Sins of The Innocent

Aporia Source:
Entry 16 Aporia

“This world and it’s people are cursed”
“Yet they still seek to live”

These words…every night in my dreams…I hear them. Am I the one saying them? I…I can’t remember…All I remember is saying good night to Mumei…That town…that empty town…I see it in my dreams…

“Ahem…Am I boring you Kronii?” Fauna says in her ever so gentle voice. She caught me; I was zoning out a bit.

“No…just have a lot on my mind. Please, continue Fauna.”

“I’ll just get to the end then, since it seems your attention is elsewhere. You two have two have two objectives. One, reach the crater and look for signs of any and all-time abnormalities. Two, enter the crater and recover Bae’s box, returning it here. Am I clear Kroniis?”

“Ah…technically…only one of us is a Kronii. I, my fair maiden, am Ouro Krono. You know…when we get back…I could help bring some of that light back into your life.” He wanders over to Fauna and smiles. What a bright…bold…smile. Well…he doesn’t know what the situation really is.

“I don’t recall asking, nor am I interested in whatever your answer is. We have created a map of sorts to lead you both to the location of the box. You don’t need to work together but your chances of success increase if you do.” Fauna puts the maps in Krono’s hand and then shoos him away. He walks back to where he was, standing next to me with his head hanging dejected. She’s not going to flirt with you man…

“Right…cheerful lot you have here.” He looks over at me with a smirk on his face. Whatever man, nobody asked you to come back, you just showed up. Don’t go flirting with my friends, it’s weird. He hands me a map and I put it into my back pocket.

“Hey! Think I want to be compared to a loser like you Krono?” I fire back at him.

“OOF…my heart Kronii! Ruthless. Absolute dreadful how you guys treat each other.” His digs into his coat pocket and pulls out a pack of cigarettes.

“Outside please.” Fauna says gently then turns away, heading into the room next door. Guess that’s our sign to get started. Stopping just before the door, she turns her head around toward us.

“And again, just out of caution, don’t. I repeat. Do not. Look back when you return from the crater. Krono inhales his smoke and blows it out into the room. He lifts the cigarette away from his lips and lets out a very quiet chuckle.

“Don’t look back. Right. Thank you kindly for the reminder!” He puts the cigarette back into his mouth and Fauna stares a thousand knives into his direction. How we’re the same origin I’ll never be able to wrap my head around.

“Let’s just go. I’d rather not be spending my day doing this…” I let my words end prematurely. I don’t really think I need to explain this to him. I pull on my left arm, the sense of pain still exists in it. I guess that means it’s still living right? Should I be wasting time on this?

We exit the building and head down the steps to our vehicles. The clouds are crowding the skies today. If I didn’t know any better, I’d guess that this is a very bad sign from the universe. Although all we’ve been getting for the past year is bad signs…

“Why were you so late?” I ask him while looking down at his car. There’s a dorky looking guy standing next to it…In fact…how did Krono even get this car…

“Driver got lost. No big deal for me of course. Eheheheh...” He finishes his cigarette and drops it, stepping on it to put it’s final embers of life out.

“Find some poor sucker in town to drive you around huh?” I stare at Krono in disbelief, this guy is really something else.

“Start her up Watson, we’re heading out.” THAT NAME! WATSON!

“Watson? Did…you call him Watson…Krono?” My mind races. There is one thing it lands on.

“Yeah…that’s my p…” I run up to the mysterious guy and grab him by his suit collar. My grip around him as tight as I can manage.

“Who the FUCK are you? How did you get here? SPEAK!” I shout at him. I pull him closer to me, staring straight into his eyes. His eyes shift away for a moment, he’s hiding something. He has Krono fooled. Ugh…fucking Krono…. I’ll give you a piece of my mind later.

“You…Watson You won’t leave this place alive if you don’t start speaking!” I let go of his collar and grab his neck. Krono runs over too me and puts his hands on my arm.

“Whoaaaa. Hey…Kronii. Relax! Calm down!” I strengthen my grip around his neck, I can hear the air struggle to escape his throat.

“Who. Are. You? Answer me!”

I feel time pause and Krono place his hands on mine.

“Let go of me Krono. I’ve been looking for someone named Watson! They were there that day…” He interrupts me, keeping his hands gripped to mine.

“Kronii for fucks sake…he came over with me! This is the first time he’s traveled. I swear it to you.”

“Bullshit Krono, I saw this person…this…they were there the day of the calamity! Watson! She was…”

“How on Earth do you know he was there Kronii? Do enlighten me.”

“She…the monster. The thing that attacked me! It was looking for someone named Watson!”

