A Good Friend
Lilja: (I didn't sleep much.)
Lilja: (I can't get enthused. I know everyone is worried about me.)
Lilja: I have to go to practice......
Lilja: Huh?
Xue: How long are you going to sleep in? Don't let your guard down just because it's a day off.
Lilja: It's not a day off. I have to go to practice this morning......
Lilja: What's in this cup?
Xue: Medium soy all milk added decaf espresso latte.
Lilja: The usual......
Lilja: How do you know?
Xue: Because you never learn how to use the app! I'm telling you, pay me later! I'll put it on your tab!
Lilja: Thank you......?
Xue: And......you're off today. Go wherever you want after you've received it. I've definitely told you.
Xue: ......Honestly! Why are you asking me, Germany and Koyomi-san!?
Lilja: ......?
Lilja: ......Phew.
Lilja: (Even when I walk, I can't get my thoughts together.)
Lilja: ......It's bright, dazzling.
Lilja: Ramo and Koyomi shine on everyone around them like the sun. Xue and Hikari are warm like sunlight.
Lilja: Everyone is so different from me.
?: With this cool weather, you can't even warm up your cold body, can you? If you want to melt your heart, I'll warm it up for you.
Lilja: Hatsumi......
Lilja: Did Koyomi ask you to do this too?
Hatsumi: Koyomi wouldn’t bow her head to me. Even if the world comes to an end, she's an egotist who will continue to push forward on her own thorny path.
Lilja: I think you're like that too.
Hatsumi: That's right. I’m an egotist and a pushy one at that. My passenger seat wants to kidnap you.
Lilja: You're a bad person.
Hatsumi: It's the atmosphere around you that's bad.
Hatsumi: A seal of approval given by people you don't know. Old people who are afraid of change, having tasted success in the past.
Lilja: Are you talking about the Saint-Claud Guide?
Lilja: ......How do you know?
Hatsumi: I can guess that much. After all, you’re at Gingaza.
Hatsumi: Flowers that bloom in a square shape may look good, but they're cramped. If you want to find an answer that will make you bloom in your own way, come to me.
Lilja: If you want a change of mood, just say so.
Hatsumi: Heh heh, I'm more shy than you think.
Lilja: ......
Hatsumi: You're in my passenger seat, but you're thinking about another woman? I'm jealous of whoever makes you worry so.
Lilja: Do I look troubled?
Hatsumi: Yes, you do.
Hatsumi: Is it Lady Macbeth?
Lilja: ......
Lilja: I couldn't do anything with the way I've been doing it up until now.
Lilja: Lady Macbeth is fair but foul. That's not right. It can't be.
Hatsumi: ......You don’t want to play a role that doesn't make sense?
Lilja: ......I just want everyone to see me. My passion is different from everyone else's. Beauty is the most important thing, and acting comes second.
Hatsumi: Is that so? I think that foulness can also be seen as fairness if you change your perspective.
Lilja: Why......? I don't think so. Fair is fair. That's all.
Lilja: I was chosen to play Lady Macbeth because I am beautiful.
Lilja: ......Then why do I have to play something ugly?
Hatsumi: Do you think you were chosen just because you are beautiful?
Lilja: Don’t you think so?
Hatsumi: I don't. Show me your acting.