basic dni list !
  • racist , homophobic , transphobic , xenophobic , islamphobic , hinduphobic , anti-semetic , ableist.
  • zoophiles , pedophiles , fujoshis , fundashis , lolicons , shotacons.
  • against any xenogenders, neopronouns, nonbinary identities or sexualities.
  • against girls who dont use she/her or against guys who dont go by he/him.
  • against shegays or helesbians.
  • if you think blackwashing exists.
  • if you defend whitewashing.
  • bi/pan lesbians or bi/pan gays / mspec lesbians or mspec gays
  • proshippers / comshippers
    • includes family that arent related by blood
  • think fiction doesn't affect reality or that something being fictional is an excuse for pedos/zoos
  • if you ship, sexualize or headcanon real people
  • if you sexualize minors , fictional or real.
  • mock tonetags , misuse tonetags
  • use the words husbando, waifu, loli, shota
  • cultural appropriators
    • if you use names from closed cultures that you aren't from.
    • if you use closed language characters as "aesthetic" symbols / decor
    • you use AAVE while being nonblack
  • if you mock poc accents or names
  • if you misuse japanese words as a joke
  • anti-recovery
    • censor dormancy , delusion(al) , reality checking , fusion , splitting
    • feed into any delusions , such as irls/nonhumans/etc
  • enable paranoia
  • if you use the toothpaste flag (flag) or the wrong pan (flag) / aroace (flag) flags.
  • if you financially support any problematic companies or creators.
    • keep in mind that watching a creators video gives them money.
    • you shouldn't enjoy the content if the content itself is the problem
  • if you defend characters that are pedos/racists/abusers/etc
    • you can like a character without defending them.
    • if you are an introject that identifies as one, source seperation is an option.
  • if you think that introjects = source
  • if you use slurs that you cannot reclaim
    • if you use the n word while being nonblack
    • if you use the f slur while being tme or not nwlnw
    • if you use the t slur while being tme
  • if you think that tme systems can have transfem alters
  • if you use intersex exclusive identities while not being intersex
  • if you say that afab/amab are the only agab.
  • if you think that gender = sex
Pub: 16 Mar 2023 00:54 UTC
Edit: 20 Mar 2023 23:03 UTC
Views: 2234