She was exhausted physically and mentally, and had difficulty believing her legs were carrying her forward, feeling as though her mind was simply a passenger in a body that was acting of its own accord. When Sam had ordered her to walk to the store just before dawn clad in nothing but her shoes and stockings and a collar she intended to refuse. Despite still being gagged with gaffer tape and her own underwear, she had every opportunity to say no. But here she was, carefully picking her way across the street towards the park, struggling to balance in her heels with her wrists bound in front of her and the lingering effects of a decent amount of wine.

Obviously, she felt exposed and vulnerable. While it was still dark it wouldn’t be for long. Even if she moved quickly the store she was being sent to wouldn’t open until six, and then she had to walk back just as people – her neighbours – were starting to go about their day. Not to mention any pre-dawn lurkers in the park. This wasn’t a bad area to live in, not a particularly rough neighbourhood, but even if she wasn’t stumbling around naked with slowly drying semen smeared across her chest and an extremely uncomfortable rubber plug up her ass she’d have been nervous about walking around in near darkness. As things were at present, she was terrified. As she cut through the park sticking to one of the paths that crisscrossed through it that would take her to her destination, she furtively glanced around, not seeing or hearing anything. So far there were no signs of life. She could hear cars in the distance but so far no one had come down either of the streets that framed the park, though it was inevitable her luck would run out at some point, the longer she was out here.

Suddenly a rustling sound behind her made her turn around, letting out a startled but muffled scream and she tried to raise her hands protectively, but with her wrists tapped together her mobility was thoroughly impeded. In her panicked movement she nearly fell and a pair of storng hands gripped her upper arms and steadied her, and it took a few seconds for her to realise it was Trevor. She looked up at him, tears welling in her eyes as a mixture of complex emotions bubbled inside her. Fear, relief, shame. For his part, Trevor just held her steady for a moment while she collected herself, then when she seemed calm he reached up and began to peel off her tape gag. Tegan held steady as he took one corner and gently eased it off, keeping her lips pinched until the tape was off and he stuck it to the back of his hand for safekeeping. She spat out her ruined saliva-sodden panties and caught them in her hands, taking a deep breath. They stood silently for a minute as Tegan caught her breath.

"Thanks." She whispered, her voice cracking.

"No problem." Trevor said. Then after a pause he continued: "Sam sent me to follow and keep an eye on you, make sure you didn’t get hurt on your walk. He didn’t tell me to come take your gag off but he didn’t specifically say not to either." He shrugged.

"Oh." Was all Tegan could manage as she continued walking, concious that she still had a task to complete. Trevor kept pace with her for a minute before breaking the silence again.

"You ok?" he probed gently.

Tegan ignored the question and countered with her own.

"Did you know? About me being there before you came over tonight?"

"No" Trevor said earnestly. "I trained Sam at the gym when he joined a couple of years back. He doesn’t need a personal trainer anymore but we still get together for beers occasionally. This was the first time he invited me to a card game though."

"So he didn’t tell you I’d be there or anything like that?"

"I knew he had some roommates, and one of them was a girl. I didn’t know that was you."

"Ah." Tegan. "So he doesn’t know about that time... at the gym?"

"He might." Trevor admitted. Tegan glanced sideways at him. "I told him the story over a beer. Y’know, guy talk. That I beat up some kids and this cute girl was so grateful we hooked up right in the back room of the gym. Said she was a redhead and walking around with no underwear. He… might have figured it out. Or suspected something. I guess that’s why I got the poker invite."

"Oh." Tegan said again, lapsing into quietness again. For some reason this walk in the park felt strangely intimate, in contrast with the sexual olympics she’d been participating in. While she’d been becoming more bold in her sexual adventures she wasn’t really used to relative strangers hanging out afterwards like they were on some kind of date.

"You must think I’m pretty fucked up." Tegan said, fishing for reassurance.

"Well, a bit." Trevor faltered then course corrected when Tegan shot him a hurt look. "In a good way, y’know? I mean you were pretty forward that time in the gym, tonight was pretty crazy. But I don’t judge. I mean I did go along with it."

"Why did you?" Tegan asked. "I don’t mean that in any judgey way, I’m genuinely asking."

