"882nd meeting of The Obscured Claw Society - Please use side door!"
you observe the handwritten paper sign wedged into the glass door of the community center
this looks like the place...
you walk around the building to the side door and enter
you continue down the tile hallway until you reach the room number you're looking for
you almost walk past it in your sleep deprived state
the sound of voices on the other side of the door go quiet as you turn the doorknob and step through
a group of 4 people form a semi-circle around a man in a leather chair
all of them wear dark black sunglasses and leather jackets that extend to the floor, covering their knees
the man in the chair stands to greet you, he is pale with a patchy beard and severely receding hairline
"Anon, we've been expecting you" he says in a high pitched voice that betrays his actual age
you give a nervous glance around at the stoic figures, all their attention now on you
"Uh... H-hey, Furfheus?" you greet the man with his online alias
"it's a pleasure to finally meet you at last" he replies with a nod of his head "I understand you've been having 'visions' you can't explain, nightmares that keep you up at night."
"right..." you reply as you rub your eyes, the bags under them a deep purple
"We can help you, from what you described in our chats. I believe you've the strongest link to the 'other side' we've ever seen." he makes a hand gesture at one of the jacketed men surrounding him and they walk over to a nearby folding table
"I... hope you can help. I haven't had a good night's sleep in months. In my dreams it feels like I can't breath... Like I'm being crushed. I hear these weird squishing sou-" you try to elaborate in your situation to the malnourished looking man but are cut off
"Would you like to see it?" he asks suddenly
"S-see it? What do you mean?" you reply
"the prison you've been born into" he states again plainly
you shoot the man a confused look as the other member returns to his side and hands him a small silver case
you fidget nervously as the strange man you met in a shady chatroom removes two pills from it
he holds his hands out to present each to you
"take the blue pill, and you leave this place unscratched by the truth. Never knowing the true source of your visions" he hold out his left palm and what looks like a simple piece of blue candy rests on it
"take the red pill, and I show you how deep the rabbit hole goes..." he extends out his right palm, and what looks like a very large red prescription pill rests on it
the room is silent as he presents both options to you
one option looks incredibly more shady than the other...
but... fuck it, you were going to go insane if you didn't get a proper sleep soon
maybe it's exactly the kind if sleeping pill you need
you take a deep breath and snatch the red pill from him
nearly choking in it as you swallow it down without water
the man smirks as you clear your dry throat a few times, the large capsule landing hard in your stomach
"excellent anon, we'll see you again in a few moments. Let us know what you see." Furfheus says
you're about to question him on what exactly that means when the sensation hits you
you begin to feel tired, more tired than you have in months
you take a hesitant step back and nearly fall over as the room begins to spin
thankfully, one of the jacketed members is there to catch you as you fall
they gently lay you down on the floor, the florescent lights above you seeming to pulsate
you hear their electric buzz, growing louder and louder in your ear before you finally close your eyes
you feel yourself falling... falling... falling
until finally you enter a deep sleep, the world around you seeming to fade away...
your peaceful rest is interrupted by the most intense orgasm you've ever experienced in your life
a lurid feminine moan comes from above you as your body shudders violently and your brain struggles to catch up to the sensation
you let out a sudden moan of pleasure yourself as a warm velvet sensation envelops your dick and milks you relentlessly
your moan is muffled by a series of large tubes running down your throat, choking you
your eyes shoot open in a panic and you are not prepared for the vision that greets you
a large bovine woman looks to the ceiling and fondles her breast as she grinds herself onto your lap
she lets out a prolonged "Moooooo!" as her own climax rocks her body
the sensation is unreal, like your soul is being sucked out of you
you struggle hopelessly under the woman as the intense feeling subsides
as you come down, you're able to get a good look around you
you lay in what looks like a hospital bed in some kind of medical ward
a series of tubes and IVs run from the ceiling to your arms and mouth
all around you is the sounds of beeping machinery, the slapping of flesh, and moaning
the smell of sterilizing agent and sex pollutes the air
you look around to see lines of people, all in a similar state as you
laying motionless in hospital beds, tubes of all sizes entering their body...
and all underneath a large anthro of some kind, pressing them repeatedly into the mattress...
"Oh!" your examination of your surroundings is cut short a short exclamation of surprise sounds above you
you look ahead again, and make eye contact with the thick cow riding you
she appears intimately familiar to you, but you can't place why
"Oh sweetie... It's not your time yet~" she says in a sweet voice. She begins leaning forward, her snout coming closer to your face
you raise an arm to try and hold her back, only to find yourself too weak to move
you can barely see your atrophied arm shakily rise up to sink into her sinfully soft bosom
her face reaches yours and her rough tongue leaves a wet trail up the side of your cheek to your temple
you want to be repulsed, but you can't help but feel at total peace in the presence of this woman
you feel a calm that you've never felt before, despite your horrific surroundings
as if your body was reacting to a familiar calming trigger, totally at odds with your mind
the bovine woman's calming motherly eyes gaze into your frantic ones
"I can't wait to meet you baby~ things will be so much better when you're finally here at my side~ but until then there's a few more things you have to experience, okay?" her voice is as sweet as honey, and her soft hands caress your body
you give a terrified groan that turns into a moan as the cow woman begins grinding her hips again
"Shhh... Shhhh my sweet. In due time..." the woman begins to huff as she works herself back into a rhythm
your entire system goes into shock as she begins moving on your cock that feels entirely too sensitive, you can only lay their and moan
"N-nurse? huff C-can you come over? he appears to be waking up puff" the bovine woman speaks to someone out of your line of view
you hear a series of clicks and a serum begins running down the tubes in the ceiling, into your arms
you struggle as much as you're able but it's fruitless
you feel the cold liquid enter your veins and feel a familiar tiredness
you fight to keep you eyes open but begin to drift away again
you hear the bovine woman giggling above you as she watches your plight

"So cute~ Just go to sleep my love, we'll meet again soon... My sleeping beauty..." is the last thing you hear before you finally fall into another deep slumber

the sight that greets you is just as jarring when you awake
Furfheus' patchy face is inches from yours when you open your eyes
you scream and crawl away across the tile floor of the community center meeting room
"what did you see Anon?!" Furfheus yells at you from his hunched position
you say nothing as you stand and quickly rush out the door
"WHAT DID YOU SEE?!" Furfheus' voice follows you out the door as you break into a run, but none of those freaks follow you out
your breathing is rapid as you try to come to terms with what you just experienced
your thoughts are a jumble as you push through the community center doors into the evening air
it's been a few days since then and you've been happy to say that whatever they gave you fixed your sleeping habits
however more nights than not now... you awake to a familiar gentle giggle in your ear, and the need for a fresh pair of underwear after your new frequent midnight emissions...

Pub: 31 Oct 2023 17:27 UTC
Views: 1405