Kiara's knickers slid off her once-firm ass, now corpulent with ridges of cellulite. She let out a long beastly grunt, then lifted her leg and pushed out a fart directly into Mori's sleeping face. Calli sat up suddenly at the loud noise and the thick wet droplets that peppered her face then smiled when she realized her lover was giving her a kiss. The pink haired woman grabbed Kiara's ass, spread cheeks, and began to make out with the stained brown hole. After a moment she pulled back, a trail of brown saliva briefly connecting them. She sighed and the top of Kiara's ass. "Good morning dear!" Smiled Calli. Kiara, like always now, said nothing.

Mori stood, stretched, and began to fix her and Kiara breakfast. Would be that Kiara would have done this but working without arms, a head, or...well just being a pair of buttocks on legs was really difficult. Again Mori cursed Watamage under her breath, this foul curse HAD to be broken.

Mori had spoken to Shion, another magic user in Hololive and after days of study she declared that the magics that caused Kiara to turn into the ass, as well as Mori's changes, were far too strong for her to handle. Also too esoteric, Watamage didn't use the same type of magic as most did. When Mori had pressed her Shion couldn't explain it. At least at that time Mori had convinced her to try to do something -anything- and so she got her upper half back. Sorta. She shook her head, pink mane tossing, and trotted into the kitchen to make breakfast.

After their breakfast (Mori had a sack of oats and a carrot, Kiara somehow consumed a brand of food that kept appearing in the pantry labeled Quibbles and Shits) Mori tried streaming. She had to use PNGs of herself now, the face tracking couldn't even begin to process the head of a horse. Streaming was going great for the first hour until she heard a loud fart from behind her. Kiara was in pain! "Sorry chat, I have to go!" She suddenly said and shut the stream off.

She ran back into the apartment, knocking things over with her hindquarters left and right. Kiara called out again, this time weaker, and from the bathroom. Mori burst in and found her in the bathtub, filled with water. Mori reached in and grabbed Kiara, but she was flailing around in a panic. "Kiara! Stop! I'm here! I'm here calm down!" The lower torso stopped thrashing and Calli was able to pull her out.

"Kiara, what the hell were you thinking?!" Mori exclaimed. She let out a sad toot, and Mori sighed. "Look, I know you want to be independent but until we get this spell broken-" this time the toot held even more despair. Mori sat silently for a moment, holding Kiara tightly in her arms. Tears formed in her large equine eyes. "Oh God. Kiara. Please...just...please don't ever do that again." Mori sobbed.

'Maybe it would have been better if you didn't help me out.' Those words ran through Mori's head as she galloped through the streets, Kiara riding on her back. After the suicide attempt Mori had a plan. She checked it with Shion, who was surprised that Calli would even try it, but she confirmed it would work. Probably. But first she'd needed some equipment. She stopped by Botan's place to pick up all the guns she need and left for Watamage's place in the evil city that boarders two relms, where all dark and terriable wizards live: Texarkana.

When she finally reached the shithole it was almost dark, but there was no time to rest. In the center of town, right at the courthouse on the state lines a revelry was taking place. Hundreds of men and women in white robes and pointed hats were feasting, shouting, drinking, and dancing. In the middle of it all was a large bonfire and next to that a stout oak tree, ropes hanging from its branches. These were the men of the Grand Wizard: The Ku Klux Klan.

Mori ground to a stop. This was going to be a problem. Mori was no stranger to the KKK, having dealt with them on several occasions to her opponents in the rap world removed but now, being a centaur with a horse head, they would probably kill her outright. She had to think of something. Near them a bush rustled, and out popped a klanswoman, likely taking a piss. "W-hut the fuck?!" Her voice hissed, seeing the horsewomen and the ass. Mori felt a pit form in her stomach. She knew it was all over, now.

Mori thought for sure that the Klanswoman would call out, but instead she took off her hat and looked at her. "Mori?!" Gura exclaimed, "Is that you? And is Kiara on your back? Why are y'all here?" Mori's jaw dropped and had to hold back a cry of surprise. She had no clue that Gura was in the KKK! But then again, it made sense. "So I told you that Watamage cursed us, right? Well, this is how. We've come to undo it!" "Really? How?!" Mori grabbed the RPK slung across her chest and motioned to the drums and cases of ammo on her back. Gura nodded. "Not a bad idea. But you're gonna need a whole lot more than that. Watamage is, well, a magic user. And it takes a wizard to kill a mage."

