Day 11: Beasts

Utterly exhausted from yesterday's events, Margaret woke up groggy, gloomy... And late.
Sighing deeply, the white haired girl stretched diligently while cursing her decision to give a fitness class on a Sunday. Her preparations complete, she approached Margot, asleep on her towel, and held her cheek against her soft purring head for a minute... "My sweet little cloud..." she whispered.
Resisting the temptation to lay down and cuddle with her dear matagot, Margaret checked her watch: it was too late to exercise but early enough that she wouldn't encounter too many students on her way to Professor Howin's "classroom".

Breathing in deeply on her way out of her dormitories, the Gryffindor gratefully enjoyed the wonderful smell of the common room: a smell of wood furniture, rugs and fire; just one of the little things that made her appreciate life at Hogwarts.
Bowing quietly to the ghosts loitering in the couch, she left the room and briskly walked towards the courtyard.

The warm sun illuminated the beautiful scenery in front of Margaret, the remains of tonight's rain shimmered on the ground and the comforting and familiar smell of a humid morning filled her nostrils with pleasure as she sighed in satisfaction.
Alone with the squishing sound of her shoes in the wet grass, she walked slowly towards the back of the castle, almost smiling, enjoying her senses not being overwhelmed but pleased, for once... "Not all of them..." she thought, scratching her itching skin.

Noticing that no beasts nor professor were at the back of the house, the girl instead turned left towards the pond; she carefully placed her belongings on the pier and submerged herself in the water, enjoying the feeling of floating idly while basking in the soothing caress of the sun.

"If it isn't my favourite chef!" exclaimed a familiar voice.
Still submerged, the white haired girl turned around to face the intruder: Professor Howin.
"Good morning Professor." she answered.
"What are you doing in there? Please come out before you catch a cold!" the woman held out her hand.
Regaining her footing, Margaret slowly walked out of the water, wand in hand, the sun reflected beautifully on her scaled swimsuit as water droplets gently rolled down her body; she quickly dried herself and redressed in front of the gently smiling lady. "Am I running late?" asked the pale girl, looking inside her bag "Not at all, but you've been in there for quite a while, I was getting worried a Grindylow had caught you!" replied Professor Howin.
"Daifuku?" asked Margaret, a small packet in her held out hand.
"Oh, please!" the woman smiled warmly as she opened the carefully wrapped confectionery.

The two of them enjoyed the snack in silence.
"Thank you! I have to get everything ready for the class now, you have... Twenty minutes?" said the professor after clapping once, Margaret nodded silently in response without looking at the woman, eyes gazing into the pond.
The girl relaxed next to the water for a little while, her trusty watch in hand, lost in thoughts...

Slowly, the "classroom" filled up, students started coming in small groups and soon the back of the house would be filled with the cry of beasts and the voices of lively teenagers.
"Hey, look! By the pond! It's that freak!" snickered a Slytherin student, pointing at Margaret sitting alone on the pier.
A cocky grin on his face, Sebastian nudged Ominis with his elbow before declaring "Watch me spook her!", a few other students cheered on the boy as he bolted away before Ominis could say anything: he could only show his concerned face.

Running towards the pier, his shoes squelched loudly into the grass, then clunked loudly on the pier. His victim rolled her eyes, fully aware of his presence as he slowed down, trying to sneak behind her.
"Good morning." she said quietly, her back still turned.
Sebastian jumped in surprise, both at the voice and at the wet puddle he had just stepped in, he slipped, yelped an unbecoming "Woah!", tried to reach for the girl's robes...And fell with a loud splash, much to the laughter of the students watching.
Worried about the buffoon who was now having an unintentional sip, Margaret reached out deep in the water and grabbed his forearm.
Utterly drenched and coughing, the boy glared at the hyenas laughing and pointing at him, besides the group stood Ominis, shaking his head in disapproval "I told you!" mimicked Sebastian mockingly.
Not even thanking the girl for helping him out, the boy squished loudly towards the class, his pockets full of water, with Margaret following behind.

"What's the meaning of this mister Sallow?" asked Professor Howin.
"Err..." the drenched boy look away, blushing slightly in embarrassment.
"Sebastian came to tell me class was about to begin when he slipped and fell into the pond." interrupted Margaret.
"...What she said." said the beet red Slytherin, he glanced down on his shirt and pressed his hand against the lapel pocket, spraying the professor on the face with water. He gasped at his gaffe while the students erupted in laughter.
"...Five points from Slytherin, you're out for today." glared the woman, pointing towards the castle. "And dry yourself! Merlin's beard, boy, do you even have a wand?!" she added, stifling her laughter.

Taking her own advice, the woman dried herself with her wand and went back to her preparations, only a few beasts remained inside.
Emboldened by the professor's absence, a few Slytherin girls approached the lone Gryffindor "Why is your hair white, freak? Having fun with Colovaria?" "Maybe she's actually an old lady and she's still in fifth year because she's so stupid!" The would-be bullies laughed in unisson at the unfazed, emotionless girl who was now digging in her bag. One of the girls readied her wand as Margaret pulled out a plate of pastries "Would you dearies enjoy a nice little pastry?" she said in a well imitated grandmother voice, clashing hard against her expressionless face.
Angered at her victim's reaction, the Slytherin started waving her wand before being interrupted by her friends rushing over to the delicious looking pastries.

