Two in one special...

"Like a Ward, except bigger and more unhinged. We walk a fading path, marred only by a deeper deluge: not through mortal bonds. Does the cloudiness of our actions reflect through our eyes? Do we even care? It's just a game after all, does he even have to care?" - Ga Mong-Ui

놀란운 ~ 미래
놀란운 ~ 시다
놀란운 ~ 과거
놀라운 ~ 국가
놀란~ 와~ 난


Ga Mong-Ui (formerly: The Silver Skew)

Starting Area

N-Corp, District 14



Head's Gift

Wing Experimentation (upgraded to Singularity Enhanced)


Somewhere in N Corp, there is a vending machine that sells Canned Experiences of otakus. Behind it is a laboratory, where the Wing implants organs into test subjects, hoping to recover the souls of the best Fixers. It is there that the man called Ga Mong-Ui was born; the combination of a Taboo-breaking teenager and the strange eye implanted in him.

As the most successful implantee of the Silver Eye after five previous attempts, N-Corp had taken extensive measures to groom Mong-Ui into their personal Color Fixer. From constant surveillance, staged missions, live ambush training, and even Taboo-breaking augmentations, the Wing broke its own rules to placate and strengthen their greatest asset. Their work was too efficient though: the Fixer's fanbase grew in both number and bloodlust. Calling him a God, a rebellion formed to take him away from the Wing, causing thousands of casualties and forcing them to lock up the unholy Fixer.

Years had passed and rivals began to grow in power. As N-Corp saw both new opportunities and threats, their thoughts went to Mong-Ui and the reach of his strength. Eventually releasing him with severe restrictions, he now acts as nothing but a chained hound, set against those who dare to challenge the Wing's reign.

Currently, Mong-Ui is a near-emotionless drone of N Corp who has grown accustomed to flashing fake smiles at his fanbase. On the other hand, his thoughts are more colorful than his personality, constantly babbling strange quotes about the past, wrestling, death, reality, and games. It seems something is haunting him, perhaps a piece of his own personality or life.

City Laws (Total: 155)

Lightful (+30)
"This City is rotten to the core" (+40)
A (+20)
Husk (+35)

The Wing's enhancement procedure hinged on one factor: the plummeting of the patient's emotional integrity. As a result, Mong-Ui is in the unenviable position of both an emotional mess and drought. He can remain stone-faced against the most nightmarish foes but goes into hysterics just from an extra coin in his change. Many N-Corp employees worried that this tendency would result in a bloody massacre within the Wing; these feelings have never been reassured. Lockup also hasn't done wonders to his mind.

(825 Points)

Normal Perks

(-30) Unique Combat Style Lvl 3

Through harsh impromptu training sessions as well as numerous powerful individuals he has fought, Mong-Ui's fighting style is more akin to an assortment of moves from various fields. Illegal boxing moves, taekwondo kicks, knife stabs: there are few styles in the City that he does not know. However, his main focus is on rush-down combat, overwhelming his opponents with an outstanding number of attacks that they cannot block. He also makes liberal use of stealing their weapons, his boundless prowess in them proving an edge in a fight.

(-15) That is that, and this is this
(-25) Backstreet's Ghost
(-15) Booksmart
(-20) The Wanted Mindset
(-15) Extreme Survivalist
(-15) Urban Movement
(-20) SCREW YOU!

The man who became Ga Mong-Ui must have been incredibly unlucky. For he was a veteran explorer of the city, traversing its numerous nooks and crannies, twisting turns and grimy alleys. He still retains that field of knowledge, augmented thanks to N Corp's grueling training.

Fixer Perks (+DLC)

(-15) Right Tool for the Job

If your main fighting style is improvisation, of course you have to know how to make use of your environment. Hotwiring, making fires, fixing machines with a single kick: it's just part of a Fixer's job.

(-15) Silent Team Working
(-25) Association Contact: Shi

While still the Silver Skew, the Fixers of Shi had come to respect him for his prowess. As a result, he has done a few jobs for the shadowy Association though complaints constantly arised from his brightly colored uniform.

(-25) Weak Point Analysis
(-25) ADVANCE!

