in depth explanation of my dni for those who need it. warning, this is rather long, so i only advise reading it if you're really really unsure as to whether we can interact or not.

basic dni

  • you are racist, sexist, ableist, lgbtphobic, or otherwise bigoted in any way shape or form (including being against neopronouns/xenogenders)
  • you support harmful paraphilias (MAPs, zoophiles, necrophiles, etc.)
  • you joke about traumatic events such as school shootings, sexual assault, etc. (joking to cope is fine just don't do it around me)
  • you have ever used 4chan, kiwifarms, or any other related site (falls under bigotry)
  • you post g//e videos
  • you support proshipping (falls under harmful paraphilias in some cases)
  • you support cringe culture (falls under ableism)
  • you support endogenic systems (falls under ableism)
  • you are a fan of fucked up media (ex. alfred's playhouse, changed)

personal discomforts / misc.

  • you know me in real life
  • you go by the names kannon or gianna
  • you are a dream smp fan
  • you are toxic religious (ex. you think lgbtq+ is a sin, you push it onto others)
  • you ship real life people (or their characters) even though they aren't dating
  • you think misusing tone indicators is funny

you have chronically online queer takes

  • you engage in flag discourse / think flags are problematic just because of their creators (ex. you call the nwlnw flag "toothpaste", "transphobic", etc)
  • you believe "oppression against the oppressors" (ex. cisphobia, hetphobia, anti-white racism) is a serious issue
  • you think the word "queer" is unable to be r
  • you are against the idea of reclaiming slurs


  • you think lesbians can like men / vincians can like women, or that men can be lesbians / women can be vincian (ex. mspec monos, lesboys/turigirls, velaurian, demiboy lesbians/demigirl gays, etc.)
  • you support amab transmascs / afab transfems


  • you invalidate masc-presenting amab enbies (i have dealt with this so much omfx)
  • you invalidate bisexuals with male preference
  • you invalidate transhets (trans people who are straight)
  • you invalidate enby gays / enby lesbians (ex. you believe gay is exclusively mlm & you say they have to call themselves toric instead)

Pub: 30 Jan 2023 22:51 UTC
Edit: 08 Mar 2023 14:26 UTC
Views: 69