Dentist appointment

It’s quite a boon to be able to control time, specially when you can use it on yourself. You cut yourself accidentally? Rewind it. You stayed up too late and want to sleep? Stop time and catch some Z’s. You feel a certain pain in your mouth after eating too much sugar? Just rewind that too.

“What makes you think you deserve this treatment?” She gives you a smug smile while eating some chocolate,“I simply asked if you were able to.” You walk past her towards the front door, “Just go to the dentist, babe,” she giggles. “No big deal.”

You already know why she won’t rewind time on you. She’s just too scared. She has never tried doing it on a living being. She’ll reluctantly fix the clothes on your body if they ever get dirty or ripped, but she won’t try to fix even a simple bruise. She has no idea what will happen.

“Maybe you should just take more care of your teeth!” She keeps that smug smile, “I don’t want to hear that from the girl who stuffed her face full of candy on Halloween.” Just as you say that; her smile disappears. Her face turns completely red.

“WAIT YOU SAW THAT???” She walks up to you and grabs your face. She starts to pinch it and shake it. “Ow ow ow no, but...” You try to grab her hands and stop her, “You think I wouldn’t notice all the wrappers while taking out the trash?” She pouts. She can’t deny it now, so she lets you go. She’s still staring at you, “Just go get your cavities fixed.” She walks back to the living room to finish her chocolate bar.

“…What? No, it’s just a checkup and a cleanup.” You put on your shoes after checking you have your keys and wallet and open the door. “I’ll see you la—”

“Cleanup?” you turn around and she’s right in front of you, “What’s that?” “…What do you mean ‘what’s that’.” She seems genuinely confused. “It’s just cleaning up my teeth, I don’t have cavities.”

“Cleanup…” She still doesn’t get it. “…Have you ever gone to the dentist?”

“No?” she answers, “Obviously not, why would I?”

…Yeah, that makes sense, considering she really has no reason to even go. You turn around again and start to leave, “Okay, well, filling up cavities isn’t the only thing they do.”

“I see…” She stands in the hallway, thinking. “Well, I’ll be back in a bit.” She doesn’t respond, so you just close the door and head to the car.
You open the door, get in and turn it on.

“It’s not that far, is it?” Kronii asks.

You jump. “What the f—“ She’s in the passenger seat... You should really get used to this. After taking a second to calm down, you respond, “Y-yeah… it’s a 10-minute drive…” She looks at you and smiles, “All right then, let’s go.”

While driving, you keep talking about her reluctance to use her powers on other people. “I still can’t believe you’re scared.” She crosses her arms and turns to the window, “Shut up…”

You try to pat her head as an apology, “Couldn’t you have attempted it with… A rat or something?” You can feel she’s staring daggers at you now. “I’d never do that to Bae; how dare you even mention that.” You raise your eyebrows, confused, “I never mentioned Bae though???”

“I-I just never did it, okay?” she’s flustered now, can’t keep going with that conversation anymore. “So, uh… Do you just sit there while they… work on your mouth?”

Great topic change from Ouro Kronii. “Well, we lie down and yeah they do their work, it can take 20 minutes to some hours at times.” You glance at her for a second, she still looks confused, “Don’t you eventually fall asleep? It sounds really boring to just stay there.”

Arriving at a stop sign, you continue, “Yeah, sometimes. It was especially boring when I was a kid, though the pain jolting you awake is still very much a thing.” She brings a hand close to her mouth with a worried face. “P-pain huh…?” “Yeah, definitely wouldn’t recommend that, thankfully, she caused any”
And the worry turns into a frown, “Wait, she?” You roll your eyes, “You can’t tell me you’re seriously getting jealous of a dentist right no—" She grabs your face and makes you turn to her, “She’s touching my property.”

