouldn't have been out of place on a hippopotamus. He was wearing a soft pink polo shirt the size of a tent.

His belly gurgled.


"Ohhhff," he huffed, patting his ocean of belly blubber. "That Italian restaurant was delicious, Kaworu-san! We'll have to go back."

"I could tell you liked it, Shinji-kun," said Kaworu gently. "You ordered almost everything on the menu."

"Ohh, it was so good!" Shinji cooed, wiggling his plump fingers in delight. His face was hoggish and fat, bloated and oozing, huge cheeks sagging down into wattly jowls and three chins. He had such fat jowls that they gave him permanent dimples, and his plump cheeks made his blue eyes beady. He licked his lips, dreaming of the feast he'd just finished. "Oh, and you let me have so much, Kaworu-san!"

"Ah, my beloved pet," said Kaworu, patting Shinji's shoulder. "Back in the day, when you were just starting, I remember how I had to prompt you to eat large portions. Do you recall? You struggled so much to eat the food I ordered. But now... now I can leave you fully in charge of ordering the food. I know you will never deny yourself an absolute feast."

"Ohhh, I love to eat, Kaworu-san," said Shinji with delight in his fatty voice. His beady blue eyes twinkled as he greedily imagined what he wanted to eat for dinner tonight. "We can have... mnh... burgers tonight, right, Kaworu-san?" And he yawned.

"We surely can have burgers tonight, Shinji," said Kaworu gently. He walked around Shinji's huge circumference and faced the fat boy head on. "But first," he smiled, his red eyes warm, "it seems to me you will be wanting a nap."

Shinji yawned again. "Mnhm, mmm, Kaworu-san, I do... think a little... a little nap would be nice. I, hmm hmm, I need to digest, you know," and he patted his huge belly. Kaworu could see his eyelids drooping a bit.

Kaworu patted Shinji's belly himself. Shinji giggled.


His body rippled as he farted and fidgeted in his seat.

"But first, let us give you a shower. You are a bit dirty, and I noticed you smelling a bit, distinct from your flatulence."

"Ohh, I did, mmm, sweat a bit today, Kaworu-san." To emphasize the point, Shinji lifted up his huge fat arms. The hefty drooping flab of his upper arms sagged down almost to the outer rings of fat that fed into his moobs. But Kaworu could see the signs of sweat in his pits. A faint stink wafted from Shinji, smelling of sweat and grease and slightly of human waste.

Kaworu leaned in close, his face coming close to Shinji's. He sniffed. He smiled. And he leaned in and kissed Shinji softly on the lips. Shinji moaned in delight and let Kaworu kiss him, chins slopping forward a bit as he leaned closer.

"Now, to the shower!" said Kaworu delightedly, pushing the wheelchair along. They moved quickly through their new apartment; they'd only gotten it a few weeks ago. It was large, luxurious, and clearly primed for a large person. It had wide doors, reinforced furniture, and all the floors were carpeted. There were even railings along the walls. Kaworu pushed Shinji through the living room, through the dining room, down a spacious hallway, and into the bedroom Shinji had been given. The wheelchair stopped in the middle of the room, and Kaworu walked around Shinji to the front. He untied Shinji's shoes and slid them off, then pulled off Shinji's socks.

Knowing what was coming, Shinji held out his fat arms. Kaworu gripped the plump wrists, fingers sinking into the soft blubber of the forearms. And with surprising strength he hauled the huge boy to his feet. Shinji's belly jutted out more than two feet in front of him, and sagged down past his knees. His butt jutted out almost a foot behind him, and was so wide you could just barely see it from the front.

Kaworu began to undress Shinji, sliding the huge polo shirt off his body. He then pulled the elastic waistband of the pants down Shinji's blubbery legs. Wearing nothing but his diaper, Shinji's obseity was on full display. His enormous body was bigger around than it was tall, several times over. His wide belly had begun to develop a "front butt" as it oozed forward and down. His huge belly was covered in red stretch marks, a testament to his ongoing growth. The giant bariatric diaper made Shinji look like an overgrown baby. Finally, Kaworu took even the diaper off, undoing the straps, and Shinji's flabby body rippled as he stepped away from the undone diaper. It had several yellow stains in the front and a few brown stains in the back.

"Now, come," said Kaworu, taking his plump hand. Kaworu led Shinji into the bathroom, Shinji waddling ponderously. His slabs of side fat were so thick that he couldn't rest his arms at his sides, while his mammoth buttocks lazily jostled up and down, side to side as he waddled. His huge brown nipples were hard in the cool air. Kaworu led him to the walk-in shower, and he twisted the knobs to get the water going. Soon hot water was thundering away, steam rising through the enormous, expensive-looking bathroom.

"Hmm, hmm" hummed Shinji, waddling in. He was soon covered in hot water, his short brown hair soaked and his vast bloated body dripping water everywhere. There was a reinforced metal seat in the middle of the shower. Shinji sat down on it. "Oof," he grunted, happy to be off his feet.

Kaworu came into the shower, having removed all of his own clothes. "Now," he said softly, closing the door. "Let us clean your beautiful body."

