>work in a genetics lab
>esteemed in the field
>years of work paid off and got you the job at Gensyn
>it was the most prestigious company in that area and honestly a dream job
>some of the stuff they worked on bordered on science fiction
>working around the very best had you wanting to step up
>some you might have considered friends over the past year or so since you netted the job
>professor Thompson was slightly older and you'd consider him talented
>you'd grabbed beers with him
>doctor Grant was a little touchy but you respected him too
>then there were doctor Howard, doctor Fine, doctor Howard
>you lost count of the staff that was amazing to work with
>you had even hung out with the janitors and security of all things
>because why not get to know people
>Gensyn was intense to work under but approved of independence and creative thinking
>that attracted the driven and the… odd
>doctor Thompson was the closest thing you'd seen to a super villain
>a stringy haired older willow of a man
>his glasses sometimes hid his eyes
>dude was obsessed
>absolutely batshit for one hyperfixation
>that was all he would focus on
>and to be fair sharks did merit research for disease resistance among other benefits
>Alex as he was known as slightly off but talented beyond belief
>Gensyn was a meritocracy above all else after all
>they would forgive eccentricities
>in some ways you pitied the guy
>he was a loner after a few misguided attempts at making friends
>big "eats lunch by himself" energy
>you were the new guy so you tried to make friends
>it couldn't hurt
>it helped you were into the whole skinny vaguely Asian brunette thing
>probably shouldn't think of a coworker like that but you wondered what he looked like cleaned up
>the guy looked like he lived in his office
>but the way he lit up with enthusiasm when you asked about sharks was cute for an older guy
>so he was weird
>he would be a DILF
>if he wasn't single
>you made sure to ask about that during one of his shark talks
>"oh. no I don't have a wife. why do you ask?"
>you didn't have ulterior motives
>no sir
>just interested
>he had a lanky build however the office work and what you assumed was a lack luster diet gave him a bigger butt
>considering the rest of him was almost sticklike it stood out
>he attitude was strange
>normally dour, him lighting up when discussing his work was growing on you
>you were starting to wonder why your coworkers steered clear of him
>he wasn't the typical charismatic boisterous extrovert and capable of winning you over
>instead what got you was his genuine passion
>he cared
>maybe a little too much to be considered healthy but still
>he completely missed your flirting attempts
>really oblivious to anything not involving sharks or the sea
>however, he was the type of man you could figure out a chink in his armor easily
>occasionally he readjusted his glasses
>like a nervous tic
>you'd remember that
>he was very confident when he spoke about his field though and that's where you'd strike
>so you asked if he'd been to the beach nearby
>he had to have
>he shook his head and was about to continue on the benefits of the hammerheads larger ampullae of Lorenzini but you stopped him
>you didn't want to shut him up but you wanted to see if he'd like to go
>maybe grab a couple beers
>he could point out fauna and everything
>his enthusiasm and passion was growing on you and all it took was a lunchtime conversation
>so that's how Alex became your best friend at work
>you kept being amicable at the company
>just trying to be friendly
>but you did get a few gossips asking about that "weirdo"
>but this was a professional environment
>so thankfully no one was hostile
>just kind of viewed Alex as strange
>yeah, he was strange
>but that was fine
>the beach slowly became a weekend hang out
>Gensyn paid enough you could afford a place near the bay
>they used a smaller town as their base as a way to stay away from prying eyes
>at least that's what you were told
>no idea why but they paid well and the town was amazing
>they even seemed content with your work enough to start allowing free reign
>at least a little
>Alex had a lot more on his plate
>when you asked he would occasionally light up but you noticed he would be self conscious
>like he'd hide something
>you weren't at the level to pry
>you'd gotten to know him over a few weeks
>he was still oblivious to your attraction but you were patient
>seeing him enthusiastic about sea life at least gave you hope
>hope you could maybe get that enthusiasm directed to something else
>the idea was there but you had no way to implement it
>just had to be patient
>the first couple of times Alex showed up to the beach in his work clothes
>you'd have to fix that
>he didn't need to be that committed to work
>so that weekend you asked him if he had any spare outfits
>he just never saw the use in it
>you almost asked what would happen if he wanted to go out
>but you figured you were probably the most sociable he'd ever been
>so you offered him some of your clothes
>he was more of a twink but at least it would be better than his current outfits
>he brought his lab coat for God's sake
>at the very least he needed shorts
>what he didn't know was your spare clothes would be stuff you bought
>less a hand me down and more a gift
>after hanging out you'd hit a store and get him something
>your time together was relaxed though
>Alex was excitable about the sea but he wasn't obnoxious
>the clear difference between genuine enthusiasm and trying too hard
>part of you insistence on the outfit was him having no qualms about dredging the shallows in his work clothes
>at least he didn't mind getting dirty
>however, his lab coat was starting to show wear and tear from it
>his pale skin also didn't take to the sun well
>he didn't have use for sunscreen before but you'd made note of it after the first trek out to the waves
>you'd never forget the genuine look of confusion on his face when you offered to put the lotion on him
>you had clothes ready for the next encounter
>shorts and a short sleeve button shirt
>nothing too far out of the guy's wheelhouse
>you wanted to get him out of the work always mentality, not change his life like a naggy girlfriend
>you figured he looked better in blue
>you'd given him the clothes as you picked him up
>gave him a chance to change at his place
>you'd noticed he sort of didn't have a car
>you had picked him up out of courtesy
>he thanked you but always would say it wasn't necessary
>but you didn't mind at all
>he even offered fuel money occasionally but he was on the way
>the hope was to get into his pants and you were going to be a gentleman about it
>besides, his company was payment enough
>that compliment fell on deaf ears because he was immersed mentally in whatever his current project was
>you had asked before if he had other friends or family he'd hung out with and he brushed the question off
>maybe you were like… it
>you wondered what would have happened if you hadn't have taken an interest
>he'd probably still be completely buried in the work
>but now
>you had nearly forgotten
>almost as a farce you'd gotten him a big straw sun hat
>you hadn't expected him to wear it without a care
>he took to the new clothes easily
>he definitely wasn't skittish about a change like that
>slowly, you'd noticed his guard slowly let down
>at least around you
>you could coax a little more out of him
>not a whole lot but it was he definitely wasn't the quiet guy you'd seen scuttling around the labs
>you were pondering how an older guy can qualify as a twink before you pulled up to the beach
>Alex would
>the outfit thankfully showed his legs off a little more
>not that you were trying to stare
>his skin was apparently all pale
>made sense
>so you offered sun screen
>the lanky brunette rubbed it on himself, much to your disappointment
>at least you had the company
>he was just as unafraid of the ocean as before, immediately wading out
>occasionally you would have a fish get close and he'd handily identify it
>nothing too dangerous lived in this are, he assured you many times
>that small bit of concern was actually kind of cute
>his voice was normally calm and even
>hell, even when excited he still held himself in check
>the trips to the beach almost felt like a field trip sometimes
>you decided to surprise him this time and asked for his company for dinner
>he agreed
>you'd brought beer and snacks before on these trips
>he would also pitch in too
>but actually going out for a meal was completely new to him
>very much dinner for one at home guy
>you figured on a cheap Chinese buffet
>that got a nod of approval
>not exactly ideal date place but you didn't want to rush things
>you weren't even sure he was gay yet
>while he didn't mention girls, that didn't mean he wasn't just oblivious
>you just hoped you got the right vibe
>he nibbled on crab rangoon almost immediately
>you almost wondered if his hobby went as far as his appetite as you grabbed a plate of your own
>it wasn't surprising to run into coworkers off the clock here
>some girl from accounting and her husband
>you'd forgotten her name because you rarely got to interact too much with the office wing
>she noticed Alex quietly eating and made a snide remark about seeing him outside
>you told her that was none of her business in the most professional manner you could muster
>telling her to fuck off would have felt better but you didn't want work to get weird
>weird ass high school mentality some people kept around
>you went back and sat with you colleague
>if she'd said worse about him you may have responded worse
>but for now, you'd just eat dinner
>he looked to be enjoying himself… maybe?
>you'd known him just long enough to get some grasp on his body language
>he was reserved enough he'd be hard to read
>maybe he'd be good at poker
>until you'd mention the ocean and his eyes got filled with an infectious wonder
>that shit was getting cuter and cuter to you
>never had you seen someone excited to talk about sea urchins
>so you went about dinner and realized it was getting later than your usual hang outs
>Alex surprised you with a suggestion
>instead of you making the drive back home in the dark
>"you can stay at my place tonight"
>the drive wasn't too arduous or difficult
>you weren't passing up a golden ticket when you saw it
>you just hoped this was leading where you thought
>you weren't going to push the issue, however
>if he was straight after all you didn't exactly want to hurt the guy's feelings
>judging by how he was around work you didn't expect anger if he was straight and you came onto him
>rather, he seemed like he'd get more skittish
>you seemed to be his sole social connection
>and you didn't want to betray that trust
>it was just hard to dance around the issue
>you weren't turning down such an offer but you wanted to at least pretend not to impose
>"it was what you were wanting though, right?"
>you stopped in mid sentence to get a good look at him
>you were both standing in the restaurant parking lot and yet again you couldn't get a read on him
>you were never playing poker with this man
>had you been found out?
>"judging by your reaction, I assume so."
>ok that cat was out of the bag no thanks to your pause
>you insisted it wasn't like that
>he brought up you asked him about his relationships but never brought up your own
>he'd even said you could probably bag one of the attractive female coworkers yet you ate lunch with him
>hung out with him
>bought him outfits and offered sunscreen
>you got into the car and pondered if you were that obvious
>you didn't think you were
>maybe not to anyone else
>but Alex here despite the social wallflower thing could read a tell
>see a pattern
>you asked if it was bad if he was right?
>"I have never had relations with anyone."
>well that didn't answer the question so you looked to him with a raised eyebrow
>"this would be acceptable"
>well it was a start
>you didn't expect him to play detective and work out all your intricate plans to get him baring his skin at the beach
>you were still reeling a little from his correct guess
>nonetheless you carried on over to his place
>the short drive let you plan a little
>you did make sure to point out you did genuinely like spending time with him
>that garnered a flash of… something behind his eyes
>then it vanished and he was Alex again
>"let's get upstairs."
>you wondered where this was going
>but hoped it was going well
>you didn't know what you expected
>but tiny studio was both surprising and unsurprising at the same time
>one tiny lamp provided all the light in the room at the moment
>it was very spartan
>no pictures of family
>nothing superfluous
>a very business only room
>he probably didn't spend much time here regardless
>the man was glued to the labs whenever possible
>he had a bookshelf with an antique hotplate on it
>a tiny fridge with instant ramen stacked on top like a haphazard pantry
>clothes on the floor
>one thing you noted and made sense
>a futon against the wall was the only furniture
>of course why would he have a guest bed
>"you may use the bathroom if you wish."
>he pointed over to a dark small room
>sure enough it was a cramped bathroom
>clean though
>thank goodness he was mindful of that at least
>you were taken aback when he just started undressing in the bedroom in front of you
>you just didn't expect him to be that open
>though maybe the social norm never rubbed off on him
>he looked up at your confused stare
>"I thought this was your goal?"
>he didn't drop his usual tone
>was that his attempt at dry humor
>you couldn't tell
>he lacked shame around you apparently
>not like he undressed outside
>and he was right anyways
>but still
>you didn't expect him to just shrug off flirting all this time and then take off his pants of his own accord
>he stood there in the nude, not really trying to impress
>he was pretty much a twink despite the age
>he strangely seemed smooth
>whatever genetics blessed him with a lack of overwhelming body hair
>just sort of strange
>he was of course ghostly pale
>didn't seem to be wrinkled like one would expect either
>possibly another combo of blessed by genetics and he didn't seem to let stress get to him
>shadowy bags under his eyes from lack of sleep notwithstanding
>after allowing his hair freedom he went from DILF to MILF
>except for the penis
>he was
>holy shit he was hard
>being around you made him hard?
>did you seriously have to put no work into wooing him?
>maybe you'd guessed him wrong before
>the five inches bobbing between his legs as he dug around a hamper for clean PJs told you maybe you did
>he pulled out a pair of pants… with cartoon sharks on them
>"are you getting a shower or should I be first?"