"Oh, how generous! Miss Megamelons has brought breakfast!! exclaimed loudly Professor Howin, grabbing the plate from Margaret's hands with a wink and setting it down on her desk, beckoning the students over.
Slowly approaching the "classroom" was a familiar Hufflepuff girl Margaret greeted with a silent nod; taking advantage of the commotion created by the ever-tempting free food, the two of them sat down at the back, with the Gryffindor handing out a nicely wrapped pink daifuku to her benchmate.

After a quick introduction, Professor Howin paired the students and directed them towards the pens: they were to interact with the creatures, identify them and describe the interaction.
Students of all houses quickly overcrowded the Puffskein, Kneazle and Jobberknolls pens, leaving Margaret and Ominis with the lone Augurey... And the lone Hufflepuff trailing behind them, forgotten by Professor Howin.
Feeling a twinge of disgust and betrayal towards her teacher, Margaret beckoned her benchmate, staying between her and Ominis.
"Hey look! By the sad bird, the three creeps!" Yelled another bully. "It's no-eyes and no-tits!", the girls erupted in laughter like hyenas before being caught by Professor Howin. Ominis sighed knowing Slytherin had lost points again.

Margaret slowly approached the sad looking bird, the hint of a smile forming on her face as she caressed its plumage gently. The boy approached carefully before speaking up "Thank you for what you did for Sebastian, I'm sorry... He can be difficult at times..." the white haired girl nodded softly, enjoying the bird's affection.
"...What they said about your hair... Is it really white?" he asked, she nodded again.
Ominis struggled with the strange girl's behaviour, even with his wand it was hard to have a conversation with her.
Turning towards the Hufflepuff, Margaret discreetly beckoned her towards the gentle Augurey, she slowly approached a trembling hand and caressed the creature's wing.
"Who is that next to you?" asked Ominis.
"My." quickly answered Margaret.
Ominis paused for a second "No, not you, next to you."
"Yes, that's My... Or My?" she answered again.
The blind boy sighed, hiding his frustration. "Your what, now?"
"That's her name. My Appletrundle." the two girls chuckled silently, before Ominis chuckled in turn while apologizing with a bow, showing a gentle smile to the two girls.

Taking notes and sketching diligently, the three of them interacted with the beautiful but unpopular creature, Margaret chuckled when her friend showed her her drawing. Still, she felt out of place; she could feel the girl's gaze, just as Ominis probably did, too...
Without uttering a word, the Gryffindor left the group to approach a lone creature in an empty pen, her two classmates looked at her, but only one of them could see the creature: a Thestral.

A look of worry appeared on the Hufflepuff as she saw the boy's expression sour significantly, he turned his head back towards the Augurey, his strange, empty blue eyes passing over the girl's tired eyes.
"...Your friend..." his voice trembled a little "She can see them." he sighed "It was her, then..."
Overwhelmed by the situation, left alone with a boy she had been staring at for longer than she wanted to admit to even herself, she looked towards the castle in panic. "Seethemwhowhatissheseeing?" she blurted.
Ominis turned around, a concerned look on his face. "Thestrals."
He hesitated for a second and thought of Sebastian. "Margaret was sitting with us in the train during our first year...I couldn't recognize her because I'm blind... And because she doesn't smile anymore..."
The Hufflepuff gasped silently, a horrified look on her face.
"She was abducted by Dark Wizards and she was found covered in blood with two Unicorns...I thought it was just a rumor..." Ominis looked at the Gryffindor softly caressing the gentle creature's beaked face.
"Only those who have witnessed and accepted death can see Thestrals..." he gripped his wand tightly, remembering the oh-so common atrocities of his childhood.
The brunette was overwhelmed, she wanted to comfort the mysteriously endearing boy but couldn't, she felt crushed by what had just been revealed to her, but had to keep her composure, she felt jealous of the shared bond she was excluded from, and hated herself for feeling jealous...

On the verge of running away, she spotted Margaret beckoning the two of them.
Her friend's strange aura felt oddly comforting, she approached slowly, trailing behind Ominis, still feeling the damage done by the recent bout of anxiety. Grabbing her friend's robes tigthly, she was guided close to the invisible creature.
"Here, use your hand to feel its shape, it's like being blind." whispered Margaret to her now blushing friend who was stealing glances at the boy again.
She felt soft, cold skin; she felt breathing, bones, and most of all, she felt at peace: she knew the gentle creature she couldn't see was one of unique beauty.

"Oh this is fascinating..." said Professor Howin behind them, making the trio jump in surprise.
"I'm very much looking forward to your notes on this beautiful creature." she added, with a warm smile.
Sketching in silence, the three of them drew the creature with the help of each other's descriptions.
Margaret and My laughed together at a silly sketch of a Thestral what-if, before describing it to Ominis, who joined them in laughter; the Hufflepuff blushed slightly as she lost herself in the boy's blue eyes and warm smile.
Taking their notes, Margaret left them alone and delivered their work to Professor Howin, class was over and it was time to leave.

Sitting slightly hidden in the shade of a tree, the lone Gryffindor waited for one hour, to see if her friend needed her help, before leaving towards the lake for the exercise she had been yearning for all day, returning to her gloomy self, socially exhausted.

Looking at the lake, she spotted a green and brown shape peeking out of the water. "Rout..."

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Pub: 18 May 2023 09:51 UTC
Edit: 18 May 2023 12:03 UTC
Views: 289