Shinji Ikari waddled into the doughnut shop, belly leading the way, butt bringing up the rear. The other customers parted around him as he moved towards the counter; his huge body afforded him a wide berth. His circumference was tremendous, as his belly jutted out in front of him and his ass stuck out behind him in a shelf. He slowly moved towards the counter.

He kept getting fatter and fatter. He had finally grown beyond 250 kilograms, and currently sat at a whalish 256. 300 kilograms only seemed a matter of time as he slowly, steadily grew, Kaworu feeding and fattening him with Shinji's own eager consent. Hence the doughnut shop; it was the best in their neighborhood, and Kaworu had given Shinji some money to spend while he ran some errands nearby. Shinji plodded towards the counter, huffing and puffing slightly from the brief walk to the shop. Glancing at the shelves of doughnuts, Shinji greedily pondered what he wanted to eat.

He licked his lips, working his fat face. He had bulging, blubbery cheeks that oozed down into plump jowls, giving him a piggish face; below this, his massive second chin sagged onto the very tops of his boobs. Those boy breasts were huge hooters, sagging down his gut like deflated basketballs, giving him quite a womanly chest. His belly boomed out in front of him, one big, curving slope of pure, creamy flab. He had to fasten his pants around it, as it sagged down almost to his knees. Swelling out slightly past his vast lower belly bulge, Shinji's wide hips were flabby and fleshy, true saddle bags that became thighs bigger around than most men's waists. He put his fat hands on either one of these hefty hips, shifting back a bit to settle the weight of his gut. His arms were very flabby, with fat oozing over his elbows that jiggled as he moved to and fro. His red polo shirt strained to contain his huge upper body, the sleeves especially worked hard by the flab of his arms.

He really was a marvelously fat boy. Behind him, his gigantic bottom was a saggy, bloated shelf made up of two beach ball-sized buttocks; his hefty back fat and love handles rested on this colossal ass. A careful glance at his huge khakis revealed a great strain on the central seam, the stitching pulled very tight. Shinji had a much larger bottom than even most fat men, and his pants often struggled to hold it. His thighs clearly touched to the knee, and his blubbery calves drooped onto the tops of his fat feet.

The attendant smiled at him from behind the counter. "Hey there, Shinji! How's things?"

"Hello, Miss Alison!" said Shinji with a smile, causing his hefty cheeks to dimple slightly. "I was just gonna... hmm..." he idly drummed chubby fingers on his belly, "Mmm, I was just going to... mmm, get a little snack..."

Alison grabbed the dozen-sized box. Shinji's "little" snacks were anything but. Even now she saw the look on his face, and wondered if she'd need more than one box.

"Mmm, mmm, oooh," he hummed and cooed, overcome with gluttony, tingling with desire to eat. Especially when gaining this last 50 kilos, Shinji had developed a serious sweet tooth. Cakes, pies, candy, cookies, pudding, cupcakes, ice cream--Shinji felt like he couldn't get enough any more. Now, as the scent of sugar and lard wafted on the air, Shinji felt a greedy longing in his heart, and thought that if he were allowed he could eat the entire bakery right now. "Hmm... okay..." he began to waddle along the glass display case. "Ooh, I'm going to need two chocolate iced..."

Alison grabbed two and put them in the box.

"Hmm, hmm," Shinji hiked his pants up a bit. They had a tendency to ride down the front of his gut. Many of the other customers were staring; they couldn't believe the sheer size of this teenage boy. Shinji was more than twice as wide as Alison, and he was getting close to being three times as wide as her. Oblivious to his circus sideshow status, Shinji droned on his order: "I'd also like one cherry filled... one strawberry filled... one Boston cream... one raspberry filled... oh! Two powdered sugar doughnuts... two cinnamon sugar..." He paused. He counted. He was up to ten. Only two more. But there were so many more types of doughnuts he wanted to eat right now! Glazed, cake, eclairs, strawberry iced, cherry iced, vanilla iced, vanilla cream... "Ohh," he moaned a bit, totally consumed with the urge to consume. "Ooh," his piggy face lit up, "oh, I could get two dozen..." The thought of an entire extra dozen all for him sent thrills racing up his spine. He actually got a slight erection, he was so thoroughly excited by the strange new universe of having two dozen doughnuts to eat. "Huh?" he stopped, seeing something on the bottom shelf. "Hey, what's that down there?" He bent down to take a closer look--


"Urm?" gurgled Shinji, feeling the fabric give way across his backside, feeling the sudden increase in room and spread. His pants, so strained, had given up, splitting at the seat and offering a glimpse of his colossal tighty whities to anyone who bothered to look. Most people were too polite to say anything, but somewhere a little girl laughed.

"Ah, Shinji-kun," came the gentle voice, and Shinji felt a gentle patting on his huge butt. "You truly have an impressive seat. A bottom worthy of a throne."

"Kaworu-san!" said Shinji, straightening up. He smiled gleefully at his boyfriend, who smiled gently at him, gray hair and red eyes and pale skin so enigmatic. Kaworu was so slender and lean, such a striking contrast with the engorged body of the boy he loved. "Kaworu, I was just trying to see what's that on the bottom. The doughnuts down there with the blue icing."

"Oh! Those are blueberry iced doughnuts with sprinkles," said Alison.

"Oh! That's it! Two of those, please."

"Okay!" said Alison, taking two of the doughnuts and fitting them into the last spaces in the dozen box.

"Thank you, as always, for your help, Miss Alison," said Kaworu.

"You bet, Kaworu!" said Alison, closing the box and moving to the register.

"Kaworu, can I have two dozen doughnuts?" Shinji asked.

"Now, now, Shinji-kun," said Kaworu gently, patting his belly with affection. "I don't want you to waste food. Two dozen is a lot, even for you. You'll be able to eat two dozen some day, but I think not yet."

"But Kaworuuuu, I want a treat," whined Shinji.

Kaworu smiled at the petulence and gluttony of his fattened sex toy. He really was becoming so pampered and spoiled. Just what Kaworu wanted. Kaworu wanted Shinji to never want for anything ever again. Kaworu wanted every desire and wish of Shinji to be fulfilled.

Kaworu gently stroked Shinji's flabby arm. "Tell you what, Shinji-kun. You prove to me you can finish these dozen without breaking a sweat, and if you do, we will go get fudge next."

"Oooh, fudge," said Shinji with a twinkle in his eye.

"Here you are, ma'am," said Kaworu, handing money to Alison. She, in turn, handed him the box. "Come along, Shinji, let's find a nice table and we can let you eat. It's such a beautiful day."

"Mmm, mmm, yum," said Shinji following after Kaworu, his heavy, awkward waddle a striking contrast with Kaworu's easy walk. Kaworu held the door open for Shinji. Then, they were on their way, Shinji's belly first out of the door, his bottom last. Shinji was filled with excitement, trying to decide what he was going to eat first.

Pub: 10 Jan 2022 04:28 UTC
Views: 794