"Other than Shion I don't know any wizards." Gura showed her sharp teeth in a huge toothy smile. Out of the corner of her mouth dribbled a little cum. Wordlessly she reached into the bush and pulled out the Grand Wizard of the Klu Klux Klan, his pants still around his ankles. "Goddamn it Gura I'm sti- WHAT THE H-" Gura clamped a hand over his mouth. "They're witch-cursed, oh Grand One. They need help...and yes they're white." The Grand Wizard pulled his his hat off and slicked back his hair. "Shit up a
fuckin' stream" said The Angry Video Game Nerd, "Why didn't you fuckin' say that to begin with?! Let's go kick some ASS!"

AVGN put his Klan hat back on the beckoned them. "C'mon, the guys are gonna love this. They're all for killin' witches and shit!" The Grand Wizard walked down the hill, Gura behind him, then Mori and Kiara. They were greeted initially with cheers and cries of "Hail!" until the crowd saw the cursed women. The rabble went silent, and mutterings of 'devils work' and 'demon' spread through them. AVGN spoke up. "Yeah, I know they look like demons, ok? But they ain't?" A man in the crowd stepped forward. "Then what in God's name are they." "White women. Cursed by a foul witch named Watamage. These women are normally lovely, and now look at what the Dark Magic has done to them!" People spat, and made symbols to ward off evil. Some even booed or hissed. "Fuckin' A. Now, who wants to save em?" The crowd cheered, pulling ARs, Glocks, 1911s, and M1As out from under their robes. One madman even pulled out a M1918 BAR. With a little bit of sobering up they were on the warpath.

Hours later the Klan finally stopped in front of the Ace of Clubs House a historical place and museum that Watamage was using as her base. The Klan erected a cross on the lawn and stood by with kerosene, ready to light it. "Watamage! WATAMAGE!" The Grand Wizard hollered at the house. "We know you're in there you evil witch!" Movement in the single spire above the house proved she was. AVGN nodded to the cross bearers, who promptly lit the cross and put up a new one. The Grand Wizard turned back to her. "We know you cursed these girls here! Come out and reverse it! Now!" The sky flashed red and a booming voice stated "BE FRIENDRY" the flames on the burning cross shifted from yellow to red to blue, then died, the cross collapsing. "Christ! Set em all up! Light three of em! Quick before she casts again!"

The Klansmen did as they were bid, just in time, as BE FRIENDRY echoed above them once more. The flames of the crosses turned orange, and they remained standing. "Thank God!" The Grand wizard heaved a sigh of relief. "The magical barrier is holding. Light one more up to be on the safe side. I'm goin' in."

AVGN reached under his Klan robes and took out his custom M4CQBR. It was designed to fire conventional or blessed and purified silver rounds, and magical Caster Shells out of an underbarrel caster launcher. Rather than breaking down the door he made a quick gesture and the door glowed softly, produced sparkling smoke, then opened. "Hey, curs'ed ones, don't go fuckin' with any doors, they're probably all trapped." He walked in cautiously. A roar from the left announced that Watamage was not alone in the house and from the adjacent room walked a Mariposa Super Mutant Master.

"Hold on now humans...and others," The Mutant glanced over Calli and Kiara. "I'm afraid I cannot let you go any further. Watamage has promised to change me back to human. If she falls, so does any chance of my memories re-" his head exploded in a Bloody Mess. AVGN lowered his gun, smirking under his Klan hood. The ladies looked at him aghast. "What the fuck you lookin at me for? You wanna do this or not? C'mon!" He marched up the stairs, to the tower of the house where Watamage waited.

They approached the door to Watamage's chamber with caution. After the Super Mutant they had encountered no resistance. The Grand Wizard did his sign to the door and nothing happened. He was taken aback, and pulled an iron cross pendant out, then carefully hung it on the doorknob. No reaction. "What's wrong?" asked Gura. "Nothing. Just, there's no fuckin magic here. Why would she's not trap her own door?" "She probably didn't expect us to get this far. C'mon, let's go in." Gura grabbed the knob and opened the door. The Nerd flinched. " Hey don't fucking do that, you almost made me shit myself!" Kiara farted in agreement. "Just go." Demanded Mori.

There Watamage was, sitting on a throne made of old office chairs and dog skulls. Next to her stood a gray robed figure. It leaned over her and whispered. Watamage smiled. "So, James Rolfe. Angry Video Game Nerd and the Grand Wizard of the Ku Klux Klan, and you brought other guests. Growl Goober, Calli-ope Mori, Squak-a-nashi Tiara. It's a pleasure to see all of you again." "Yeah yeah, cut the shit, Sheep-Witch. We're here to turn these girls back to normal." "My, how rude. And besides, I can't do that. Twas not my magicks that made your friends monstrosities. Twas my new aide's." She raised a hand at the robed, hooded figure.

