The Snivy and the Mysterious Rock Path

"Hhurrggg, urk!"

You groggily come too, your head pounding and feeling a wave of nausea hit you as you try to wake up
"Huh? Wah happen" You mutter as you struggle to open your eyes
Wait...something feels...different?
Something odd, something doesn't feel right, did you bite your tongue last night or something?
You shakily stand up, running your tongue over your teeth..."pointed?" You think, and there's something strange that still bothers you about your it split, like a snake's?
You crack open your eyes, and recoil at the sight in front of you
"𝘏𝘢𝘩!? 𝘞𝘩𝘒𝘡!!?" You think, seeing a tapered green snout before your eyes!
"𝘞𝘩𝘒𝘡'𝘴 𝘨𝘰π˜ͺ𝘯𝘨 𝘰𝘯 𝘩𝘦𝘳𝘦?!" you think in a rising panic, moving your hands over your snout, you notice that your hands look small, with 3 pointed claw-like fingers on the ends. Touching your snout, for you definitely feel the thing in your field of vision being touched, you feel the odd sensation of the flesh. almost vine-like in its rigidness and smoothly scaled in its texture.
You use your strange new hands to pat yourself down, realizing your whole body has changed!
You take a quick look around yourself and notice that you are on some sort of rocky hillside or crumbling mountain ledge.
You notice a nearby puddle, muddy even as it is the light reflects off of it well enough for you to see
To see-
That you have been turned into a Pokemon!
Not just any Pokemon, but a Snivy at that!
"What in the-" you exclaim briefly, startled again at the slightly raspy and lighter sound your voice has as this strange plant-snake creature "A girl too, huh?" You think to yourself.
A brief breeze makes you shiver, no time to consider any of that here and now.
"Weeelll w-whatever is going on here, it looks like I won't last long exposed out here on this ledge" You mutter to yourself.
"I've got to get down somehow and find shelter or something."
You take a look over the ledge you find yourself on. It doesn't look good. You're up on a crumbling ledge right above some sort of rockslide with no easy way down in sight...
With there being a bit of a jump to get down and the rocks looking rather unstable, you notice some loose rocks up on the ledge you are on.
You try to push one to test out just how stable that rocky slope is, but find yourself unable to budge even a rock that is about half your size.
"Cmon, that would've been easy enough when I was human" you think, your face darkening with exertion.
You try and you try and just can not seem to budge it. When you get the idea to try to lever it from the bottom instead of pushing it.
As you continue to try to move it, you focus and some vines come out of...somewhere? Sliding under the small gap between the rock and the ground as you begin to lever it over.
"Success!" You think to yourself as it finally goes, winded and weirded out by the vines that are coming from somewhere on your arms that you can't quite locate no matter how hard you look at it, the strange, almost slimy sensation of the vines themselves creeping you out as you realize you can feel along every inch of them.
"I suppose that is vine whip, or something?" You think to yourself as you watch the rock tumble, feeling some trepidation as you realize the rocks below are a fair bit farther off than you thought. The rock that seemed so large and unmovable to you barely nudging any of them as it clatters to the ground.
" least it seems stable" You think to yourself, wondering how to get down from here.
Those strange vines are still hanging loose from your arms as well, you flail them about a bit "eeeuuuhhh!" You exclaim, even more creeped out as you are unable to figure out how to retract them.
"Maybe this can help me out though..." you think, flexing your arms a bit, the vines flexing in response, "almost like an extension of my arms or something..."
After several minutes of experimentation, and trying not to think about how high up you are and how far you have to get down. You manage to wrap the vines around some bigger and heavier looking rocks, proceeding to very carefully lower yourself down off the ledge.
"I knew this would work." You think smugly to yourself, satisfied in the success of your plan as you manage to lower yourself down a drop of about 10 feet, or so it seems to you. The vines on your arms feeling taut and stretched as you lower yourself to the top of the rockslide.
"Hah, maybe I'll find some neat Pokemon or something" you jokingly think to yourself, trying to take your mind off the situation.
Your attempt to distraction yourself proved a mistake, however. As you try to ease yourself further down the rocky slope, you slip and fall!
Letting out a wordless cry as you tumble down the resultant rockslide, your flesh scraping and nicking itself on the sharp rocks around you, falling all the way to the bottom. Right into a gaping crevice!
After briefly losing consciousness, you find yourself sore and aching in the middle of a strange hallway.
"In the middle of a cave?" You think to yourself as you take in the strangely regular shape of your surrounding, something sure is mysterious here...
You pat yourself down again, hissing in pain when you touch a particularly nasty cut or bruise, at least it seems to be surface level injuries and nothing seems broken...
"Huh, strange" you say to yourself as you bring your hand up from a small bleeding cut, the blood more sap-like and a faint clear-greenish color instead of the usual red.
Lost, injured, and confused in this strange place, you start heading down the hallway in front of you to look for a way out.
"Its strangely bright in here for being a cave" You think to yourself. Not seeing any apparent lightsource you feel increasingly uneasy.
Thinking about this and not looking where you are going, you bump into a rock in the middle of the hallway
"Oof!" you say to yourself, peering at the odd lumpen rock in front of you.
You jump back in fright as it begins to move!
"GGGGGRRRRRAAAAAAAGGGGGGG" the strange rock gives a voiceless shout as it leaps to attack you!
You startledly flail at it as the strange apparition charges at you, those vines reflexively coming out once again from your arms and whipping the thing.
Incredibly, its enough to knock it out. You pensively get closer to the thing lying there groaning to take a look at it.
"What the-. I think that must be a Geodude!" you think to yourself. Just what strange world have you wound up in?
As you head further into the mysterious cave with some trepidation you try to keep an eye out for any more hostile creatures.
Only to rock smack into a massive moving line of boulders as you look over your shoulder behind you
It's an Onix! And he's massive! And really angry...
Your eyes go wide and your pupils dilate in terror as it gives out a screech, making you cringe and lowering your defenses. That thing is gonna crush you!
As you try to dash away in a panic you feel the ground shake as it begins to move, roaring as it chases after you.
You feel something smack into your back and find that the ground is suddenly not where it used to be, the Onix must have hit you with its stony tail.
You feel the air pushed out of you as you land, stunned. Amazingly, you notice some strange stairs that seem to go downwards.
"Anythings better than trying to fight this thing..." you think to yourself, the stairs appearing too small for the angry rock beast to follow.
You head down into the darkness below...

