mi lil' fearz . . 🐾 Trypan♡phobia ‎ ― ‎ fear of needles !
🎀 Athazag♡raphobia ‎ ― ‎ fear of being replaced && forgotten !
🍓 S♡mniphobia ‎ ― ‎ fear of sleep; for me its dying in my sleep !
💤 Carn♡phobia ‎ ― ‎ fear of eating meat ! ( bc of past experiences :c )
🍥 Claustr♡phobia ‎ ― ‎ fear of tight spaces !
🐾 Ph♡n♡phobia ‎ ― ‎ fear of being yelled at / any loud noises !

for me its hard to cope w / most of these so beware .. >.<
if u wna ask why these r my fearz, you can !

Pub: 05 Nov 2023 21:14 UTC
Edit: 08 Nov 2023 17:03 UTC
Views: 216