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12/01/24 5:35AM. ⠀⠀hi guys. i love hyperlaser so much. did you know that? i am his #1 fan, and i have been for two years now!!! it's genuinely insane how much i love him. i have never cherished a character as much as him ever aside from katana, but they're kind of a package deal, so it's to be expected. i am unfortunately so insane about him that practically everyone i know immediately associates him with me, though i don't mind this at all. ^_^ it's just silly to me. i have dedicated so many hours to this stupid man. i am currently in the process of making a shrine for him!!! i would have made one WAY earlier, but i didn't have the money or resources to do so. eventually a picture of it will be put on here once i feel it's finished ^_^ i plan on commissioning a nui plush of him too, though that won't be for a bit as the holidays are coming up. i also want to make an ita bag for him!! however i'm more unsure on this; it might end up being a hypertana bag, though i suppose it still counts :3

12/02/24 12:55PM. ⠀⠀hello /hyperlaser rentry ohhh i am going insane. i love this man so much its genuinely sickening. there has not been a singular day for the past 2 years that i havent though about him. i genuinely cannot wait til i can actually make a shrine for him but i lost my printer :( hopefully i find it soon and the construction can begin. i love hyperlaser so fucking much :sob: more lore of his needs to be released NOW! i cannot keep myself sustained for much longer... even if its just a minor lore drop i will be so happy ill eat it the fuck up. i am the #1 fan of this man and nobody can convince me otherwise. i should really write a new analysis on his character because mine is terribly outdated, i just need to find a good time to do so ^_^ i also need to write him more in general UGHH i hate writers block so much. i really need to get a nui plush design of him as well. i have so many things i need to do for this man and so little time!! i miss him so much (hes a fictional character) its insane... hyperlaser please come home to me princess misses you I MISS YOU. return home. i made your favourite food i swear AUGHHurghug

12/02/24 3:30PM. ⠀⠀i love hyperlaser so much. i miss him so much i miss him dearly infact. when will he return to me. today is horrible (amazing) because i cannot stop thinking about him!!! recently assigned him a candle (which is this if you're curious) that i think he would like and now i wanna pick out more things i think he would love. ohh i love him so fucking much. nobody can compare. maybe ill make a separate rentry dedicated to things he would love one day ^_^ he would LOVE dressing princess up in those stupid cat outfits i imagine... he has the biggest soft spot for her and it makes me cry. i wish i could talk about him more (i already talk about him at minimum 3 times a day). ohh he angers me to my core. this stupid man i wish he was real. it makes me so sad seeing people mischaracterize him... especially when the same people claim they're the #1 fan or that they love him the most. this is turning into like journal rants except its ALL HYPERLASER which is accurate to my journal anyway really @_@

12/03/24 3:45AM. ⠀⠀i should technically be asleep right now but i cannot stop thinking about hyperlaser. i am working SO hard on this rentry it's insane. the amount of time i've put into this (and him in general) in the past 3 days is insane. ahhh help me HELP!!!!! i love him so fucking much. im so excited for his possible helmet redesign and his rework!!! i cannot wait to analyze every single thing about this man and his dialogue. i will spend HOURS reading into it and making up possible theories as always. i also finally got a nui plush design done for him!!! bless my friend who drew it for me... i cannot wait til i fall back asleep because hyperlaser will be in my dreams :) this is much shorter then i wanted it to be augghhg

12/04/24 8:35AM. ⠀⠀aughh good morning /hyperlasre. yawns and stretches my limbs. i miss hyperlaser so much today. now that the phighting patreon exists i really hope for more content for him!!!! right now theres a little doodle of him with princess ueuhwaaeuhhue the little heart on his helmet is gonna make me cry :( he loves our very real cat daughter so much. just as i do!!! i fortunately did dream about him last night :3 it was similar to most i've had before but at least i saw him like i hoped i would. he was so sweet and uahgh if only he were real. if only!!! in my heart he always will be. i had to move most of my hyperlaser images onto my ipad because my phone is low on storage but its okay because that just means i can have way more art and stuff of him on there without worrying about anything :3 it unfortunately took SO LONG to move everything though. but i dont mind since its for him ^_^ eventually when i feel ive gotten a good enough collection of art and stuff ill add an image on here (or to the gallery). im buying more pins and stuff for him soon FINALLY and finally getting the ita bag :3 it wont be shared just like the hyperlaser folder until i feel its worthy though... i have to make sure everything is amazing for hyperlaser after all ^_^ i love him so so much. the most in the whole world

