this isnt filler content do not fuck with me
owned by meekah

tw disturbing content



You're gonna want to give them permission to use your clipboard. If you don't, you won't be able to get to rotten. translation for spanish found in ozzybox:
A man will not live by bread alone, but by every word that comes from the mouth of God.

If you tell the man in Mythos anything other than the number code he wants, he will give you a random unicode character. This character is completely irrelevant, and is not something you should invest your time into.

There is game called "COHENS_TESTING_ROOM" in Rec Room that will connect dots for us. (note: There is a thing in the subrooms named Hellborn. Hellborn was mentioned in Memorbox V1 (He reminds me of hellborn, I hate him.)

Fale is said to be the prequel to the upcoming mod Incredibox: Decay.

VIRTUAL DESTROYER (jacksepticeye.exe)
Virtual Destroyer is a character that can be found in all Memorbox versions by pressing D. In V1, he tells you “Save us.” You can’t use any commands in V1, as he disappears after his message. In V2, you can give him commands like /automode and /reset. Any non-existent commands will get you please.txt before kicking you out. In V9, you get to see his silhouette before he jumpscares you. You can't use any commands in V9, as the jumpscare ends the project. He might be relevant, but we’re not sure yet.

If you get lost you can press R to reset the maze. If you get lost for a while in the maze, an arrow will point you in the direction of the x. If you're still lost, you will get another arrow pointing you to the x. If you get lost for too long, the ball from failed experiment will hunt you down and kill you.


Think is another piece of the puzzle. Using codes you get from other places, you can get browser text and more. To access think, you must click the "Salvation" button after the Fale 1 bonus redirects you back to "Incredible Construction"

51260312: from Fale 2.5. Brings you to "failed experiment". Starting the game gets you some text like "The faculty was my prison." and "I hate them to my core." You play as a little ball who's "objective" is to find the red x. This is not what you want to do though. Finding the red x gets you the browser message "null exception" and a .txt file. This file is either redone, renew, or redo. What you're really looking for is a code. Hiding away in the game is the code "712541".

712541: brings you to a piano. playing the keys F#, C#, D, C#, B, C#, F# gets you the message "THE CATALYST". It's currently unknown what this means.

piano: gives you the browser message "piano" and takes you to a song made by cohen uploaded to Soundcloud. It's unknown what this means.

flashback: from Memorbox V2 (which is flashback), gets you the browser message "it was so sudden. everything collapses on the day on the purge.

090470: from Sorrowful/Null in <#1307748734423142543>⁠ (also found in Advanced Project Template after jumpscare). Brings you to a page about a Rec Room game by Cohen.

think: takes you to Mythos. A red man will say he can help and ask if you trust him. If you say anything but yes, he'll jumpscare you. If you say yes, he'll ask for a number code you can get from Fale 2's keypad (code is 8600).

familiars: gives you a series of browser messages. Sounds like lore.

Incredible Construction
A rip off of incredimake. The page has a Modifications and "Salvation" button. The top left corner has a Main, Modifications, and Server hyperlink. Salvation does nothing, server brought you here, and main just takes you to the main page. The page has an image of 2 deformed polos with the caption "Incredible construction; PROVIDING SALVATION". Clicking Modifications takes you to a mod page telling you to click the icons to "experience a world", Incredible Box: Fale being the only mod.


Fale appears to be a ripoff of Incredibox Alpha. There are no icons, and the polos are terribly distorted. There is a bonus, and it uses beats 1, 4, and 5, effect 4, and melody 1. Completing this bonus will take out all of your polos, before taking you to an error screen. A robotic voice tells you something's wrong, and that you should go to the main menu and try again. After this, there's some beeping. In DTMF, it says 8600. To get to the next stage, you must reboot Fale and click on info. You will see a keypad. Enter the code from the bonus.

Incredible Construction?
You will be sent to the "home" page of Incredible Construction. However, the Modifications hyperlink is now gone. From here, you have two choices. You either persist by repeatedly clicking the Modifications button, or you click the salvations button. If you persist, you'll be taken to a mod page where you can access Fale 2. Once you've clicked it enough times, you'll be sent to modification.html.


When you're at Rotten, you can scroll to the bottom and click “please try again later” to get to think.
In Fale 1 and 2, there is an alternative bonus, and a keypad.
Typing "think" into think as a code takes you to Mythos, which seems to be more than just input output.
In the Maze game, there is a chance that you get taken to a report. This report can take you to Fale 2.5.
Whenever you input a non-existent code, "THINK." will change into hints.

