[ Lewd Thread ] → https://boards.4chan.org/trash/catalog#s=xiverp / https://boards.4chan.org/aco/catalog#s=xivlg
[ Free Trial (Unlimited Time - Max Level 60 - NA Link) ] → http://freetrial.finalfantasyxiv.com/na/
[ ARR 2.0 Progression Guide ] → http://ffxiv.gamerescape.com/wiki/Guide:Progression%20and%20Level%20Locked%20Content
[ Heavensward 3.0 Progression Guide ] → https://ffxiv.gamerescape.com/wiki/Guide:Heavensward_Progression_and_Level_Locked_Content
[ Stormblood 4.0 Progression Guide ] → https://ffxiv.gamerescape.com/wiki/Guide:Stormblood_Progression_and_Level_Locked_Content
[ Shadowbringers 5.0 Progression Guide ] → https://ffxiv.gamerescape.com/wiki/Guide:Shadowbringers_Progression_and_Level_Locked_Content
[ Further Progression and Unlock Info ] → http://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/10jLUEf_k5cVzYuCoaN3m1W4F2b085K_Iv9qeWeAduzY
[ Encyclopaedia Eorzea Vol.I Scan] → https://mega.nz/#!oqBzEAwT!DqZOIIUU-S5Rf8eaLWQayCNusSjHusAQkM439pK60q0
[ Encyclopaedia Eorzea Vol.II Scan] → https://mega.nz/#!BwkBkCKa!aOOP57ghNUpipf2e6woMCDj4_Dr_7Wd0bdwxCo2bsz0
[ Wiki and guides ] → http://ffxiv.consolegameswiki.com
[ Teamcraft Guides ] → https://guides.ffxivteamcraft.com/
[ Wiki and quests ] → http://ffxiv.gamerescape.com
[ Database ] → http://xivdb.com / https://www.garlandtools.org/db/
[ General toolkit, Gear/Bis calculator, Loot tables, Nodes, Sightseeing Log ] → http://ffxiv.ariyala.com
[ Glamour suggestions ] → https://ffxiv.eorzeacollection.com/
[ Glamour preview ] → https://xivstyle.com/
[ Aether Current locations ] → https://ffxiv.consolegameswiki.com/wiki/Aether_Currents
[ Interactive Maps ] → http://www.heavenswhere.com/
[ Hunt Tracker ] → http://ffxiv.ariyala.com/
[ Hunt Tracker ] → https://horus-hunts.net
[Crystal Hunts Discord] → https://discord.gg/S8fKQvh
[ Relic guide ] → http://ffxivguild.com/ffxiv-relic-zodiac-weapon-complete-guide
[ Crafting Resource ] → http://ffxivcrafting.com
[ 5.05 Crafting & Gathering Guide ] → https://docs.google.com/document/d/1L1aDMxZOjhdmzsilToDvsrwqfcUOs6NKxhsCBa1IwVQ/preview
[ Fishing guide ] → http://en.ff14angler.com/ & https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1nGOT4ZihdgsucfK_yPSInELfCXTDOGMtrlRwXxomr5Y/
[ Ocean Voyage Tracker] → https://ffxiv.pf-n.co/ocean-fishing
[ Ishgard Restoration Recipes ] → https://ffxiv.gamerescape.com/wiki/Category:Ishgard_Restoration_Recipes
[ Ishgard Restoration Guide ] → https://docs.google.com/document/d/1vgtU7HFtG87TrJ9U47vnzkFMhSl5HKz7bjJhRXbxaas
[ Gardening guide ] → http://pastebin.com/ffxVE4jx
[ Gardening info ] → http://ffxivgardening.com
[ Chocobo Color calculator ] → http://ffxivchocobo.com
[ Crafting Speed leveling guide] → https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1zL5XrqwMej9RKTcGslVg3by5OnpKWxf_wStcZT97N-Q/edit#gid=0
[ Collection Tracker ] → https://ffxivcollect.com/
[ Cactpot solver ] → http://super-aardvark.github.io/yuryu
[ Triple Triad guide & info ] → http://arrtripletriad.com
[ Chocobo Racing info ] → https://ffxivchocoboracing.wordpress.com
[ Squadron solver ] → http://ffxivsquadron.com/
[ Stone, Sea, Sky Calculator ] → https://ffxiv.azizarar.com/