>you were surprised but Alex seemed nonplussed
>you'd been around gay guys a lot more bashful before
>you just stood there slack jaw for a few more seconds before you came back to reality
>you asked why he was just like… that
>"what do you mean?"
>you meant how he just got naked like that
>"we are both grown men and you are attracted to me."
>but to have his hard dick out and everything
>he didn't seem to understand why you were on the backfoot so you decided to drop it for now
>he wasn't trying to show off or anything
>even with his dick out he had the casual attitude of someone waiting for a bus
>"are you not undressing as well?"
>well you got what you wanted but he definitely threw a curveball
>you mentioned you didn't have anything clean and he offered a pair of pants too
>these had hammerhead sharks on them
>sensing a theme
>so naked it was
>you just expected a little more build up
>an idea was in the back of your mind and you decided to go for it
>the old "save water by showering together" trick
>instantly shot down when he said he preferred baths
>well you tried
>he didn't quite eye you up like you did him but he was looking
>you were hard too and made no attempt to hide it
>his eyes went to it briefly then he adjusted his glasses and looked back up
>"you look… good"
>well that was flirting
>you saw a twitch down there when he saw your dick
>so at least you and him were on the same team
>good sign
>he didn't make any more advances and you were still unsure where this was going so you weren't about to force yourself on him
>so you stepped went for the shower but forgot to close the bathroom door
>it couldn't me more obvious what your ploy was
>maybe if you put up a sign
>he didn't take the bait
>however he did give you a jump scare standing next to the curtain when you opened it
>he didn't seem phased by your reaction
>he stepped in after you stepped out
>you were going to give him privacy but he stopped you
>"you can stay and talk during my bath if you want"
>strangely intimate but you wouldn't turn it down
>it was sort of awkward at first
>you closed the lid to the toilet for a chair
>he just soaked in the warm water
>"you are really attracted to me?"
>it was the rather flat tone that threw you off
>you were honest
>he mulled it over
>"I have never attracted anyone before. so I have no experience here."
>well you were glad to be the first then
>he was a little rough around the edges but you weren't turning him down
>"I know such things are frowned upon with coworkers."
>you remarked you'd cross that bridge when you got to it
>plus Gensyn wanted results and they didn't care about behavior as long as it didn't interfere with those results
>whatever those would be
>"I am at a breakthrough with my research and jeopardizing it is out of the question"
>he looked to you for a response
>was this him putting his foot down?
>you wouldn't dream of messing with his work
>when you replied you'd actually do anything to help with it if he wanted
>he was always so mum about it
>that made him consider
>"that's acceptable. do you want sex tonight?"
>if you were drinking water you would have spit it out then
>was it that easy?
>was he sure?
>"you are helping me with my work so I am helping you."
>well that's an odd way of looking at it
>well you weren't arguing
>didn't feel right jumping straight into anal sex right this instant though
>but you definitely agreed
>you decided to finally press him more on his work while he was stuck in the tub
>just between you both
>you swore
>when you placed a hand over his sitting on the rim of the tub he looked down at it in confusion
>he finally answered after pondering a moment
>what followed was a lecture
>he'd no doubt been filing all this information for ages and finally he got to pour his heart out to someone
>the genetic benefits of sharks
>how the things were a miracle when it came to medicine
>how the extra sixth sense they had could benefit humanity
>even something as mundane as regenerating teeth
>the natural antifreeze and longevity in a Greenland shark
>tighter more powerful muscles
>he had a whole laundry list and there was that excited Alex again
>you let him talk and only when he finished did you push a little
>an appreciative kiss on his forehead
>the sweat from the bath gave his skin a salty taste
>"what was that for?"
>you told him you'd never met someone with his spirit and you loved how he held a passion
>it was actually cute
>"I am a man."
>as if men can't be cute
>you loved his enthusiasm
>and you would hope make something of this
>your hope was he'd actually like guys
>that was a question you posed to him
>"you have me erect so I would guess"
>he showed his dick poking above the hot water
>he was still hard
>"you still want sex?"
>you had an idea
>and yes
>after he got out of the bath you guided him to his futon
>he was pretty up front that his experience in sex amounted to nothing
>this time you wouldn't rush into something rough
>you decided to start kissing
>he was awkward but reciprocated
>tongues wrestled and he gave way easily
>he seemed to submit
>it was still a little strange from his inexperience
>he was allowing you to take the lead though
>Alex didn't know what to do with his hands
>when you broke the kiss you took the opportunity to take his glasses gently off his face
>he didn't know how to react
>when you went in for another kiss he started getting into it
>that night you ended up stripping his pants off and his first blowjob turned into an awkward 69 on the futon
>he was skinny enough you had him on top and both of you sucked until you came
>it was strange having him trying to work out how to cuddle up to you
>if you had an inkling of the trouble you'd get into you'd have thought about your promise a little
>the next month or so he invited you into his work
>there was a lot of data you didn't understand
>the applications of it were odd
>Gensyn had a few closed off areas you normally never even went through
>that's where his labs were
>you helped the best you could
>the sex was nice
>he really didn't know how to handle it sometimes but he liked it nonetheless
>his enthusiasm was strange to get used to
>like he liked the sex but he couldn't really express it
>he wasn't rude or anything though
>your relationship had become comfortable for what it was
>at least since your feelings were out there it became easier
>one day everything changed
>you'd heard about some sort accident in the labs
>that was worrying
>when you heard whispers that Alex was involved in one way or another you were ignoring security measures
>you ran into the closed off labs
>security was lax because they were caught up in some kind of "containment"
>rumors had flown around
>you didn't like hearing that word
>what needed containing?
>you wanted to rush but didn't exactly know your whereabouts
>just went deeper into the facility
>when you heard pistol fire you stopped in your tracks
>who was shooting?
>your jog turned into a slow advance
>you figured the gunshots were an indication of "containment"
>but you also were careful in your approach
>the rest of the facility was trying to evacuate but you couldn't
>just couldn't
>you weren't leaving Alex behind
>you couldn't predict that he'd find you first
>or how
>at first you didn't recognize him
>how could you
>last you saw Alex he looked… human
>standing in front of you was a bipedal 6 and half foot tall shark twink
>shredded clothes, his lab coat barely holding together
>a few wounds on his skin
>you nearly bolted back
>then the shark tried readjusting his glasses just like Alex
>that made you pause
>then he spoke
>"I can explain"
>he was now a weird man shark hybrid and he's just treating it like you sat down for crab rangoon
>why the shooting?
>what's happening?
>"Gensyn had a disagreement with the direction of my work"
>wait what was he doing
>you thought this was a genetics lab
>what happened to the medical benefits of sharks?
>"that was my goal. Gensyn wanted a weapon. so I decided to meet halfway."
>this was strange and you heard a few more sparing gunshots
>then… nothing
>"that should be that. I hope they did not go too far."
>he walked back towards the labs and you decided to follow
>you kept pestering him about questions but he was focused ahead
>the emergency had begun an hour or so before and all this seemingly happened that quickly
>"by now we should have most of the confidential parts of the facility. I am hesitant to push further but I feel security may force me."
>is that why he was wounded?
>"I was shot"
>he just says that so casually
>he straightened the tattered lab coat
>"soon I can go back to my work."
>what was he going to accomplish now that Gensyn was hostile?
>"they do not own the building any more"
>he was so frank you had no idea how to read that
>yet you followed regardless
>probably not your wisest idea
>"Gensyn made me find a new application for my work"
>he gestured a hand out in a sweeping motion
>you noticed claws
>granted, the sleek blue and white skin was more glaring along with the shark snout and tail
>his eyes still retained human pupils
>the black shark eyes you'd seen on Discovery would have fucked with you
>every single time he talked
>white knives clashing and fitting together
>the only real trace of his human half was his long unkempt hair
>trying to hold up glasses with no outside ears seemed to trouble him to no end
>gills along his neck gently moved when he inhaled
>this was surreal
>yet when he got deeper in the labs you realized it was even crazier
>half beasts everywhere
>every sort of creature you could imagine
>Alex noticed your visible confusion
>"I worked on was a DNA scrambler. when Gensyn finally went for it I just overloaded it with every piece of sampled genetic material I could get. think of it as a small bomb that does this."
>would explain why only a portion of the building was affected
>but what happened with security?
>"a few of the staff agreed with me. they did not want this used as a weapon. so we took a reasonable risk."
>this was a lot
>a gene scrambling bomb
>Alex was a shark man
>Gensyn was possibly evil
>the guy whose dick you sucked had a group of furry beastmen
>you just wanted to make sure he wasn't hurt and you ended up tripping and stumbling into a conspiracy
>what the hell was going on?
>how did he build a bomb that scrambled DNA?
>"Gensyn wanted a weapon. I took the safeties off. this gave it a shotgun effect on everything and anything human."
>his pupil looked towards you and you still weren't used to this
>"I may decide to use it again if Gensyn forces the issue again"
>he readjusted his glasses
>"you will be safe. do not worry."
>he went about with fiddling over a device
>no doubt that gene bomb thing
>"after I get it operational again, do you wish to see if we can still have sex?"
>"I am curious what has changed? is that a no?"
>he quietly tinkered and you had to mull over the last few minutes
>"I assume Gensyn will want their facility back. I do not intend to use this further but I will."
>after an hour of deep thought and him fiddling around he turned back to you
>it was definitely strange to see him like this
>he was still slender
>the face though
>completely strange
>a blend of human and shark meant he could still express emotion
>not that Alex did that a lot
>you noticed he had to keep holding his glasses
>"I guess you are overwhelmed. perhaps my offer was presumptuous?"
>this was strange but you felt it best to talk about this privately
>he'd been talking about this in a crowded room of his peers and tied up security
>good lord you just realized that
>well cat was out of the bag now
>if they didn't know you two were screwing before they knew now
>not the most important matter now anyways
>he agreed to take this elsewhere and you ushered to a janitor's closet
>you had to wonder what Gensyn was doing but that wasn't important at the moment
>you had to ask again if he was OK
>you embraced him and he slowly reciprocated
>you'd thought the worst when you'd heard about an incident
>"I did not realize I might worry you. I am sorry."
>well it was the company's fault
>was this love?
>you hadn't been committed to anyone really, ever, and Alex was definitely not a fling
>when you heard about Alex you ran in regardless of danger
>maybe this was something more complex than sucking each other's dicks
>everything you'd known was tossed aside within minutes
>but Alex was still here, even if this was new
>it was hard to push into a kiss with his snout but you weren't quitting
>you were very mindful of all the teeth
>right now you needed to clear your head and Alex had volunteered
>sharkman or not you wanted him
>you felt his skin out of curiosity
>despite it looking smooth from a distance, it was like sandpaper
>you weren't too rough but you could imagine the friction would hurt if you tested it
>so you'd have to feel him up slowly
>you pulled his jacket off and his shirt was quick to follow
>no nipples?
>well that was disappointing
>a couple times you'd managed to get an actual reaction out of him with those
>you looked closer and realized they were inverted now
>just blending in with his new skin
>he bucked against you when you touched one
>maybe it was optimized for swimming
>you asked him what shark DNA he used
>from his little lessons you guessed something like the blue shark
>"it was a few but mostly blue shark, I believe."
>his waist and stomach were still stick thin
>you placed your hands gently on his waist and he watched you with interest
>you decided it might change things up if you framed this as research
>when you started asking biology questions he lit up once more
>he started explaining differences
>how he could "see" you with his eyes closed now
>how his sense of smell was heightened to the point he could smell your arousal building
>that was odd but he was cute when he got like this
>he explained that things may have changed
>you didn't understand until you pulled his ragged pants down
>this was getting out of hand
>now there were two of them
>he actually looked away from your gaze as you looked back up to meet his
>two pointed cocks leaking precum
>well this was definitely new
>you could roll with it though
>in fact, you had an idea
>your pants followed his on the floor
>you held him up by his legs and shoved your cock between his
>they at least felt slick against your own manhood
>when you asked him to wrap his hand around the trio he complied instantly
>his new thick tail flopped a bit on the floor, a gesture you assumed signaled excitement
>you asked him about any new findings and he remarked about finding this new sensation pleasant
>between groans
>maybe twice the dicks meant twice the sensation
>they'd wrapped around your own cock easily
>you had no comparison for this sensation
>his fist pumped you both together
>he'd since dropped his glasses and you were seeing him become just a little more passionate
>you'd touched cocks, exchanged blowjobs
>all fun
>a fact Alex had given you an idea
>he was initially confused but groaned when you bit into his shoulder
>just barely marking his tough new hide
>"sharks… bite their female while mating. you remembered"
>you fucked into his hand harder
>"you want me as your female. is that it?"
