this my doodlesphere but all the aus are just stamps and blinkies (maybe buttons in the future) main

feel free to take what u want-- the catbox links are mostly somewhat kinda usefuly labeled so you don't get lost.
any text boldened in the brackets means it was made by me! no need to credit.
i really do enjoy seeing my stamps around though... ive seen a few on tiktok. if i see them i will always comment. thank you my blue union kisses you all gently on the forehead i LOVE MY FANS

give it all about 10 seconds to load. even with extremely fast wifi it takes a little while. also sometimes the cb links fuck up so just refresh the page or like wait half an hour if it goes down. i made this for pc but it looks completely fine for mobile users. Dont worry....i got yo back

stamps i would theoretically like to sort this by colour or something but yaknow... this is bout 300ish stamps!
freshink mizuki dunkedon kikuo ako cross entj **sansshrug** underfell sansdance hina attitude drummersrule pasupare error supportviolence ena **haruka** yukina **sayo** house ink drumsolos una **honamidrums** ink **ufsans** loudmusic ras pmmm mttgay pmmm2 fresh sweeneytodd **sansslipper** alphyne depressedsans bisexual horror **mcsans** i actually dont remember which one this is Sorry papyrus sans mttquote antipsychotics bangdream ufsans **haruka** utost utfan ufpapyrus **pasupare** thatmuch floweyquote garnet **skelesnuggle**fell swap **haruai** angel smokyquartz error **nmkiller** utsu **sansshrug** **honamidrums** papyrus sans pinkdiamond **roselia** ectoTHISISAJOKE **horrorbonk** autismpyrus **cross** overrated toriel **mocaran** jirachi moca miku mymelo dream hahaha **ink****nostalogic** favchars **pareo** utpink ink mettaton **hina** ihatesans integrity sanswink suffer autisticpapyrus errorcat sayanouta sayakamiki friendsocs **skelebrofun** ilovestars **pd** ilovestamps sister beliefs princesspeach **sayanouta** vodkaparty **parasolcider** **hikawasisters** notime **errorink** **pinkdiamond** **sans** **carolyn** miku **mocaran** **inkstare** **harukadrums** **kanade** coolstamp hateme appreciation toonormal slowinternet choco kyubey **eve** **chisato** yowatup homosgay glowstick kasumi stupid kasurokka ann wii kohane lisa sayo meiko sayori noidea 2014 **dunklesans** stars sylveon biology nonono **crosspunch** **horror** **mizuki** **swap** cinnamoroll car steven caramelldansen twinstar1 twinstar2 vaporeon iloveyou dude suintro kirby irl glow idiotvirus **bluesupportsyaoi** **bluejakei** **blueberrorexplode** sayo roselia colours rinku pasupare blueundertale uglyhagumi papersplease donthatealphys realsquids socially fuckingmuch myfarts anxiety machinegirl mizuki myinterests demandcock politebitch tomodachilife wings innerdemons hina, ayas gf aya, hinas gf moeshop lickystamp blookyquote sans papyrus 69buried tvgirl rainbow strawberrymilkshake evilkitty **swapugly** rabies staring barbedwire stoptheviolence **swapsans** **ako** **sansswim** thomas lisa sanrio static hellokitty babymetal FUCKFUCKFUCK evilkitty blap suicide **errorberry** negative utausJOKE uglydreamandink sanstheskeleton yaoi moneymatter sans water baddeci rainbow today suicide cooldude glitter insidestamp hahawhat suckmydick fuckoff tripupstairs funnynoises ilaugh funny glowsticksrule meow brightcolours gotinksans? **geometrytwerk** spider miku mii sus. im not sorry for this one hypnotise **swap** **dustcapriniha** **rose** **storyofundertale** **dustdance** **crosswalk** **sansburger** tvgirl penis ena stampseat emoticon madoka player cinnamoroll sheetmusic sansnagito sayori mikugun **sansdodge** **crosswalk** **mewmew** youresovain **freshfingergun** tobyfox popipa madohomu luka wxs lisa brotherkiller sexsi undyne angel saltyerrorsans wannadie nm nottrashSEMIJOKE **insertgastertheme** contradict block biology checkspelling nightmareflower spinel coolcrystals insertstamp chara crush mbv stevenshrug dailydeviation psychology rubysapphirekiss typology bisexualwomen pearlrose **cherryberry** icanSTAMP taken from /xsans taken from /xsans eminem kimyadawson sayori LISATHEGONGEOUS nekoatsume

blinkies these are so stupid i love these silly blinkies from like 1999 they all suck ass
friendlyfire meooww sanssweep callme wtever princess compliments ivotedsans computer angry lol alife bitch undertale bisexual illfart typos uptight stillyou hatethesebitches homophobictoriel homophobicsans beentheredonethat smiley peelaugh weirdgirl chocostrawberries freakgirl kimyadawson sexsans steel bisexual minecraft pinterest angry penguin waterdrinker credit undertale innerdark innermusic dontlike feedego camera mybed stars twotrucks myputer righthere dreamy delusional naptime friends viewmonster popups borntodie hatsunemiku benice inbrain cutesleep heavilymedicated flash heartbeat lookinat shitpost amongus beauty attitude gaysquidrights stressed worship yourpoint chocolate blue glitter computerkindness sweetness lavalamp atmylimit sparkling bestbuds hyakugojuuichi milfrightsJOOKESSS lifesabitch inpixels roflmao less than three you love me typing out my fantasy meet me here on irc lolol nightblogger goodnight evil breaksomerules lovepotion throwastick haveablinkie worried gotketchup cheshiregrin virgo pinkdiamond, stolen from /pinkdiamond gaysex open247

Pub: 11 Jan 2022 11:22 UTC
Edit: 12 Jan 2025 06:34 UTC
Views: 1036