Kaworu grabbed a loofa, and squirted sudsy soap onto it, really lathering it up. Shinji watched Kaworu's thin, pale body. He saw his very large penis dangling in nudity. Shinji licked his lips. He was suddenly horny. How many times had that big penis been inside him? He wanted it inside him now.

Kaworu began to wash all over Shinji, careful to clean between his folds and rolls, to lather between the hard-to-reach places on Shinji's back, in the folds of his butt cheeks, the folds of his knees and thighs, the overhang of his arm fat. There were certainly places Shinji could no longer reach at all, due to his huge size. It was just easier for Kaworu to clean him. All the while, Shinji saw that penis dangling. He started to get seriously aroused.

Kaworu was now cleaning Shinji's immense undercarriage, swathed in hefty blubber. He had lifted up Shinji's vast belly overhang, and could see the huge blubbery fupa that almost completely swallowed Shinj's penis. Ritsuko had talked about having vaginal sex with Shinji, but Kaworu had expressed doubt about it even being possible any more.

But fingers could reach it just fine. "I think you need some pleasure, Shinji-kun," said Kaworu, letting the belly plop down with a heavy splash of soapy water. His arm was still under there, and he began to work his fingers expertly on the stubby, buried penis.

"Ohh... ohh... ohh..." moaned Shinji, sitting in a haze of delight as Kaworu gave him a handjob. It was a regular occurrence. Shinji had some form of sexual pleasure multiple times a day. Either Kaworu would jerk him off, or they would have sex, or Kaworu would employ sex toys. The huge fat boy lived in a state of pure physical delight, constantly surrounded by comfort, affection, huge amounts of food, and sexual stimulation. He lived in a haze of comfort and pleasure, never even remembering his old life as an Eva pilot. "Ahhhh," he sighed happily as Kaworu brought him to climax, pumping out a heavy flow of semen from his buried penis. Kaworu then took the loofa, and resumed cleaning the spot that was newly dirtied. All the while, Shinji looked at that penis. He'd never performed oral sex before, but he was so aroused by Kaworu that he was tempted to try. He wasn't gay, though. He swore.

When the shower was done, Kaworu helped Shinji to his feet. Kaworu dried off, then began the much more laborious process of drying Shinji off. Drying Shinji took multiple towels and multiple minutes--almost ten minutes, to be precise.

Shinji yawned. Now he really was tired. The huge feast in his belly was digesting like mad, and with it came a powerful urge to nap.

"Mmrn, Kaworu-san, I, mmm, I really do need that nap," said Shinji, waddling back into the bedroom.

"Just a minute, Shinji-kun," said Kaworu. He returned from the closet with a clean diaper.

"Ohh, Kaworu-san," Shinji paused, yawned again, "do I really need it? I love sleeping naked."


"Come now, Shinji-kun. You are digesting a very large meal. The odds of you having an accident while you sleep are high. This will save us cleaning the sheets."

"Oh, okay," he whined a bit, but stepped forward. He allowed Kaworu to guide his feet into the diaper, and then Kaworu pulled it up the huge boy. The diaper, like Shinji's pants, was enormous in circumference, so very big around. Kaworu fastened it under Shinji's belly, and then gave that belly a pat. Shinji cooed delightedly, then yawned again. He idly scratched his belly.

"Now, it's time for a big boy to have a big nap," said Kaworu, guiding Shinji to the bed. Shinji smiled happily. He really did love his bed. It was soft and comfortable, with a soft mattress and luxurious sheets. Kaworu pulled back the covers, and guided Shinji into it, taking care that he did not lean to hard on the edges. Kaworu positioned him in the middle, pillows fluffed around him, and the covers drawn right up to his chin. Then he produced Shinji's CPAP mask. "On we go," said Kaworu with a voice as soft as silk. He slipped the mask on, and Shinji began to breathe into it, comforted and at ease. Kaworu tucked Shinji in, gently and daintily, hands sinking into the fat beneath the covers.

"Mmrn," mumbled Shinji, the tiredness of his nap coming swiftly. "Ohh, Kaworu-san... can we get out... that cake in the refigerator?"

"Of course, my pet."

"I think I'm... going to want a snack... a whole cake... mmm, maybe some ice cream..."

"I shall do that, and I shall put in an order at the bakery. They will deliver us a pie and some cookies as well. You can have a dessert feast when you awake."

"Ohh," moaned Shinji, overwhelmed by gluttonous desire. And overwhelmed by tiredness as well. His eyelids began to slide closed. "Ohh... mmm... dessert... all... for me... yum yum..."

His eyelids were closed. He was breathing softly, and then he was snoring away, the CPAP machine taking care of his persistent sleep apnea.

Kaworu smiled at the big boy in bed. He had Angel business to attend to, and then he thought he might read some. He turned to go.


He stopped and turned back around. "Ah," he said gently, coming close to the sleeping Shinji. His huge belly was like a mountain as it rose and fell with his breathing. Kaworu put a hand softly on the big belly.


He could feel the guts churning. "Oh, I do think he's going to..."


And a foul stench filled the air. Kaworu smiled. The diaper had been prudent, because Shinji had taken a sleep-poop. There'd be a diaper change when he woke up. For now, Kaworu patted the belly, as the enormously fat Shinji snored away.

Pub: 31 Oct 2022 07:42 UTC
Views: 427