>your efforts increased as he groaned, forgetting his question
>of course you wanted to fuck him
>he was a wannabe super villain and a fish now but he was still Alex
>less wrinkles, and he tasted different
>but it was still the same goofy guy you'd sat next to at lunch
>he'd never had a connection
>now you really wanted to seal the deal
>claim him
>this whole scenario had gone batshit and you were done thinking
>his long slender legs dangled in the air as you frotted his twin cocks, the impromptu fleshlight making for a perfect hole
>you wondered how his ass was
>the urge to just up a switch was there but you both cumming put a halt on that
>you wearily enjoyed the afterglow, his gills working slightly against your cheek as he trembled in your arms
>"that was a rush," he confessed
>you assumed as much
>his voice was ragged and you were shocked to see him start to gasp in deep breaths
>at first you thought Alex was just overwhelmed
>then an idea struck when you saw a slight spark of panic in his eyes
>part shark
>of course
>you let him down gently and ran the floor mounted mop sink in the closet
>it wasn't ideal but you figured he'd need something
>he was showing signs of actual distress now
>playing havoc with his genetics had to have some drawback and this was it
>Alex realized what you were doing and dunked his head and neck into the sink
>he took in deep gulps of water
>you stayed by his side and it seemed to be doing the trick
>his breathing returned to normal and you ran your hand over his back to comfort him
>best to help him along
>after a few minutes he slowly pulled away from the sink
>"he had not exerted myself like that before. the hybrid DNA has a drawback in my case it seems."
>he leaned against you, his wet hair dripping onto your legs
>"thank you for the fast thinking."
>you were just thankful you found this out in the janitor's closet
>the now shark man relaxed against your lap
>"thank you for helping."
>so he needed water if he was going to exert himself a lot
>you'd done the deed with a shark mutant
>that hit you
>but it was still Alex in there
>you ran your hand through his hair
>that part was still soft to the touch
>you were trying not to think about how you weren't wearing pants and his face was right next to your crotch
>you weren't pushing for anything
>you didn't want to get greedy
>instead, Alex pushed the issue
>he moved and pressed his snout towards your crotch
>you didn't jump in shock or anything
>his tongue licked up the length as he slowly tasted you
>he broke the worship to instruct you to sit in the basin
>sure it was deep enough to be waist high if you awkwardly sat in it
>but why
>you did it without pause though
>you have a feeling it had to do with the water
>your legs dangled out of it and you felt ridiculous
>when his head vanished under the water once more you had your answer to the mystery
>his hands on your thighs felt strange
>he wasn't completely rough on his palms thankfully
>you did have a thought though
>you had seen those teeth
>he'd shown you enough documentaries about said teeth
>those teeth
>around your dick
>you debated whether you should allow lust to win over reason here
>he meant well
>but even before the transformation he could be a little clumsy with his blowjob
>now he had a smile full of steak knives
>would a slice make him go apeshit like a feeding frenzy?
>then his soft broad tongue worked over the shaft of your cock
>reasoning was losing
>he breathed under the water as he worked, his loose hair like a black octopus spreading tendrils everywhere
>he didn't have to do much to fit your cock in his mouth
>with his new form he could swallow you in one gulp
>you relaxed in the cool water and tried not to worry about teeth
>watching his ass casually sway with that new tail was helping
>maybe Alex would let you go all the way with him now
>that thought had all but drowned out teeth concerns
>he had an awkward time blowing you now with his new more but there was effort behind it
>his warm tongue contrasted nicely with the water
>soon you were throbbing against his licks
>when you gripped his hair you realized under the inky mop of hair, his eyes were locked up and watching you
>his tongue worked over your dick, your balls, and even the spot right below
>was he savoring you?
>his hands gripped your thighs as he felt you buck up
>your second orgasm was closer than your first and then when he started striking you with a hand you truly lost it
>a load shot deep down his throat as you groaned out his name
>all the while his eyes looked up at you
>only when you were tapped out did he pull his head up
>"I wondered if the changes affected my senses in new ways. Taste is lessened, smell heightened."
>well you guessed it was good he still wanted to play doctor
>"watching the electricity surge through you on orgasm was most satisfying however."
>that had you curious
>he caught your raised eyebrow and realized he should explain
>he recognized that look
>"I explained before the 'sixth sense' that sharks have. how to describe it first hand eludes me at the moment."
>he sat back, lost in thought as he went over it
>"I can 'see' without my eyes. everyone is electrical pulses thanks to a nervous system. seems to have a limit in the vicinity however."
>he just gulped down your load and he was going over research
>he sat on the floor half naked musing over things
>you'd had enough of the water and pulled yourself up
>a nearby towel wasn't in the best shape but it would do
>he had his glasses held to his head again and he was muttering over results from this latest "experiment"
>he tensed up when you used another towel to dry his hair
>so he needed water to breath when things got heated
>you stood over his as you softly dried his hair
>he mulled over the details of his new biology silently now
>you did however ask why he was just now figuring out his new body?
>you'd figured he would want to experiment right away
>"I wanted to share it with you in particular. you seemed to appreciate my work more than most. it felt right."
>was that a little confession?
>maybe the closest you'd get
>he looked at his hand in silent contemplation
>you were satisfied he was dry but you allowed him the time to think
>"I have done irreversible damage to myself. if you want to walk away, the opportunity is there."
>your response was nonverbal
>you crouched behind him and wrapped your arms over his shoulders, clasping him into a hug
>that seemed to get through to him and he adjusted his glasses silently
>you made a note to figure out a fix for that
>"if you wish to stay we can explore further later."
>so you could possibly get laid
>at least that was something to look forward to
>"we can use the hot tub in the executive's part of the building."
>those guys gave themselves a fucking hot tub?
>you picked Alex up by his armpits
>he was light in your hands
>that much didn't change
>though the tail added a few pounds
>"you are more affectionate than I reasoned with the situation. I appreciate it."
>you embraced him from behind and he ceased studying himself to lean back to you
>his hand ran over your arms
>at least he was him
>you couldn't help but start kissing along his neck
>"as much as I would prefer we continue, I have work to do."
>you had to ask what needed doing?
>"I am worried about getting caught unawares"
>"among others."
>you were curious
>"if I go further, if I take all of the this to its logical conclusion, will you still be here? with me?"
>Alex avoided looking over his shoulder, focused on the ground
>you didn't quite understand what he meant by that
>but you wouldn't have left before
>there's no reason to leave now
>"I am giving you every opportunity to stay out of this and you keep wanting to stay. why?"
>you loved him
>that reply gave him pause
>Alex wasn't accustomed to romance
>even your earlier encounters could be misconstrued as fuck buddy stuff
>this was essentially making it formal and out there
>you grabbed his hand and held it
>you weren't leaving
>when he began fidgeting with his glasses you knew a nervous tic when you saw it
>he'd definitely need a fix for those glasses
>so you allowed him to break away and you made a note to find a fix
>so you were fucking around with a possible supervillain
>you pondered what he'd call himself if he went full Magneto
>it wasn't that you considered Alex evil
>just that he was very… driven
>very passionate
>just having a hard time showing it outwardly
>and from what you'd learned of Gensyn they might not be as wholesome as you thought
>bitches hid a hot tub this whole time
>you broke off from him to search the classified area a little
>you had an idea but it hinged on them also hiding a pool
>a few wrong doors and you found exactly that
>a hot tub and a pool
>as nice as giving Alex room here you figured he wouldn't take well to pool water
>breathing chlorine doesn't sound remotely enjoyable
>he was smart enough to know about that too
>that wasn't your goal though
>without going out and shopping you needed a pair of goggles
>not for yourself
>the strap on them had elastic but snapped tightly to one's head
>stripping the chunky goggles of their band, you headed back out
>this would definitely help
>just jury rig them to his glasses and he'd be able to do whatever
>his snout meant they rested weird anyways but at least now they wouldn't slip off
>when you came back to about where you thought he was you were greeted by an argument between some of the team
>you really were third wheeling it here so you stayed out
>from what you gathered a few of the staff were keen to go on the offensive
>a preemptive strike
>Alex and a few others felt the device wasn't prepared for that or wanted to be defensive
>Alex personally seemed to factor in how much abuse the device would take
>Gensyn had sunk billions into it but it wasn't like it was perfected yet
>you hoped to defuse the situation and presented him with the band
>he ignored you to keep arguing but your presence was noticed by others
>"so we gotta look like this and your boytoy is safe"
>a particularly grumpy rhino hybrid on the aggressive side thumbed over to you
>Alex made eye contact with the rhino and his tone was icy when he spoke up
>"that is none of your business"
>his body language was rigid now and he leaned forward just a little
>this was the most aggressive you'd ever seen him
>that comment distracted him from the device and his work for the moment
>Alex glanced over to you while the tension simmered in the air
>you worried your presence had complicated things
>you were stuck in the middle of things at the moment though
>the rhino had a companion who joined in with the complaints
>some sort of pigman
>the genetic samples must have been all over the place
>how did they know you were tied to Alex
>then it hit you
>they must have a sense of smell comparable to those respective beasts and you no doubt reeked of fish now
>so you were putting Alex and his work in jeopardy
>but pandora's box was opened already
>in every sense of the word
>while some didn't want to let Gensyn weaponize this technology they clearly weren't happy about the side effects
>could you blame them?
>getting stuck as a giant pigman or fly mutant seemed like hell for you
>Alex sort of won the lottery with his transformation
>while you felt bad for some in the group you didn't exactly sign of for a damn thing here
>but raising your temper around mutants that weighed about triple of you seemed like a bad idea
>you'd get ripped in half by some angry polar bear
>defusing the situation by yourself seemed impossible
>you thought quickly though
>why are you all fighting when Gensyn could get what they wanted?
>all the little divisions you put up wouldn't address the major threat looming on the horizon
>this wasn't ideal
>you couldn't argue that
>but Gensyn might do worse with the technology if they stopped this little insurrection
>at least when they had hit the button it was unpredictable
>what would happen if it was in the hands of someone who knew how best to hurt someone?
>you didn't have all the expertise to draw on in this field but you painted a worst case scenario with your imagination
>what if whoever wanted to weaponize this could turn it from a simple scramble to something that breaks down the DNA
>if you all didn't stop arguing now and instead just came together for a plan, Gensyn could have the next a bomb in their hands
>that seemed to sober up the room and remind people
>you felt it appropriate to remind everyone here you had no idea on any of this
>you were a stranger in all this ultimately
>but you weren't an enemy
>you hoped the group would see that
>the crowd seemed to simmer down
>tension was still there but it was buried under the current issue
>you could bet money it would come back eventually
>Alex seemed to look a little less tense
>his body language was a little looser but he was hesitant to turn his back on anyone now
>the paranoia was somewhat warranted
>he did however happily accept the band for his glasses
>you rested a hand on his shoulder and asked if you could help any
>the shark man relaxed a little more at the gesture
>he remarked you could check on the subdued security guards
>they were tied up in another room and watched by another staffer
>"they might react better to you as opposed to us at the moment."
>he was trying to make amends with them even after the shootout
>you remembered why the staff were on edge when you thought about "shootout"
>you couldn't be sure but you figured someone died
>when Alex readjusted his pants with his free hands you knew you'd have to make a fix for that one too later
>you pondered if he'd be fine working in a swimsuit
>Alex at least took to his form better than most
>he might have been a little upset if he'd become, say, a wombat
>as you walked away from the labs you realized something
>was he protecting you by sending you on an errand?