"When a cute girl wants to get freaky, it’s kinda hard to turn it down. Even when you have to share."

"Is that a common occurrence for you?"

"I wish." Trevor laughed. "Here’s the thing… I once told Sam about this girl I was dating. She had some kinks. She wanted to get into BDSM, did some bondage, spanking, pretty mild stuff. Then one day she tells me she wants me to get rough. Really rough. Slapping, choking, maybe some nonconsent roleplay. I wasn’t into it. Correction, I was into it, but I was afraid to do it. We had a fight about it and we ultimately broke up over it, she called me ‘bonehead’, which Sam found hilarious. So now ‘bonehead’ is his go to phrase for when I should stop overthinking something and just go with it. That’s how I knew it was consensual. It… it was right?"

"It’s a bit late to be asking isn’t it?" Tegan laughed, trying to keep her voice down as they approached the other side of the park. "Yes. Mostly."


"It’s kind of a long story." Tegan stopped walking and turned to Trevor. "It’s probably going to affect the way you think about me, but I feel like all things considered it probably can’t get much worse. I want to get it off my chest, if that’s ok."

"Sure." Trevor said reassuringly.

"About two months ago I quit my job. I told my roommates I got fired. They were going to kick me out and find a roommate that could pay their bills, so I offered an alternative: me." Tegan took a deep breath. "It was kind of a fantasy of mine, so become a sexual plaything, to give myself over to someone to use freely. The big hurdle was deciding to offer myself to all three guys instead of just one – but I didn’t want any one guy to feel like he owned me. I just wanted to be used. So the deal was, they split my rent and bills and expenses between them. In exchange, they share the benefits equally. Any time they want, as much as they want, any hole they want." She paused, trying to read Trevor’s face. When he said nothing she continued.

"So that’s how it was, at first. They’d visit me one at a time, fuck, and go. We progressed to threesomes, and full on group sex, everyone together. What surprised me though was how bored I got. Not with the sex, but with life in general, not having anything to keep busy. When the guys were at work or school or whatever, I had all this time to think, and it made me want more. I started letting them do other things, outside the usual arrangement. The more they felt like they were doing degrading things to me, the more excited and fulfilled I felt."

"And here we are." Trevor concluded, gesturing at her naked body in the dim light.

"And here we are." Tegan agreed. "Sam didn’t know I was going to do that tonight. He tried to trick me into doing it on his terms but I refused. Then did it anyway. Because that’s apparently who I am now. In some ways I hate it. In other ways I love it. Do you understand?"

"I think I get it."

"So here’s the big question: how does that make me seem to you, as a person?"

Trevor took some time to think about it.

"I think you’re doing what a lot of us would do, if we had the courage."

"Are you just saying that to be nice? I was kind of expecting you to be disgusted."

"Do you really care what I think?"

"Kind of. To be honest I was considering coming back to the gym and asking you if you wanted to get a coffee some time, but I thought you might not want to date a girl who walked around without any underwear and let a stranger fuck her in the back room of a gym." Tegan laughed. "I can’t imagine what you think of me now."

"Are you asking me out on a date?"

"I thought about it. But all things considered what I’m really asking if if a guy could even consider dating someone when they’ve seen them like this."

"I’d have to think about it."

Tegan glanced over to the store as the shopkeeper flipped the sign to open and took a deep breath.

"I’ll be back in a few minutes, probably." Tegan said.

"Do you know what Sam wrote on the note?"

"No idea. I’m sure it’ll become apparent." She nodded at the tape stuck to Trevor’s hand. "I probably need that."

Trevor carefully reaffixed the tape over her mouth, lining it up with the red mark on her face that lingered from it being on for hours, and smoothed it down. Tegan held out her sodden panties and Trevor delicately pinched them between thumb and forefinger. With another deep breath Tegan crossed the road and entered the store.

A bell jingled as Tegan opened the door and stumbled in. The store was empty for now and the clerk did a double take as she stumbled in unsteady on her heels and rushed out from behind the counter.