The Silver Eye provides a great boon of insight on Mong-Ui's enemies. His attacks always seem to hit weak points, even unconsciously.

(-50) Snake's Finesse
(-70) Hydra
(-40) "Bullet"

It seems the first wielder of the Silver Eye was a monster in combat. Mong-Ui's moniker of the Silver Skew was born from the abnormally fast physiology it bestowed him with. From an opponent's perspective, he was grabbing everything around him before turning into a cyclone of slashes and strikes. "Greatsword be damned, we were all ground meat!" was the last line of a survivor who had a knife impaled in his brain like a bullet.

TOTAL: 465

Equipment (200+100)

Mong Ui usually utilizes his Singularity and the weapons of defeated targets, discarding any he brought back in favor of new ones. However, his armor is constantly the same:

(-300) Abnormal Object D'arte Weapon - Field of Ascendance

A mask with butterfly wings at its edges. While incredibly tough, Mong-Ui uses it to channel the Silver Eye's energy into offensive abilities, consisting of the following:

  • Telekinesis
  • Brainwashing (his record is 3 people, controlling them like puppets)
  • Energy beams
  • Levitation
  • Illusions

While wearing the mask, Mong-Ui is unable to use the normal properties of the Eye or his Singularity for he is ascended beyond the need to witness humanity. While his power is immense, his durability is reduced to that of a normal human. Without his augments, a Mong-Ui in this state would be slaughtered by an experienced Fixer.

(-170) Abnormal High Quality III Armor - Ward Suit

This suit acts as both an effective set of defensive equipment, a muscle suit, and includes restraining systems developed by J-Corp. It also induces a compulsion that Mong-Ui is a hero; N-Corp keeps the trigger for it.

Misc Items (50 stipend)

(-70) Yakumo Reader

An eyepiece designed to focus the power of the Silver Eye. When wielded, Mong-Ui can create a deadly field of psychic energy known as Silverization. This wave forces copies of Mong-Ui's consciousness onto nearby individuals, frying their brains to a crisp. And these are the lucky ones, God help the ones who survive... and Mong-Ui's psyche, which slowly frays with each use of Silverization.

It also happens to be an effective eye guard and monocle.

(-25) N Corp Canned Experiences

3 N Corp Canned Experience sachets. Mixed with Mong-Ui's preferred experiences, an abstract world of pixels and rainbow colors, he uses them to regulate the sanity loss from the Yakumo Reader.

(-20) HP Syringe

Body Enhancements₁ (180)

(Free₁) Tattoos Tier IV: Frenzy of Lost Past

A set of tattoos around the shoulders and arms, resembling a pack of hyenas ready to bite. It increases the strength of grappling attacks, allowing Mong-Ui to crush concrete and skulls with a clawed grab.

(Free₁) Cybernetics Tier IV: God is in the Cables

A tangle of durable cables that replaces his skeletal system. Mong-Ui can constrict his body by bundling the cables together, allowing him to travel through pipes and air vents as well as stretch his limbs. The cables also reconnect any limbs that have been severed. They can also be released from his body to act as whips, channeling his psychic power within to attack with blasts of energy.

(-60₁) Biological Implant Tier IV: Silvered System

An artifact found during the Smoke War, the Silver Eye brimmed with enormous psychic power beyond that of similar implants. Five previous test subjects were implanted with it: all of them went insane or braindead. With the Eye in his left eye socket and a reinforced nervous system, this marvel of body enhancement is singlehandedly responsible for Mong-Ui's power. The enormous psychic power brewing within it has provided these abilities:

  • Biological immortality
  • Immunity to all diseases
  • Dulled sense of pain
  • Supernatural reflexes and strength
  • Mental shielding
  • Knowledge transference from previous implantees, ignoring successful implantation (takes the form of his Fixer perks)

As a byproduct of the enhancement's structure, the Eye acts as a second brain for him, allowing him to keep fighting if its not destroyed. However, the Eye is not reinforced; destroying it will neuter his strength AND kill him. Good luck trying to reach him though.

