Kronii wants some entertainment
Akuma Kronii

(You) woke up late one day
Weird, (You) always wake up to your alarm but this time it didn't go off
(You) look around, Kronii isn't there
"She might be up already", (You) tell yourself while getting up
(You) find a note in the living room
"Had to go do a quick errand, be right back!"
Somehow, this sent a chill down your spine
(You) try to shrug it off and prepare breakfast
Right as (You) finish, (You) hear the door unlock
(You) blink
Fauna's in front of (You), naked and looking very distressed
"Hi honey, sorry for the surprise"
(You) look around, it's Kronii wearing that outfit she loves to torture (You) with
(You) finally realize you've been tied down to a chair and you're completely naked as well
"Now Fauna, could you explain to Anon what's happening?"
"U-um... Per the updated Bunkeronii Peace Treaty, I am to satisfy Kronii's-- AH"
Fauna loudly moans, (You) see Kronii holding up a remote control, (You) can only guess a vibrator is involved
"Ohhh Fauna... did you already forget?", Kronii says as she grabs her by the chin to make her look at her
"I-- I'm sorry...I am to satisfy my Mistress' needs for entertainment to guarantee Mumei's freedom"
"Theeere you go" Kronii kisses her on the cheek and lets her go
"Okay... So what do I have to do with that?" (You) ask, struggling to hide the half-boner you got from that interaction
"Hahaha oh Anon.... did (You) already forget you're my entertainment?"
She grabs your cock, now fully erect
She starts stroking it, the feeling of her glove sends another shiver down your spine
(You) start to moan, until (You) realize Fauna is still there, now with her face beet red, staring at (You)
(You)'re not sure if you should be scared or aroused at your current predicament
Kronii stops the moment she notices (You) begin to leak precum
"There we go, almost warmed up", she gleefully says
"Now Fauna, will you do the honors?", she continues as she hands Fauna a bottle of lube
As Fauna grabs it, Kronii plays with the intensity of the vibrator
"AHH. Y-yes Mistress..." she barely replies as she starts pouring lube on her hand
Trembling, she reaches for (You)r cock
The different feeling from Fauna's trembling hand compared to Kronii's confident strokes makes (You) unintentionally moan
"Now then..." Kronii starts as she reaches for something out of your field of view
"Let's have some fun, shall we?"
She places a clock next to (You)
"Fauna, you're going to be stroking him following this clock: tick, you go up; tock, you go down. Do you understand?"
"......Y-yes, Mistress", she quietly replies as she begins
"Don't you worry about following the rhythm completely, you'll be doing it whether you want to or not"
Fauna stops for a second, (You) can see the fear in her eyes
She reluctantly continues and grabs (You)

