"I know that's not shower water. Son of a bitch, how is this happening to me?" I grumbled, lowering my head again.

I just rubbed my arms and legs repeatedly, while trying not to peek at her. "What the hell is wrong with me? Why is my twat leaking out cum?" I moaned through my teeth.

I felt as if my blood flow just halted suddenly and I began breathing rather loudly too. After about another five minutes, she turned off her shower. I kept my eyes off her the best I could and then I heard footsteps.

I couldn't help, but to lean my head back up.

I saw her standing about five feet in front of me with her towel wrapped around her waist. "Who is starring now, slut?" I inquired.

"I don't sleep around, I have respect for myself, thank you very much," she let me know, with her hands on her hips.

"Just no respect for me," I pointed out, turning off the shower. "You've proven that. Being a tart to me and then trying to make me sound nuts in front of everyone," I explained, before I took my eyes off her and grabbed my towel.

I wrapped it around my waist and began walking.

As I strolled past her, she snatched my arm. "What the fuck, Miranda? Let go of my arm, you tramp!"

Her lips parted and she ogled my breasts. She licked her lips for a few seconds, but then her eyes moved to my face as I was about six inches shorter than her.

"What? Tired of looking at yourself naked? You need to check out the brunette with only shoulder length hair and smaller tits, that you take a shit on everyday?" I wondered, forcing my arm back.

I just gaped at her face for a few more seconds as she examined my breasts. "You have nice tits that perfectly fit your body, Hannah."

"You are the insane one here," I declared, before I stomped back towards my locker and took my towel off.

I pulled out my bra and panties and put them both on.

As I hooked my bra, I saw a shadow in front of me that wasn't my own. "What do you want, Miranda? I'm off the squad, that's all I can imagine you wanted," I asked, grabbing my shirt.

"Oh, a sexy silk dark blue bra and panty set," she commented, as her hand came onto my shoulder. "You are quite sexy, Hannah."

I pushed her hand off my shoulder. "What game are you playing with me?" I questioned, turning around.

"Nothing," she replied, untying her towel. "I'm just appreciating the body of a ravishing woman."

As she stood completely naked in front of me, I immediately felt a few drops of cum falling down both of my legs.

"Let me guess, you are turned on by me. Although, you can't stand it, because I'm such a bitch. Am I right? You have to be attracted to me, why else would you keep peeking at me in the showers?"

She closed the gap between us to only a few inches. "Touch them if you want or maybe you want me to touch your tits. Maybe we can feel each other up, what do you say?"

I shook and bit my lip. 'She has gotta be screwing with me.'

"Get the hell away from me, Miranda!" I shouted, pushing her away on her stomach.

I put on my shirt and shorts as she just eyeballed me. "Seriously, fuck off. You are just creeping me out now."

"Maybe I want to keep ogling you, Hannah. Let's face it: you are still on the squad."

I turned around holding my uniform. "Well, not anymore. In fact, I'm transferring to another school so I don't run into you at all. I'm saying goodbye to red and white," I stated, looking at her face.

"No, don't do that, can't we just work things out?" she wondered, slanting her head down and putting her hands together. "Pretty please?"

"No, we can't, that ship has sailed. Try running your mouth a lot less next time, maybe I won't feel the need to run and never look back. Sound good?"


"Too fucking bad, floozy," I declared, before I strolled right over to the exit.

She quickly followed me and her hand slammed onto the door. "You can't leave just like that, won't you talk to me first?"

"About what?! I'm out, so there is nothing else to talk about!" I roared, hitting the wall. "Guess what, I'm out of this school. I already registered at another one, so leave me the hell alone and just let me get out of here!" I screeched, tilting my head back.

"Just one minute. I'm not asking as a wench, just as a another female college student here, trying to make you not leave."

I sighed. "Make it quick," I made clear, before I turned to her again.

"Do you really think I'm attractive?" she wondered, rubbing her breasts.

I shot her a dirty look for five seconds. "Goodbye forever, Miranda," I stated, forcing the door open.

I left and stomped out into the hallway. "Mother fucker, she really takes the cake. Oh, wait a minute, she is an anorexic harlot that won't touch a cake," I griped, before I made it to the end of the hall.

