Seeing Double (KronFau, 18+) Idea came from Izumiii_flower's art and the conversation we had You might think: Name, isn't Fauna's bday ASMR like this? and to that I say well maybe but I dunno cAUSE I HAVEN'T EVEN HEARD IT AAHH


Kronii woke up, confused. She didn’t hear an alarm.

“What time…?”

She didn’t want to move. She laid on her stomach, trying to go back to sleep.


Her lover’s voice managed to keep her awake. She felt her hand touching the nape of her neck.


That silky voice of hers almost made her want to turn around. Almost. She just enjoyed feeling Fauna’s hand softly caressing her back.

“Just 5 more minutes…”

She felt movement on the bed. Fauna slowly inched closer to her.

“No… not my ear…” She pleaded.

“Kronii…” Fauna whispered on her left ear. “C’mon, sleepyhead~…”


She felt movement again, she probably switched sides.

“Kwoniiii~.” Now it was time for uwu speak, of course. “Wake up~.”

That almost convinced her to get up just so she could pinch her cheek, but she decided to stay put to see how far the kirin would go with that.

She’ll get embarrassed at some point. She told herself.

She felt movement once more. This time from… both sides?

What? She thought, opening her eyes.


She woke up in a jolt. What just happened? Why did she hear Fauna in both of her ears? She turned around to find Fauna looking at her with a warm smile. She was wearing a white nightgown. Her heartrate instantly went back to normal watching how peaceful she looked. Fauna held her hand.

“Are you okay, Kronii?” She asked her warden.

Her hands were warm. Kronii somehow calmed down even more.

“…Y-yeah, I’m fine…” She squeezed one of Fauna’s hands. “Maybe I just… Maybe I’m half-awake.”

“Hehe.” Fauna’s giggle made Kronii’s heart skip a beat. “Yeah, I guess so…”

Looking at her some more, Kronii noticed a… halo? She blinked and it seemed like it disappeared.
Suddenly, Kronii felt something on her shoulder.

“Maybe we could help you with that~.” Fauna told her, behind her.


She snapped to her side. She found Fauna now wearing a black nightgown. Her heartbeat started to rise the more she stared at her. She noticed her ears were suddenly longer and her usual horns were replaced by… devil’s horns? She had a mischievous smile on her face, it made Kronii feel like she couldn’t tell what she’d do.

“W-wait, but you’re—” She stuttered.

“Hey, why’d you do that?!” The first Fauna moved to grab the second Fauna’s arm. “I was about to explain everything!”

“W— fu— th—” Both Fauna’s smiled at their clock tripping up with her words. “THERE’S TWO OF YOU?!”

They giggled. Once again, Kronii noticed differences between them; the first Fauna’s laughter was lighthearted while the second’s seemed mischievous, even her eyes seemed like they were teasing her.


They both smiled at her. “It’s always been 2 of us~.” The first Fauna held the other’s arm and they looked at the confused warden.

“…So a light Fauna and a dark Fauna.” She decided.

“Of course you’d call us like that.” Dark Fauna giggled. “You chuuni.”

“Oh don’t you dare give me that.” Kronii retorted. “You’re just as bad.”

“I guess it’s fine, you do have a different set of horns~.” Light Fauna said. “But still, the naming… Hehehe.”

Dark Fauna had a smug smile on her face, “Our dear Kronii is a bit silly~.”

Kronii’s eyes narrowed.

“…You’re gaslighting me.” She said. “I know there’s only one of you.”

The both of them acted like they were offended.

“Why would we gaslight you?” They said.

They moved closer. Kronii tried to back away, but she stopped when she was about to fall off the bed. Both of them caressed Kronii’s face.

“What’s wrong, Kronii?” Dark Fauna put her hand on her warden’s thigh. “Is there anything we can do for you?”

“Y-yeah!” Kronii responded. “Waking up from this dream would be GREAT!”

“Awww, sugar~.” Light Fauna caressed her arm. “You’re already awake!”

