This is based off my own opinions and views and will only contain the basic.
Dni if you fit any of these.
- Transphobes, homophobes, racists, zionists, ableists
- Includes; transmeds, transmisogynists, anti xenopronouns/genders. Bi/Panphobics + anti drags, ALM, neutral on Palestine (or supports the Russian government), endosystems and reality checkers (irls).
- Pro/Comshippers, loli/shotacons, oversexualizes characters.
- Includes; neutral on pro/comshipping, neutral on loli/shotacons, "it's just fiction" mfs.
- Flag/Label discourse people.
- Keep in mind that I do not support trans men that are lesbians and stuff like that. I do, however, find the discourse annoying and unnecessary. It's the internet, just block and move on.
- Dream team, Wilbur, MSI and Melanie Martinez supporters/stans
- Includes; Any stans of friends of dream, neutral on the Wilbur situation, still listens to the songs/neutral, neutral on Melanie the situation and/or doesn't pirate her music.
- NFT AI bros.