Chapter 2, Day 1 : Potions

The sun was slowly rising, its warm shine gently draping the cold room in warm light, Margaret was almost ready to start her day, her roommates thankfully still asleep as first day of school creeped ever closer; her "slumber" had been as much of a trial as she feared, the fabrics burned her oversensitive skin, her mind had been racing all night and she tossed and turned the entire time; but she had to wake up early, both to avoid other students and to vivify herself with an early dip at the lake.

Her morning laps done, she entered the school grounds again as her schoolmates were having a delicious breakfast in the Great Hall, the faraway chirp of the morning birds and the fading morning fog welcomed her as she made her way towards her first class of the day : Potions.
"Hold it right there, young lady!" It was professor Weasley, the gentle woman approached Margaret, her visage a mix of kindness and disapproval "Why aren't you in the Great Hall having breakfast with the others? What were you doing outside of school? You didn't spend all night outside I hope." she said, worried about the quiet girl.
Her voice once again betrayed her, embarrassing her greatly in front of the increasingly worried professor. Regaining her composure she answered "Good morning professor. I got up early so I could exercice outside, I will now go to class." her blank face turned towards a couple of birds dancing in the sky "What about breakfast, hmm?" the old lady asked, satisfied but still worried "That won't be necessary professor, I'm fasting." Margaret answered, now glancing at a snail slowly climbing the wall behind the kind lady "Fasting? This won't do, a young lady like yourself should eat her fill!" she produced a box of Bertie Bott's Every Flavour Beans and a Treacle Tart "Now this isn't a meal but I don't want to see you attend Potions on an empty stomach and you can't be late for your first day, off you go!" With a smile on her face, she shooed the embarrassed girl who was now trying to balance the tart on top of the box as she entered the Castle.

Much to Margaret's horror, the hallways were bustling with students chatting and walking to class, she got careless and was stuck in rush hour. After sneaking around for a while, trying to find her way to class and encumbered by her tasty treats she was utterly lost as she sat in a dark corner, against an old armoire and sighed.
Skittering suddenly erupted from under the furniture, curious, she laid on her side, ear against the ground and her eyes locked with those of a scared small brown rat with a pretty pink nose. Her face started showing the hint of a smile as she kept looking at the scared animal, she offered it a piece of Treacle Tart, it smelled it, interested; Margaret pushed gently on the delicious treat, wanting to give the rat more space but the scared animal bolted away, taking advantage of the "intimidating" girl's position on the floor for a quick escape, ensuring it wouldn't be caught.
"How strange, animals never run away from me..." the disappointed girl wondered. Dusting herself off, she started walking in the direction the small animal scurried away, down spiraling stairs.

The halls were starting to get emptier as students got to class, with no rat in sight and no idea where to go, Margaret was getting increasingly annoyed by the situation, biting off the insides of her mouth and pinching her nails, she made her way through the twisting corridors, dreading eventual detention... with other people.
Another skittering, she approached the suspected source of the sound, a strange green and blue pot, with big red lips grinning widely, displaying dirty yellow teeth, hiding inside it... "A Jarvey!" she thought "How adorable..." she offered her hand and the creature climbed out of the pot "Can you show me the way to the Potion classroom?" she asked "I'll give you my Treacle Tart." "YES!GOOD!THISWAY!"
A few minutes later, a few tart pieces later and a few Jarvey expletives later, her brisk pace brought her to the Potions classroom.
"Thank you little friend, you can have the rest of the Tart now, oh let me just quickly clean your nose...There we go!" the kind girl said, calmly, a hint of smile on her inexpressive face.

Professor Sharp was almost done taking attendance, the student list on his desk was beautifully calligraphed, with the seal of the Headmaster, an addendum, not as carefully written showed another name, added in a rush, he hadn't read it yet, but he was about to.
Suddenly, a soft, barely audible knock directed his attention towards the door. "You may enter." he declared loudly, not wanting to limp across the whole class to open the door for a latecomer, a visibly apologetic girl gently opened the door, slithered between the crack and quickly closed them behind her, just as gently.
"Aha! You must be the new Fifth Year! Just in time, any later and I would've had to be unpleasant. Please take a seat, allow me to welcome you to my classroom, my name is Professor Sharp and I will be your Potions class teacher, miss..." he lowered his eyes at the list "Huh?!" he thought "Miss...Mega...melons..?" he winced, a slight blush appearing on his face as a few boys suddenly stood up to look at the newcomer, while others whistled or whispered to each other.
"Silence! Please back to your seats boys." he almost yelled, faltering a little in embarrassment.
Nodding at the man who was now having a slightly noisy drink, she made her way to an isolated corner of the dimly lit classroom. "Impossible, Megamelons? Will she be sitting next to me?" thought Ominis Gaunt, the blind wizard didn't know yet why there was such a commotion at the mention of the name but he blushed a little at the implications. Her sleeves brushing lightly on Ominis' back as she made her way to the end of the classroom, "..." she wanted to apologize but her voice didn't come out, she kept walking.
"WHAT? Wandy? Is this true? Have you gone blind too? It can't be... Her name is Megamelons...But she's FLAT?!" Ominis was shaken, much to the hilarity of his classmate Sebastian Sallow who was now stifling his laughter.

Margaret sat down and sighed, eyes closed as the lesson started, anxious, but very excited for a day full of learning opportunities.

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Pub: 04 Apr 2023 08:20 UTC
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