Basic DNI Criteria!!

this criteria is from here but on this rentry so it is easier to read! i may add things that i personally believe are/should be basic dni criteria too, feel free to use this as you wish!

do no interact if (you apply the basic dni criteria)

  • Racist, Anti-Black, Antisemitic, Islamophobic, Xenophobic, Against BLM, Support all / blue lives matter. Are a Nazi / Support the Alt-Right.
  • Sexist or Misogynist.
  • Ableist (this includes people who are against well-researched self diagnosis too!)
  • You are Anti-Sys, rude towards headmates, you don't treat headmates like actual people. You do not provide a safe space for systems / acknowledge their boundaries. You speak over systems and engage in syscourse when you yourself are not a system.
  • Romanticize mental illnesses.
  • Believe 'blackwashing', 'reverse racism', 'cisphobia' 'hetphobia' 'cishetphobia' etc are real things that exist.
  • LGBT+phobic (lesbophobic, homophobic, biphobic, panphobic, transphobic, aphobic, aspec exclusionist, etc)
  • Use slurs you can't reclaim.
  • Support / believe in / identify as an m-spec lesbian / gay.
  • Fujoshi/Fundashi, fetishize mlm and/or wlw relationships/pairings/etc.
  • Trans-Exclusionary Radical Feminist or any branch of feminism that excludes trans women or claim that trans women are not women. / The feminism you are part of has a transphobic community or ideals. / Sex Worker Exclusionary Radical Feminist or any branch of feminism that excludes sex workers.
  • Against any sort of Non-Binary identity / claim to be 'gender critical' and/or 'nonbinary skeptic'.
  • Against xenogenders and/or neopronouns.
  • Against lesbians who use pronouns that aren't she/her, the same applies for gay people who use pronouns that aren't he/him.
  • Believe fiction doesn't affect reality or you're pro-ship/anti-anti.
  • Joke about or justify incest in any form, including families who aren't related by blood (step-siblings, adopted family, etc). Joke about or justify pedophilia in any form. Justify or participate in the sexualization of minors. Justify / romanticize abusive or unhealthy relationships.
  • MAP, 'pear' or 'minor attracted person' - a pedophile - basically.
  • Are uncritical of your interests.
  • Ship / kin / headcanon real people.
  • Support NFTS / Crypto / AI "art"
Pub: 05 Jan 2022 21:59 UTC
Edit: 06 Apr 2023 18:24 UTC
Views: 12518