“She huh…and did this monster kindly leave a description of my partner…who I might remind you…has your hands around his neck?”

I loosen my grip and take a step back…looking at Krono’s partner. Gross moustache, seriously outdated suit…this…it’s a suit…it’s…a…It’s a man…No skirt…I take another step back and Krono lets go of me. He lets time resume, and his partner is none the wiser to what just occurred, although he is breathing heavily.

“See Kronii. This isn’t whoever you’re looking for. He’s my partner. Vetted him myself!”

“I don’t think that counts for much Krono. Anyways…sorry I…I got caught up in the moment.” I stare off dejectedly away from the both of them, trying to compose myself.

“Oh yeah, I mean it’s no problem, dude. I just gotta take a sec to rest.” The new person...this Watson... sits down at the car door, his chest rising high and falling deeply with each breath he takes.

“Geez…you don’t ever lighten up, do you?” Krono smugly states. I glare at him. Maybe he should’ve been my target for strangling instead…

“You’d attract a lot more guys if you dropped that nasty attitude of yours.” I walk over to my bike, biting my tongue. I get on and stare at them both.

“Just go. I’ll see you guys there ok?” Krono waves at me and then turns his attention to Watson. He helps pick him back up and opens the door for him.

“Yeah sure. Try not killing my partner there either. You’ll come to appreciate him; I promise!” I stare at Krono in silence. His big dumb grin on his face…God, I hate you…

“Alright buddy, the crater area ok? Or you want me to drive.”

“Aw geez Krono… It weren’t nothin’. I’m fine ok! I want to drive.” He dusts himself off and takes the keys out of his pocket. The car’s interior is actually pretty fancy. Krono’s choice no doubt…I guess... I wouldn’t mind having that for myself…

“Alright…alright. Take the wheel. I’ll be planning out our COA (course of action) then. See you in a bit Kronii.” Krono heads to the passenger side and get in. Watson stares at me for a moment before getting in himself.

“It is nice to meet you Miss. Kronii. I’m Watson. Armando Watson. Detective extraordinaire, at your service.” He bows to me and then enters the car. Another weirdo is here…Whatever…I just need to get the job done today. Bae’s box…what is so important about that box. Why doesn’t she just go get it herself?

Krono nods his head at Watson as he enters the car. He lights up another cigarette and blows out the smoke in various shapes. How out of fashion can two people be?

“So, I’ll uh…just see you up there yeah? Sorry, not actually much of a team player!” He shouts through the open window.

“You literally have a partner stupid! Just go. Don’t wait on my account man. Just do whatever.” I wave goodbye towards them both and get on my bike. I didn’t get to see his weapon. Does he use a sword too? I wonder…would an alternate universe me have a different weapon? Maybe guns? Maybe two swords? Maybe he fights with his bare hands…Heh…that’s a sight… Krono getting beat up by a better fighter. I’d pay to see that perfect face crushed!

They drive away and I just stare for a moment. He’s gotta be at least somewhat reliable. He returned after all…If he and his group can manage that, they might be able to fix this whole…dying universe ordeal. Hate admitting it…but he’s our best option at the moment. I start my bike up and look back up at the building. Odd that Bae wasn’t here today. She would’ve fangirled so hard over that idiot. I check my phone, a few messages from Mumei.

“Hey how’s the meeting going? Everything alright? 😁”
“I’m going to reheat the pizza tonight so don’t worry about picking anything up! 😎”
“I’m not worried but I am worried. Be safe ok? ☹”

“Yeah. I’ll be fine. See you later. 😊”

“Wooooooooowwww. Kronii using emoji…it truly is the end of days lmao. 🤣🤣🔥”

“Shut up! I’ll be back later! 😒”

“Ok bye thennnn”



“I well I wanted to say…yknow.”

“You wanted to say???”

“You know!”

“I don’t know Kronii. Please. Tell me 😊”





“I love you.”

“I love you too Kronii. Please come back safe.”

I take off in the dust trail Krono had so kindly left behind for me. I’ve yet to actually check the map. He’ll take care of the logistics; I’ll just be support. Nothing wrong with taking the backseat on this. Plus he brought his partner. Probably wants all the glory of solving the issue for us. I don’t care. Makes my job easier. Maybe he can fill in as my replacement. Him and that partner of his. I can just…live my days out with my Maideronii work. That would be easy.

Now that I think about it. My arm hasn’t ached that entire scene. No pain. No uncomfortable shifting around in place trying to hide it. Maybe…Maybe things will get better.

Entry 15 Hope:
Entry 17

Pub: 29 Apr 2022 19:53 UTC
Edit: 27 Jul 2022 20:56 UTC
Views: 454