easy read.

osamu or okyin. my pronouns are she/box but i also use other names
as well as other pronouns. i am bodily intersex ( tma ) but as an alter
i identify as a trans-woman and a lesbian. i also use many xenogenders
and other labels, feel free to ask me for any of them!

i am taken by my beautiful girlfriend athena who i love so much ( hi )
my best friends are my brother mei, everyone in the port mafia gc &
melody. i love you all very much! i am the main host of a system as
well as a trauma holder.

my rentrys
main :: rentry.co/hiskitten
extended info :: rentry.co/hoodstardiary
matching with ena & mei :: rentry.co/ayumuueharas
matching with athena :: rentry.co/sanoemmas
matching with mei :: rentry.co/shiomikotones
matching with yuta :: rentry.co/kurusuakiras
old rentry :: rentry.co/nakaharachuuyaz

my interests :: rentry.co/cigarettes-out-the-window
my sources :: rentry.co/dazaiosamuz
my names :: rentry.co/thou-shalt-not-die
my pronouns :: rentry.co/shikanoinheizous

my system :: rentry.co/muukusu
system easy read :: rentry.co/stupidsostupid
collective interests :: rentry.co/amnesiatoma
rentry url hoard :: rentry.co/mymasterlist

pronouns cc :: https://pronouns.cc/@honkaistarrail/haruchiyo
sentry urls :: https://sntry.cc/amnesiamemories
tiktok :: https://www.tiktok.com/@asayez
discord :: boyclit / boyclit#4448

my girlfriend athena :: rentry.co/hiskitten
my brother mei :: rentry.co/karinasakas
port mafia gc :: rentry.co/theportmafia

Pub: 29 Oct 2022 23:25 UTC
Edit: 24 Dec 2023 14:24 UTC
Views: 1404