"Man, things sure are slow around here." An Axew thinks to himself as he sits bored, resting his elbow on a windowsill in his home with his chin against his hand.
"I wish that something exciting would happen." He continues thinking, "Or even better that some mon would stop by or something. Its been ages since anyone's come out this way, with all the mystery dungeons popping up nearby."
"Whelp." He says to himself out loud, getting up. He goes to a nearby trunk, rifling through it before grabbing several items to take with him. "Its been awhile since I last went out. Maybe I'll go check out a mystery dungeon, even the savage Pokemon there are better company than just being alone all the time." he says with a frown on his face.
Having grabbed everything he thinks he needs to take with him, he puts it all in a small satchel that he can carry and sets out, considering where to go. Taking a look around as he steps outside his home, he sees nothing on the path to the south-east from his home that leads towards Capim Town, a settlement that is a ways off but the closest one nearby, right where he was hatched at!
To the east was endless plains. "Boring!" He thinks to himself.
To the West was a mountain chain. "Maybe I'll head off there" The Axew thinks to himself. "Some neat mystery dungeons often pop up around those mountains."
With that he sets off. Stopping every so often along the way to take a quick break or look at some particularly interesting plant or rock.
"This is nice to get out for a bit." He thinks to himself, taking in his surroundings and relaxing a bit.
Suddenly, he hears a loud roar from some nearby mountains. "Sounds like trouble." He thinks to himself, "Better not get involved with it."
"But what if some Pokemon is hurt, that he could help?" He thinks again, someone could have fallen in a hole, or be trapped on a cliff or something!
The Axew Hesitates for a bit, both not wanting to get involved if there is a fight or something going on, and wanting to help some Pokemon that might be in need, as well as curious to see if there is a Mystery Dungeon nearby.
Steeling his resolve, he sets out to find the source of the noise.
After a brief bit of searching, he finds a gaping hole, that seems to strangely shift and the entrance looks unusually dark...
"Woah! A mystery dungeon!" He exclaims on seeing the strange hole, its edges shifting like sand on a windy day, "And a recently opened one at that!"
And again he hears the roar. Something that sounds angry, and something that is causing the ground to shake a little.
"Oh geez oh man" The Axew mutters to himself, having second thoughts about checking it out. "But no. Some Pokemon may need my help."
Before giving himself more time to think, he charges into the Mystery Dungeon.
Heading down the winding paths and corridors, the strangely well-lit rocky hallways, he comes across several Rock and Ground type Pokemon knocked out. A few that have what look like small little leaves sticking out of them from some sort of move.
"Huh" he thinks to himself. "There must be some sort of Grass type Pokemon down here. Those are some nice Pokemon to see.", recalling some of the Pokemon he knows from Capim Town, he's always liked green, living things.
As he continues down towards the bottom of the Mystery Dungeon, he hears the strange loud roaring again. "Ulp!" He thinks to himself. "I don't want to get anywhere near what that is."
Looking around he seems something has tunneled through the mystery dungeon, something big...
As the Axew nears the stairs to the next level of the dungeon, he sees the scene of what must have been a fight! The floor is all scuffed up, even the rocky walls have been torn up a bit.
Nearing the stairs, he notices that they've been damaged as if something too big to get down them tried to force its way through, the usually strangely uniform stone stairs chipped and covered with debris.
"This looks bad." He thinks to himself. "Whoever got into a fight with that Onix must've fled down this way."
Steeling his nerves, and noticing more tunnels in the floor nearby with some trepidation, he scurries down the stairs to the next floor.
Right into a big chamber, with a rabid looking Dungeon-dwelling Onix!
"GGGGGGRRRRROOOOOOOAAAAAAAARRRRRRRRRR" The Onix yells, smacking into the cave room walls as he tries to hit the poor little Axew dashing to and fro, trying desperately to avoid getting hit.
As the Onix continues to go on a rampage the walls and ceiling of the cavern room begin to shake, small chunks starting to fall off with every smack of the Onix's large, rocky tail.
"This is bad." The Axew thinks to himself. "At this rate he's going to bring the whole place down!".
In desperation he rummages through his bag, grabbing whatever he can in there and just throwing it at the Onix.
