So, about the world building thread, I think we should push for a hard science fantasy type of setting.

It is pretty much a sci-fi universe with fantasy elements and a hard magic system that is not arbitrary, nor is it merely "a wizard did it" - think Full Metal Alchemist, Avatar the Last Airbender, or Hunter x Hunter. I would say HxH would be the best comparison, since like chuubanite, it is a hard magic system with a lot of room for creativity. Everything until Hatsu is pretty basic, but Hatsu is a direct result of everything before it, so it is allowed to be complex.

Likewise, chuubanite has basic applications. See, the chuubanite rentry was basically describing it as nuclear power. But, those basic applications lead to a more complex one via transdimensional "magic" which could be anything, but still requires a process to be actualized. With this, and if this conclusion is agreed upon, we should start discussing how /meat/ chuubanite actually works from a physiological perspective.

I would say it relates to the developmental process, essentially forcing whatever it is in contact with to go through the life cycle on a cellular level - birth, suffering, death, rebirth. As the cells duplicate, struggle to survive, die off, and become the building blocks other cells utilize to survive. As a counterbalance, this causes it to be prone to the creation of tumors of various grades of malignancy, and it likely hurts like hell due to the regeneration and destruction of nerve endings, though /meat/ folk would probably learn to enjoy that part. As for how chuubanite achieves this goal, I would like to mention previous posts I have made, however I don't know where they are, and wont waste my time finding them.

The heavenly realm is a realm of concepts. People can /become/ a specific chuuba and merge with their consciousness, while also adding fuel to that chuuba in the form of more life force/blood, a necessary component for the survival and empowerment of a chuuba. I have described the process of /asp/ /become/ and /meat/ as being one and the same. I argue that even if they describe the process differently, the process still achieves the end goal through the same principle, just like there being multiple ways to heat something up, but all involve increasing the energy contained within that thing (see the definition of plasma).

The heavenly realm works a bit like the outer warp from 40k. Worship and faith actualize a concept, almost like giving it form, and thus belief and conviction are a kind of energy source that the heavenly realm feeds off of. When using chuubanite, it bridges the gap between realms, thus allowing for the energy within worship and faith to create a direct connection between the devoted - and the concept they are devoting themselves to - the chuuba, to whom their prayers go. This strengthens the connection between chuubanite and it's chuuba, creating a sort of current that travels through chuubanite.

However, while pure chuubanite can form these connections rather easily, it cannot bind them to our world as easily, hence why it is so unstable. Imagine a live current through a stripped copper wire, the energy goes everywhere. You need a bit of resistance to direct it, hence activator substances that are resistant to the influence of chuubas not connected conceptually to the substance. This traps the desired chuubanite effect, but if two chuubas both have some relation to the substance, and if the user is partial to neither in particular, it is unstable - not as much as when chuubanite is pure, but still enough that non-natives/non-believers will have to focus harder to use foreign chuubanite effects to the same degree as those who follow the chuuba's ways.

/meat/'s chuubanite effect is the life cycle itself. Recall in our lore the mention of the belief in an energy that permeates everything, and that it is strengthened by engaging in the life cycle, which could ultimately lead to enlightenment. This is that energy. In effect, it forces things to go through the cycle at an accelerated rate, particularly on a cellular level. This is what allows us to regenerate as fast as we can. I like this explanation since, while the heavenly realm is technically indescribable, every effect that chuubanite has on the real world - and the process by which it attains that effect - are clearly defined, which is essential for a hard magic system.

I am not sure if others will be quite as autistic about this as I am, but I particularly love the fact that the core concept of /meat/ - the life cycle - is the only effect our magic needs to replicate, literally the purest concept around which /meat/ builds the entire civilization and its magic. I said I was working on the idea a while ago, but I also said there was more to it, but this is the concept I was referring to ever since I said that, and a refined version of the concept ever since I started talking about how magic could work.

Pub: 19 Mar 2022 04:50 UTC
Edit: 19 Mar 2022 05:05 UTC
Views: 515