"Wait, Hannah! I was trying to tell you something!"

"You can't be serious," I groaned through my teeth, prior to turning around.

"Miranda, what the fuck are you doing out here naked?"

She ran towards me and stopped right in front of me.

"What the fuck do you want from me?"

"This," she responded, before she put her hands onto my arms and her lips onto mine.

I immediately placed my hands onto her chest. "Miranda, get the hell away from me!!" I yelled, shoving her away.

She was breathing heavily, but grinning. "I wanna be with a woman and I want it to be you."

My hands rose up and my head leaned back. "You are a psychopath, Miranda, don't ever communicate another word to me," I advised her, before turning around. "Don't send me texts, don't message me on Facebook, just forget I exist," I warned her, before I opened the front door.

I stomped outside into the late afternoon summer heat. "Fuck me!" I snapped, before I began strolling towards my car. "Am I in a lesbian horror movie?"

I made to the parking lot across the street.

"Hey, floozy wrapped in a tart, I was talking to you!"

I glanced back towards the front door and saw her again, coming towards me.

"We're outside in public, why are you doing this?!" I screamed, with my arms out in front of me.

She jogged the one-hundred and fifty feet over to me and halted again. She said nothing and placed her hands on her hips.

I grinned, showing my top teeth and closed my eyes. "I may have a slight attraction to you, but now I'm just curious to see what you'll do if I say 'Goodbye.'," I explained, before opening my eyes again. "You are already parading your naked body out here for like twenty other students to see you. You do know they all have camera phones, right?" I pondered, raising my palms.

"Yes, that's how important it is for me to tell you this. Although, say 'Goodbye,' and find out what I'll do," she suggested, rubbing her slit.

I couldn't help, but to check out her body once again. 'What the fuck is wrong with me? Why do I have cum streaming down my legs again?' I thought, rubbing my forehead with my right hand.

After about thirty seconds, she brought her lips right back to mine. I kept my arms down and just let it happen. I felt her breasts come up against me and ten seconds into our kiss, her hands came onto my butt.

'Fuck, she is caressing my butt and I'm tingling a bit too.'

After about a minute, her lips parted from mine. She just eyeballed me as my head bowed down. I looked right at her hooters again and then she wrapped her arms around me. The right side of my face rested right above her boobs and she produced vibrations too.

"I'm sorry I've been such a bitch, but I wanna jam my tongue so far into your cherry, that I can't get it back out," she confessed, dropping her hands to the bottom of my shirt.

"Why? I hate you and you hate me. We're the opposite of a match."

"Well, because you are in fact drop dead gorgeous," she admitted, before she took off my blue top. "And you always seem to drench my underwear everyday, regardless of what you think of yourself. You are very beautiful and you really should admit that to yourself."

"Nice, hot lesbians right in the parking lot after school," a male student said, holding his phone to us.

She immediately dropped my top and glanced at him. "Fuck off, asshole, we're in the middle of something here."

"No, something is finally interesting at this school."

While grinding her teeth, she strolled right to him. "Take a mental picture, jerk off," she advised him, before she snatched his phone and hurled it at the ground.

"Too bad," she chuckled. "Now get the hell away, my new best friend and I are trying to talk."

"You both are psychos!" he yelled, before he ran.

Then she scanned the radius. "Everyone else, get lost!!" she growled, raising her arms.

We both checked the perimeter. "Yeah, that didn't work, Miranda. If you wanna get expelled, that's your business. Now I'm leaving," I made clear, seizing my top.

I put it back on and ambled towards the drivers side door.

"No, please just stay here with me. I've been a floozy, but I just pulled a bimbo move to confess my crush," she pleaded, while shedding a couple tears and putting her arms on top of the car. "You have to hear me out."

"Entertaining the possibility that you do have a crush on me for whatever reason, wouldn't it have been easier to say that in the locker room?"

"I tried to, but you didn't wanna listen at all. You just wrote me off," she cried, hitting my car.

"That's because you are the floozy wrapped in a tart here, Miranda! I loved cheer leading until you were elected to be captain. You made it worse than having a migraine. Now I'm gone and ditching this school forever. Goodbye, Miranda," I made clear, before I entered my car.