>the room could be very dangerous
>a lot of these beast men were former lab geeks though
>even if they could maul you none of them probably had been in a fist fight
>and Alex was one of the smaller ones as dangerous as a shark could be
>perhaps he hoped the distance would keep you safe
>you headed towards that room and there was some sort of old owl woman watching the door
>a lot of the staff here was sort of recognizable from your socializing but the DNA scrambling wasn't helping
>she seemed happy enough to let you into the room
>sure enough a bunch of banged up guards
>all tied up and some looking defeated
>a few looked up to you and through the gags they panicked a little
>you wondered if they had any dead in that little revolt
>then the door was locked behind you
>you were a little shocked
>there were no windows in the room
>it must have been a store room before this
>the lights were on but there wasn't much else in the room
>you were slightly confused
>you did the only logical thing and ungagged one of the guards
>he looked a little panicked but you sat down with them
>at least to put him at ease a little
>no, you didn't know much of what was going on
>it seemed unwise to just trust them with any information you did know
>instead you asked them what had happened
>that's when you started getting conflicting info
>if the guards were to be believed your Alex willingly set off the gene bomb knowing what it would do
>and supposedly Gensyn wasn't involved in weaponizing it
>but that sounded like bullshit
>you decided to check out and knocked on the door
>no response
>knock again
>this wasn't funny
>an explosion rocked the building from somewhere
>so you may be fucking an eco terrorist
>you were trapped in a store room
>and somewhere out there something exploded
>it wasn't close enough to rattle the room
>just a muffled thump echoing down the hallway to your door
>what the fuck were they thinking locking you in
>what the fuck was going on out there
>you'd have to deal with what you had at the moment
>how to get out
>these guards were all subdued
>but maybe they could help
>you worried they may matters worse
>there was always staying until someone freed you
>but that wouldn't work if those explosions got closer
>the answer came in the form of a grate
>you had to climb through the HVAC system
>that's how it worked in Die Hard
>you searched for what you could to pry off the grate
>the room ware pretty bare but one of the guards had a Swiss knife in his chest pocket
>you were fortunate you didn't have to test the construction by prying on the grate
>the screws came undone easily
>hopping on a chair gave you the boost to climb in and you hoped the vents were big enough
>another explosion gave you pause before you doubled your efforts
>it was a little tight but you crawled through
>you'd have a long talk with Alex after this
>whatever the hell was going on was going to get more people killed
>what you found out was while Gensyn splurged on a hot tube, they skipped on structural stability for their ventilation system
>you made a few minutes into the vents before they refused to hold your weight and the thing dumped you out with a cacophony you prayed no one heard
>you'd been spilled into some other room
>a spare lab
>couldn't really see anything in the dark but the warm glow of a computer monitor off in the corner
>no one seemed to be around
>you hoped the explosions had made your attempt at stealth the least of anyone's worries
>peeking outside from the door was an option but you worried about getting caught
>something was going on here
>Alex possibly acting bipolar may be the least if your concerns
>the explosions had to mean Gensyn
>that was your guess
>you had to check out what was happening outside
>your hand gently turned the knob
>you moved as slow and quietly as possible
>the crack in the door showed no one the way you came from through the vents
>that didn't mean your right was clear but you opened up anyways
>thank God
>now you retraced your steps quietly to the room the lab techies were all in earlier
>another explosion
>closer now
>would Alex fire off that device again?
>he looked serious
>then again, when was he ever not serious looking
>you were aware they'd probably hear you first before you even saw them
>a room full of random beast men and you were just human
>one of them had to be able to hear you
>you turn the corner carefully and were shocked to see no one
>they'd moved out somewhere
>fuck this mystery business
>you were calling shark boy
>thankfully his phone was on
>in hindsight he might be busy but goddamn were you keenly aware things were a mess here
>you were given the runaround and you didn't know what was going on
>though the sexy time in the closet was nice
>he didn't initially pick up
>the first couple rings made you think maybe something happened
>after the fourth you were both happy to hear from him and super pissed you got locked in a room
>you heard gunfire over the phone and that kind of quelled your anger
>as pissed as you were about the situation you didn't want Alex to die
>he was brief
>sounded like he was fiddling with something while talking
>no doubt that weapon
>"I need you to head to that pool you found"
>"head there and get under water"
>you headed over to the location and stripped your shoes and socks off
>when you stepped in you asked again why
>"in about ten seconds dive below the water"
>"do it"
>you said you loved him and he hung up after more gun fire
>the phone was tossed in a pool chair
>so you counted down and once you hit ten you dove
>you weren't the best at holding your breath but you'd manage
>you could only wonder what he was thinking
>when you just about ran out of air you had to pop up
>drowning in the shallow end of a pool would be the dumbest way to die
>you breached the surface and tried listening
>no explosions
>at least not for a while
>you hung around in the pool for a few minutes just to be safe
>you climbed out of the pool and gave Alex another call
>this was a more immediate response
>"you stayed in the pool, correct?"
>he sighed when you said yes
>you asked him what's up
>the gun fire had stopped
>"I fired off the device with an increased range. several city blocks."
>well damn
>"I found the most effective barrier to the waves it generates are liquids"
>like water
>of course
>you felt yourself and sure enough you were still human
>"you did not ask for this. I wanted you to leave for a reason."
>well you were stubborn
>you asked if he was safe and the confusion the ray blast provided meant the struggle was over
>for now
>Gensyn wouldn't send more men just to have the weapon used at them
>you were worried about the neighboring area
>you hoped Gensyn cleared the area a little
>he was returning to check you personally
>you'd also ask him about that room business in person
>you'd have to get down to the bottom of this
>you had trust issues right now
>very well founded trust issues by now
>when Alex came into the pool room, he found you with your arms folded
>he didn't initially read the room and was just checking you for mutations
>so you had to get it out in the open
>why the hell were you locked up?
>he paused at that question
>you wondered what was going on in his head
>he thankfully looked like he was unharmed so you could remain pissed
>if there was even a scratch on him you'd have dropped the outrage
>the shark boy was very quiet
>probably trying to work out a solution
>"I did not think my colleagues were that petty."
>you were putting the pieces together and between that earlier argument and his reaction now, there still seemed to be bad blood there
>it would probably only get worse
>Alex was quiet now
>he had you strip down and looked over your body before handing you a towel
>"there are fresh clothes over in those cubbies"
>he thumbed over to the corner of the pool, where a small changing room existed
>he seemed content knowing you hadn't change
>so you had to ask
>why didn't he want you to be hit by the gene thing
>"the long term effects could result in anything. I do not want that for you."
>then what about him?
>"I considered myself a sacrifice."
>you flicked him in the nose, causing him to flinch and grab it
>there was confusion in his eyes as he held his snout
>you'd heard of that trick from him
>no, he's not a "sacrifice"
>none of that
>he wasn't writing himself off like that
>there was also the matter of responsibility
>Gensyn wanted the genie that they'd slapped together
>Alex had the morality to know how terrifying a weapon it would be
>but to just write himself off as a loss wasn't happening
>you apologized for the nose flick by moving close and kissing his snout where you tapped it
>then pulling him into a hug
>between trying to get you to run and this you were going to be stubborn and push back
>slowly, he reciprocated the hug
>you'd help shoulder the weight
>his body relaxed into yours
>"I am a bit lost"
>well you were here to help
>you both rested your heads on each other's shoulders
>he must have been so panicked
>well, panicked for him
>you picked him up and shocked him
>your earlier idea for his outfit struck you and it sounded like a good distraction
>this morning, you didn't think you'd be bridal carrying a shark mutant that tried to avoid eye contact
>but life was full of surprises
>"thank you," he whispered
>your boyfriend
>damn your life had gotten topsy-turvy
>but you still had each other
>you just hoped there was a flattering bathing suit for him in the changing room
>Alex held onto you as you made your way to the room
>you were dealt a weird hand so you'd make the best of it
>he was strange but his heart was in the right place in all this
>so you'd take care of him
>but no more of that martyr shit
>you hugged him closer to your chest
>his tail did make this harder, you tried not tripping on his fins
>you were relieved he didn't argue about earlier
>he was stubborn as can be but even he saw you didn't like him devaluing himself
>he was important
>if not to himself, then to you
>his work wasn't worth tossing anyone's life away
>the thought made it harder to set him down when you got into that room
>you hadn't explained the swimsuit idea but Alex didn't need to worry about his pants falling down
>at least not without your involvement
>the swimsuit would be a decent distraction for you too
>there seemed to be a lot of wardrobe choices
>you picked some spare button up office shirt and shorts
>when you dug around and presented him with a one piece swimsuit for a woman he immediately suspected ulterior motives
>his hands on his hips lost any threat to you when you saw he was trying to keep his pants up while also trying to stare a hole into that swimsuit
>you waved it in front of you with all the enthusiasm of a matador
>your selling point of "huh? huh?" wasn't working
>oh well
>you needed the levity and he needed a distraction
>finally, you pointed out how hard it must be to work with his pants like that
>only plumbers are that skilled
>"I am surprised you care about my pants staying up."
>was that a joke?
>from your Alex?
>thankfully, he saw reason and took the sleek black swimsuit
>you had that Swiss army knife still and used it to cut a tail hole
>sure enough it hugged his body like a glove
>he wasn't one for showing off but it looked good on his new body
>at least he could wear his lab coat over it if he was feeling immodest
>"I will admit, this does feel better"
>you had to admit it looked better too
>the swimsuit complimented his thin frame
>even after the transformation he looked like he'd be 90 lbs wet
>still had the ass though
>hell, a little intimacy could do you both some good
>you stood behind him and grabbed him yet again
>he wasn't startled
>just kind of leaned into you like he expected it
>"you just wanted me in a swimsuit. still, I can work with this"
>you decided to kiss along his blue scaley shoulders
>he reached behind and ruffled your hair
>"the other reason I wanted to protect you is perhaps far more selfish."
>you were curious and let him continue
>"I ask a lot from you to find this new form attractive. I do not think I could do the same. you are very much you and I like you."
>he was still Alex
>plus you had to mutter to his ear, the shark thing was still kind of hot
>you decided to lay on the cheese and ask if he'd heard of sirens
>when he remarked no, you grabbed at his pecs and said you'd getting him fitted for seashells
>Alex balked at the bra suggestion
>"I have no breasts," was his objection to the remark
>the comparison to mermaids was lost on him
>but Alex was was still Alex to you
>his initial jubilation, for Alex at least, had given way to the fear of what he'd done
>in short, he was feeling guilty and self conscious now
>remorse had set in
>so you decided to show off another shark fact you remembered from him
>his bare shoulder was vulnerable
>while your heights initially made it difficult you managed to gently bite down on the exposed blue scales
>the skin had barely any give and you found it tough to actually bite
>you didn't want to actually pierce the skin but it felt it would be a challenge to do so
>so he definitely was as tough as a shark now
>his clawed hand gripped at your hair
>"you… I taught you that."
>you hoped Alex appreciated that fact
>his legs shuddered and you held him up from collapsing
>in the wild, female sharks are riddled with bites from a mating
>while he's definitely not female, the whole marking instinct must have gotten him worked up
>you didn't push too hard though
>last thing you wanted for him was him hyperventilating without clean water for him to breath in
>a few more love bites across his bare shoulder left him speechless
>you pulled back and asked if his new body was that bad now?
>"that was not fair."
>oh he loved it
>judging by the bulge in the swimsuit
>you hated to bluebell him but you didn't want him choking
>that chlorine pool water probably wouldn't be good
>you weren't the level of biologist Doctor Thompson here was, but you bet no one should be breathing chlorine of any kind
>so you relented and held him close
>you liked him for him
>so you decided to console him another way
>you promised when you two solved the whole thing with Gensyn, solved all of it and found a perfect quiet moment
>you asked if he'd mind taking your last name
>at least that distraction would give him something to mull over besides the navel gazing that had him down earlier
>he pushed away gently
>"you do not mean that…"
>of course you meant it
>easier said than done but hell you did like him
>everything else would just fall into place
>you were being optimistic but a marriage would be the least of your worries
>plus you hoped the promised worked
>you snatched him back into your embrace and kissed the bite marks you'd left
>he melted against your attention and he ceased protesting
>"you are stubborn"
>of course
>hell, you wouldn't have gotten far with Alex if you weren't stubborn
>"this old genetic scrambled mess and you want to marry it"
>he wasn't a mess or an it
>you ended up bringing up whether he'd want to wear a tuxedo or deck him out in lace
>"tuxedo with lace underneath."