[ Wondrous Tails Calculator ] → http://ashtender.com/ffxiv/tails
[ Advanced Combat Tracker (ACT Parser) ] → http://advancedcombattracker.com
[ ACT Plugin guide ] → https://gist.github.com/TomRichter/e044a3dff5c50024cf514ffb20a201a9
[ ACT Parser guide ] → http://excellence-ffxiv.enjin.com/mobile/forum/viewthread/m/19945089/id/18541326-guide-to-act-dps-parser-overlay-utility
[ XIV Quick Launcher ] → https://github.com/goatcorp/FFXIVQuickLauncher
『 Clicker Containment «Zone» 』
→ Plot 18, 9th Ward, Shirogane
Xiaoxiao Long, Emperor Cyrus
『 Branch «Leaf» 』
→ Plot 22, 20 Ward, Shirogane
Anzu Fhey, Rori Chan
『 Touch Fluffy Tail «TFT» 』
→ Plot 2, 2nd Ward, Mist
Nol Lac'nala, Safy Yhisa, Othin Tahra, Miya Risle
< NOTE > This is an /a/ FC
『 Pettan Co. «FLAT» 』
→ Plot 16, 5 Ward, Shirogane (Large)
Sylvia Rockwell, Rock Man, Cu Chulainn, Elafi Katt, Selin Naari, Sofia Khaldot
『 Hounds of the Twelve «KENEL» 』
→ Plot 56, 19th Ward, The Goblet (Small)
Momora Talamora
< NOTE > Don't intend to stay to /xivg/ or 4chan exclusive, but also not looking to get huge.
Just want to be a place for any anons on Diabolos who want to hang and play the game.
『 Speak With Lyse «hoth» 』
→ Plot 35, 19th Ward, The Goblet (Large)
Shion Arima, Saevis Orelin, Rholas Loasher
『 Friends of Excalibur «FoE» 』
→ Plot 16, 19th Ward, The Goblet (Small)
Luciana Blanc, Teuciont Arbedechi
『 Goblin Gamers «GOBLN» 』
→ Plot 27, 10th Ward, Mist (Small)
Lazarus Auralta, Southron Sage, Vittoria Sigrun
< NOTE > All Anons in one form or another. Send an app or reach out to one of the above players in game for an invite
(Laz can often be found at "the bench"). We also have a linkshell for those not interested in the FC.
『 BoomerCircle «ACDC» 』
→ Plot 7, 19 Ward, Mist (Medium)
Akroma Luna, Cobalt Flame, Boxxy Sakata
『Aesthetic «AE» 』
→ Plot 54, 2 Ward, Shirogane (Medium)
Apple Cinnamon, Mimino Mino, Ryan Thorne
『 Kupo Corps «Donut» 』
→ Plot 37, 18 Ward, Shirogane (Large)
Almeida Mizarea, Kimori Melriss, Teorec Evrardoux, Myon Soft, Rys Sol
< NOTE > Omega is a new server.
『 Uguu Crew «Uwah!» 』
→ Plot 10, 1st Ward, The Lavender Beds (Small)
Nyu'ra Kurorei, Kyuu Tsu
< NOTE > No guild discord, small guild only recruiting 4ch, any level welcome
『 Ebin Role Players «Ebin» 』
→ Plot 30, 15th Ward, The Goblet
Kale McChaffee, Siegben Dietrich
< NOTE > Not /xivg/ exclusive. Chill FC, most facilities open to all members. Just message Kale or send in an app.
『 Symposium «Ayy» 』
→ Plot 15, 16 Ward, Mist (Large)
Sorriow Arbalest, Kiss-shot Acerola
< NOTE > People from an ancient /v/ vidya OST community. 4chan exclusive.
『 Very Cute «CUTE!» 』
→ Plot 46, 2 Ward, Shirogane (Large)
Johnny Logenius
< NOTE > LALAFELL UOOOOOOOOHHHH!! 😭😭😭 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KIFSMchj6LE
『 Golden Ratio «ZR» 』
→ Plot 30, 1st Ward, Shirogane
Emin Thonal, Fish Bones, Mister Blaster, Fluffy Tail
< NOTE > 4chan only, large and relaxed FC, been around since release. Just make an Application in game with /v/ or
『 Lots of Headpats «PATS» 』
Hilda Gearsnap, A'nranya Tohka, Khara Kahkol
< NOTE > 4chan mostly, small and relaxed FC, reach out in game via tell or at a meetup.