“You think so?!” Kronii quickly moved away from them, she grabbed her kronie plush to protect herself. “Prove it!”

The two of them approached her again. Light Fauna pulled the kronie down while Dark Fauna leaned into the right side of Kronii’s face. She licked the edge of her ear then lightly nibbled it.

“GWAK!” She screamed, immediately covering her ear. “WHAT WAS THAT FOR?!”

“To prove you’re awake, dummy.” Dark Fauna replied while licking her lips. “Was that good enough?”

“I GUESS?!” Kronii almost wanted to grab all the blankets and wrap herself with them.

“Hmmmm, I dunno~.” Light Fauna moved to Kronii’s left side. “Maybe you really are asleep.”

“Yeah…” The other one placed one hand on Kronii’s shoulder and the other on her thigh again. “I think you need a little bit more help…”

“WHOA, WHOA, WHOA!” Kronii could feel them breathing down her neck. “YOU KNOW WHAT? MAYBE I DON’T NEED TO WAKE U—”

Her screaming was interrupted by Light Fauna. She held her face and kissed her on the lips.

Light Fauna never went too far, she didn’t even insert her tongue. Kronii tried to pull back, but she was bewitched by her gentle touch. Fauna just tasted so sweet. The kirin kept giving her the softest kisses possible, slowly making the warden melt.

“W-wai—” Kronii tried to stop her. “Fau… mm… Fauna…”

“Uuu… Don’t forget about me…” Dark Fauna started to pout. “Then I’ll just…”

She moved closer then took Kronii’s ear for herself.

Kroniiii~…” She whispered. “Are you waking up now?

Dark Fauna giggled while she watched Kronii shiver because of her voice.

You need soooo much help to get up, you lazybones…” She told her while caressing her body.

Kronii could only twitch in response, Light Fauna wouldn’t stop kissing her. Annoyed, Dark Fauna blew in her ear.


Kronii couldn’t take it anymore.

“That’s enough!” She yelped out.

She tried to push the both of them away. It seemed like it worked as they almost laid in bed. Instead, the both of them moved to hold her hands. Light Fauna kissed and sucked on her fingers while the other kirin bit lightly bit them.

“Yo, wait a second!” Kronii pleaded.

Kronii pulled back but ended up losing her balance. The kirins followed her and laid on top of her. They slowly smiled.

…I know what that smile means. Kronii thought.

Kronii quickly tried to cover her face and her ears, but it was too late. They held her hands once again. Kronii could only brace herself before they started their attack.

“Kronii…” They whispered. “You’re so beautiful…”

They caressed her face and slowly moved down her body. All the while they kept showering her with compliments.

“You’ve been doing great, lately…” Dark Fauna slid her hand under Kronii’s shirt. “Won’t you let us reward you…?”

“Hn…” Kronii squirmed. “You know a nice meal is more than enough…?”

“The meal can happen later~.” Light Fauna kissed her on the cheek. “Let’s say this is something special~.”

Kronii felt Dark Fauna’s fingers sliding around her stomach. They slowly moved around her body, making her feel ticklish the whole time. She took deep breaths, trying to not lose it. Just as she thought she calmed down; she felt the Faunas’ breathing on her ears.

“E—Eeek!" She shivered.

Soooo cute.” Dark Fauna whispered. “You’re so easy to tease…”

“Kind of unfair when there’s— Mm! When there’s two of you!" Kronii said.

The Faunas giggled and carried on. They blew in her ear at the same time and slowly got closer. Kronii shut her eyes expecting the worst. She felt their tongues slowly slide down the edges of her ears. They started from the helix and went all the way to the lobule. Light Fauna kissed and sucked on the ear she was licking while Dark Fauna bit hers.

Kronii’s guard slowly weakened while their mouths made a mess of her ears, they let go of her hands so they could keep caressing her. The warden stopped resisting their advances while she started moaning.

The kirins smiled watching Kronii. Dark Fauna licked her lips and held Kronii’s face.