"Holy crap, are you ok?" he asked as he approached but stopped short of touching her, partially out of concern but also because he noticed a bunch of sticky fluids on her face and chest. He was a short statured guy of vaguely asian appearance, and Tegan found it hard to pick his age. He could be eighteen or a well-preserved twenty five. She tilted her head back to try to draw his attention to the note Sam had stuck into her collar. He very carefully reached for it and slipped it free, unfolding it. His brow furrowed as he read it aloud in a soft voice.

"I need a copy of today’s paper, please do not touch me.’ Is this right?" He queried her. Tegan just nodded, she was honestly surprised Sam didn’t try to include anything else, considering how much she had confused the discussion around her boundaries. The clerk took a copy of one of the fresh newspapers off the stack and thrust it in her hands, glancing through the window. She realised he could probably see Trevor across the street and assumed he was the one that sent her in here.

"Tell your friend I don’t want to see you in here like this again. Don’t involve me in your weird fucking games." He turned away and returned behind the counter. Tegan was mollified. She’d gotten so accustomed to being a sex object that she didn’t know quite how to react, but she definitely felt pangs of shame and revulsion that hit her harder than if he had just used her like every other man she’d encountered over the last couple of months. With that she turned back and pushed through the door to exit back out onto the street, blinking back tears.

The sun was almost clear of the horizon now and the street was lit with an eerie orange glow. She could hear the distant traffic picking up in volume as more people started their day, though it struck her that it was a Saturday – fewer people going to work and getting up early. Of course she wasn’t going to waste more time attracting attention. After the clerk’s reaction she wanted to be back inside more than ever. She hurredly cross the street just as a set of headlights appeared further up. Joined by her escort, she crossed back through the park, Trevor took his cue from her urgency and didn’t waste time trying to make conversation. She hesitated at the other end of the park thinking she heard cars approaching and concealed herself behind a hedgerow. Trevor took the opportunity to put her panties back in her mouth and re-cover her lips with the tape, then they made a break for it as soon as the cars passed.

When they reached the front door Trevor pulled out Sam’s keys and open the door, letting her precede him inside where Sam was waiting alone. She didn’t know where Jayden and Matt were but assumed he’d sent them home. She handed him the paper.

"Well done, slut." As much as she hated to admit it, the relatively kind words were welcome after the harsh admonition from the convenience store clerk and she felt a tingle in her aching vagina. Trevor lingered awkwardly near the door and Sam called him over with a tilt of his head. "Would you give me a hand?"

Sam set the paper aside and started to peel back the end of the tape binding her wrists together and unwind it from her. Trevor took the initiative of peeling the tape from her mouth for the second time and carefully removing the panties. Between them they made a show it it being more difficult than it really was. Once Sam had the tape removed from her wrists, he took the mouth piece from Trevor and wadded them together, tossing them aside to deal with later. Tegan wet her lips with her tongue and stretched jer jaw, Sam regarded her with a slight smile.

"Do you like your collar, slut?" Sam queried.

"Yes Sir." Tegan said, assuming it was the expected answer.

"Don’t call me Sir, that’s way too formal." Sam glanced at Trevor. "Do you mind if I speak freely in front of him?" Tegan shrugged, indicating her indifference and Sam continued, addressing Trevor.

"We have an arrangement. She lives here for free, we use her holes. That’s how it started. As she has made clear to me this evening, this isn’t an exclusive arrangement."

"In the interests of full disclosure, tonight isn’t the first time we uh… met." Trevor confessed.

"I kind of guessed that there were only so many red-headed girls running around town without any panties on, spreading their legs at the drop of a hat."

"In farness…"

"In fairness nothing. She’s a slut." Tegan didn’t resist as Sam slid hand between her legs and two fingers easily entered her. He withdrew them and displayed them to Trevor, sticky with her juice. "She knows it, there’s no point dancing around the point. She gives it away for room and board, she might as well give it away for saving her from being assaulted. So from now on I call her slut. She’s free to call me whatever she wants in response. I’m not playing whatever Fifty Shades of Bullshit game that Angus is playing." He hooked his finger through the ring handing from the fornt of her collar. "And she’s free to keep wearing this collar, as long as she thinks it suits her."

"You’re ok with this, Violet?" Trevor asked.