From Watamage James felt a sense of wanting to cause mischief and wonder. However this hooded figure was the most evil malignant thing he had ever felt. This woman, whoever she was, exuded more evil energy than when his copy of Super Mario Bros 3 was possessed by Satan himself. "Who the fuck are you, lady?" James said, stepping back. She lowered the hood and everyone was stricken by shock. Oh yes, this being was an ancient evil. She guided the Peoples of the Sea to destroy Babylon and Egypt. She who caused the fall of the Romen Empire several times over. She who convinced Abraham Lincoln to free the slaves and fight the Confederate States of America. She convinced Stalin and Mao to adopt Communism. She convinced the Western World that Jews were good and the Nazis were wrong, ushering in the globalist agenda. The most evil force the world had ever see: Nyatasha 'Pink Cat' Nyanners.

Nyanners smiled smugly. "Hello, Holobitches. This has been a long-" BLAM! Nyanners reeled from the shot. Gura shot a look at James but, no, it was Mori with the RPD. She unloaded the entire drum into Nyanners's face. Or into her magical barrier, anyhow. The bullets simply hung in the air, squashed and deformed as if they'd hit a wall. When the mag was empty and the gun clicked, Nyanners looked at Mori. "Feel better now, horseface?" Cackled the Evil Pink Cat, raising her hands.

"Mori! Look out!" Gura exclaimed, jumping in front of her as shards of magical ice shot from Nyanners' fingertips. The icicles impacted all along the shark's back, and she slumped to the ground, pain wracking her body. <Magicka to 30%. Forming link to KT.> "Gura, are you, ok?" Nyanners laughed mockingly "Does she look ok, Calli-ope? No, I'll tell you what she is!" Electricity arced down her arm and collected on her fingers. "She just a mutant midget!" A laser-like precision blast of lightening seared Gura's side, and the girl screamed, trying to stand. <60%> "She's a waste of magical ability!" Fireballs formed in her palm. Mori looked toward the Grand Wizard "HELP HER!" James scowled at Calliope. "I did, this is between them now!" The fireball rocketed from the felonious felines hands hitting the shark in the face. <80%, initializing IBF> Gura wiped the soot off her face and stood on shaking legs. "It doesn't matter how much innate talent she has if she simply cannot use it! She is useless!" Screamed Nyanners, finishing her assault with a powerful burst of pure magical energy, a Magic Missile. <Magicka at 100%, link to KT established, IBF initialization complete. Deploy?> Gura smirked and stood, confidently, her legs no longer quavering. "Yes. Nyanners, do you know what else I am?" "What?" <Opening Kings Treasury: Gate of Babylon, Deploying Innate Bounded Field: Reality Marble> "I AM THE BONE OF MY SWORD!"

Nyanners' jaw dropped and her eyes bulged. "You can create infinite swords?!" She exclaimed as the reality marble surrounded them. "Nah," she pointed a thumb over her shoulder to the Grand Wizard, AVGN "He just told me to say it." A wrestling ring materialized. Kiara let out a toot of panic, bad memories flooding back. Nyanners rolled her eyes. "Really, Gura? This is-" she was cut off by a Gate of Babylon opening and hitting her directly in the face with a steel chair, which clattered down on to the ring. Nyanners stood. "Alright bitch. You want a fight?" She took off her robe revealing a leotard and calf high boots.

"How did you know?" Gura pressed. "Oh Gura...I know everything about you! I know what you love, what you hate, all your strengths and weaknesses. Everything." Another Gate, this time Gura caught the chair. "You'll never defeat me in here, Nyanners. Not in a million years!" "Is that so,? Then show me what you got!" The pink cat exploded in a rain of blood and gore. Limbs flew everywhere, and entrails covered the ring. Gura herself looked she had spaghetti sauce thrown on her. Everyone stood agog, wondering what happened.

Everyone except James, who ejected the spent casing of the caster shell from the single shot caster gun mounted to his rifle. It plinked loudly on the ring, and Gura glared at him. "What the FUCK is wrong with you?" She demanded, tears welling in her eyes. Suddenly, the reality marble began to break, closing in on itself. AVGN looked at the fractured sky. "That is, fuckface." He leveled his gaze at Gura, giving her a penetrating look. "You're an Wombburned, remember? Born under The Atronach. You can't keep this up. You probably heard your magicka filling when Nyanners was hitting you. Besides this isn't about you." He nodded at Calliope and Kiara, now back to normal. "I trained you how to use your power, Gura, but you need to learn to get shit done."

The reality marble completely dissipated, and with it the mess that was Nyanners. Dawn began to rise over Texarkana, and the crew watched the sun come up in the tower of the Ace of Spades house. Calli and Kiara had been locked in an embrace for the rest of the night, in the care of Watamage, now clear of the influence. The Klansmen had dispersed at the behest of their Grand Wizard. When they heard that Watamage -now back to Watame- was Japanese, an honorary Aryan according to Adolf Hitler, they were put out, but when Calliope told them of Tsukumo Sana they headed out on the warpath again, sated.