“My turn~.”

She brought in Kronii to kiss her. Unlike Light Fauna, this kirin was a lot more aggressive. She immediately put her tongue inside Kronii’s mouth, mixing their saliva. Every time Kronii pulled back, she’d bite her lip. This exchange repeated long enough to leave Kronii gasping for air. Still not satisfied, Dark Fauna covered Kronii in kisses.

“Uuu…” Now the other Fauna got jealous. She took Kronii for herself again, giving her another barrage of soft kisses. “Chu, chu. Hehehe, your lips are so soft, Kronii~.”

Dark Fauna glared at them. She moved and sat on Kronii’s legs to make sure she wouldn’t move. She lifted her shirt a little and put her head inside. However, her horns dragged Kronii’s shirt.

“Mm- h-hey!” Kronii tried to push Light Fauna away.

“Nuh-uhh, sugar.” Dark Fauna grabbed Kronii’s arms and wrapped them around her. “You’re busy with me.”

“Mm! Chu.” Kronii couldn’t resist.

Meanwhile, Light Fauna helped herself with Kronii’s body. She licked the sweat off of her abs and kissed as she pleased. She giggled whenever Kronii reacted, closing her legs and squirming.

She kept going and brought her hands close to her navel.

Chu W-wait!” Kronii pleaded. “It’s weird, don’t!”

“Hehehe, Kronii, it’s not the first time we’ve seen it.” Light Fauna reassured her as she spread it with her fingers. “It’s cute!”

She kissed it over and over again. She sucked on it and twirled her tongue around it. The poor warden tried her best to endure the embarrassment, but she couldn’t stop her moans.

The stimulus from the licking and the kissing would’ve been fine if it was just one Fauna. With two of them, it was too much for Kronii to handle. They eventually left her in a daze, breathing heavily.

The both of them giggled and continued their attack. One of the Faunas grabbed Kronii’s shirt and pulled it off. The other one grabbed Kronii’s shorts and took them off. The warden didn’t even stop them, she was still in the afterglow.

“Okay, Fauna…” She slurred. “T-that’s enou— AHH!”

Kronii’s back arched when she felt something touch her breasts. She looked down to find the two kirins playing with her chest. She could feel every little thing they would do thanks to all the foreplay. They would trace their fingers down her breasts, playfully flicking her erect nipples.


While Light Fauna took her time fondling Kronii, Dark Fauna enjoyed teasing her by pinching and pulling her nipple. She would slowly pull it up as far as she could only to suddenly let go and watch how it would bounce and jiggle.

“You… horny girl…” Kronii managed to say. “…W-wait, n-not the horns I mea— Mmsshiit! MAN…!”

“Correct in both ways, hehe.” Dark Fauna told her as she used her other hand to start rubbing her thigh.

“Hah… hah… hah…”

Kronii put the back of her hand on her mouth, trying to cover her heavy breathing and her reactions from the kirins’ teasing. Happy with her reactions, the two of them kept going. They got closer to Kronii and opened their mouths.


The both of them bit Kronii’s breasts.

“Ah!” Kronii couldn’t deal with it. “W-wait a second!”

White Fauna gently sucked and licked on Kronii’s nipple while softly rubbing her thighs. The other Fauna bit on it, squeezing it and sliding her hand down Kronii’s crotch.

“C-couldn’t you… d-damn… at least do it the same way?” She complained.

“What do you mean?” Dark Fauna giggled. “Isn’t doesn’t it feel good this way~?”

“N-Ngh…” Kronii couldn’t deny it, the contrasting sensations could make her orgasm easily. “Ha… not fair…!”

She suddenly reached out under the kirins.

“W-whoa!” They were so startled they actually let Kronii go. “Mmm!”

Kronii put her hands inside their nightgowns and groped her kirins. She started out aggressively but immediately turned gentle when she looked at their faces. Light Fauna lightly bit her lip while the other one just smiled and enjoyed Kronii’s hand.