She keeps complaining about you saying embarrassing things and yet she pulls stuff like that. You grab her hand and go back to driving, “Calm down, she’s just doing her job.” She pinches your cheek once more, “Now don’t tell me I’m going to be waiting the entire time doing nothing.” She crosses her arms, waiting for your response. “Nope, she recently put a TV screen on the wall, she lets her patients watch shows on Netflix or videos on youtube as long as it’s not awful.”

You spend the rest of the drive trying to convince her that she won’t die of boredom even though she was the one who got into your car by her own free will. “I’ll just use my phone, then.”

When you arrive, the dentist happily lets you in. After checking you in, she notices Kronii staring daggers at her. “Is this your girlfriend, Anon?” Kronii freezes, “Yeah, this is Kronii.” She tries to hide behind you, making the dentist giggle a bit, “Aw she’s just as beautiful as you told me.” You can feel her grip on your arm getting stronger, “Please, go in while I prepare what I need.”

She leads the both of you to the dental clinic and leaves. “What did you tell her about me, Anon?” It sounds like she’s both angry and embarrassed that you’d tell someone else about her, “Well, sometimes when I’m actually able to talk, the conversation goes to a lot of different places, and I just can’t help showing off my girlfriend when I can.” She sits down on a chair close by and decides the conversation is over by pulling out her phone.
You can tell she’s kind of happy thanks to the blush and the slight smile she’s trying to hide.

When the dentist arrives, she brings in a few materials and is about to start working. “Oh! Wait I forgot something else.” Before she leaves, she hands Kronii a remote controller, “Here! You can watch whatever you want, I’m sure Anon will enjoy whatever you put.” Kronii slowly takes the controller, “Yeah, Kronii, go ahead.” She stares at it, “H-how long is this going to take?” The dentist walks back to the exit, “It’s just a cleanup so it shouldn’t take more than an hour.”

The dentist leaves again, and Kronii starts to fiddle with the controller. She goes through a lot of shows and documentaries. A lot of them. Wow she’s scrolling through them all. “…Kronii?” You look at her, she seems… nervous? Wait, is she panicking? “…I don’t want her to know what I watch…”
What?” You look at her, “But you talk about those things with chat all the time.” She looks at you, “It’s NOT the same, Anon.” You sigh and let her continue her struggle.

She stops at a wine documentary, “…No, that’s too normal.” “…What do you mean too no—” She keeps scrolling “That’s too weird, why would I watch that.” A food show appears “No, no that’s too easy. Also, why would I put something about food at a dentist’s office” She starts doing her usual nervous laughter.

“Kronii, just put whatever, please.” She looks at you and she snaps her fingers, time stops. “This is your fault, you know.”

You blink a few times in confusion, “…What do you mean?” She gets up from the chair and walks up to you, “Why would you tell her about me, now she has some kind of idea about what I do and I just—” You try to hold her face to stop her, “Kronii, you’re overthinking, she’s not going to do anything to you.” She looks back at the TV, it stopped right on animations, “Wait but a lot of those are kid shows, I don’t wanna put on a kids show, why would I watch a kids show here…” You let go of her, ”…Why are you like this?” She holds your face in response, “You do NOT get to use my phrase against me.”
After a while, you manage to calm her down, she goes back to her seat and breathes. After some more time, she snaps her fingers and goes back to scrolling. Her lips are quivering now. That pep talk didn’t work at all. “Pfwah, wah wah wah wah, wub—" She’s losing it. “Kronii you could also just turn it off.” She’s sweating, “N-no I’ll just… I’ll just…”

The door opens. Kronii’s eyes widen as she grips the controller. The dentist is back. “Oh, haven’t picked anything?” She walks up to you and sits down, “Don’t worry, we just couldn’t decide so she’s gonna pick something at random” You look at her now that you gave her an out. Kronii fumbles with the controller and she manages to play something while the dentist begins to work.