List of hints:
"JUST THINK" - Referring to "think" as a code.
"DTMF" - Stands for dual-tone multi-frequency. Refers to the dial tones after you complete Fale 1's bonus (gives you the code 8600) Think comes after Fale 2, and 8600 doesn't seem to have any use after that.
"FORGIVENESS" - Not sure
"THE GAME" - Referring to "fale" as a code. Please is gone.
"BEG" - Possibly referring to Please? Please is gone.
"PERSIST" - Possibly referring to how to access Rotten? (you must persist by spam clicking the modifications button) Not sure now that think can only be accessed through rotten. Might refer to how to access Interlude when it comes out?
"NUMBER" - Likely referring to 51260312 (from 2.5), 712541 (from Failed Experiment), and 322049 (from Memorbox V1)
"ETERNAL" - Referring to the code "rotting is eternal"
"MODIFICATION" - Referring to "fale" as a code.
"PLEASE" - Referring to Please (accessed by inputting the code "fale"). Please is gone.
blank world: gets you the browser message "Leave me alone."
174981: from Fale 2's 5th beat. Gets you the browser message "1987. The Universe's Killer"
322049: from Memorbox v1's settings. Gets you the browser message "no......please no."
testing: likely from Cohen's Testing Room. Takes you to Advanced Project Template, where you play as a square navigating through a labyrinth of sorts. This is a loop, and everytime you go around the music slows down and the walls become redder. Finally, just as you're about to start your 7th loop, Claire something spawns right in front of you, jumpscaring you and showing you a picture of a corpse. After this you receive a .ctr which can be put into notepad to get 090470.


There is another bonus in Fale 1 and 2. To get this bonus, you must place Lu (effect 2), Vase (melody 1), and Melancholy (voice 5). The position matters. Vase should be in the middle (like THE middle, vessel 4) with Lu to his left and Melancholy to his right. If done correctly, you'll get an ellipsis for a browser message and a tab of a report opened.

The report is an autopsy summary, stating that Cohen Macintosh Rec was killed. He's been mutilated, having burns, scratches, and taking a massive stab that was presumably the killing blow. The autopsy states it began on the 3nd of January, 1988. They mention him having an amulet with pictures of Lu and a specimen.


Mythos can be accessed by typing "think" into think. A red man will ask you if you trust him. The only answer is yes. Typing anything else will get you a jumpscare. He will then ask for a number code. In Fale 2, if you type in 8600 (code gained from the 4 digit dial tone after the fale 1 bonus), you'll get the same browser message from Fale 1 saying "what have you done." Unlike Fale 1, this message is then followed up with a long series of numbers (which are thankfully copied to your keyboard). This code can be given to the man in Mythos, who will both say and copy a youtube link ( to your clipboard. The title translated from Tulu reads "Location 1", and the description reads "Are you looking for that? They are waiting for you too, you know." This is a developing matter, and we are not fully sure of what this means.

Cobar Autopsy
Can be found in Online World. There's a chance the x will be replaced by a sheet of paper. You'll get a browser message saying "I couldn't get that scene out of my head," and then you'll be taken to the report. Cobar D'Cole was found dead. This has some lore relevance, but is not what we're after. You can interact with the second sheet of paper, and move it out of the way to find a picture of the victim and their lover. Clicking on it will take you to Fale 2.5. Do you really wanna know?

FALE 2.5

Loading into the mod, the title is "make it stop" with a frowning face stretched over it. The version name is "please make it stop". In info, it says "I couldn't take the loss anymore. I wanted to see him again so badly." Possibly Mason? The background is a forest. All the polo icons have been marked with the x. The polos have definitely seen better days, most of them looking like they've undergone mutation or mutilation. The bonus combo is B5, E4, E5, V1, and V2. From my experience, Mason/E4 needs to be in the middle The bonus message will tell you that anything that happens to you past this point is entirely your fault. The bonus seems to depict what happened to Cobar before they died? After the cutscene you get the code 51260312.

File Merger

You need FSFA files to access. Green.fsfa can be found in failed experiment. Red.fsfa can be found in the maze (Advanced project template). Mylove.fsfa can be found in the V2.5 bonus (Multiple tries, you won't get it on your first)

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Pub: 23 Oct 2022 12:29 UTC
Edit: 12 Mar 2025 08:02 UTC
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