“Oh, Kronii~.” Dark Fauna said, “You’re soooo naughty~.”

I’m the naughty one? She thought. After all that?

As she kept fondling them, Kronii noticed they were feeling it just as much as her. Her hands got wet from their sweat, making it easier to rub their nipples. She squeezed and touched to her heart’s content. She got too focused she didn’t notice she’d sometimes get stuck with their nightgowns.

“Do you need help~?”

Light Fauna’s voice snapped her out of it. She was blushing about as much as Kronii was earlier and yet that smile she had made her think Fauna really wanted her to continue.

“H-huh?” She took her hands off of them.

“Awww why’d you stop?” Dark Fauna asked her. “Well, no matter.”

The horned girls looked at each other and nodded. They slowly took of their nightgowns, making sure Kronii would see it all. Light Fauna ended up being slightly shy and covering herself a little while Dark Fauna licked her lips as she stretched.


Kronii stared dumbfoundedly at their naked bodies. It wasn’t the first time she’d seen Fauna like this but seeing the two of them made her heart skip a beat. Their bodies were exactly the same besides the ears and the horns.

She didn’t have time to react as they approached her again.

“…I give up.” Kronii resigned herself as they shoved their breasts on her face.

“You’re such a perv, Kronii~.” Light Fauna stroked her hair. “Just enjoy yourself~.”

Kronii stared at her for a second. Somehow, Light Fauna’s smile made her feel even more embarrassed about this. It got even worse when Dark Fauna pressed her chest against Kronii even harder, covering her face.

“Mmf!” Kronii didn’t resist, ending up right between the kirins’ bodies. She felt their warmth enveloping her. She wrapped her arms around them and kissed their chests. She bit, kissed and pulled on their nipples, not really caring about which Fauna she was doing it to.

They moaned and shivered, enjoying whatever Kronii decided to do to them. Kronii’s hands slowly traveled down their bodies until she reached their pussies.

“Ah! Kronii!” Light Fauna jumped a little feeling Kronii’s fingers slide all the way down. “T-this… mm! You’re supposed to just sit back and relax!”

“Well too bad.” Kronii nibbled on Light Fauna’s nipple then licked her breasts. “I can’t just let you do everything.”

Kronii rubbed their pussies. She didn’t have a problem slipping her fingers in thanks to how wet they were. She started fingering them, focusing on the spots she knew were Fauna’s weak points. She kept a steady rhythm with both hands, curious to see what their reactions would be.

Light Fauna trembled and closed her legs, squishing Kronii’s hand between her thighs. She had to lean on the warden so she wouldn’t keel over from the pleasure. Dark Fauna moaned and moved her hips, trying to make Kronii touch her more. She also leaned on Kronii but she did it so she could bite her shoulder.

“F-faster… Uuu…”
“Right… mmm… right there…”

Kronii listened to their feedback and adjusted accordingly. Sometimes she’d switch the orders, making Light Fauna grip her tightly while she pressed on her weak spot and Dark Fauna almost fall over when she sped up.

“W-wait, that’s— Ah! That’s mmm… enough… hah…"
“Please keep going, Kronii… Mmmahh! I’m almost there…”

Hearing their moans right next to her ears aroused Kronii even more. She let herself be smothered as she focused on making them cum.

“Mm! Mmm! Ahh!!! Hah!”
“There! There! Mmmm!!! Ahhhh!!!”

Kronii’s hands got crushed between the kirins’ legs. They held her tight and trembled. Kronii couldn’t get her fingers out because of how much they were squeezing her.

When she finally managed to break free, Kronii stared at her hands. They were drenched in their juices. Without thinking, she closed her eyes and licked her fingers. When she finished enjoying her meal, she opened her eyes to find both Faunas smiling at her.

“You really are naughty…” Light Fauna giggled.

“Your fault.” Kronii pulled her in to kiss her. They fell on the bed as Light Fauna accepted all of Kronii’s love. Kronii embraced her, she stroked her hair and intertwined her tongue with Fauna’s.