"He’s right." Tegan looked down, embarassed to admit it but resolved that it was all true. "And if we’re putting all our cards on the table here, my name isn’t Violet. It’s Tegan."

"Well, it’s been nice to meet you Tegan." Trevor nodded. He didn’t seem surprised or bothered that she’d given him a fake name. "And I had a hell of a night. But I’m also conscious of the fact I have a class in a few hours that I should probably try and be rested for." He put a hand on the door and cracked it open.

"Will I see you again?" Tegan asked, alluding to their secret discussion earlier. Trevor looked her up and down, thinking it over.

"I’ll text you her number." Sam interrupted. Tegan was grateful and suspected Trevor was too. Considering he’d just participated in gang banging her, she didn’t think he’d offer an answer she wanted to hear. Trevor nodded and left, the door locking behind him.

"I think he likes you." Sam quipped as soon as he was confident Trevor was out of earshot.

"He liked being able to fit his giant cock up my ass." Tegan countered. "Speaking of which. Do you mind if I take out this plug? I’m honestly afraid it’s going to do some damage if I leave it in much longer, especially after walking around with it."

"That’s supposed to be your permanent replacement. I inserted it at the request of Angus, who reminded me that you were on your final warning when he left last night, should you neglect to wear your plug. I think we can skip the spanking considering the thrashing I gave you with the whip – which you seem to be none the worse for." Sam looked her over, noting that most of the marks he left had almost completely faded. "For the record, it’s only about half an inch wider than your old one, which probably seems like a lot more down there than it does on a ruler. But sure, do what you want."

"I might go take care of that in the bathroom, my bladder’s about to burst and there’s a delicate balance going on down there if you know what I mean."

"Funny you should say that." Sam said, pulling her to the bathroom, his finger hooked into her collar’s ring. "I also have to go."

"I… uh…" Tegan protested.

"However our arrangement began, slut, it has clearly changed, and I am not playing games or testing the waters. I’m just doing, as you are free to do also. You are free to stop me – if you want. Otherwise, I am assuming standing consent for anything I do to you, until I hear you tell me ‘no’. Do you hear me? It is that simple. You say no, and I stop. But this is the last time I will ask. Do you understand?"

Tegan searched his eyes and found only cold sincerity.

"I understand." She answered.

"Then get in the bath on your knees and open your mouth, slut."

Tegan complied, kneeling in the wide tub and looked up at him. He already had his cock out pointed at her, waiting. With some trepidation she opened her mouth. Almost immediately a hot stream of piss hit her in the face and she squeezed her eyes shut as the spray ricocheted off her face before he tracked it into her mouth. The acrid stream hit the back of her throat, hotter and more forecful than semen typically did, with an unpleasant salty taste and overpowering aroma. The pressure alone made her gag but the flavour did no favours either, and both were inescapable. Because he’d been drinking all night it was joined with the odour of beer, which only brought to mind the mix of smells typically found in the alleyway behind a bar. The urine quickly filled her mouth and overflowed, running down her chin and cascading onto her chest, rinsing away the sticky residue of jizz as it carved a path down her belly to her crotch, saturating her pubic hair and running off her pussy lips. Stray rivulets and down the outer sides of her small breasts and down her sides, running down her ass and thighs before joining the pool beneath her and running towards the drain. She coughed and gagged again as the stream eased and trickled down her chest, Sam managing to sequeeze out a couple more spurts before shaking off. Glaring up at him as he proceeded to undress, his piss dripping off her chin, Tegan took a moment to ease the plug out of her ass. She managed to get her fingers under the flared rim and get enough leverage to get the wide part past her tight sphincter, then the rest of the lubed cone slid out and she let it fall into the bath, having no further interest in it. She massaged her tender asshole, feeling the spongy muscles slowly close as she clenched them, probing gently at the bruised tissue as she let her own bladder go, joining Sam’s puddle to slowly trickle down the drain. Sam stepped into the bath with her and grabbed her by the hair, guiding her mouth to his cock. He was half hard but growing firmer by the second. She closed her lips around his dick and tried to will forth some saliva to make her mouth easier for him to fuck, but was finding it tough after having it most recently rinsed out with his urine.