I put my key into the ignition and turned on the engine. In the corner of my eye, I saw her standing there at the passenger side window.

I bit my bottom lip and my right arm failed to go to the gear shirt. "Why the fuck are you not speeding away?" I asked myself.

Then I looked over towards the window and saw her pressing her titties onto it. "Come on, let this stuck up cunt spill her heart out right in front of all these students. I saw you checking me out too, Hannah, so I know you want me. You can't deny it."

I closed my eyes, took in a deep breath and turned off the engine. "Maybe my crush is mutual. Fuck, I'm so gonna regret this," I muttered, before I opened my eyes and exited the car.

She strolled to the front of the car and I met her there.

"As soon as I saw you checking me out, I knew it was meant to be," she mentioned, bringing her hands to my tits. "You know, when you got in my face in the gym, my panties were soaked. I seriously thought about kissing you right at that moment. I've seen you naked dozens of times and you are quite gorgeous. How old are you? Nineteen, twenty?"

"I'm nineteen, Miranda. Now get your hands off my breasts."

Her palms slipped off me, but her face leaned towards mine. "May I have another kiss?" she requested, before she puckered her lips.

I bit my bottom lip. "I swear if my panties weren't soaked, I would have raced off," I put on the record, before I pulled her to me and kissed her.

My hands made the trip right onto her butt and she did the same. She closed her eyes, but I peeked at each side of us.

'What the fuck is going on here? I hate this tramp, why the hell am I kissing her? How did I become attracted to her? Son of a bitch, there are like fifty other students eyeballing us.'

She caressed my butt once again and I felt her wet pussy rub onto my right leg. I felt drops of sweat fall right off my head in the summer heat, as her butt was drenched.

Then her lips parted from mine. "If I fuck only one person for the rest of my life, I'm gonna fuck you and make you love it. Even if we have people watching and I get expelled. I'll come to the new school with you and keep fucking your brains out," she let me know, before she pushed me down onto the hood of my car. "Only because I will make you turn that hate into loving lust that makes resistance impossible," she explained, before she leaned to my stomach and lifted up my top.

It went over my breasts and then she tilted herself down to them.

"We already have enough witnesses to get us expelled and banned for life, so I'll never be able to come back even if I wanted to. So fuck me if you are gonna fuck me, wench."

"Yes, best friend," she replied, before she moved my bra down a little bit past my left nipple.

"Perfectly sized nipples for your tits too, Hannah. You really should look at yourself naked, you might find out that you can attract women too."

My eyebrows shifted down. "Again, fuck me if you are gonna fuck me, hussy."

"I'm with her," another guy mentioned, holding his phone to us, while his other hand was in his pants.

So her hands slithered right underneath me and she undid my bra. She threw it on the ground and her head drop to my melons. She took my left nipple right into her mouth and sucked the life out of it immediately.

"That's good, Miranda. You are fucked up beyond all recognition, but you know how to suck on a nipple."

I lied back completely and felt my entire body flutter with my arms on each side of me. "You suck, Miranda. You've been a total cunt to me, and now you making me attracted to you. I can't help, but to hate you so much right now."

"Put your hands on my head, maybe I'll bite your nipple and you'll hate me even more. Do it and make this guy shoot his load."

I chuckled slightly and calmly transported my hands onto the back of her head. She sucked even harder and made me vibrate even more. I cheesed and showed all my teeth as I caressed her head.

'Well, the dominoes are falling now. I hate this skank for being right. Why the hell did she have to be?'

"As if you can just present yourself and eventually win me over, you stuck up harlot. I wanna be mad, but yet the pleasure you are delivering is just bashing my defenses and making it impossible to focus on all the shit you've put me through."

She immediately extracted my nipple from her mouth, slanted herself up and looked at me with a couple tears sliding down her cheeks. "I'm sorry, Hannah. Will you forgive me, please?"

She pulled me up with her, kissed me for a few seconds and peeked down at my tits. "Call it what you want, but I'm a total fucking cunt, as you've called me more than a few occasions."

'The tears, the emotional drops of the human being that always pushes the buttons of others to their unknown stopping point,' I thought, prior to wrapping my arms around her.

I held her for a moment and let my face rub onto her chest again.

