/DSG/ - Dark Souls General

Semi-active work in progress. Send a feedback post in the thread and I'll read it.
To get the most of your enjoyment while browsing /dsg/, consider the following advice:

Table of Contents:

General Info

Basic Stuff

  • This is a general for the discussion of the Dark Souls franchise, along with Fromsoftware's other similar titles.
  • This is primarily a PC general, and we mainly do PvP. Invaderphobia is not tolerated.
  • The game series is ancient, so don't expect too much PvE lore discussion or meta exploration.
  • Most in-game activity in the general comes through invading, or doing duels and Fight Clubs (FCs). The password is always /dsg/.
    • FCs in DS3 are done through the undead arena. Soul level can be at sl90 or sl125.
    • FCs in Elden Ring are done in the colosseum (Combat Ordeal, any venue). The acceptable level is between 125 and 139.
    • Duels in Elden Ring are done through seamless coop or related mods, in order to reduce latency.
    • Hosting and invading are usually done in DS3 at Pontiff's Backyard, at sl90 or 125. This is kinda dead.
    • For solo invading, consider downloading a multiplayer mod like wex dust to streamline your experience.
  • Indirect replies are /dsg/ culture. If you can't comprehend them, consider leveling your int.

Game Questions

  • Read the relevant Pastebin or Google Doc for the game you're having trouble with. It'll hopefully answer basic questions, although it is pretty outdated.
  • Be as specific as possible when asking questions, so that others know how to help you. Don't get upset if you don't like the answer that you receive.
  • If you're going to post a build or ask for build advice, posting it through a Soulsplanner (or mugenmonkey) screenshot/link is preferred. If you can't do that, at least attach an in-game screenshot with your stats and equipment.
  • If you want in-game help, state the game, soul level, location, and what platform you're playing on. Beware that most users are PC players, and you'll probably be out of luck if you play on console. If you're on PC, don't bother asking for items. You'll just be told to download cheat engine or a mod and give it to yourself.

Dealing with Spam

You might come across a few mentally ill spammers who're trying to shit up the general with (extra) off-topic garbage. If this is offputting to you, consider filtering their posts. You should know how to use filters in 2025...

  • Common spam topics: discord, trannies, racebait, doomposting, bringing up and/or thirsting over the elden ring general and its thread personalities.
  • Maybe check the WIP Filter list, which has a lot of the spammed phrases.

Useful things to know before you start posting

Webm (or mp4) making for complete retards
  • In order to easily make optimal webms, first download Webm for Lazys. If you're still using Webm for Retards, you might wanna update to Lazys.
  • To make your awesome webm, select your footage, and then the destination of your webm. First, use the tools to resize your footage to 960x540 resolution, and trim the time down to only the important moments. You can bump the resolution up to 1280x720 for shorter clips, although your bitrate may suffer. Be sure to set the filesize to about 4 mb. You may need to put it at 3.9 in order to prevent it from going slightly over when encoding gets tight. You can leave high quality mode, although it will take much longer to encode.
  • You can make an mp4 instead of a webm if you want much faster encode times, but keep in mind that they aren't as filesize-efficient as webms.
  • If you lack a recording software, you can download OBS for free. Set up the instant replay to quickly make short clips right after you get an epic kill. You can also use nvidia shadowplay, if you have an nvidia card.
Handy Dark Souls Resources
  • Fextralife, whilst shoddy, is generally your best bet for basic information. Their wikis cover all the games to a decent level of quality, although they will just be flat-out wrong sometimes. The comment sections can be checked for info that a page might not mention. Do note that they shove their own twitch stream onto every page, and also pay to be the first result on google. Put "wiki.fextralife.com###sidebar-wrapper" into your uBlock Origin filters if you have it to increase your quality of life.
  • Wikidot is older and much less maintained than cuckstra, but also doesn't have any of their bullshit. It's a bit lacking in the visual department, but has overall better writing and more interesting data.
  • For any Bloodborne fans, use the bloodborne-wiki over fextra or anything else. It has the highest quality by far.
  • If you want to plan a dark souls build, SoulsPlanner is the best site. MugenMonkey is mostly worse, but can be used for Bloodborne and Demon's Souls since soulsplanner lacks those games.
  • If you want technical info on ds3, the useful links google doc contains an assortment of links to data sheets, breakpoint lists, calculators, builds, and more.
  • If you want to know where to host/invade for activity, and at what soul and upgrade level, then the player activity data sheets can help.
  • If you're interested in interviews, lore info, concept art, and more Fromsoft-related info, you can check out The Archives google drive folder.
What mods should I download?

