A Distant Snow Festival [Part 1]

Ramona: …
Ramona: …!
Hikari: …Ramo-san.
Ramona: …Fufu.
Hikari: …Ramo-san! Hah, hah..!
Hikari: Ramo-san, sorry for keeping you waiting, sorry for the delay!
Ramona: I just arrived too. You’re on time. It’s no big deal to me if you’re a little late.
Hikari: I care. It’s a movie date with Ramo-san!
Hikari: It's boring when you have less time to hang out!
Ramona: Well then, let's make good use of our time.
Ramona: I'll show you around, this way.
Hikari: Haah~. I feel safe with Ramo-san.
Hikari: No need to worry about getting lost.
Ramona: If I didn't have things to do, I would have come with you from the dormitory.
Ramona: But, you didn’t get lost even by yourself. That's great.
Hikari: A-Ah~… Um…
Hikari: ...I left early in the morning to avoid being late, you know?
Hikari: So, I arrived two hours before our meeting.
Hikari: But then I saw an old lady who had gotten lost…
Ramona: You couldn't just leave her alone. It was Hikari, after all. You helped her, right?
Hikari: Even if she got lost along the way, was I able to guide her?
Hikari: It might have been a nuisance…
Ramona: It wouldn't be a nuisance. That's exactly what makes Hikari special.

Comment: “Everyone has problems!” “Be confident! Hikari-chan is Hikari-chan after all!”

Hikari: (Ramo-san too, ...do you think the same way?
I can't ask you that...)
Ramona: Come on, we've arrived!
Ramona: Let's have a fun movie date.
Hikari: ...Yeah, that's right. Fun movie date today! Let's go!
Ramona: A-ah.
Ramona: …Hm?

Hikari: It’s been a long time since I came! The theater!
Hikari: Ramo-san look look, there are so many posters up!
Hikari: Oh, this one this one! 'Cosmic Paradise'!
Hikari: It's a classic from years ago that's quietly trending right now!
Ramona: I see, a limited-time revival screening.
Ramona: In that case, we can't miss this opportunity, can we?
Hikari: That’s right! An amazing spectacle on the big screen!
Hikari: I'm so excited my body might start dancing!
Ramona: How emotional.
Ramona: As expected, grand gestures are Hikari's forte.
Hikari: Ah…
Ramona: Hikari?
Hikari: N-no, it's nothing.
Hikari: It's been a while since I've seen it, so I got distracted.
Ramona: I see. Well, that's understandable.
Ramona: Then, I'll go buy the tickets. Please wait.

Comment: "The choreography might be good, but the person dancing has large movements, right?" Comment: "Seems like she's trying to stand out more than the other two just because she's good at dancing."

Hikari: …
Hikari: ...I can't help but remember it.
Hikari: But I have a movie date with Ramo-san after all.
Hikari: I have to enjoy it. Alright!
Hikei: Forget everything today, and enjoy the moment!
Hikari: ―...Ah! That's!?
Hikari: As I thought! There are revival goods for 'Cosmic Paradise'!
Hikari: A little weird but cute!
Hikari: This one's Xue. Panda-chan is so cute~.
Hikari: Kamira-chan looks good in this color...
Hikari: ! This delicious smell...!
Hikari: This isn't just ordinary popcorn! Charge!
Hikari: Amazing! There are so many flavors!
Hikari: Caramel, salted butter, chocolate…
Hikari: Which should I choose? Seaweed salt looks delicious too!
Hikari: Umm, uhmm...!
Hikari: Wow, they have churros too! The nice smell of cinnamon…
Hikari: Hey, Ramo-san, Ramo-san, they have churros—
Hikari: ...Huh? Ramo-san...?
Hikari: Oh right, she’s buying the tickets…
Hikari: Huh!? I left everything to Ramo-san!?
Hikari: This is no good. Because today is a date, I have to let Ramo-san enjoy it too!
Ramona: I'm enjoying it plenty.
Ramona: Hikari, is orange juice okay for you?
Hikari: H-huh? Thank you for the drink...?
Hikari: Huh! When did you get popcorn too!?
Ramona: I got a ticket with food included.
Ramona: It's a double with salted butter and caramel, I hope it suits your taste?
Hikari: Amazing, exactly the flavor I wanted!
Hikari: Ramo-san you’re like a detective!
Ramona: Hehehe, is popcorn the only thing you were looking for?
Ramona: Detective Ramona's deductions are as fragrant as cinnamon.
Hikari: Cinnamon…?
Hikari: Wow! Even churros!? Thank you!
Ramona: I'm glad you like it.
Ramona: After all, Hikari who smiles cheerfully is the best.

Kamira: Eh? Well, how should I put it…
Kamira: Always energetic! Powerful! Full of energy and smiles! Something like that?

Hikari: …
Ramona: What's wrong, Hikari?
Ramona: Was the popcorn and churros too much?
Hikari: No, I can eat it all... but I ended up being late again today.
Hikari: I left all the shopping to Ramo-san and just relied on her…
Ramona: No, you weren't late, and you were even helping someone.
Ramona: Besides, it's natural to get excited if it's been a while since you've been to the theater.
Hikari: But…
Ramona: Oh, right. I haven't checked out the merchandise shop yet.
Ramona: Would you mind picking something for me with your Hikari sense?
Hikari: (Ramo-san is praising me and trying to make me happy. In that case, I need to cheer up…)
Hikari: Yeah, I'll pick something that suits Ramo-san!
Hikari: Let's get matching items in different colors!

Pub: 09 Mar 2024 21:54 UTC
Views: 213