Then I let go of her, opened my mouth, but she instantly put her right pointer onto my lips. "Shh, just listen to this witch, she wants to say something," she whispered, leaning towards me. "I always get what I want, so let your attraction to me ride you. My cards are already on the table, so deal with them," she told me, prior to pushing me back down to my back.

She stepped back and angled herself down towards my crotch.

"Fuck, you are one screwy whore," I put on the record, before I smiled and jiggled my feet a bit too. 

"Hey!" she hollered, before she positioned her hands onto the button of my shorts and undid them. "I don't just sleep around, I have respect for myself and you," she told me, prior to pulling my shorts off and leaving me just in my underwear.

She lowered her face down to them and put her nose right onto my slit. My mouth just opened and more lady juice shuffled out.

She took a bit whiff and put her hands onto the straps. "I know, 'Fuck me if you are gonna fuck me!', I get it," she said, just before she slid my panties right off. "I just want to enjoy this, in case you only let it happen once," she mentioned, before she dropped them on the ground.

The guy immediately strolled towards them.

"Hey, asshole, you are lucky I'm letting you get this with your phone. You so much as take another step, I'll fuck your shit up, not metaphorically speaking," she made clear, before she just dove right into my pussy.

"Oh, mother fucker!" I screeched, clenching my fists.

Her tongue immediately slipped in deep and slid right up against my labia. My arms went right above myself and went up against my wind shield. I felt her just lick my sweet spot repeatedly and I closed my eyes.

I couldn't help but to cheese again. 'She is already making me want to cum all over her face. I want to cry from pleasure and because of the reason of that pleasure too. Feeling this vamp's tongue slithering around inside me makes me wanna scream until my lungs give out.'

"Why are the bitches and assholes of the world are the best at giving the business?"

"I have no idea."

I opened my eyes to see someone else standing by the car.

"Oh, hi, Barb."

"This makes sense," she chuckled, placing her left palm onto her hip. "Miranda has been a mammoth tart to you because she has had a crush on you. This is your way of coming out to everyone? I can tell, because your cheeks are bright red, Hannah."

Miranda took a small break and peeked at Barb. "Yes, that's true. Watch if you want, but I'm gonna get my girlfriend off, right here, right now."

"Already than," Barb giggled.

Miranda went right back in and then I put my hands back onto her head.

I made her tongue go right back to my labia. "She is one feisty, but loving whore deep down, Barb. I can hardly believe it myself."

My pussy lips ventured into Miranda's mouth as well, just for her to suck on them. "Yes, yes, yes, you stupid cunt, get me off," I moaned, leaning up.

My heels began hitting my front bumper frequently and made the entire car shake.

"Fuck, this is hot, Hannah," Barb mentioned, getting up onto the car with me.

She lied on her back and her right hand slithered into her panties. "I didn't even know you liked the queen bitch."

"I'm just testing the waters, but go ahead, show some skin," I offered, lying back down.

"Well, I got to see you, so I can do that for you."

"Holy mother fucking shit, another hot cheerleader is stripping," the guy said, as Barb took off her sandals and then pushed down her shorts and panties off herself.

She took off her blue top and then her bra too. She lay down right next to me, and I got a close look at her big boobs.

She inched closer to me and kept her eyes on me. "Damn and I thought about sticking around campus to study a bit more," Barb chuckled.

I scanned her body. "Fuck, I forgot how attractive you are, Barb. Your big boobs, somewhat plump thighs and the sexy red hair too. Damn, I missed having access to this sexy body," I told her, before we kissed.

"Hey, Barb, I'm fucking her right now. Watch, but don't touch."

"Miranda, shut the hell up and eat Hannah's cherry. Everyone wants to see her cum all over your bitchy face," Barb ordered her, cuddling with me.

She put her right arm under my head and let her head rest on my shoulder. I put my right hand over onto Barb's left tit and caressed it.

Barb's other hand came onto my right tit. "Kiss me again, Hannah."

Miranda just kept eating my pussy and just seemed to zone everyone and everything else out. I kissed Barb and we kept our lips together for about thirty seconds.

'Her lips are still soft and she knew how make it sensual too.'