“Alright, Anon, say ahh.” You obey and she begins her checkup. You glance over while she’s working. Kronii’s covering her face for some reason. It seems like she’s trying really hard not to burst out laughing. You look at the TV; it’s a nature documentary and you manage to catch a glimpse of the title…


“…Oh.” The dentist stops, “Did something hurt?” “Oh no, no, don’t worry about it.” At least the volume isn’t too high… You decide to ignore whatever’s happening with your girlfriend. The dentist slowly cleans up your mouth, trying to make small talk with you. Everything’s going as usual. That is until you hear some very familiar giggles coming from your side. You take another glance to the TV to find...

Two turtles having sex. You jolt up, almost jamming the dentist’s sickle probe down your throat. “I-is something wrong, Anon?” You shake your head while trying not to laugh. “Ahm fahn.”

You manage to recover and begin to concentrate on not having a laughing fit. Your dear clock isn’t having much of an easier time with this. The dentist keeps trying to talk to you, so that helps with distracting you from the masterpiece of a documentary Kronii thought was a good idea to put on. Thankfully, the dentist is still very good at her job and doesn’t notice the show going on behind her.

2 minutes pass and you notice Kronii begin to curl up. She’s trembling. You know you’ll regret looking at the TV again, but you can’t stop yourself.

Another turtle.

Another turtle comes up to them and starts punching one of them in the back of the head. The original two don’t stop with their original activity. You grip your hands tight to stop any laughter. Kronii tries to distract herself looking at her phone, with her other hand covering her mouth.

She could just switch to something else, but she doesn’t, is this to torture you? To torture the both of you perhaps. You eventually recover, right as the dentist finishes putting something on your teeth. “Now, while this does its job, I’ll go do some paperwork. If anything happens, just raise your voice and I’ll be right with you, okay?” You give her a thumbs up, thanking her from the bottom of your heart for leaving you again.

Just as she closes the door, you look at Kronii again. She’s pointing at the TV; she can barely hold on. You give up on restraining yourself and take another look.

Yet another turtle shows up

And this one also wants to beat the shit out of the other turtles WHILE the original two ARE STILL doing their business. Kronii decides this is the perfect time to stop. She snaps her fingers and starts losing it. You carefully remove yourself from the dental instruments and face her. She falls off her chair in a laughing fit. You laugh as much as you can with whatever the dentist put on you.

When you finally calm down, you help Kronii get up. “Could I ask you to please put something else on?” She can’t help but giggle some more, “I-I’ll try.” You sit back down and Kronii grabs the remote, “Do you think she realized what’s going on?” “Probably not? Hopefully not, the sound was too low to notice.”

You both take a second to breath and Kronii snaps her fingers. She immediately switches to a food show and avoids looking at you, she’ll probably start laughing again. The dentist arrives after a while and finishes up the job. You manage to survive the ordeal without much of an issue after remembering the training you put yourself through to watch Kronii’s streams on the job.

“See you in a few months, Anon.” There weren’t any issues with the cleanup, so you pay the fee and leave the dentist’s office. Kronii keeps eyeing her while you say your goodbyes, but at least she seems in a better mood. You wonder if she enjoyed her first visit to a dentist… With that very unique experience.

Driving back home, Kronii can’t hold it in any longer and bursts out laughing again. “I’m guessing you had a good time?” She wipes a tear off her face, “Ahaha… I’m never coming back again.” You pat her head, “Yeah, it’s for the better… But what happened?” She covers her face, still giggling “I… I don’t know I just panicked.” You bite your lip trying to restrain yourself, “I-it’s fine… It’s been a while since I’ve seen you this flustered.”

She nudges you a little and tries to calm herself down. You take some deep breaths and try to focus on driving. When you arrive, she grabs your shoulder, “Let’s never talk about this again, babe.” “Think so?” You both slowly smile, “…We’ll see.” You did say you wanted to make some memories with her. A funny story to tell later is good enough, right?

t. Nameronii
Source for the art used:

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Pub: 14 Jan 2022 06:19 UTC
Views: 824