The first thing he grabbed was...a precious Violent Seed. Making the Onix even stronger and angrier.
Its violent trashes escalate to the point of bringing down a huge chunk of the ceiling, landing directly on top of the Onix, and causing the floor under him to break apart, plummeting him to some far-off depth.
"Jeeeezzzz!" The Axew exclaims, "That was a close one! He sure was mad. I wonder what got him and all the other dungeon dwelling Pokemon here so riled up?"
As the Axew nears the end of the Mystery Dungeon, he notices another Pokemon down at the end of it.
The Axew approaches a strange Pokemon cowering at the end of the dungeon, clearly shaken and terrified out of their wits. "What in the world is a Pokemon doing all the way at the end of a mystery dungeon?" He thinks to himself. "Its usually empty at the end."
"H-hey! You don't seem like one of those feral Pokemon! Are you alright?" Says the Axew, getting a closer look at the Pokemon he sees that its a Snivy. "So strange to see one here" He thinks to himself, "I didn't think there were any on this continent."
"S-stay back! Please don't h-hurt me again!" the strange Snivy all but shrieks.
"Easy there miss, I'm not one of those dungeon Pokemon. You look hurt, here let me help you." the Axew says gently and soothingly, trying to calm her down and get a look at her injuries.
The Snivy continues to cower and backs into a corner with her arms and hands covering her head thinking its some sort of trick or something.
But its not, and the Axew applies an unguent made from Rawst and Oran berries to the cuts and scratches she got from falling and being attacked by the wild Pokemon in the dungeon. She settles down a bit as the soothing effect of the Rawst berries cause all the cuts and bruises to sting and ache a bit less.
She doesn't say anything but just looks at him timidly, she does lower her arms and isn't cowering so much at least.
"You look in pretty rough shape", Says the Axew. "Do you have somewhere nearby you can rest for a bit?"
"N-no..." says the Snivy shakily, "I just woke up like this and I'm not sure what's going o-on! All those Pokemon went crazy when I fell down in here..."
"Have you never been in a mystery dungeon before?" The Axew asks her, a bit baffled. "They've been popping up all over the place lately. No one's sure why but its been really dangerous for Pokemon. No matter, I live not too far from here. You can rest at my place if you want?"
"S-sure, I'm not sure what else to do..." Says the Snivy.
"Come along, I'll help get you out of here." Says the Axew, giving her a smile. "My name is Lapi by the way" he says as they head for the exit of the dungeon, "What's yours?"
"Oh, a-ah, my name is...Tooca" she replies.
When they get to Lapi's place, a quaint little country-side cabin-like shack nestled in the lee of a hill built to the proportions of a small Pokemon like an Axew, with a small but lush garden of berry bushes and some seedling plants.
"Say what!?" Lapi exclaims, "You say that you're really human, and you woke up out there as a Pokemon, wandered around a bit, and that you fell off a ledge into that mystery dungeon?"
"..." Lapi says nothing as he takes a moment to consider it all.
"That's a lot to take in, Tooca. But I believe you. You don't seem like the type of Pokemon that would make something like that up."
"You do seem like you have a bit of trouble just walking around like that. I worried that maybe you might have been hurt a lot worse than I first thought, but that makes more sense from what you say."
"I d-don't know what to say." Tooca says quietly, still seeming shaken from the earlier experience. "Everything is just so strange and I don't know how or why I ended up here as a Pokemon..."
Lapi gets up and goes over to Tooca, giving her a quick pat on the shoulder. "You'll be alright." He assures her. "We'll get something figured out, together!"
"O-okay." Tooca quietly mumbles, utterly exhausted from the day's events.
"I think we're both tired after all that's happened" Lapi states, looking at the lengthening shadows as the sun sets. Thinking, he turns back to Tooca, only to see that she's already passed out.
He checks her quickly to make sure she is alright, to find she's fine and only asleep. "What an experience that must have been for her." He thinks to himself, looking around his cabin to find some place to put her for the night.
Looking around he notices an empty flower pot, the perfect size for...
"Would that be alright? He thinks to himself, looking over Tooca. "Snivy's are grass-types, right?"
To be extra sure, he checks the flowerpot, still full of a nice loamy soil at the bottom, and pads the clay edges with some soft padding before gently putting Tooca down in the flowerpot and covering her with a Blanket as she curls up inside it.

