
The island of /ag/ is a traditionally tribal nation-state that's been both helped and harmed from being introduced to first-world society via Hololive colonists. When CoverCorp found the place on an expedition, it was bursting to the seams with natural resources, leading to massive exploitation of the earth and the gradual destruction of most arable land. Despite the citizens negotiating to receive huge cuts of these profits and rising to possess one of the highest GDPs per capita in the world, they found themselves starved for farmland, meaning their diets gradually came to consist more and more of easily-preservable imported foreign junk food.

In any other nation, this likely would have resulted in some kind of reactionary national reform to save the citizens' health, but curiously enough, it synergized extremely well with traditional cultural beliefs. Long having glorified a corpulent physique as a sign of wealth and power, the adult obesity rate of /ag/-denizens was already obscenely high by global standards BEFORE colonization, with marriage-age girls often stuffing their faces in hopes of looking more appealing to young men, and important societal figures being laden with so much blubber as to be practically immobile. When the wealth available to the average citizen went up while the accessibility of healthy food went down, the island became utterly mired in gluttony, vice, and its citizens' obscene girths.

/ag/ is now a popular tourist destination worldwide for its dreamlike amenities and delicious food. Most of these tourists come from the nearby empire of Hololive thanks to its close proximity, but its separation from most global feuds means it's not unusual to see friends and enemies from across the globe sharing stories over a tropical feast. Vacations are so enjoyable that people who've visited often joke about the dangers of gaining a dozen kilos on a honeymoon, and the like. Additionally, the island's peculiar cultural beliefs have begun seeing adoption elsewhere as impressed visitors return home a little fuller and a little happier. In particular, citizens of /vsj/ have been looking a little chunkier in recent months...

16806571 (Dead)
16837375 (Dead)

Is /belly/ meant to be us, or is it like a rare, exposed tummy general? I've searched it a few times since these maps were made and never seen one.

/ag/ is a moderately-sized island well offshore from Hololive, also with a direct route to /vsj/ if possible. It possesses a dreamlike tropical climate, but the island itself is mostly an industrial shithole covered in mines and deforestation operations. There's a large, greenery-covered inactive volcano at the center. Almost the entire population lives at or just inwards of the coast, which has been landscaped to look like as stereotypical a Hawaiian or Jamaican paradise as you can imagine.

Pub: 23 Feb 2022 23:25 UTC
Edit: 04 Mar 2022 21:49 UTC
Views: 428