>he blurted that out like immediately and you had to laugh
>work he broke away you didn't snatch him up again
>you knew time was a luxury you all couldn't afford
>at least you both got this little moment before he needed to worry again
>"thank you for the outfit, I want you to stay close. whoever decided to lock you in might try more extreme measures."
>so stay close to the boyfriend
>you could do that
>you'd had enough of exploring after that ventilation trip
>that did make you remember something
>as if on cue a loud smash from down the hall made your suggestion moot
>that last blast from the device might have hit those guards
>and since they weren't as shielded you bet there were a bunch of beast men out there
>he'd done a controlled burst last time and only caught the lab
>you bet the radius of the last blast hit a lot more random targets
>the initial confusion worked in the scientists favor, however what happened with hostile forces after was a crap shoot
>if those scientists grumbled about being beast men, you could imagine these guards were none too happy
>the commotion was a bit worrying
>Alex put himself in front of you
>logically he'd be better suited to fight whatever was coming down the hall
>but you weren't about to let logic dictate shit right now
>he'd had time to throw on his lab coat and you grabbed his things from his pockets for safe keeping
>not like he had a spot for his wallet
>fat lot of good that ID would be now
>thankfully it sounded like some of the science team had noticed the ruckus and were coming back
>that gave you both a little courage to come out and rush the hallway yourselves
>sure enough they'd battered the door
>and bashed the walls
>they'd have a chance of breaking out
>better than you did at least
>you were dumb enough to try and bolster the door despite Alex yelling at you
>your troubles got you thrown back against the wall by the steel door
>you were hazy on what happened next
>you weren't knocked out cold but goddamn did that impact have you seeing stars
>hurt like hell too
>when you finally pulled yourself together you shoved the door off and were shocked to see Alex had ripped a guard's shoulder off with his teeth
>he'd spit it out onto the floor after getting swatted away by some elephant guard
>some of the burlier scientists tackled that one
>you handed the door off to that rhino one who used it as a blunt weapon
>you were about to run over to attend to Alex when he sprung back onto his feet
>he looked to you and his eyes lightened up just the faintest bit before a glare had you back against the wall
>maybe he had a point about you being a little outgunned here
>he wasn't much better though
>he was a stick
>a very bitey stick apparently but a stick nonetheless
>the fight had spilled out into the hall and you really couldn't intervene
>not without getting crushed underfoot
>Alex ran in despite your own protests and held back that elephant's swinging fist long enough for that door to smash a couple times over his skull
>what he lacked in strength he made up for it scampering over to another guard in lightning speed
>within minutes the deed was done
>the violence had died down and Alex was bloody but victorious
>most of it wasn't his blood
>he was like a different person out there just now and you remembered
>the whole feeding frenzy thing that Alex had gone over once or twice
>so no sticking any limbs near his face
>the crazed look in his eyes slowly faded as you took his hand in yours
>so, things had gotten more complicated
>but you were sticking by him like he said
>the whole fight had been a clumsy blur
>Alex was sort of running on instinct that whole thing
>at least that's what it looked like
>no weird Matrix shit
>he wasn't one for confrontation so it made sense
>the whole time he'd just been biting and scratching
>it worked but you worried maybe it wouldn't if there was a next time
>sure he could so some damage to a regular person
>but his skinny ass was trying to climb and fight multiple giant beast men
>the enthusiasm outweighed the capability
>you didn't want him fighting again
>granted, you'd been just as reckless charging the door
>your intervention and possible harm might have been what set off Alex into that crowd
>so you decided you'd try to keep the both of you out of trouble if you could help it
>he'd come down from that weird crazed look after some comfort from you
>you attempted to clean him off a little
>staying away from his jaws in the process
>you didn't know if you could accept a blowjob from him for a while
>the lean shark tried to shoo away your efforts but you wanted to make sure he was OK
>he fussed like a kid being tended to
>he was more concerned about you but all your organs were where they were supposed to be
>at the very least the distraction seemed to shut up the disgruntled faction of scientists
>taking action and getting violent seemed to have been easier said than done
>you were sure at least one of the guards was dead, some sort of gator
>but he could be out cold
>you decided to check for yourself despite the objections
>there had been enough death for a day though
>turns out gator man got himself a hostage
>fucker had been playing possum
>possibly hoping for a sneak attack or something
>but you'd given him the perfect opportunity
>Alex once more got angry
>it was strange seeing him furious
>even before the transformation it may come off as annoyance
>here, there was no doubt he would have killed this guard if you weren't in between them
>an ultimatum was thrown down
>the weapon
>or you
>the massive scaled hand squeezed the back of your head and you felt like he'd squish it like a melon with the faintest move
>you saw Alex's teeth bared
>the others didn't seem as bothered, something the shark didn't notice
>you figured it out quickly enough
>you were the only thing keeping the gator alive but only because of Alex
>the rest if the scientists, people you'd known before all this, they were ready to throw you under the bus
>all for the greater good and all that
>it was a far far colder version of Alex's perspective
>without you to ground him he might have thought that too
>instead he seemed to be the only one concerned about you
>something the gator noticed as well
>it was starting to dawn on him his choice of hostage might have been a bad idea
>Alex was a small man on the totem pole here and he'd been out voted before he realized a vote had come up
>you thought they were finally getting along but the divisions were still there
>were you Alex's weak link?
>but you also had prevented him from turning into some asshole like these other eggheads
>fuck the greater good
>you were living
>you whispered fuck you to the rhino in case this didn't work
>Alex was a little confused
>you had learned from Alex personally about the equipment downstairs on beast men is strange but it's still a man's usual equipment
>you slammed your foot back in an act of blind faith that it would strike something something
>gator might have been able to pop your head if he wanted but you'd smashed your heel right into his beanbag
>it was enough to loosen the grip on you and allow you to jump away
>Alex nearly forgot himself and tried running in to gut the guard personally when you held him back by the collar
>there was more you two needed to discuss in private later
>the gator was actually out cold this time by the time they were done
>they were dragging the unconscious ones out towards whatever commotion had happened earlier
>despite Alex being sort of a ringleader here you had the feeling the situation was slipping through his webbed fingers
>the whole vibe of the place was getting more and more hostile and you didn't think that was entirely Gensyn's fault
>but you couldn't do much but stick by Alex
>you were both in danger here
>it would be best to talk it out with Alex about how to handle this going forward
>you didn't like the fact that a room full of people, sans your boyfriend, was cool with you getting turned into salsa
>the device getting into the wrong hands was bad
>but good God that was frightening
>you hesitated to be around the other scientists after that hostage thing
>but you also didn't want to leave Alex alone with this
>he was in danger and felt obligated to stay
>you were less concerned with this device
>you knew it would be bad in the wrong hands
>but you obligation was to Alex first and foremost
>you just wondered how you'd have your shark cake and eat it too
>this was a dilemma
>you'd have to trust Alex and he'd have to trust you
>so you decided after all the commotion you'd need to take him aside in private
>would it be possible to take the device and run with him?
>Gensyn would be after you
>but you were hunted anyways
>it was possible though
>the obvious answer would be to smash the device and essentially cut the knot altogether
>that was a possibility
>scheming behind the other scientists back was a necessary evil
>you'd break up the band but you thought they'd been cool five minutes before and they were just OK with your death
>so maybe just smashing the shit was a good idea
>no one would have it
>but the notes and the scientists were still around
>Gensyn would make another one
>damn if this wasn't a rock and a hard place
>you were fucking Alex until he can't walk after all this trouble
>you felt you were owed that much by life
>you'd calmed down and nudged Alex away from the crowd
>hopefully later he'd brainstorm with you
>the shark boy seemed puzzled but you didn't want to spell out what just happened in that room with that audience
>they'd just as likely turn on him too
>hell, they might still
>so he nodded and you agreed on a time in whispers
>hopefully you could kill two birds with one stone and work out some stress relief too
>fuck knows you needed it
>that and the shark twink was still looking good all things considered
>if he couldn't turn back you'd make the best of it and show him he was still hot
>over whatever constituted as the boss's desk around here
>but first
>first and foremost
>you had to formulate an escape plan
>the rest of the day you decided to essentially stick near him and say nothing
>none of the scientists realized you figured out where they'd stashed the guard guns
>not that you were trained or convinced they'd do much
>I was a security blanket at best
>regardless, you were armed
>just needed an actual plan
>maybe, leave these dicks and run with Alex over your shoulder
>your day dreams grew more elaborate
>but you weren't some suave secret agent and Alex wasn't a Bond girl in a little black dress
>whatever escape you'd put together would be hasty
>maybe you'd get lucky and Gensyn would cut their losses
>that did make you think to bring up something important to Alex
>a lot more debate later and everyone saw fit to get some rest
>the day was long over and Gensyn hadn't tried anything since earlier
>a watch was set up for the bare minimum
>maybe they were out of ideas after the frontal assault
>important thing was you had privacy with Alex again
>first thing he said
>very first thing
>"I am very certain you spent much of today lusting after me. This swimsuit might be a mistake."
>you'd managed to find a higher ups office with the hot tub and Alex remembered the promise earlier
>the lock on the door wouldn't be much but hopefully it would discourage some idiot
>because yeah you'd spent the whole day horny
>after the danger had passed you'd hung around your boyfriend wearing nothing but a swimsuit and lab coat
>tomorrow might be your last day
>he'd promised ass
>all fair points
>to say you were completely oblivious to the danger would be stupid though
>you'd been planning all evening
>you shoved Alex face first onto the grand wooden desk
>after all the shit that had gone down you both needed to relax
>to his credit Alex didn't protest
>not when you pulled his swimsuit aside and revealed his twin pointed cocks
>they contrasted with the blue skin of his slit and balls
>of course he was just was pent up as you
>you hefted him by his hips into the air
>all he could do was look back at you with curiosity
>"what has gotten into you?"
>you gave one of the cocks a kiss and his claws flailed wildly at the desk
>"holy shit!"
>his attack on the furniture done with, you set him down
>he glared at you over his shoulder
>"why did you stop?"
>you two had to talk just a little with the privacy
>you decided to break away and search the bathroom tied to the office suite and sure enough, lube
>always count on these rich types being perverts
>that hot tub was probably germ soup
>you continued the conversation while you lubed your fingers up
>you both needed stress relief but now was also the best time to talk
>you laid out that the other scientists look like they'd kill you back there
>"true. the hostility in that room seems worse now."
>if even he could read it
>"I am never letting anyone do that though."
>you hefted up his tail and started sliding a finger in, earning you a hard fought groan
>as much as he pretended the sex stuff was only to please you sometimes he really enjoyed it
>he whimpered as you pumped the slick finger back and forth
>his tight hole a cute pink, compared to the rest of his scaley body
>"I will sooner kill everyone here than let them kill you."
>the way he said that made you pause
>Alex wasn't a joker
>or a very good one
>he wasn't looking over his shoulder for your reaction
>it was just him stating a fact
>well, hopefully it never came to that
>you went back to pumping in and out of him, sliding a second finger in
>he wasn't one for overblown reactions in sex
>didn't moan like a girl or anything like that
>he did lift his ass up a little more, shake his hips just slightly
>he scratched into the table, leaving deep marks in the wood
>at least with him bent over like this you could see he really did like this stuff with you
>his curt outside matched his tough scale
>on the inside though, he swallowed your touches and gave way easily to you
>you two hadn't done a whole lot of butt stuff and you had once thought he didn't like it
>frotting and blowjobs weren't the worst though
>you kept talking though
>you both would need an out if things got bad
>"I've thought about that. obviously Gensyn wa- oh fuck"
>he whined when your lucky finger found the shark twink's prostate
>you asked if he liked that and he jerked his hips when you did it again
>"you know I like it. why are you asking?"