Her consistent stroking on your cock feels amazing, (You) can't help but continue moaning
Fauna begins to moan as well, (You) notice Kronii playing with the remote controller again
"Just like that, Fauna... Just like that" Kronii begins touching herself
This continues for some minutes, (You)'re getting very close
Looking at Kronii, (You) notice she started making a smile
It's the smile she uses when she starts the torture
"Let's make this more interesting", she says as she snaps her fingers
Suddenly, the clock slows down to a crawl
The abrupt change in Fauna's tempo, right as her hand is on the head is putting (You) on the edge
Looking at Fauna, (You) notice her expression and position have changed
The vibrator has been switched for a sex machine, it's penetrating her with the same tempo she's stroking you with
"Hah.... Ah....." Fauna's trying her hardest to not moan, but that's only making (You) harder
(You) hear another snap
The clock starts ticking faster
The tempo has changed, you both start moaning loudly
Another snap
Fauna's eyes widen while she's looking at (You)
(You) can't hold it in anymore
But (You) can't cum
It seems Fauna can't either
Kronii starts laughing
"Ohhhh... did you really think I'd let you off like this?"
She walks towards the both of you
She reaches for Fauna
"Don't you worry, dear... You won't get tired from this" she says with a chuckle while she looks at how she's stroking (You)
"I-isn't this-- Ah... Isn't this enough, M-mistress?"
"That's for me to decide, Fauna. Or would you rather me bring Mumei instead?", she responds with a smile
"NO, no. I-- Ah.... I-I understand"
She starts playing with Fauna, kissing her, touching her, playing with her breasts
Fauna is almost screaming now, tears start to well in her eyes
Kronii stops, looking very satisfied with herself
Then she turns to look at (You)
"(You) didn't think I'd forget about (You), right?"
At this point, (You) wish she had
She snaps her fingers once again, time returns to normal, as does Fauna's stroking
"Let me take a page out of your book Fauna", she says as she puts her face right next to your ear
She starts licking your ear as she plays with your nipples
"(You) want to cum, don't (you)?"
(You) feel like you could explode at any instant
"(You) want to cover Fauna with your cum, don't (You)?"
"Plaster her beautiful face with your seed?"
"It's a reward for how good she's made (You) feel, right?"
Her whispers make you struggle in your chair
"Shhh shh... now, now. We're allllmost there"
The clock becomes slower, (You) feel it's taking 10 seconds for Fauna to go from the head to the base of your cock
The sensation spreads to your whole body, it's torture
Just like Fauna, you're basically screaming now
"Doesn't it feel good?", Kronii interrupts your thoughts
She seems very satisfied with her entertainment
"How shall we finish this?" she asks herself, clearly not considering your input
She starts walking around
The mere mention of finishing this has put the both of you past your limit
She noticed that
You feel it takes 5 seconds now
It's normal now
You've stopped thinking about the tempo
"Oh riiiight, I never told you what to do, did I?" she says nonchalantly
She looks at the both of you
And that's exactly what you do
The both of you beg, plead for her to let you cum
"Ohhh Fauna, will you let me play with Mumei sometime?"
Kronii smiles
Got her
"Ohhh Anon, (You)'ll be glad to play with Mumei too, right?"
(You) couldn't say anything else
"Aaaaaalright then..."
You're almost free from this
You look at each other almost with a gleam of happiness for an instant, until
"Time for a countdowwwn!"
Your heart drops
"How about we start from 10? All the way to 0?"
"I'll clap my hands to let you know when to cum, how about that?"
Please no
She's taking her time
Thinking back to the tempo, it's the fastest it's ever been
Kronii has the most smug smile you've seen in all your time together
You've both been screaming so much you're just gasping for air now
.....Is she slowing down?
The floor is a complete mess, with a mixture of the fluids from the both of you
(You) desperately look at Fauna, she does the same
Almost there
You stopped thinking
Fauna spasms, releasing herself from the machine and falling to the floor
(You) start covering her with your semen, you've never cum this much before
(You) feel like it's lasted years
When it finally stops, Fauna has passed out and (You)'re really close to losing consciousness
"Ahhh hahaha... I've always wanted to do that" Kronii says, looking completely satisfied
"Thank you for the help, Anon. Sweet dreams...."
(You) barely hear her before closing your eyes
When (You) wake up, you're in bed with Kronii and Fauna
"Had a good sleep?", Kronii asks
(You) don't reply
With a slight chuckle, she tells (You) "Don't worry, I'm done"
(You) breath a sigh of relief, you'd probably die if she put (You) through that again
"She looks so beautiful when she sleeps, doesn't she?" she asks, looking at Fauna
She's sleeping soundly. She doesn't have a trace of what happened to her
(You) guess Kronii probably did some more time control to clean her
"All this fun made me really hungry, could you be a dear and fix something up for me?" she asks with a smug smile
(You) are in no position to refuse, so (You) start to get up
As (You) leave, (You) notice Kronii stroking Fauna's hair
"Thank you, Fauna..."
If (You) hadn't been there, you'd think something else might have happened
"...We'll have fun with Mumei some other day"

t. Nameronii (anon who didn't have a name)

Edit Report
Pub: 03 Nov 2021 07:14 UTC
Edit: 16 Nov 2021 00:54 UTC
Views: 1238