After a minute Sam seemed satisfied and pushed her, bending her over towards the drain being forced to put her hands on the remnants of their combined waters to brace herself on all fours. Sam, seemingly indifferent to her plight, squatted over her and guided his dick directly to her aching cunt. He grunted as he slid in and out and for her part Tegan was able to enjoy feeling him slide inside her despite her exhaustion. She doubted she was going to come, but feeling him fuck her was pleasant, right up until the point he pulled out of her and thrust directly into her tender, gaping anus.

Tegan let out a choked off scream as he drove his cock deep inside her. She had little remaining lubricant and her own pussy juices were doing most of the work. Admittedly after being thoroughly broken in my Trevor and the new plug her ass had had no time to recover so she imagined it presented too tempting a target, but none of this rationalisation helped her feel better about the fact he was ramming his cock inside her burning asshole, his balls slapping against her pussy lips, and each time he thrust inside her she let out soft squeals of discomfort, curling her toes as her knees slid on the wet bathtub surface and Sam held her by the collar to keep her from getting away.

After a few minutes he pulled out with a grunt and pulled her by the collar so she was kneeling again and pointed his cock at her face. Expecting that he was ready to cum she opened her mouth in a well trained reflex to let him blow his load into it and was surprised when instead he shoved it inside. She let out a muffled grunt of protest and tried to push against him but he gripped her head and buried his cock to the hilt. Sam let out a loud satisfied groan and she felt his balls tighten against her chin as his spunk pulsed directly down her throat. Tegan gagged, more as a psychological response than anything else. Her ass had been so well used over the course of the night that if it had a distinct taste she was unaware of it – all she was detecting was lube and semen and a muskiness that could easily be sweat, or her own vaginal fluids. All the same she resisted the urge to swallow and as soon as Sam released her head she leaned over and spat directly down the bath’s plughole, her gag reflex in full effect as she dry heaved a few times.

Sam, apparently indifferent to Tegan’s situation, adjusted and turned on the shower. Tegan whimpered as the cold water hit her back and she curled up on her side as the water slowly warmed up. She sensed movement beside her and realised Sam was sitting down alongside her, holding the detachable shower head, passing it back and forth over her to rinse her down. Using his free hand he gently coaxed her into a sitting position and slid his legs either side of her so that he was spooning her as he rinsed her down, then himself, before mounting the head in the lower socket, keeping the stream on them while he wrapped his arms around her waist from behind. Tegan hung limply against him, unable to say or do anything and not really wanting to.. Her mind felt blank, as if she was unable to even figure out how she was feeling about the last ten or so hours – it had been a long night and she was exhausted, and confused by the immediate shift in Sam’s demeanour. Presumably once he was done giving her everything he had, he wanted to ensure that there was no resentment or hurt feelings. She sighed and settled back into his embrace as he squirted some liquid shower gel into his hands and built up a lather. She didn’t resist as his hands wnaders over her body, into each nook and crevice within his reach. Once he was done with that he picked up the showerhead and thoroughly soaked her hair, then took some shampoo and massaged a lather into her scalp before raking the suds through to the tips with his fingers. He rinsed her hair with the showerhead then repeated the process with conditioner. Eventually, as she was on the verge of sleep, he shut the water off and started to ease out from under her.

As much as her tiredness made her want to just lie in the bathtub, Sam slid an arm under her slight frame and hoisted her out of the tub to her feet, setting her gently on the bathmat. He held her steady as he took a fresh towel from the shelf and rubbed her down until she was mostly dry, then worked the towel through her hair, squeezing out and absorbing as much moisture as the towel could manage. Eventually satisfied that there was no more he could accomplish, he led Tegan out of the bathroom and to her bedroom, easing her gently into her bed and pulling up the covers. She grasped the edge of the blanket gratefully and curled up into a ball on her side, her damp hair spread across her pillow like a coppery spiderweb. Her sleepy eyes fluttered open.

"I’m ok." She reassured him, answering a question she assumed he might have wanted to ask.

"Good." Sam said simply.

Tegan nodded her acknowledgement and then she was claimed by sleep.

This story was taken from one these sites, check them out to find more sex stories:

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Pub: 26 Jan 2024 23:02 UTC
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