>he brushed his hair back slightly and tried to collect himself
>well you liked getting a reaction out of him
>he grit his new razor sharp teeth as you assaulted that button over and over
>this was cute watching him squirm
>"you were serious about marriage?"
>you'd partially said it to give him a little more hope but you meant it
>"we leave this place with the device. I destroy the notes and we leave."
>but then where do you both go?
>"if you really are serious about marriage we will figure it out"
>oddly sentimental of him
>just follow your hearts sounded uncharacteristic from your Alex
>you leaned down over him
>you whispered if he was that eager to be your mate?
>"you are knuckle deep in me and you have to ask"
>his voice was almost a needy groan
>his precum dribbled onto the boss's carpet
>when you pulled out of him his hole winked at the sudden vacancy
>as aloof as he wanted to act about the sex he loved it as much as you
>you nibbled softly along the back of his neck and he replied to bite harder
>he tasted unique
>when you broke the skin he quivered
>the corner of the desk he gripped splintered in his hands
>one of the smartest, cutest guys you know fused himself with a apex predator and he had begged you to mark him
>his tail thrashed about a little as you kissed at the bite mark
>even if he wasn't very vocal about it you knew he liked it
>you'd been intimate only a little bit before this change
>it felt like the passion had now bubbled over after
>you mumbled how fucking pretty he was between kisses
>he objected
>whispered how he'd turned himself, how even before that he was weird
>your undid your pants and dropped them then freed your dick
>you shoved it against his tailhole
>Alex groaned as you probed the ring of muscle
>all those little doubts in his head
>you wanted to toss them aside
>this whole time you'd been attracted to him
>"I am still stuck a freak now"
>you shoved in a little
>you growled into his messy hair how you read studies that found sand tigers mated for life
>you wanted that for him
>with each word you sawed back and forth just enough to get the point across
>this was all harder with his meaty tail having to be off to the side but you'd managed
>"are you really serious about sharks? I never spoke to you about that study."
>of course you loved sharks
>you loved one special one though
>you laughed and remarked if maybe the professor wouldn't mind being a nurse shark and wearing that uniform down the line
>"you can not be serious."
>serious as the heat burning inside him right now
>"give you every chance and you still want to be with me…"
>he sighed softly and relaxed, his ass allowing you to push tighter
>"I wish I met you sooner."
>well, the important thing is you met each other
>he'd been amazing before and he was amazing now
>the whole scrawny twink thing even worked into his age
>and now, he was all tight and limber
>it was like he was all reborn
>still Alex but just more
>you growled into what amounted to an ear
>he didn't have an outside cartilage protecting them now and they were usually hidden by his mop of hair
>your wedding, you talked about that while your cock throbbed inside him
>how the honeymoon you'd take him out into the ocean and really fuck him like he deserved
>it wasn't luck that made him a new type of life
>Alex was made to be a shark and you were made to be his mate
>you added in he was the only reason you came back here
>you loved him and the idea he'd gotten hurt made you terrified
>Gensyn, those scientists out there, all of it
>they didn't matter in the grand scheme
>Alex would do what was right and you'd be there with him
>you muttered how you'd slam into his prostate after you two picked a good sandbar for it
>the salt water washing over you
>the gulls screeching overhead
>just like your outings to the beach
>just add skinny dipping to it
>you'd only known him for a while but he was the one
>"I cannot believe this is happening," he whined
>his tone still the same Alex
>but sexier to the ear
>was that a pleading tone?
>was he genuinely enjoying himself?
>you kept pounding into his thick ass and hoped so
>he was actually starting to sound a little winded
>you stopped and pulled out and for the first time he was miffed
>"what the fuck are you doing?"
>he spared a glance over his shoulder and was surprised when you picked him up
>the hot tub wasn't ideal but you weren't letting him choke
>it was big enough for him to submerge completely
>you pulled his ass up out of the water and slid back into your dick's agape home
>with him on all fours you slung his tail onto your shoulder and used the new leverage to go deep
>your boyfriend thrashed in the water but you held him down in place
>the tepid water splashed with every thrust down into him
>somewhere along the way he slammed his fist down on the tub and his ass got a lot tighter
>that was the beginning of the end of your own endeavor and his climax finally coaxed your own
>you shot a load deep into him with a final thrust
>you had the good sense to sit down then, pulling him up our of the water with you
>"that was intense as before," he remarked with renewed calm
>like he wasn't just gasping earlier
>"I could even smell you under the water."
>you'd remembered that fact
>you asked if it was good for him
>"our semen is currently mixing in this hot tub."
>his wet dark hair was all you really could see of his head, though you felt his insides occasionally twitch at your invasion
>you ran a hand over his stomach and he sighed
>"you are serious."
>of course
>you'd just have to pick an ocean for your honeymoon
>you basked in the afterglow in silence for a while
>you pulled his wet hair aside and leaned in and kissed that mark
>his hand clasped over your arm
>your clothes were ruined
>in the moment you just didn't give a damn
>now, it was funny
>you squeezed him against you like a plush toy
>his rough skin like sandpaper
>any wiggling was punishing your poor arm and hand
>but it was worth it
>"well, I guess I am serious too."
>you didn't know what he meant and he clarified
>"I will kill anyone that tries to hurt you."
>well you didn't want things to come to that
>he wasn't a killer
>you knew he wasn't
>you whispered how he was a good man while kissing his neck and shoulders
>"I will rip someone's throat out if they touch you. good man or not."
>maybe the shark part added a little bloodlust
>you treated his words seriously though
>he said it with such conviction there was no doubts he'd at least attempt it
>"I can feel your heartbeat. you are not even a little scared?"
>of the situation maybe
>"I saw the gun you stole. that was a good idea."
>well, he apparently wasn't too distracted when you two fucked
>but if he meant scared of him, no
>he sighed and pulled himself away from your grip
>you hoped you hadn't said something wrong
>"get your clothes off, they will need to dry."
>was he making a point to bend over the rim of the hot tub?
>he wasn't looking for your reaction
>granted he wasn't much one for eye contact
>you shook your head and came back down to earth
>he was right of course
>you draped your clothes over the desk and took another good look at Alex
>slender blue and white limbs hiding tight muscle
>that single piece swimsuit practically clinging to his body
>wet raven dark hair
>a thick ass topped by that tail
>god, you scored the jackpot
>you walked around the hot tub to see him face to face
>you kissed his snout
>after the craziness of today this quiet was a godsend
>his glasses seemed to be working still
>at least enough his eyes knew where not to look to see you eyeing him with appreciation
>you climbed back into the hot tub
>you snatched him up best you could and held him close again
>you would have to brainstorm how to get out of this intact
>the next couple days were not as chaotic as that day
>you stayed around Alex full time
>it earned glares but both of you watched each other's backs
>Gensyn tried another attack the second day
>the same thing as before, dive in the pool and Alex hit the switch
>you didn't like that he had remarked on making the device stronger
>enough to affect several city blocks
>Gensyn was forcing them into upping the stakes but you didn't like it
>when he came back he was different too
>exposure to a stronger dose must have changed his mutations a little
>the back of his forearms had fins
>his claws were longer and his skin a deeper blue and brighter white
>his tail was longer, resembling a thresher shark now
>turning him around revealed a fin right between his shoulder blades
>he didn't seem shocked
>you had to put your foot down
>the device really was too dangerous
>it was the time to walk away from this
>most of the others stared daggers at you
>as it turned out, that was the last straw for the giant rhino
>a hand the size of your head aimed for your throat
>Alex moved faster
>the rhino screeched as he pulled back a hand with two less fingers
>Alex spit the digits out on the floor
>he wasn't the most dangerous person here but that message was clear
>he'd make whatever they planned costly
>you pulled him back a little with a soft tug
>he didn't need to be that
>while defending your honor was cute and all, he wasn't a monster
>you'd see to that yourself
>your safety was apparently a cause of tension now
>as in why didn't you have to be out there?
>why didn't you have to be transformed?
>these complaints were lodged by multiple parties to the apathetic looking shark
>you risked cleaning the blood off his face with your shirt
>a quick glance that it was you was enough to calm him
>"none of this is any of your business"
>he spoke frankly to the group
>clearly not giving a shit at this point
>tensions were past the boiling point
>what stopped everything in its tracks was a massive thump from inside the building
>you'd feared this
>but didn't think such things happened outside the movies
>the company couldn't get the device with the siege
>so they had decided no one could have it
>they probably planted a contingency like this years before
>just set off a bomb and level the place
>more thumps
>the place was getting brought down on your heads
>Alex genuinely looked terrified when the gravity of the situation hit him
>then he shoved you away from a falling piece of ceiling
>fires were spreading and the sprinkler system was either damaged or intentionally shut off
>the solidarity from the scientists vanished and they fled in separate directions
>none spared a glance at Alex pinned under concrete
>the shark tried to get you to leave
>"get out. there's nothing you can do."
>in seconds Gensyn had decided to be a sore loser
>seeing Alex buried under that rubble though
>something came over you
>you were fucking angry
>fuck this fucking company
>fuck these goddamn high and mighty scientists
>fuck all the stupid fucking threats you'd gotten
>the building was coming down and Alex was trying to goddamn write himself off again
>you shouted "fuck" at the whole situation
>none of this fucking bullshit was winning
>you started hurling rubble aside
>all the while Alex begged you to run
>fuck all of this
>you were either dying here or you'd be leaving
>his tone was pleading, desperate and it was ignored
>this whole shitshow wasn't ending like this
>you snapped back that you made a promise
>a chunk of concrete the size of your torso had his leg pinned
>that was your last obstacle
>the building was getting violently unstable by the minute
>you put all your anger into that piece of concrete
>adrenaline was a hell of a thing
>something in your body popped but you lifted it and he pulled himself out
>his legs was in bad shape
>he'd live but he wasn't walking at the moment
>fuck it
>your heart was racing and you snatched him up and threw him on your shoulder
>escape seemed slim now but you bolted in the direction of the main doors
>no one was getting their goddamn way but you
>the device and Gensyn was forgotten
>they could fucking have the damn thing
>everyone had cleared out before you
>all those fucks playing at moral superiority just caved immediately
>you hoped they'd all go to Hell
>more explosions
>you had to hurry
>using the main exit was risky but you didn't have much choices
>the lobby was in ruins but you had a clear way out
>you were thankfully the cover of night made leaving in the chaos easier
>you got a few city blocks before collapsing in an alley
>the adrenaline only carried you so far
>Alex hadn't said anything since you freed him and you got a little worried
>his glasses were broken
>he seemed dejected
>but breathing
>"you did not need to do that"
>like hell you didn't
>you reached over and closed his mouth before you heard any more foolishness
>laying back in an alley wasn't ideal and you'd have to move soon
>right now you were dealing with the consequences of that rescue on your body
>you caught your breath and tried to assess just what you fucked up moving concrete
>you lost track of the time you laid there
>your legs had finally stopped burning
>this past couple of day was hell
>the only bonus you could think of is at least Gensyn probably thought you were dead
>you needed to get out of town
>you probably had a limited time to clean your places out before they'd rummage through them
>your place more likely was safer
>you were never happier you walked to work the one nice day this week
>so your car would be the best chance
>Alex was coming along
>despite the whole "you should leave me"
>after sitting there for a bit you pulled yourself up
>the shark twink was looking towards the ground
>probably feeling like shit
>you asked how good he could walk on his leg now
>"does it matter?"
>flick to nose
>you were going to make him regret teaching you that
>Gensyn didn't have the device
>hopefully all those scientists would be all morally upstanding and not reveal the research either
>with the bombs going off you two were practically in the clear
>"I have only really known you for such a short time and I pulled you into this"
>you hefted him up on his feet
>Gensyn was going to pull some evil shit regardless
>you were committed to Alex
>hell if things hadn't gone the way they did in that rescue you were probably going to use the gun
>no use burning to death
>but that wasn't what happened
>what happened was you two escaped and had a new chance at life
>you couldn't go back to the old routine
>none of this could have been foreseen, you remarked that Alex wasn't a fortune teller
>you put yourself in his shoes though
>all that research was his life
>the lab was essentially his home
>it was all gone
>you hugged him tightly around the waist
>you offered that no matter what you had the water and him
>you asked if he remembered what you promised him
>"after all this?"
