"And the Mother Coil spoke unto the fishers: her holy children shall not be hunted or trawled. For those who forsake these words, only the cold hatred of the sea awaits them." Thus it was written. - Father Anguilla

The old man hasn't been the same since Hook, Line, and Scrapper


Father Anguilla (Real Name: Aleksander Dorevich Ludenko)

Starting Area

U-Corp/Nest-District 20


Syndicate (Church of the Mother Coil)

Light's Gift


City Laws (Total: 160)

(+30) Lightful
(+60) No Augmentation

The Church of the Mother Coil is a religious order with Luddite undertones. This means that most City technology is barred in their ranks as well as the towns they control. Despite this, they did not go out of their way to kill those who utilize it. At least, not until the Mother Coil's death.

(+30) Ms. Sunshine

Ever since he saw the Mother Coil's carcass, Father Anguilla has been having strange thoughts echoing in his ear. Always calls to drown the City to its last skyscraper. His greatest fear is that these are HIS own thoughts.

(+10) Virtuoso

Alongside their disdain for technology, the Church follows strict doctrines revolving around eels. For one, they will not consume any food that contains eels nor take lovers that consume said food. As long as one follows these rules, cordial discussions with them are possible.

(+30) Urgency

The Mother Coil's spirit stirs. Father Anguilla cannot rest until the women who slayed her body are brought to tooth and blood. No child is too innocent, no ally too trustworthy. Some of the more moderate members of the Church have been alienated by his new zeal, even considering eliminating him on the spot.

Current points: 860 (160 points from City Laws, 650 used )


(-15) That is that, and this is this
(-20) The Wanted Mindset
(-15) Extreme Survivalist
(-15) Urban Movement

"Of course the good Father used to be a Rat, HE NEVER SEEMS TO DIE!" - Anonymous Seven Infiltrator

(-25) Little Sun - Level 2
(-15) Seeing the Problem

"The Mother Coil sees your deformities, but she does not shun those born into them. Open yourself to her eyes, let her gaze, and render your soul pure." - Father Anguilla

(-15) Booksmart
(-15) Script Obstination

Having to build the Church from the ground up, Aleksander had to open his eyes to the world around him. Scraps of recruitment pamphlets, musings of drunk Feathers: no piece of information was too useless, no rumor so baseless. Soon, his church would be the one raising the rumors.

(-30) Unnatural Emanation

Years of living near the sea have left their mark. Those who enter Father Anguilla's presence have left with the taste of saltwater in their mouths and the piercing of sharp jaws from his grasp. If he grips tight enough, he can even draw blood from his opponents. The waves of District 20 follow him, dousing any flame that dares to lick.

Syndicate Perks (+DLC)

(-15) Partners in Crime
(-15) Wildcard
(-15) Tools of the Trade
(-40) Soldatos
(-70) Trademark

The Church of the Mother Coil is a religious organization dating 6 years before the White Nights and Dark Days. Spreading its influence across numerous sea-facing Districts, its members are infamous for their mysterious bond with eels and similar creatures. Eels introduced around a Church member's presence develop a variety of anomalous effects including an increase in size, carnivorous behavior, the ability to breathe and "swim" in air, as well as bioluminescent skin that can disorient foes. This bizarre ability is further amplified by the large population of eels in District 20 and the Church's efforts to unearth abandoned Lobotomy Corp branches. Dark whispers abound of eels with a thousand eyes as well as ropes of fire in the form of serpents.

(-25) Scavenger

One of many bloody lessons Father Anguilla learned in the Backstreets: you can't sell an arm that's riddled with holes. Though he no longer deals in augments, organs are still highly prized in his settlements and he is careful to appease his flock.

(-30) Only the Strong can be Carefree
(-50) ㅈㅑㅣㅣ ㅐㄹ ㅅㅗㄷㅔㄱㄷㄴㅊㄱㅑㅔㅅ

Despite being unaugmented, there is something about the infamous Father that keeps away the City's worst. Perhaps it is his sheer dedication, his intense will and drive to protect his children from the horrors of the concrete nightmare. Or it is his collection of EGOs, brimming with the energy of humanity's subconscious. Maybe even the mark of the Mother Coil, who staked out her claim in U-Corp's territory for so long. Whatever answer rings the truest, no one like him should be able to walk around so leisurely.

TOTAL: 445

Equipment (415+200)

(-70) High Quality III WAW Weapon - Esca (Anglerfish)

The Abnormality known as Meat Lantern had an Aberration kept in District 20, one called Anglerfish. While Meat Lantern was welcoming with sinister undertones, Anglerfish hid a quiet sanctuary underneath its violent exterior. Within its innards, enthralled employees would pray to reach new heights, becoming stronger in mind and body. Of course, they were being sweetened for consumption by the beast; but a candle that burns off at both ends gives the loveliest light.

Father Anguilla has acquired the EGO of this mysterious beast. While featuring its original counterpart's hungry maws and luminous surface, its light also soothes the minds of nearby combatants, to the point of rendering them drowsy. When these dulled fighters are consumed by the fleshy hammer, the light can reach a momentary growth, increasing its range and intensity. At its strongest, even Distortions can be rendered motionless and open for attacks.