No house yet, but FC leader has open house for events at Goblet W19, P243
Cactuar (CWLS) [ Aether xivg 2 ] → https://na.finalfantasyxiv.com/lodestone/crossworld_linkshell/e8e5a5f33b8777c21f0742acdff6ca8f8822f0e6/
Wesley Jones
Gilgamesh [ vg's fallen 5.21 ] → http://na.finalfantasyxiv.com/lodestone/linkshell/17732923532801394/
Rheia Etsaetal, Mikha Malakhov, Aurora/Msyu Nya, Waffle Slaper
Leviathan [ Futa ] → http://na.finalfantasyxiv.com/lodestone/linkshell/18014398509564543/
Akroma Luna, Apple Cinnamon, Antivia Anvassa, Chicken Nugger
Lich [Lich-Crew!] → https://eu.finalfantasyxiv.com/lodestone/linkshell/10133099161708888/
Elysia Eucryphia, Nova Enyxia, Rhaplanca Harvestaya
Light (CWLS) [Here in Wolekdorf] → https://eu.finalfantasyxiv.com/lodestone/crossworld_linkshell/c6cf6a80f8918de9321f497c850485e3cfca73fe/
Kou Kazuma
Malboro [ Malboro bros... ] → https://na.finalfantasyxiv.com/lodestone/linkshell/21110623253429251/
Ranya Anhelar
Odin [ xivg Odin ] → https://eu.finalfantasyxiv.com/lodestone/linkshell/18577348463043302/
Kou Kazuma, Nanky Meek, Johnny Logenius
Phoenix [ Serpent's Isle ] → http://na.finalfantasyxiv.com/lodestone/linkshell/15762598695836254/
Video Games, Flonne Ibogki, Lilly Anne, Kuuka Kuma, Meat Hammer
Sargatanas [ idlem_sters ] → http://na.finalfantasyxiv.com/lodestone/linkshell/27866022694385525/
Adeillesa Thalassa, Goshzilla Nessaj, My Ponos
Shiva [ dankshell ] → http://eu.finalfantasyxiv.com/lodestone/linkshell/18858823439686491/
Lili Lemare, Auroth Krobel, Fynn Weyldt, Kling Klang, Koraldin Barasama
Mateus [ MATEus General ] → https://na.finalfantasyxiv.com/lodestone/linkshell/10414574138405921/
Kale McChaffee, Siegben Dietrich, Graceful Wanderer
Crystal [ Blue Board Boys ]
>(Hardcore, Group Pose, Doman Mahjong)
Light [ Chinese Basket Weavers ]
>(Making Friends, Chatting, Fishing)
Chaos [ Four Leaf Clover ]
>(Group Pose, Performance, Glamours)
Primal [ Take It Easy ]
>(Roleplaying, Leveling, Treasure Hunt)
[ Blue House ]
>(Casual, Leveling, Group Pose)
Elemental [ Yotsuba B ]
>(Hardcore, Chatting)
[Glamour Dresser & Discord ] → https://www.glamourdresser.com/ https://discord.com/invite/xBYQ4ezT
[ Textools & Discord ] → https://www.ffxiv-textools.net/ https://discord.gg/ffxivtextools
[ Mod Archive ] → https://www.xivmodarchive.com/
[ Mods for Men Discord ] → https://discordapp.com/invite/sKPGfJ5
[ Gposers/Gshade Discord ] → https://discordapp.com/invite/39WpvU2
[ CMTool Repository & Discord ] → https://github.com/imchillin/CMTool / https://discord.gg/EenZwsN
[ Andro Gear ] → https://discord.gg/yrjjWD5
[ /xivg/ CMA Share ] → https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1A1esQEZpPgexqJDv_Ta7wCCZ60aCaTFmQXJzpRmkejM
[ Sadu Dothpawrl's Housing Alerts ] → https://discord.gg/saChECt
[ Dead Lala Storage ] → https://discord.gg/drWpzZZ
[ Fren Fantasy ] → https://discord.gg/E3ftNvv
[ Crystal RP Servers ] -> https://pastebin.com/CPJ10BrV