>besides, you can help him with his research now
>he hadn't been out in the open water like this
>swimming alongside him in some pretty lagoon could count as research right?
>he relaxed a little at that suggestion
>you both were alive and could make something of it
>you were careful to take back routes to your apartment
>Alex held onto your shoulder
>night was working in your favor but it wouldn't be long before you needed to get the fuck out of here
>you cheered him up a little with the proposition of checking out his place
>as minimal as it was he had stuff that was important to him
>only two people knew about Mr. Snaggletooth
>well two living people
>his mom was the one who gave him a stuffed shark when he was four
>he'd slept with that thing more than you
>yet still in good shape
>it was easy to pack the essentials once you got to your place
>you wanted in and out
>Alex helped a little but he was hung up on a picture of your parents
>"they will think you are dead."
>well that part stung a little
>but you had tried to push that out of your mind
>he slumped down against the wall
>"I ruined your life…"
>he sounded defeated
>you watched him, unsure what would happen in the next moment
>him trying to bite his arm off was not your first guess but you intercepted it just as quick
>you grabbed his wrists and pulled them away from his mouth
>he was probably hoping that wound would have bled out if he'd gotten the right part of his forearm
>he was strong but you were putting all your strength into pinning him
>you asked what good killing himself now would do?
>he tried not to look you in the eyes
>you needed him
>you hefted him up and moved in to hug him, restraining his arms all the while
>you weren't leaving him behind so he shouldn't be doing that either
>right now, you really needed him
>tomorrow, you'd really need him
>and the next day
>no one can undo any mistakes but you didn't consider this a mistake
>he ruined nothing
>it was more like a fresh start
>besides, he was better than this
>he saved you after all
>you reminded him of how you had been in the path of that rubble
>"only because I dragged you into this."
>you ran in willingly towards those explosions
>he was tearing up a little
>the time you two have shared had been the happiest in your life
>no matter what circumstances surrounded it
>when he finally relaxed only then did you ease your grip on him
>his rough skin had worn at the palms of your hand, the pain a small reminder
>you'd make it through this
>finally, you pulled back and said if he really wanted to make it up to you he'd take your last name
>you wanted to give him a purpose again
>he lost a lot and here he was dwelling on you
>now you had an pull yourselves out of the ashes
>reclaim your lives
>he finally made eye contact and he couldn't hide the sadness
>you told him you both could make this right
>fuck letting Gensyn win
>he was strong enough to fight then, so why not now?
>you needed him
>you were pretty sure you'd never get out of town without him
>that seemed to help
>he found his resolve if it meant helping you
>at least on the surface
>you grabbed your suitcase and grabbed his hand
>you piled onto your car and made a beeline for Alex's place
>he was quiet but you'd occasionally nudge him to get him focused on you
>you'd get him smiling before long
>just had to be as stubborn as he was
>you were relieved to see no one around his apartment
>with the coast clear you went in
>the lock had been busted
>bad sign
>both of you were on guard
>Mr. Snaggletooth was on the floor but unharmed
>you helped him stuff a bag
>Alex was still in a somber mood but the trip to his place did seem to help
>helping him out to the car, he spared a glance at his place
>you squeezed his hand
>this couldn't be home any more
>but you'd make sure he had one
>leaving, you felt like an idiot seeing a parked car pull out and start heading the same direction as you
>at 2 in the morning
>they had to be company men
>the blatant way they trailed you on turned confirmed it
>Alex looked to you worried and you tried to be a comfort
>you didn't know how this would play out
>they wouldn't do anything drastic in the open
>you headed out of town towards the harbor side of the city
>you trusted the shark by your side
>the car got closer the second you got out of the city
>for the second time tonight you hoped a fake death stuck as you careened off a cliff into the ocean below
>Acajutla, a major port town in El Salvador
>a man could vanish in the hustle and bustle down there
>American cash went a long way
>someone could use the rainy day fund they'd stashed for an actual investment down there
>no one really thought much of the man buying a used houseboat
>just another face in the crowd
>trying to make it as a fisherman in this port was a challenge
>but you had an edge
>you'd been there for a couple months after the explosion
>that night your trust in Alex was rewarded
>he pulled you to safety
>called you a fucking idiot for almost killing yourself once you got safely out of sight of the town
>you smiled and he smacked you upside the head
>you replied you knew a mermaid would save you and that made him cross his arms and not want to make eye contact again
>you told him you needed him
>your hug was eventually returned after he got over his anger
>he'd managed to save all your shit thankfully
>he moved like a torpedo in open water
>it was an experience to feel him speed through the sea while you were luggage
>you were relieved his great white plushie was wet but unharmed
>you'd personally grabbed that when the water flooded the car
>it was time for a change
>that's when you two headed south
>Alex had to occasionally hide until you found a cheap tarp to throw over him
>that's how you ended up in El Salvador
>far away from Gensyn
>you knew some Spanish and had your life savings in cash and had it made… sort of
>thank God you never really liked being tied to a bank
>a life around the water came naturally
>the sun peeked through the blinders as you stretched in bed
>you both had taken to sleeping naked due to the heat
>his rough skin against yours was becoming normal now
>you ended up getting rubber sheets down the line for the bed
>then cheap fabric over that
>they'd hold up under Alex tossing and turning more
>that and his occasionally nightly dips for fresh water
>though he usually toweled off before sliding into bed again
>it wasn't unusual for you to look like a cat had scratched you up
>worth it
>he pushed back into your chest
>you moved his hair to kiss along his neck mark
>"horny already?"
>he had grown accustomed to his new body and your reactions had probably helped
>he still wasn't wearing a seashell bra
>no amount of cupping his pecs could convince him
>the small fin on his back made getting super close difficult but like everything, you'd manage
>hiding him from prying eyes was easy when you had a floating home
>not surprisingly he took to the idea
>the boat was a little rickety
>but you'd made it home
>you asked what he wanted for breakfast
>"fry up some of the leftover ham"
>thankfully he didn't have the appetite of a shark
>but he did have a fondness of meat
>you'd eked out a meager life for you both and he'd been more of a help than he'd realized
>fishing was easy when you had him driving schools toward your net
>you occasionally came in empty to throw off suspicions
>you'd moved out here to flee attention
>you kissed along his shoulders and pulled away
>he curled up and with the sun casting down on him he was pretty as a picture
>he'd picked up a few marks and nicks here and there
>but he never seemed to mind
>you kept him patched up despite any objections that he was fine
>of course he'd always say he was fine
>you did like that the mutation seemed to make his hair grow longer
>he'd always had long dark locks but now it hung past his tail
>more than once you trimmed it back for him
>Gensyn and your old lives were slowly fading from your mind
>you of course couldn't speak for Alex but he'd hadn't attempted to take his own life since that night
>maybe the almost drowning did make him realize he was needed
>you'd never seen him that angry before
>however that plunge seemed to do the trick
>Gensyn had plenty to worry about now and your boyfriend hopefully could pick up the pieces of his life
>you'd be there every step of the way
>you had thrown on a shirt and sweats just because frying without clothes sounded unpleasant
>the money you brought in slowly allowed you to keep this tin can running
>you had no idea about fishing or boat maintenance before this but you'd figured Alex would need the sea more than anything
>and you were right
>more than once you got out to the water and he genuinely enjoyed himself
>he could get to an insane speed
>sometimes you worried about predators but the enhanced senses meant he was hard to sneak up on
>you refused to go out too far because oceanic white tips
>he had told you enough about those things and you didn't share his enthusiasm for them
>he started enjoying this new body more with the swimming
>more than once he seemed to come back on deck eager
>maybe his new instincts?
>hard to say
>you discouraged him from grabbing a meal out there
>even with the new body he'd eat at the little nook like a civilized human being
>you would cook the catches he'd bring up to you though, as a compromise
>when the ham started sizzling in the pan you saw he'd flipped over to watch you
>his slender body with all that deceptive muscle coiled up
>smartest guy you'd ever met and he was this deadly predator at the same time
>he flicked his hair away from his eye and watched your work
>you were not a 5 star chef by any means, but it worked
>you took your eyes off him and that's all the time it took for him to clear across the room at slip behind you
>"after breakfast, you want to take us out?"
>that was a tempting offer
>the tone in his voice promised fun time after
>he was getting better about knowing how to play to your urges
>still didn't understand just why you were attracted to him
>but he was starting to understand if he said please in the right whisper it would give him the keys to the kingdom
>he pressed his snout towards your neck and he inhaled softly
>"you should wear less antiperspirant, I like it when you sweat."
>you was trying to hit buttons
>successfully, mind you
>you remarked you had a surprise later
>that got his attention and Alex rested his head on your shoulder
>"I hope this will not be the build up to a punchline involving your penis?"
>you were a horndog but not a predictable one
>you hoped
>you turned your head to peck him on the cheek before flipping the ham onto a plate
>you ruffled his hair and he released you to throw the pan into the sink
>your surprise involved a sandbar you'd spotted a week ago
>a spot where land closest met the sea
>perfect place to make good on your promise
>he was curious but didn't pry too much
>by now he'd learned to trust you
>he rarely bothered wearing clothes onboard anymore
>your life now involved the pantsless shark devouring ham in your dining/living/bedroom
>for his part, you'd already been the one shred of his social life before the transformation
>he wasn't one for people before
>if it wasn't for you he'd be a hermit or dead
>so after breakfast you started up the motor and took the boat out towards the shore you'd seen the remote sandbar
>as busy as the main port was it tended to have stuff coming in and straight out
>about a half hour out the sandbar finally appeared on the side of your ship
>you set down anchor nearby
>Alex looked over to you, looking for some sort of sign
>you read his body but chose not to answer
>you both swam over, he slowed down to keep pace with you
>the scenery of cliffs and jungle above you made this picturesque
>you'd do just that when you got back
>right now you focused on the task at hand
>once you got to shore you faked falling over
>Alex went to grab you but you caught yourself on one knee
>you clasped a hand over his outstretched wrist
>in the blink of an eye he had a ring slipped on his clawed finger
>it wasn't much, you hated to admit
>it took a little saving, hard to do on a fisherman's budget
>but it matched yours
>it took him a few seconds to process
>"your promise…"
>you hadn't forgotten
>granted it had been a few months give or take
>but you made good on it
>he fell to his knees to meet you and kept looking down at his hand
>"I tried killing myself by biting this hand off."
>you hoped this wasn't going into a dark area
>"you put a ring on this hand."
>you looked him over
>"you really do want me."
>well, want is too weak a word
>you corrected him and said need was a better word
>what you two had gone through
>it would break lesser men
>in the back of your head you hated that it wouldn't be "official"
>you ran off a fake name and Alex was fine being forgotten except by you
>only you two would really know he carried your name
>it was a small gesture but you wanted to actually take a step forward
>to show he was worth it
>he awkwardly clasped his hand to yours
>the rings made contact
>simple silver
>it showed up on his blue skin better
>he sat there for a moment in silence
>"I never imagined this"
>well the future was strange and uncertain
>a lot like the seas
>but you wanted to share both with Alex
>you'd taken to this life and actually enjoyed it
>the shark twink shoved you over onto the sand bar and sat on your lap
>"you really meant all that stuff about mates for life."
>well if his sense of smell was so great he could figure that one out
>he decided to collapse on you
>he didn't weigh that much but the surprise knocked the wind out of you for a second
>"I can agree with that."
>he snuggled up to with the passion he only also showed Mr. Snaggletooth
>you offered to go in to town and bring home something to cook as a celebration
>it was meager but you wanted to do something
>"you already got us jewelry."
>how about fried squid?
>you enjoyed the embrace
>Alex sort of lazily draped himself over you
>the shark man was still this scrawny waif of a thing
>hard to believe how much life had changed for you both
>"do you ever regret any of this?"