Dark Fauna looked at them and, instead of getting jealous, she made a mischievous smile. She slowly moved, sliding her fingers down Kronii’s body. Light Fauna noticed this and switched positions. She stayed by Kronii’s side, carefully holding one of the warden’s legs with her own, letting Dark Fauna reach her pussy.

“Thanks for the help, sis~.” She told her.

She rubbed Kronii’s pussy. “Wow~.” She showed her hand to the warden. “You’re sooo wet, Kronii~.” And just like her warden, she licked her fingers.

“Heeey I want some toooo~.” Light Fauna moved to suck on the other’s fingers. “Mmm!”

Watching the scene unfold made Kronii turn bright red. Once Light Fauna had her fill of tasting Kronii, she returned to her side so she could keep kissing and groping her.

“Did you like the show~?” She asked Kronii.

“…Maybe.” The warden replied.

“Don’t worry, we can tell~.” Dark Fauna told her as she moved her face next to Kronii’s pussy. “Aaaahhhm~.”

She began eating her out.

“Ah!” Kronii felt a shiver going down her spine. She leaned on Light Fauna and the kirin simply stroked her hair.

Lick, lick “Mmhmhmhm…” Slurp “Ahhh…”

“Mm… Ahh…” Kronii grabbed onto her kirin. “Hah… hah…”

“Are you cumming already~?” Dark Fauna asked her.

“You want me… to cum now…?” Kronii tried to sass her. “You better… mmmf… work for it…”

“Oooh~, what an attitude.” Dark Fauna giggled. “We’ll do our best~.”

“Got it~.” Light Fauna chimed in. She rubbed Kronii’s body and groped her breasts. Meanwhile, Dark Fauna fingered her.

“W-wait!” Kronii squirmed around. “That was a joke! I was kidd— MMmmh!!!"

Getting pampered and serviced like this was a bit too much for the warden’s brain.

“I was just… hahh… messing with you…” She tried to explain. “Ahh… aahhh… J-just take it easy…”

That didn’t stop either of them. Light Fauna pinched Kronii’s nipples as she kissed her. This time she actually stuck her tongue inside. Tasting Fauna’s saliva made Kronii even more excited. The warden wrapped her arms around her kirin and pulled her closer.

“Mm! Mmmm!” Light Fauna was surprised but didn’t deny her.

Slurp “Mm…” Lick, chu. Dark Fauna put more effort into eating out her warden. “Kroniiiiii…” She’d put Kronii’s clit in her mouth to kiss it and lick it, all the while lovingly rubbing her G-spot with her fingers.

Kronii closed her legs, trapping Dark Fauna between her thighs. This didn’t stop the kirin for a second.

“Ahh… Hah!!! Mmm!” Kronii had to stop kissing Light Fauna to breath. “Oh my god… Ahhh!!!” She lost herself to the pleasure. “Come on… come on…”

She grabbed Dark Fauna’s head and moved her hips. The kirin rubbed her face and her tongue all around her warden’s pussy. Light Fauna moved to suck on Kronii’s breasts.

“Hah, hah, hah!” She put her other hand on Light Fauna. “Yeah… Mm!!!”

Light Fauna took a glance at her. She tapped on Dark Fauna’s shoulder so she could brace herself. Instead of that, the kirin embraced Kronii’s hips and kept licking inside her pussy.

“AHHHHHH!!!” Kronii squeezed her legs even tighter and gripped the kirin’s heads. “Sh… shiiit! MMM!!!” She leaned in, trying to control the shocks of pleasure. The other two refusing to stop servicing her didn’t reduce the jolts.

After cumming she slowly calmed down and let go of her lovers.

“Hahhhh… hahhh…” Kronii laid on the bed gasping for air. “Man…” She was covered in sweat and the kirin’s saliva.

She tried to get up only to find her horny girls looking at her.

“Hah… What’s wrong…?” She asked them.