Mori and Kiara headed home, weary of all this magical bullshit, and Watame left Texarkana for greener pastures. Gura and The AVGN, however, left for Atlantis. But that is another story.

James's hands closed around Gura's throat as he shook her like a dog with a chew toy. "I TOLD YOU IF YOU STARTED SINGING 'UNDA DA SEA' AGAIN I'D FUCKING STRANGLE YOU, BITCH!" He shouted at the top of his lungs. Gura's tail lashed out and slapped him right in the groin, hitting his codsack like the fist of an angry god. He dropped Gura and fell to his knees on the cold metal floor of the submarine, crying, pissing his pants, shitting, and cumming. "And I told YOU that if you tried you'd regret it." He looked up at her, tears in his eyes, and reached out. Gura, by instinct, took him in her arms, her face close to his. James opened his mouth, and Gura, expecting an apology kiss, locked lips with him just as he started violently vomiting from the pain. The thick chunky effluvium shot directly down her throat, and she pissed herself in surprise, letting out a rancid shart. James pulled away, and Gura began vomiting up James' puke. Her stomach churned and she began uncontrollably shitting herself, spraying a cloud of fine brown mist behind her. James caught a whiff of the foul scent and that fed into his vomiting. This cycle continued for several minutes, until they were disturbed by a knock at the door, and the entrance of Houshou Marine, from who they were borrowing the submarine.

Marine entered the room and took one look at all the shit, piss, puke, cum, blood, and crying and loudly proclaimed "THE ARISTOCRATS!" Before exiting. She stopped at the door. "By the way, an hour and a half till Atlantis. Get that cleaned up. Freaks." Cries of "Aye aye, Captain!" ushered her out the door of the disgusting room. 'Degenerates.' Marine thought to herself. 'I'd the Klansman just go back to calling me Skipper Titty Jap instead of dealing with this shit.' She briefly considering purging them of her sub via an airlock, but no, that would probably just piss them off. Muttering to herself she went back to Akai Hatto at the helm. Haato saw her enter and stood at attention, announcing "Captain on Deck!" And saluting. Marine tossed a lazy salute at her. "As you were. Haato, you don't have to do that. We're not even in the military, you know." "Yeah, but it makes me feel cool." "Fine. Just don't bark it." "Aye aye, skipper!" Internally Marine cringed. How did she get stuck with babysitting a pack of degenerates and schizos? At least she was dealing with Haato and not Fucking Haachama.

"Haato, reduce speed to half. I want to give them time to clean up their mess." Marine sat in the captains chair and pressed a button on a console near her. "Hopkins, to the bridge, doubletime." She pressed another button. "Captain to crew, now hear this: Due to delays ETA to Atlantis is now three hours. That is all." A woman with a slight figure and short brown hair walked on to the bridge. "Reporting as ordered, Marine." She announced, then made s popping sound with her lips a few times. "What can I do for you, big sis?" Lily was one of the rare crewmen thet Marine not only tolerated but actually enjoyed speaking to. "Hey, lil sis," she replied "I need to take a fully equipped cleaning crew..." She sighed "...and a security detail to those Klansmens quarters." "Security? You expect trouble from Gura?" Marine shook her head "No, James. He puts my teeth on edge." "Right away cap'n." She made off to do as requested.

"Rude." Muttered Haato. "I beg your fucking pardon?" Marine looked directly at Haato, her ire rising just as she rose from her chair. Haato reacted to Marine swearing as if she had been slapped, flinching and all. "What I meant was she didn't salute or show you respect-" "Be. Silent." Marine cut her off. "Ok, Haato, you want to play at military" she spat the word like a profanity. "Then listen here, lost little Ensign, you don't have the authority to criticize a superior officer. #Commander# Hops does an excellent job and holds me in extremely high regard, and I reciprocate that regard /and/ that respect. You, Haato, you pay me lip service and give me a false respect so you can play sailor. Don't you ever make that mistake again, am I clear, Ensign?" Haato was stunned, She'd never heard Marine this angry. "Aye aye, sk-" "You will address me as Captain or ma'am, Ensign!" "Yes Captain!" Haato said hastily. "How clear, ensign?" Haato's lip quivered "C-crystal, Ma'am!" "Fantastic! And if you insult or even allude to insult Commander Hopkins I will have you confined to quarters for the rest of the voyage, I will have you put on half-rations, and you will be left ashore when we return to a mainland port, am I clear on that?" Tears began welling in Haatos eyes. "Aye, Ma'am." "Very good. Now, as you were. I'll be in my quarters."

Pub: 22 Mar 2022 04:20 UTC
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