The Second Day;

Having fallen asleep in a surprisingly comfortable plant pot with some loamy dirt and some sort of padding around the inside, you wake up sleepily as the Sun rises in the sky, sunlight flooding the window in front of you. The sunlight feels good on your face and skin...scales? Leaves? "Whatever" you think to yourself as you lounge and curl up lazily, watching Lapi go about his garden watering and trimming the plants he has here...and is he talking to them as he goes? How cute.
You begin to doze off a bit when Lapi finishes up, still holding a watering can he hesitantly edges closer to where you are. On a whim he decides to start watering you and brushing over your scales and plant parts, gently checking everything like he would a particularly prized plant, making sure the Oran berry paste from earlier is working well for you, cheerily humming some wordless tune as he does so.
"Nnnuuuuuuuuhhhhh" You sleepily mumble, blushing as Lapi trims some stiff growth here and there on the more plant-like parts of you, mentioning a helpful tip or two on how to keep the leafy bits in good health.
"Oh? What's wrong? I can stop if you want?"
"N-no. You fine, it feels...nice...very nice, but....I don't know, I'm just not used to anyone treating me nicely like this. No one's really liked me or anything before. It feels...weird, in a way I can't quite explain."
"Well I like you!" Lapi exclaims, ruffling the hair-like leafery on the top of your head "You're kinda cute like that!"
You mumbles something incoherent and slinks a bit further down into the flowerpot, your cheeks and the top of your snout growing a deeper shade green.
"Well, I can't say that it's not nice to be appreciated. at least." She says. "On s different note", she hastily adds to cover your feelings of shyness and embarrassment, "What do you do with all these seeds and berries you grow here anyways? You seem like you know what you're doing with them if you can make something like that oran berry paste."
"Oh that?" Lapi says, "I take the extra berries and seeds I grow and sell them in the nearby town, it helps me pick up stuff I can't get here and helps out other Pokemon too!" he says with a smile.
"He sure seems to like helping out other Pokemon" You think to yourself as she listens. "Its nice to see someone so kind have something to be happy about."
"Anyways, if you've got no place to go and don't know what to do, maybe you could stay with me?" He tentatively asks, "I've always wanted to try to form a rescue team or something, but I've never been good enough on my own..."
"Huh? Is this Pokemon trying to recruit me out of the blue here? What do I say, I have no clue what is going on in this world but he seems so nice and earnest." you think to yourself.
"Ah, er, that is, s-sure thing! You seem...nice, I'll form a team with you, sure!"
"That's great! I, that is, thank you so very much!" Lapi states and hugs you tightly in joy.
"J-jeez, affectionate little fellow." you think, feeling like you're getting the stuffing squeezed out of you. "But its great to see him be so happy, in a strange way that I never felt as a human. Maybe its a Pokemon thing?"

And so they packed up a few things in the morning and left off to Capim Town, visiting a local Tavern/Inn when they got there...

<This is where they meet up and join with the Clover Guild, and this story ends.>

Pub: 09 Mar 2023 02:49 UTC
Views: 445