>what had passed had passed
>you just lived in the moment
>"I regret not knowing you sooner"
>well ok, you could share in that regret
>but things still worked out
>the rest of the world could burn as long as you had the sea
>after resting for a while you decided it would be a good idea to get back into the water and get back to work
>that squid wouldn't pay for itself
>you tossed Alex his harpoon gun from the deck
>you'd made a point to make sure he could defend himself a little better down there
>the strap over his shoulder for it was the only clothes he'd wear
>you got the nets rigged and pulled out towards better catches
>every time you told Alex you'd landed the best catch he'd always dismiss your nonsense
>shame he also took your suggestion of wearing fishnet anything as similar nonsense
>oh well, it was life
>you will still make jokes at him and he'll still say you're ridiculous
>it was weird to go from esteemed scientists to fishermen
>your hands never used to be accustomed to this work
>having both of you in tandem helped considerably
>Alex would whip them around with his tail
>almost exactly like a thresher shark you'd commented to his delight more than once
>all for your net to snatch up
>he was lightning quick underwater
>on land his movements were smooth and deliberate
>but usually slow to initially go
>in the water it was like a whole different world for him
>you were content being his one contact above the waves
>hell, if you hadn't been there what would his life have become?
>you tried not to dwell on hypotheticals as you reeled in you catch
>your new shark husband was used to the timing of your work and had climbed up onto the ship again
>you got a decent haul this time around
>you'd head right back to port and hock it to a fishmonger you knew
>he and his family did most of the leg work on land for you
>they liked that you tended to be pretty happy with the prices and brought in a fair amount for it
>while there you'd pick up some stuff
>Alex was content to guard the boat and not deal with people
>he had helped turn below deck into a home and turned out to be the best roommate you could ask for
>as messy as he could be he would definitely busy himself with cleaning while you were gone
>you eventually wanted to get him some science equipment to fuck around with
>give him his work back
>but that would be later
>at the moment you were surviving
>when you pulled into shore you kissed him on the snout and loaded up the containers of fish
>you did all your transactions in about an hour or two
>storm clouds looked to be coming in so you didn't want to waste time
>not use getting caught out in the rain
>you netted a decent amount off the merchant and turned around and grabbed your squid
>you had enough to get just a little stupid so cheap beer it was
>better than drinking the water around here
>weather report had said rain would clear out tonight so you'd take the boat out to a secluded beach and have your modest honeymoon there
>thank God Alex was a guy
>you probably wouldn't have heard the end of it with how thrifty you'd been forced to be with all this if he was a woman
>you checked your watch and made your way back to the dock after all the resupplying
>you carrying your arm load of groceries below deck and let Alex handle that
>you refueled the generators above before the rain hit
>for privacy's sake you took the boat out
>just a little
>the storm didn't sound bad but why risk it?
>you didn't want to make a bunch of noise at the docks
>you'd done well to not draw attention to yourselves this far
>buying a cheap ass solar panel to power some stuff seemed to offset the generators a little
>the ice box was an energy draw
>the lights weren't too bad
>neither of you kept a phone
>it just didn't seem wise
>maybe way later down the line
>but for now you were fine without
>no camera was kind of annoying
>not that Alex liked being in photographs
>but still
>it was fun to grab him for a photo
>heading below deck after casting the anchor out, you were shocked by what you saw
>he'd put away the food and shit
>but then slipped on some sort of fishnet costume
>it was full body but was cut at the hands and feet to expose his fingers and the feet resembled stirrups
>the white fabric looked familiar
>"I stitched together some of your spare fresh netting"
>he could sew?
>he had to keep Mr. Snaggletooth in shape so he just learned it
>guess it never really came up before as a hobby
>white netting played all over his blue skin
>he'd even ensured it was just tight enough it clung to him
>Alex knew what he was doing
>he'd learned enough about you
>using his wiles was something he was keenly aware he could do
>even if he didn't have much confidence in them
>he didn't attempt some seductive act
>he was just him
>it had a charm all its own
>he just assumed he turned you on and didn't waste energy faking it
>he sat beside you on the bed and you handed him a bottle of beer
>to be fair this wasn't much different than before
>just with a ring on it
>the gesture was there
>you brought up the beach BBQ and he agreed
>"do you want to consummate the marriage now?"
>well if the outfit didn't say it he just came out and spelled it out
>well you figured why not
>he climbed into your lap without a second thought
>he'd gotten a little heavier and stronger eating well and being out at sea
>he was still very limber bit had a little more meat on his bones
>better than his old diet
>helped you two actually went to bed at decent hours now too
>you'd gotten stronger too
>enough that you could pick him up with not trouble still
>you clapped your hands on his ass and he jumped a little before he shot you a look
>"was that necessary?"
>you were just helping keep him stable with the storm making the sea a little choppy
>safety first
>he had the gall to doubt you
>oh well
>you kissed at his throat a couple times and then grabbed another swig of beer
>he stole your bottle and took a drink too
>he'd grown really comfortable in your company and you really took that as a victory
>you took care with his risqué fishnet wedding attire as you held onto him
>you decided to pick him up and set him on his side on the bed
>you found out by accident missionary didn't work with his anatomy now
>turns out flipping him on his back turns him catatonic
>it only lasts a few minutes but you remembered the panic you saw in his eyes when you first found out
>he never panicked
>ruined the mood that night
>it was part of the reason you were the big spoon when you two slept
>so you just had to work around that one position omitted
>not the end of the world
>you took a moment to look at him, his clawed hand resting on his hip
>his eyes looking towards yours
>you were glad you'd long become the exemption when it came to eye contact
>another peculiar thing you'd at first noticed with his nipples
>his body basically had a barbie doll anatomy thing going when he wasn't fully aroused
>sure there was a tight smooth nutsack right below a slit
>but it was all tucked up
>made sense though as a safety feature
>you grabbed the lube out of your nightstand and took another look at your husband taking up most of your bed with his tail
>really was a damn mermaid
>you grabbed his leg, lifting it into the air
>he turned his head to watch you
>Alex had long since abandoned his glasses
>sometimes he used goggles for the dives at your insistence
>with his sixth sense and smell he wasn't completely blind
>the glasses were usually reserved for reading
>such an old man habit
>you always joked with him about that
>one day you'd replace them
>but it wasn't like you could walk into an eye doctor with him right now
>you lubed up your dick and leaned over him as he watched you
>he wrapped one arm over your shoulder
>no words were needed right now
>your cock slid into his slit
>a fun little quirk of his anatomy
>he groaned as you rubbed against his cocks inside
>"that desperate to mate me?"
>he scoffed a little as you leaned in for a kiss
>his tongue and yours wrestled awkwardly
>with your faces sort of incompatible you had to work for kisses
>but you'd manage
>he was worth the effort
>you thrust into him over and over
>your slick cock frotting against his
>slowly they were working to hardness
>he broke the kiss
>"you know that is not a vagina."
>it was a rhetorical question
>you knew it wasn't of course
>but this was fun foreplay
>you'd jam it in his real hole soon enough
>but this shark was all yours
>and you'd fuck him how you liked
>his breathing was soft but you knew he liked it despite saying otherwise
>you had made him a wife right now
>"so horny you cannot use the right hole…"
>maybe you like bullying his dicks a little
>you said that with a chuckle as your lips went for his mouth again
>when his dicks finally pushed yours out you were slick with precum from both of your dicks
>you wasted no time and without looking shifted around
>his tail made penetrating blindly so easy
>like his body was just built for a man
>his moan was muffled by your French kissing
>you bottomed out into his ass easily, by now his insides like a glove for your manhood
>your body had gotten accustomed to his too, your skin tougher from the rough scales
>his stomach, pale compared to the rest of his blue body, twitched as his ass clenched at you
>you ran a hand over his lower body, appreciation in your fingertips as you enjoy his muscles tensing and relaxing
>he was yours now and forever
>the fishnets made it easier to grab hold of Alex
>you used the handholds for more leverage
>his tail curled behind you
>it wasn't all that flexible but he could move it just a little
>just enough to surround you
>the smell and taste of him was everything to you
>his world had become the waves and it had become yours too
>you'd make a high brow comparison to Aphrodite later
>right now you were too horny to wax poetic
>he was too beautiful for any words anyways
>shooting your love deep inside him spoke louder than fancy platitudes
>"when we lock together like this," he gasped out between ravenous kisses
>fucking his ass like this
>"you fill me."
>when you bottomed out with the next thrust you made sure to draw out the move, stirring your cock in him
>his hand gripped your hair
>he forced your face back to his
>"do not stop"
>despite acting like he was sexual just to please you, he definitely loved it
>"fuck your wife's pussy, that what you want me to say?"
>he shoved his tongue into your mouth before you could answer but holy shit
>getting him to actually talk dirty was rare
>usually he just settled into muffled bottom noises
>you started pounding him mercilessly
>your dick angled to hit his prostate the best you could
>you were relentless now
>the ship could capsize and you wouldn't even notice
>razor sharp teeth cracked against yours as you clumsily kissed
>his whine as he started cumming was adorable
>his body spasms milked your dick
>ropes of your seed flooded his ass as his own cum stained the bedsheet, passions made physical
>you collapsed on top of Alex
>just exhausted
>you had a few moments before he started gasping
>water it was
>you scooped him up and climbed above deck
>rain trickled down over you both
>the you took him to the rear of the ship and let him slip into the ocean
>a few minutes and he was back on deck
>the storm looked like it would break soon
>you suggested a nap before heading over to the beach on he agreed
>cover of night would make things easier
>you enjoyed the sight of him in that new outfit
>worth losing some new netting for
>"you are ravenous," he remarked over his shoulder
>you both toweled off a little when getting below deck and Alex changed the sheets after the mess you made of them
>it was a quaint home but you wouldn't change it for the world
>you just considered your blessings when you slipped into bed behind your husband
>after all the fun time you passed out easily
>both of you woke up around 8 PM and your stomach growled
>yeah you'd bring the ship into shore
>the weather had calmed and both of you got up above deck
>you knew a pretty empty beach that was far off the tourist destinations
>especially this late at night
>just in case you had a tarp that Alex used as a cloak
>you didn't really both go to shore a lot but it discouraged looky-loos
>dusk had long since passed and the sun barely registered on the horizon
>the slim orange glow was the barest amount of light
>helped a little
>last thing you needed was to hit land
>Alex loaded up a cooler with the supplies
>you tossed your shirt and just went with shorts tonight
>once you pulled near the beach you dropped anchor and your ocean guide pulled you and the cooler to the beach easily
>you made landfall in seconds
>a fire was quickly set up, rocks and sticks all within walking distance
>the orange glow was enticing
>skewered squid and vegetables, beer and you'd grabbed a quesadilla salvadoreña to serve as a wedding cake
>both of you had taken to that dessert since moving here
>about the one sweet he still liked actually, having become almost exclusively a carnivore
>you'd get one and it would always be "I am not hungry"
>then somehow a portion would go missing off your plate
>you sat back and looked over to the quiet companion you shared the fire with
>your hand went under his chin
>he was confused but you cleared things up with a kiss on his snout
>the night was plenty warm for fall down here
>seasons all tended to blend together from what you'd experienced so far
>the humidity and the fire was enough to make Alex have to splash around a few times
>but he didn't complain
>the dinner and cake was plenty but you had to make sure Alex didn't eat the skewer
>his jaws were sort of all or nothing when it came to eating
>you relaxed by the fire and cuddled
>things felt right
>your old lives felt like someone else's world and you wouldn't change it
>Gensyn was a distant memory best left forgotten
>you looked down at the ring on Alex's finger
>you'd made that change
>salvaged your lives out of what could have been a tragedy
>you went for a fling that turned into a future
>Alex and you would seize that future
>the crackle of the fire and the lapping of the waves were your only company and you wouldn't change that either
>you'd made something better of your lives and you weren't about to quit
>you didn't give up your lives when you went off that cliff
>you upgraded and you wouldn't change that for anything
>slipping an arm around the rough waist of your husband was a comfort and judging by how he eventually leaned into you, it was for him too
>maybe you'd do some skinny dipping before heading back to the boat
>might be fun
>you groped at his chest playfully and he didn't admonish you
>your home lazily bobbed with the currents only a couple hundred feet or so out in the night
>peace and quiet had been earned
>your stomach was full
>tomorrow was another day
>life was about as perfect as could be
>you had thought Gensyn was your dream job but really it was this