"Here we go," said Ritsuko, pushing the doors open. Kaworu wheeled Shinji into the store. Shinji was slurping on a milkshake; Kaworu tried to have him consuming calories often, something at least once every hour.

"Urrrp," belched Shinji, looking around. It was a store for mobility scooters. All around him, huge fat people were shopping for scooters, men and women waddling around, bellies jutting out, butts bursting behind them.

But none of them was as fat as Shinji. Kaworu had fed and pampered him to a huge size, bigger than anyone in the store. He was sitting in a bariatric wheelchair that Kaworu was pushing, and his gigantic bottom filled the extra-wide seat to its limit. In the front, his immense belly rested on a cushioned pad that sat at the front of the wheelchair for support. Cushions also supported his giant thighs, bigger around than the waists of some of the fat men present. Shinji's face was fat and hoggish, with big, hanging jowls and three chins. The biggest chin drooped onto the tops of his huge boy breasts; Shinji had enormous tits, sagging sacks of lard that sloped down either side of his gut. Even his arms were hugely fat, and they jiggled from the motion of the wheelchair.

"Well, hello there," said the attendant, coming up. "I see we have a potential customer here." She smiled down at him. "Hello, young man. What's your name."

"I-I'm... Ikari Sh-Shinji," he stammered, heart beginning to race. His guts gurgled. He was still extremely shy and uncomfortable around most people; Kaworu was his only company most of the day, and that's how Shinji liked it. Kaworu gave him so much care and love, and Kaworu was really all Shinji needed.

"Shinji may have some interest in one of your scooters," said Kaworu with a smile, red eyes sparkling slighty. "As you can see, he is very large, and his movement is encumbered some. More so now than in the past."

"Well," said the attendant, "why don't you bring him over here to the scale, and we can see what level of support he'd need."

She motioned to a large metal scale against the wall. Kaworu, Ritsuko, and the attendant all walked to it, pushing Shinji along. He rested his hands on his huge belly. He was feeling hungry.

"Can we get a treat after this, Kaworu-san?" he asked.

"Of course, my pet," said Kaworu, patting Shinji's shoulder. Shinji cooed happily and sipped his shake again.

"Now," said the attendant, "he'll need to stand on this for a bit. Can you get him out of that chair on your own?"

"I can," said Kaworu. He walked around, and tenderly stroked the frontmost swell of Shinji's belly. "Shinji-kun, I will need you to stand for just a few moments. Just a little bit."

Shinji smiled. His fat face gave him permanent dimples. "Okay, Kaworu-san." He held out his chubby hands.

Kaworu gripped Shinji's wrists, and pulled. As an Angel, Kaworu had a huge amount of hidden strength. So he was easily able to push Shinji around in the wheelchair, and he was also easily able to pull Shinji to his feet. The huge fat boy was wearing a tent-sized red polo shirt and khaki pants with enough room inside them for five normal people. He had to fasten the waistband of the pants under his belly these days, so if you looked beneath the shirt, you could see the huge bottom slope of his gut, pale and riddled with red stretch marks.

"Ooof," huffed Shinji. He groaned. He wasn't on his feet much these days. Usually he was either lounging around, sitting and eating, or sitting in the wheelchair being pushed by Kaworu.

"Now, step onto the scale here," said the attendant.

Shinji waddled forward. His massive ass jutted out more than half a foot behind him, while his belly stuck out far in front of him, and sagged past his knees.


The attendant wrinkled her nose.

"Ohh, sorry," said Shinji, stepping onto the scale, "I had Mexican food for lunch."


The numbers on the scale flashed as the attendant adjusted it.

Shinji was getting uncomfortable standing for so long. Even for just a few minutes, he was so spoiled that he didn't like being on his feet any more than he had to. His guts were churning. He was probably going to take a huge poop later. No, he almost certainly was. Right now--


Shinji smiled contentedly as he peed his pants. He was wearing an immense bariatric diaper under his khakis. This was necessary, because all the sex Kaworu had with him had rendered him unable to control his bowels. He could still control his bladder, but being constantly diapered had conditioned him to urinate whenever he needed to go. He really did love it. He'd gotten over how weird diapers were weeks ago, and now loved the freedom to use the bathroom without the trouble of getting up and squeezing into a stall.

"Wow," said the attendant with wide eyes. "You weigh 651 pounds!" She stared at Shinji. 'You are a big boy."

"How much is that in kilos?" asked Shinji, idly scratching his belly.

"It's roughly 295 kilos, a bit more," said Ritsuko. "Fuck, that's hot," she whispered under her breath.

"Back to the chair you go, Shinji-kun," said Kaworu, grasping his wrist. He tenderly led Shinji off the scale, and turned him around; then he slowly settled Shinji back down in the wheelchair. Kaworu treated Shinji with the utmost gentleness. He tenderly stroked Shinji's belly when he was settled in the chair; Shinji felt himself get aroused at Kaworu's touch.

"Well, based on his size, I think your friend will need our most heavy-duty model," said the attendant, leading them over to a row of scooters. "This is the Maniframe XXXL Ultra-Plus, designed to carry the heaviest loads." She pointed to a scooter with a very, very wide seat, and very heavy-duty tires as well. "It can carry up to 800 pounds, so it should accommodate your friend as he... grows," she said, eying Shinji as he continued to suck down his milkshake.

"Well, how aboout it, Shinji-kun?" asked Kaworu, glancing down at the fat boy. "Would you like to try it out?"

Shinji's piggish face contorted a bit. He was thinking.


He'd needed to fart, and he was glad he had. Then he smiled. "Honestly, Kaworu-san... I'm pretty happy not having a scooter."

"Really?" asked Ritsuko.

"Yes, Doctor Akagi, really," Shinji said. He sipped his shake again. "So, I'm glad I got to see all this... but it won't be necessary."

Kaworu smiled. "Well, then, that is that. I am sorry I wasted your time," he said to the attendant.

"Oh, it's no trouble. I'm always happy to help. You all have a good day!" the attendant said, as they turned and headed for the door.

Outside the store, Kaworu pushed Shinji along, while Ritsuko walked behind them. "Shinji-kun," said Ritsuko, "why didn't you want a scooter? It would make you much more capable of getting around."

"Well, I..." Shinji blushed, "I really don't need to go anywhere without Kaworu-san. He takes such good care of me. I love him so much. He makes all the really important decisions, and I... like that."

Kaworu smiled. "Such a good boy. You are my wonderful pet, Shinji-kun." He stroked Shinji's big left butt cheek.

Shinji moaned in his flabby throat at the touch. "Ohh, Kaworu-san, when we get home, let's have sex."

"Of course, Shinji-kun."

"Ohhh,," Shinji moaned heavily. "Oh, Kaworu-san... I want you inside me so badly."

"But first we must get you your treat, right?"

"Oh, yes!" said Shinji with a grin on his fat face. "Ooooh, I'm really looking forward to something sweet."

Kaworu smiled as he pushed Shinji along.

Pub: 22 Oct 2022 22:36 UTC
Views: 554