(-120) High Quality III WAW Weapon - Ya Śūnyatā Tad Rūpam (My Form Empties)

Not even Father Anguilla knows where this EGO came from; only the Fixer who gave it to him as an offering. This bizarre hybrid of a khakkhara and a rapier can float independently of its user, stabbing with the Father's advance.

Its main property, however, is to imbue a number of effects through its stabs. Church members pierced by the blade report feeling stronger, sturdier, and wiser, able to endure hits that would kill lesser Syndicate members. However, one must be careful not to indulge in those properties. Each piercing imbues the victim with karma, eventually causing them to implode from sheer spiritual weight. The sound of the implosion also bears down on the minds of nearby attackers, wearing down their sanity with the tolling of karma.

(-200) Object D'arte WAW Armor - Ecstasy (Dreaming Current)

An adapted version of the original EGO, it takes the shape of a long coat that appears to melt into the Father's Church robes. Attacks directed at him seem to only hit a multicolored ocean, sometimes even drawing weapons into its surface. It can secrete a gel that forces hallucinations of being in the ocean, tricking attackers into suffocating in thin air. Weapons drawn into the EGO can also be glazed with the gel, before being shot out to inject opponents with it.

(-50) Quality II Armor - Anointed Robes

Father Anguilla's standard robes when he performs his sermons for the Church. The fabric has been reinforced with tanned hides, capable of blocking stab wounds and punches, as well as treated with blubber to create a slippery finish. Rumor has it that copies of these robes are all his wardrobe consists of.

Misc: (50+25)

(-25) Moonstones
(-20) HP Syringe

"I know little of this accursed liquid, but two things I am sure of. One, I would not survive without it. Two, these are not nanomachines" - Father Anguilla

(-30) Vehicle

Just because the Church of the Mother Coil are Luddites doesn't mean they're idiots. This vintage motorcycle was inherited from the Anguilla family's collection: the Father himself takes great care in maintaining its structural integrity.


(250+150 remaining points)
(-150) Power: RED MIST
(-25) Variety: Thematic
(-150) Form: A Building
(-75) Range: Far

Father Anguilla's EGO takes the form of a shadowy version of the Mother Coil that dwarves the original in size. Besides this size, it bears a number of other abilities that are shaped by the Church's beliefs. Some of the more constant powers include:

  • Supernatural strength and endurance (enough to destroy buildings by charging into them)
  • Water and storm manipulation (capable of shaping raindrops into blades as well as sending lightning bolts on opponents)
  • A paralyzing stare that stops all technology-wielding foes it sees
  • Precognition (through brief flashes of the future)
  • Flight
  • Bountiful catches of fish (the Church wasn't originally a militant group)

However, the communal nature of its powers means that they can wax, wane, and shift at any time. Father Anguilla must provide constant sermons to fuel the Church's belief in its power otherwise it will decline. Killing members of the Church will also weaken the EGO: a quicker process but not as damaging as the former counteract.


Aleksander Dorevich Ludenko's story began in the coast of District 20, where many a Backstreet denizen was exiled by U-Corp. There, they were tormented both by the whims of the Wings and the nightmarish creatures lying in the waters. The Ludenko family was part of this group, breaking their backs on Wing experiments, untold cruelty, and the harsh conditions of seaside shanties. He himself was also condemned to that fate: to backstab and kill until there was nothing left but carcasses for the ocean. But everything changed with the arrival of the Mother Coil.

The cruel Fixers of the Wings were washed up on the beaches, their corpses missing chunks of flesh. The ravenous monsters laying in the deeps also went missing. Rumors spread of the undisputed queen of the District, of how she consumed all who dared to challenge the murky depths. Many found fear and paranoia; the sullen Aleksander found hope and stability. Doing odd jobs around U-Corp's turf and tracking down outdated sightings of the monster eel, he worked himself to the bone to build the skeleton of his upcoming faith: one to guide his fellow downtrodden to paradise.

With branches in R,S,T, and V-Corp, the Church of the Mother Coil boasts a congregation of Backstreeters, disillusioned Fixers, ex L-Corp employees, and some of the best Artificers of the coast. And leading them: Aleksander himself, now known as Father Anguilla. Just as the Mother Coil showed peace through destruction, so shall he follow. And destructive peace he shall grant, for he has found her dead on the coast. For a City-dweller, there is no extent they won't sink for their goals; for Father Anguilla, there is only the deep and the bloodiest of dives.

In his current state, Father Anguilla is a sullen man whose faith is slowly caving into a simmering rage. One can only wonder where the doctrine ends and the violent outburst begins. He rarely speaks above a venomous gutter but the few occasions he does has left his opponents shaken. Some say he hasn't been himself since the death of his god, others claim this is his true face. He refuses to confirm any suspicions.

Edit Report
Pub: 13 Jun 2023 00:42 UTC
Edit: 28 Jun 2023 07:41 UTC
Views: 608