12/05/24 7:25AM. ⠀⠀GOOD MORNNIGNGG hyperlaser nation. i have spent the last 3 hours updating my hyperlaser media collection and making sure it is absolutely perfect!!! its still not finished unfortunately, but it will be soon :3 im missing a whole lot of art which SUCKS but it shouldnt be too hard to find it since i have so much saved on my phone already. most of the art is commissions / stuff my friends have drawn for me unfortunately... which will definitely make it a bit harder to find, but thats okay ^_^ i dont mind! i should probably work on his playlist that i was making too, my old one was outdated since it was created before the dialogue update and i put off making a new one for a while. i love him SOmuch its unreal. i cannot wait til we get more content of him UAHGHUGHURGHHhgh i also cant wait til im finalyl able to show off my shrine and everything. i am THE #1 hyperlaser fan ever and nobody can tell me otherwise. ive mentioned before that people i know associate him with me very heavily but ive learned recently its even people i dont know who do that. which isnt 100% unsurprising seeing as how vocal i am about my love for him and my place as his #1 fan but still. definitely unexpected. #1 hyperlaser fan is out for now... i will probably end up ranting about him a lot more today ^_^ my beautiful husband

12/07/24 ??:?? oops. ⠀⠀helloooo /hyperlaser. i forgot to write something yesterday and if eel so incredibly bad about it :( but im writing now so!! itll be fine i guess. i went on a ramble last night while half asleep about hyperlaser to one of my friends :3 it was a bit saddening and how a lot of attention is most likely placed on him because of who he is / his job and the fact he's lost his horns (since i imagine it would make you sort of an outcast / a target). i miss him so very dearly i hope my husband comes home soon. hyperlaser your beautiful husband (me) and your children (our four cats) are waiting for you!!! i've always loved that he's canonically blind. did i everr mention that? maybe probably. i mention a lot of stuff about him. his helmet is the only accessibility aid he has (iirc) and it was designed specially for him!! i like to think that maybe the helmet also helps with his hearing or something, since the incident he was caught in most likely ruined his hearing as well. though thats all speculation until any more lore is revealed ^_^ people never really mention a few different important details of his lore when talking about him and it makes me very very upset. especially since a lot of people also claim to be his "#1 fan". no hate to those people but you cant be the #1 fan of a character if you dont know important details. like i see people talking about hyperlasers physical body but not mentioning all the burn scars he has and how theyre sensitive to touch. though i suppose its understandable if someone simply doesnt know ^_^ not me however i know everything and anything about hyperlaser!! i am his ultimate #1 fan ever. i love him so dearly. i cannot wait for the day we can go out on dates together again <3

12/16/24 7:50PM. ⠀⠀HYPERLASER DIALOGUE UPDATE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! im shaking im crying im convulsing on the ground its NOT funny. im genuinely so fucking happy about this. i lvoe this man SO MUCH im so happy hes gotten a dialogue update!!!!! he makes me sick. my favourite piece of dialogue from the update is probably this THOUGH its hard to truly pick a favourite as well. i love all of them. i love everything about him in fact so its generally very hard to pick anything specific as my favourite!!! he is such a good character and i cannot wait for more to be released about him, im genuinely so curious aboutg...everything really. mostly what he does in his free time though! and his backstory of course but i doubt much will be released about it for a good while. aughh this man makes me CRY with how much i love him. he may be a fictional character but he is still my one and only husband!!!! im still waiting til i can buy a nui plush of him and stuff, i have to put it off for quite a while because i have other priorities and a life outside of the internet (unlike many...) BUT anyway, ive finally got a part of my room cleaned that i can hopefully end up putting a proper shrine for him on! my biggest worry is not having enough space but i doubt itll be an actual issue. im not sure if i want to add the pictures of his shrine here, to the carrd, or to the gallery rentry >_> it'll probably be both on here and on the carrd though :3 i recently had a dream about him and AUGHH i wish i could have stayed asleep longer but alas i must wake up. im sure ill see him again soon enough though :)

Pub: 22 Apr 2023 04:33 UTC
Edit: 28 Dec 2024 22:09 UTC
Views: 234