“Hmmmm, I dunnooo~.” Dark Fauna replied. “It doesn’t look like you’re satisfied~.”

They slowly moved closer to Kronii.

“W-what!?” She tried to back away. “N-no I’m more than satisfied. I think I’ll take a nap, haha!”

“That doesn’t sound very convincing, Sugar…” Light Fauna giggled. “Just one more round, you’ll enjoy it~.”

“H-hey man, let’s just calm down…” Kronii could feel her heartbeat rising again.


They jumped at her, bringing her down again. Kronii resigned herself to her fate. She received kisses on her cheeks.

“We love you~.”
“We love you~.”


“Hnnn… Wha…?”

Kronii woke up in a daze. She could barely open her eyes as she reached out to turn off the alarm.

She turned around from laying on her stomach and got up. She looked around and found herself in her bedroom.

Kronii turned her attention to the side of the bed, where her kirin should be.

“Not here…” She looked at the bedroom door. “Maybe she got up already.”

She scratched her head. “…Was that a dream?” She asked herself.

Her face turned red trying to recall what had happened. “…Maybe I am a pervert…” She quickly shook her head. “No way, those kinds of dreams are perfectly normal… I think…”

The door opened while Kronii was trying to gaslight herself. Fauna peeked her head in to check if her warden was awake.

“Konfauna~.” She called out.

Kronii almost jumped after hearing that.

“O-oh…” She smiled at Fauna. “Good morning.”

Fauna went inside and sat down on the bed.

“Did you sleep well?” She asked.

“Yeah! Yeah…” Kronii quickly replied. “It’s just, the dream I had felt strange.”

The kirin tilted her head. “Strange how?”

“I dunno…” Kronii shook her head. “Like, it felt real, but…”

She looked at her kirin. She looked completely normal, no halo or devil horns or anything of the sort.

“Guess it was nothing…” Kronii decided to give up thinking about it. Her eyes slowly trailed off and she ended up staring at the clock.

“…Huh?” Her eyes widened. “WHAT!?”

She quickly jumped out of the bed and got changed into her gym clothes.

“WHY IS IT SO LATE?!” She ran outside the bedroom.

“Uuuu, you were sleeping so peacefully I didn’t want to wake you up!” Fauna explained as she tried to catch up to her.

“Thank you for the kindness but I’m okay!!!” Kronii told her. She grabbed all her essentials and ran out the door.

“Wait, what about breakfast?!” Fauna asked her.

“It’s too late, I gotta go to the gym!” Kronii replied. “I’ll just buy some subway, bye!!!”

Fauna watched her run off with a mix of annoyance and slight disappointment. She let out a deep sigh.

“Why is it always subway…?” She rubbed her temples. “One of these days I’ll give you an intervention, Kronii…”

She looked at her phone to check the time. “I’m amazed at how you keep forgetting you can stop time…”

Fauna went back to their bedroom to make the bed. A slight smile appeared on her face.

“I’m glad it lasted long enough to help me change the bedsheets and clean Kronii up.” She started giggling. “I guess she really thought it was a dream…”

Fauna reached out to the top of a drawer to grab a bottle that Kronii failed to notice.

“I’ll have to thank Bae for the extra ingredients…” She told herself. “Having a double is pretty useful.”

She brought the potion closer to her face as she started thinking.

“…But why the angel and devil stuff…? And the different personalities…?” Fauna made a confused face. “…I’ll just call it a side effect.”

Fauna put the potion back in its place and laid down on the bed. “She got so into it…” Her hands slowly gravitated down her stomach as she remembered what happened last night. “I really didn’t expect that.” She stopped herself before she started touching anything. “I’m kinda happy, hehe.”

She rolled around the bed, ruining the work she had done earlier.

“I still have some left for one more night.” She stared at the potion. “Hehehehe…”

Her lips slowly curled into a smile.

“Maybe we should try using toys next time~.”

t. Name

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Pub: 10 Sep 2022 02:46 UTC
Views: 756