(-120) Biological Implant Tier IV: Kurayami Dancer

Mong-Ui's body has been reinforced to both withstand the Eye's psychic power and channel it. His body acts as an energy reservoir, using it to reinforce his limbs, increase his speed or fuel powerful strikes. In grueling battlefields, he can even consume the stored energy as a food substitute. Its name refers to the jet-black coloration it has when inactive; channeling psychic energy causes the muscles to glow white.

(Free₁) Singularity: "Start the Game!"

Taking the form of a plate implanted within the right side of his face, Mong-Ui can measure the stats of any person he sees: from their birthdays, hobbies, fighting style and even the weak points of their armor/weapons. Its main property though, lies in what happens when he kills. With each powerful opponent slaughtered, Mong-Ui's stats increase while any equipment he has works with higher performance and quality. At its current state, a tree branch can hit as hard as a Shi katana while leather rags have the same durability as Neuvo Fabric. There is no feasible limit for the power to reach.

However, such a power cannot be used without restrictions. While activating the Singularity, Mong-Ui is unable to target N-Corp employees in any way, attacks with potential collateral damage paralyzing him instead. Secondly, the "level-up" effect of the Singularity can be reset by a company handler; an anonymous individual who changes every 2 weeks. As a result, Mong-Ui has to kill more targets to regain his strength.

also included.... his very own victims troops₂:




Starting Area

N Corp, District 14 (currently)


Fixer (Provisional)

Head's Gift


City Laws

(+30) Lightful

(280 points, 75 remaining for equipment and Misc.)

Perks (205)

(-25) Firearm License
(-30) Standard Combat Style Lvl 2
(-15) Unique Combat Style Lvl 2
(-20) The Wanted Mindset
(-15) Urban Movement
(-15) Right Tool for the Job
(-20) SCREW YOU!
(-15) Silent Team Working
(-25) Weak Point Analysis
(-25) ADVANCE!

Sometimes, a poor foe survives the unfathomable power of Silverization. When they do, they're usually mutated and rendered mindless. These deformed creatures make up a separate group called Shelter Company. They do Mong-Ui's every bidding, from shopping on his behalf to cleaning up after his operations. There couldn't be a better group of henchmen.

Equipment (100)

(-15) Quality I Gun: Grindboy MK3

A buzzsaw cannon. That's it, its literally a buzzsaw cannon. As powerful AND inefficient as it sounds but can be used like a normal buzzsaw.

(-15) Quality I Gun: Bad Gasser

This SMG fires capsules that release a toxic gas, capable of causing 2nd degree burns on hit. That is, if they even hit.

(-70) Quality II Weapon: Bubble Knife

A knife that produces bubbles. Not terrifying: until you realize the user can stab an opponent, inject the bubble, and burst it with the press of a button. Multiple stabs are recommended to render a foe into Swiss cheese.

Misc. (50)

(-20) HP Syringe₃
(-30) Serum Cocktail

Body Enhancements (80 + 75)

(-60) Cybernetics III: Angel in the Cables

A weaker version of Mong-Ui's implant, these cables replace the entirety of an Orphan's skeletal system. As a result, they can constrict themself through small spaces to ambush enemies as well as endure brutal attacks. The cables can also reattach an Orphan's limbs and flesh if they're severed from their body.

(-90) Biological Implants III: Silvered Flesh

When a person is converted into an Orphan, all original augmentations are violently ripped out by their shifting flesh. Said flesh is then set into a form that provides optimum strength, endurance and agility. A punch from an Orphan can crack concrete walls while their running speed matches that of German Shepherds. Due to their servitude to Mong-Ui, their bodies also break down on attempts to psychically control them.

(5 points unused)

₁ Tattoos and Cybernetics Tier IV free with Singularity Infused, Biological Implant Tier IV only gets a 50% discount due to free Tier III from Wing Experimentation. Singularity is obviously free now.
₂ Made with CYOA version 1.4.1 to reflect their lower power: including no DLC.
₃The current CYOA's HP Syringe works similarly to Version 1.4.1's Medkit; its the only thing pulled from the modern version

Edit Report
Pub: 15 Jun 2023 05:02 UTC
Edit: 28 Jun 2023 07:49 UTC
Views: 308