Victoire / Claudia She/they sparkly purple rose System alter Fem/femneu terms purple ribbon bow Hopeless romantic! Return?

I'm Victoire (or Claudia/Claudio), an alter in the timelost collective .^__^. We're a mixed system and I'm one of the alters who's less connected to Ness. I'm an anchor/grounder, internal protector, and I usually assist Margot in front. I'm vaguely cishet.

Names: Victoire (Vic maybe, Victor absolutely not), Claudia/Claudio. Collective names are fine. Pronouns: She/they is preferred, but anything but it/its should be fine. Terms: I prefer femneu or fem terms, but neutral terms are fine also.

In general I'm okay to interact with, but I might step out of front if things get to be a little too much and send Cass up instead. .^__^.

Currently trying to figure out if I'm a fuzztive of Claudio/Hero from Much Ado About Nothing.

Pub: 19 Sep 2023 21:21 UTC
Edit: 28 Oct 2023 14:34 UTC
Views: 168