After that thirty seconds, her lips parted from mine. "Fuck, I missed that. Is it weird that when I see her fucking you, my attraction to you springs back up?"

"Maybe," I moaned, closing my eyes again and leaning my head back again. "Fuck, she is almost there."

I vibrated as much as humanly possible. "Here you go, Miranda," I moaned, as I clenched my fists and leaned up slightly.

She moved her tongue out of my snatch, but failed to move her head.

"Yes, yes, splatter Miranda's face, Hannah. Let's let everyone see it," the guy muttered.

With all my cum boiling and rushing out, I held onto Barb and let it just bolt right out of my twat. We both wrapped our arms around each other and I pulled her onto me, so her boobs pressed right onto my face.

"Oh, mother fucker, Miranda, you are a bitch, but an angel too. Damn, its a little cold out here and you may make my heart explode," I laughed.

"Oh, this is a great sight," the guy moaned. "I only wish I could see it over and over again. Oh, wait a minute, I can," he chuckled.

"Would you fuck off already?!" I flared.

"Well, I've been given enough," he muttered, before walked away and put his phone away.

After another minute, Barb and I looked towards Miranda, as she had her eyebrows down. 

"What the fuck, Hannah? Why are you holding Barb like that? You want her now?" Miranda inquired, raising her hands up slightly with her palms out.

"Well, Barb and I just have some history, that's all. We still like each other's touch."

"What do you mean, Barb is your ex?"

"Yes, we were together for a year, but broke up a few months ago. I guess our feelings never really disappeared," Barb answered.

"Miranda, are you crying?" I wondered.

She backed away marginally. "Well, I ran after you naked out here and confessed my crush to you. That was a complete idiot move of, you know, love, Hannah," she cried. "All of the sudden, she comes out and sees you, then you wanna be with her again?"

"Who the fuck said you and I were just gonna be a couple all of the sudden?" I wanted to know, getting up off the car. "Take Barb out the equation. Now considering how you've acted towards me, why the hell would I just want to start an actual relationship with you?" I inquired, getting close to her. "Maybe you pulled your bimbo move for me, but you are still a first class hussy."

Miranda glanced around for a moment. "Can we talk about this somewhere else?"

I hit my car. "You've got to kidding me," I laughed, stomping my feet. "You ran out here naked and actually did fuck me in front of these people. Now you don't wanna talk about this in front of them?"

"Then what do you say? To us?" she pondered, closing the gap completely and taking my hands in hers.

"I say no then, I'd rather go back with Barb, then be with you, Miranda. At least she gets me, she knows what I love and how to be an actual friend."

We just glared at each other for a moment as everyone kept their positions.

"Oh, are you fucking crying again? Please tell me you are not crying while we actually have more witnesses out here now watching us," I begged, arching my head back.

She snatched my arms and brought me to her. "I'll be different, I promise. You'll love cheer leading practice, because I'll let you do whatever you want. You want a solo, it is yours. I'll even let you sing if you want, just be with me please. I'm harlot, just asking you to be with me, because I know you want me. I can tell Barb is one sexy lady and I now know you have history, but I still want you," she explained, before she kissed me.

After another minute, I pushed her off me. "Its too late for that, I told you, I'm transferring to another school."

"Its just fucking paper, it can be torn up, just stay here with me, I beseech you," she begged, wrapping her arms around me.

Our boobs pressed together again, I felt more tears form on her face, and then I enveloped my arms around her as well. We made out for five minutes straight and I kept my eyes closed the entire time.

Eventually, I felt the touch of someone else's hands on my shoulders. "She obviously loves you, Hannah. I can't imagine why, but she does. Be with her and learn to love the somewhat nice woman buried deep beneath the psycho bitch," Barb advised me, with her boobs pushing onto my back.

Then our lips parted and we both slanted our heads down. "Do you really love me, Miranda?"

"Yes, what does anyone do when they find out they are attracted to someone?"

"The loony ones makes the one they are attracted to hate them. A normal person just talks to them, but that's not you."

She giggled a bit and delivered another kiss to my lips. "So this is me, just asking you: will you move in with me so we can be a couple?"

I glanced over her body. "Son of a bitch, you are crazy, Miranda."

