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Draenei language


Draenei Definition
Achal hecta Good day
Archenon poros Good fortune
Aar-don'sha, ki kahl'dos In the Light, we triumph
Dioniss aca Safe journey
Draenei Exiled Ones
Draenor Exiles' Refuge
Goblin Roughly translates to "Parasite"
Krokul Broken
Krona ki cristorr! The Legion will fall!
Kurenai Redeemed
Man'ari Unnatural beings
Ma-no icta! Double your efforts!
Pheta vi acahachi! Light give me strength!
Sha'tar Born from light
Shattrath Dwelling of light
Fanlin'Deskor Amber Skies over Wondrous Rock
Sha Light, Luminocity
Nor Refuge
Drae Exile
Kure Redeem


Draenei Definition
Akata'eros/eras Male/Female Rogue
Apsid'eros/eras Male/Female Death Knight (literally "animated one")
Epolto'eros/eras Male/Female Vindicator (Retribution Paladin)
Eiatro'eros/eras Male/Female Mender (Holy Paladin)
Eiostra'eros/eras Male/Female Protector (Protection Paladin)
Kalon'eros/eras Male/Female Warlock (literally "mage with evil intent". Could be applicable for any mage.)
Kyni'eros Male/Female Hunter
Paraxen'eros/eras Male/Female Mage (literally "mage with good intent". Could be applicable for any mage.)
Polemi'eros/eras Male/Female Warrior (Draenei Warriors are referred to as "Harbingers" in Common.)
Peithra'eros/eras Male/Female Monk
Opade/Leila Priest/Priestess (Draenei Priests are referred to as "Anchorites" in Common.)
Rangari Ranger or Scout
Zomeno'eros/eras Male/Female Shaman (literally "user". A derogatory title akin to the word "tool" in the English language.
Paraxen'eros/eras The honorable title for Elemental and Restoration
Polemi'eros/eras The honorable title for Enhancement


Draenei Definition
Vraechei Humans (literally "ambitious ones")
Dastrei Dwarves (literally "shaggy ones")
Draenei Draenei (literally "exiled ones")
Skianei Night Elves (literally "moonlit ones")
Mikrei Gnomes (literally "short ones")
Evkanei Worgen (literally "wild ones")
Partanei Orcs (literally "decieved ones")
Katarnei Undead (literally "damned ones")
Sofonei Tauren (literally "wise ones")
Agrinei Trolls (literally "savage ones")
Thrinei Blood Elves (literally "mourning ones")
Kaplinei Goblins (literally "greedy ones")
Chalionei Pandaren (literally "tranquil ones")
Kotikei can be used to refer to all kinds of elves
Sevastonei Dragons (literally "venerable ones")
Psyrothi Old Gods (literally "whispers")
Paratiri Titans (literally "originators")


Draenei Definition
Zykeros Husband
Nykeras Wife
Vakeri'eros Father
Vakeri'eras Mother
Akiri'eros Brother
Akiri'eras Sister
Padiri'eros Son
Padiri'eras Daughter
Sevasto'eros Grandfather
Sevasto'eras Grandmother


Draenei Definition
Eidthi A very ugly thing or person
Ekliein/Ekliedos My desire/Your desire
Epolani A foolish person, thing, or idea
Soran Savior, hero, favored friend, or (rarely) loved one
Talaein/Talaedos My trouble/Your trouble
Thuma'resa Pleasing to the heart
Thumein/Thum'dos My pleasure/Your pleasure
Eroein/Eroedos My love/Your love
Avrokaein/Avroka'dos My treasure/Your treasure
Kalo Korah Dear Friend
Vakern'akiros/Vakern'akiras Blood Brother/Blood Sister (Generally used between friends who fight together.)

Military ranks

Draenei Definition
Raketar Commander
Nophekti General
Navarchos Admiral (Added by Saphelii)
Kapetanios Captain (Added by Saphelii)


Verbs are organized by placing the verb before the pronoun and seperating the two with an apostrophe. For example, "I drink" would be "Chako'ein". "We lose" would be "Chano'ietos". The only case where the verb does not precede the pronoun is when the verb is in its base form, in which case the verb appears with an "A" as a prefix. For instance, "A'chako" would be "To eat" and "A'chano" would be "To lose", and so on.


Draenei Definition
Ein I
Edos You
Eros/Eras He/She
Kiel It
Atos You (plural)
Ietos We
Aftos They


Draenei Definition
A'bolenemi To cry
A'chako To drink
A'chano To lose
A'deit To see
A'dota To give
A'drekkadan To promise
A'echoun To have
A'eromai To love
A'eidthi To disgust, or to be disgusted
A'eiostra To protect
A'evolgos To bless
A'kapli To mourn
A'kathtonai To sit
A'katar To curse
A'katavro To eat
A'katevo To beg
A'kehl To seek
A'kiel To do
A'krokul To break
A'manar To hate
A'mili To talk, To say, or to cha
A'misokronai To hate, or to despise
A'nikti To win
A'polemi To fight
A'pardaxi To surrender
A'parta To lie
A'phol To shout
A'rangar To watch
A'tala To trouble
A'taaru To believe
A'thuma To please
A'tymos To anger
A'uten To pray
A'xyro To know
A'ypostro To argue
A'zomeno To use

Greetings and Farewells

Draenei Definition
Antiana Goodbye (familiar)
Antiana kalo korah Goodbye dear friend
Melanora Aca Goodbye (polite)
Oraa theramos ? (Usually a greeting)
Arkanon Poros May the journey be enough (either a greeting or a farewell)
Khronokai krystor Eternal glory. (usually a greeting)
Jeso Hello
Onamah'ein tos _ My name is __ (Literally "I am named ____")
Thumaein My pleasure (See above. This usage is generally for conversation, as in "A pleasure to meet you.")
Arkan evolgos'Sha edos May the Light bless you
Te'kreinte? How do you do?
Polos edos? Who are you?
Ein te neomeno I am sorry
Tiel ochtethi It is nothing (in response)
Echada Thank you
Thuma Please
Kalason'edos You are welcome
Arkan athenos eitote onai yst thrynyedos May the winds be ever at your back


Draenei Definition
Katethi Everything, All things
Ochtethi Nothing
Kelos Mercy
Eitote Always
Ocheitote Never
Makeite Possible
Ocheite Impossible
Ai Yes
Och No
Shie Sun
Ati Something, Anything
Efto This
Efta That
Omos Alike, Like
Diateomos Unlike, Different
Kaso Good
Kelo Bad
Vakern Blood
Malutarn Sweat
Hetarn Tears
Te kano ekto'edos I will kill you
Tor a'kiel I will do it
Tor oche It is not (For use with adjectives and nouns)
Tor nai It is (a)
Tor nai mili'edos It is as you say
Jevamo, Epolmono, Konona Respect, Tenacity, Compassion
Kasotote! Cheers!
Pub: 21 Jan 2023 19:56 UTC
Edit: 23 Jan 2023 05:47 UTC
Views: 213