First off, these all work online and will NOT get you instabanned.
Dark Souls III:

  • Honest Merchant: Lets you effortlessly create builds from firelink shrine by selling every normal item in the game for a single soul, as well as providing respecs, every infusement, and arena access without having to collect the key items yourself. Go into the mod's settings to enable the experimental options and make sold weapons scale with your upgrade level, which will save you a LOT of time. Do note that if you don't own the DLCs, you shouldn't buy the spells. This'll flag you.
  • Wex Dust: When alone, this mod turns your repair powder into the Wex Dust item. Using it allows you to search every area in the game for an invasion at once. This can also be done anywhere, meaning you could invade from the comfort of firelink shrine. The wex dust turns back into repair powder the moment your red eye orb becomes inaccessible, so fret not MLGS users.
  • Blue Sentinels: This is a QoL cheat detection mod to help spot and deal with hackers with invalid stats or suspicious actions. It also automatically backs up your save files, and displays player information on the screen. In the past this mod was important to protect against some nasty exploits, but that's mostly irrelevant now. Still, it could be nice to have if you're paranoid about who you play with.
  • DS3 Connection Info: Useful program that displays character names, associated steam name, geolocation, and ping of people in your game with a customizable overlay. Also allows you to enable borderless full-screen, although you need to have ds3 in windowed for it to work. Also has a basic ping filter to avoid invading people with subhuman net.
  • coming soonish: DS3 seamless coop
  • DS3 Seamless Co-op, by Luke "The Rapist" Yui, makes pve co-op more "seamless," as well as improving the multiplayer framework. Comes with invasions to abuse pve players and their friends.
    Dark Souls II SOTFS:
  • DS2 Lighting Engine: is easy to install and works online. It provides a complete overhaul to the game's lighting, adding numerous upgrades and features to enhance your viewing experience. It's also fully customizable, and each area's looks can be tweaked to your liking via the menus. If that's too much work for you, you can use the default presets. On top of this, you can adjust your UI color, position, and scaling. There's really no reason not to get this, unless you're a graphical purist.
  • Blue Acolyte: DS3's blue sentinel mod but for DS2. Also comes with wex dust invasion functionality, and gives you the ability to invade infinitely upwards in the soul memory brackets.
  • Deadzone Fix: fixes the weird deadzones on the controller sticks. That's it. Currently broken ATM...

Dark Souls Remastered:

  • DS1 PvP Overhaul: A multi-purpose mod that makes large improvements to DSR's multiplayer. It disables DSR's shitty anticheat (meaning you can't get banned!), and replaces it with proper measures to prevent cheaters from raping you, including automatic save backups. For PvP fans, it adds wex dust functionality and the option to invade infinitely upwards. It also comes with an optional pvp overhaul mode if you want that, I guess.
  • DSR Gadget: A multitool for DSR that gives you access to numerous QoL settings, cheats, item spawning, and has a bunch of other functionalities. Useful for build creation, saving time for your runbacks, dueling, speedrunning, etc.

coming eventually. : )
Go look up a shadps4 guide in the meantime.

Elden Ring Online (under construction)

If you want to talk about loreslop, blog about your PvE playthrough, or engage in grotesque waifufaggotry, you can go visit our estranged, inferior child general /erg/ - Elden Ring General. They do fight clubs there, if you want to practice against bad players with bad net using overleveled builds.

If you're interested in Elden Ring PvP and how to make proper builds, we can probably help with that. No promises.

  • FYI, the meta is dogshit. Backhand Blades, Patas, Claws of Night, and Dueling Shields are the most egregious weapons. Everything sucks.
Elden Ring Online Resources
  • For elden ring build planning, the inventory planner is the most advanced and capable option. It allows you to plan an organized inventory and then export your entire build into a cheat engine script to effortlessly spawn your equipment in. It also comes with a lot of calculators, and you can share your builds with others.
  • If you refuse to use the inventory planner because of tranny developers or something, the google spreadsheet planner is your next best bet. Simply copy the file, and you'll be able to create and save basic builds and use the calculators.
  • Visit the /erg/ rentry for pve stuff and icons.
Seamless Coop & Similar Mods

Since the Japanese can't code, Elden Ring's netcode is an outdated mess that adds roughly 100ms of artificial latency to connections. Because of this, it's preferable to do duels in a modded version of the game that fixes your P2P connection, has proper multiplayer integration and no shitty anticheat.

  • Seamless Co-op, by Luke "Faggot" Yui, is seamless or something. Comes with invasions to abuse pve players and their friends without worrying about artificial lat, as well as the ability to use your horse, greatrunes, and everything else that's normally limited by vanilla invasions.
  • DEN Maps (seamless) is seamless coop without any of the hassle. It comes with several custom dueling arenas, as well as new QoL items to make repeated 1v1s smoother. The mod auto-installs, auto-updates, uses separate saves from seamless and vanilla, and copies all of your vanilla saves over to start you off... (no longer updated)
  • DEN Maps 2.0 (beta) is DEN Maps without the shackles of seamless, using a new and supposedly optimized framework. Now with Colosseum support, 2v2 maps, the multiplayer limit raised from 4 to 6, and its own dedicated servers.
Pub: 16 Aug 2023 02:25 UTC
Edit: 12 Mar 2025 23:19 UTC
Views: 3373