"Everyone needs some crazy in their lives, Hannah. Let me be your crazy. If you transfer to another school, I'll come with you. Everyday, you can come back to me and be reminded that you have a crazy girlfriend. I'll eat your pussy or fuck you with a strap on until you can't take it anymore every single day."

I put my hands onto my face. 'Shit, I'm so conflicted right now.'

After twenty seconds, she pulled them down. "So, what do you say?" she wondered, positioning her right palm onto my butt.

"What, are you just giving me an ultimatum? How the fuck am I just supposed to go with this all of the sudden?" I asked, awkwardly smiling.

"Well, you did get back out of your car for a reason, Hannah. I'm just asking, give me a chance so you can see this naked body on a regular basis," she recommended, caressing her slit lips.

"I'll okay that under two conditions."

"The first?"

"You have to admit you are a psycho bitch."

She immediately lifted her arms up and twirled herself. "My name is Miranda Wood, and I am in fact a psycho bitch!! There is no denying it, in the end, it is just a fact!" she screamed.

"Two: do you promise to walk around naked frequently?"

She lowered her arms and grinned for a couple seconds. "I can do that, but you gotta return the favor."

I shook my head and peeked at her bosoms. "I'm gonna regret this, but yes."

"Oh, thank you so much, Hannah," she commended me, before she kissed me and wrapped her arms around me again.

We both made out for a few more minutes as Barb just stayed close. "Hey, everyone, fuck off already. They just became a couple and they want some fucking space!"

"Is that so ladies?"

Suddenly, our eyes blasted open and our lips detached.

"What is this, some kind of stunt?"

"We're sorry, Mr. Quinn. We are just..." I said.

"Yes, its a stunt, Mr. Quinn," Miranda confessed, looking at him. "F-U-C-K, fuck this school," she cheered, waving her arms. "My new girlfriend and I are gonna leave now. We don't need this place, we just need each other and our friend Barb here," she said, before she seized Barb's arm.

"We're gonna go to another school, with a cool dean," I added.

"Good, because you are all expelled. You don't get to flaunt your completely naked bodies out here and get away with it. You are lucky I don't have you brought in for public indecency."

"Fuck you too, Mr. Quinn! I've been sick of this stupid school too!" Barb yelled, getting off the car.

We all laughed, and then Barb and I got dressed.

"Do you need some clothes, Miranda?" I pondered.

"No, everyone can see me, as I ran out here naked. I'm okay with my nude body, so I can wander back inside naked just get my stuff. I'm gonna go walk that naked walk of shame," she answered, prior to looking at Barb. "Barb, even if you didn't have sex, you stripped and now you are with us. So, thank you, and I'd love for you join us in bed sometime," she told Barb, before she stepped towards her.

Miranda glued her lips to Barb's and wrapped her arms around her. I just watched them for a minute as cum slid down my legs for a moment.

"Okay, enough, you wanted to be with me, not her," I reminded her, putting my arms in between them.

"She did," Barb laughed. "Hang onto her, Hannah, somehow you buried the 'bitch' part of her. I just hope it stays buried," Barb let me know, before she kissed me too.

"I'll have to take you up on that offer, Miranda, I'd love a crack at both of you," she mentioned, before she walked back towards the school.

Miranda looked back at with her lips sucked into her mouth. She put her right hand out and I took it.

We headed inside, but only got to the ten foot mark. "It is odd that I'm clothed and you aren't," I pointed out, before I stripped.

"I fucking knew it, you are a little crazy too."

I picked up my clothes and grabbed her hand. "What are they gonna do, expel us again?" I pondered, as we strolled down the hall to the locker room.

As we walked in there, she shut the door and immediately pushed herself onto me against the door. "Let's fuck one more time before we take the next step together. Just prove to me, that you love me too."

"Holy shit, you are a stupid cunt," I mentioned, before I dropped my clothes, dropped to my knees and ate her pussy.

"I really am. Oh, fuck, I'm gonna love living with you, freakishly hot hussy."

"Shut the fuck up and let me eat your twat, whore," I ordered her, before I stuck my tongue back into her slit.

Now I do every night in our apartment, not too far from our new college. Of course Barb comes to visit every now and then too.

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Pub: 12 Oct 2024 22:47 UTC
Views: 190