It is recommended that you turn on your firewall before continuing.

  1. Extract maya2015portable folder onto your Desktop
  2. Navigate to the folder after extracting. Right-click maya2015.exe and create a shortcut.
  3. Right-click the shortcut, press Properies. Make sure you are on the "Shortcut" tab.
  4. In the editable field under "Target", click it and scroll to the end of the field and type in np2
    Your "Target" field will now look something like this...
    C:\Users\computername\Desktop\maya2015portable\maya2015.exe np2
  5. Apply your changes, then close the Properties window.
  6. Navigate to maya2015portable\autodesk2015netLM\x86 and launch "lmtools.exe"
  7. Press the "System Settings" tab and copy the "Ethernet Address". If you have multiple addresses, copy the last one.
    Your "Ethernet Address" field will look something like this...
    Ethernet Address 0013E3A3784F [Your numbers will be different]
  8. Copy the "Computer/Hostname" and put it somewhere safe, you'll be using this and the "Ethernet Address" later.
    Your "Computer/Hostname" field will look something like this...
    Computer/Hostname computername
  9. Minimize "lmtools.exe", we will return to it later.
  10. Launch the Maya Shortcut that we added npr to earlier. It will automatically launch Notepad2.exe
    !!If you're wondering where on earth Notepad2 came from, it is bundled with the maya2015portable folder,
    you can find it in maya2015portable/local/stubexe/0xFE5368BA0152AE3C
  11. In Notepad2.exe, press "File" then "Open", go to your C:\ drive and find the "flexlm" folder (C:\flexlm)
  12. Still in Notepad2.exe, open the flexlm folder and find "thinkbox.lic" and select it to open.
  13. You will see a list, at tne end of each string you will see "HOSTID=6cf0490a8c61"
  14. Press "Edit" then "Replace" (Ctrl+H), copy and paste 6cf0490a8c61 into the "Search String" field
  15. In the"Replace with" field, paste your computer's Ethernet Address (Physical/MAC Address) we found earlier.
  16. Press "Replace All" and then "OK" once it tells you 10 occurrences have been replaced.
    Your text will look something like this...
    FEATURE frost thinkbox 2.3 permanent uncounted HOSTID=0013E3A3784F17. Save your changes, you will be opening another file.
  17. Press >"File" >"Open", go to \maya2015portable\autodesk2015netLM\lic and open "Lic.dat"
  18. You will see "SERVER [...] MACaddress" at the top of the document, replace "MACaddress" with your address.
    Your text will look something like this...
    SERVER HOSTname 0013E3A3784F [Your address is different]
  19. Now, replace "HOSTname" with your computer's hostname that we grabbed back in step 8.
    Your text will look something like this...
    SERVER computername 0013E3A3784F
  20. Save your changes, you can now close notepad2.exe
  21. Return to "lmtools.exe", navigate to the "Config Services" tab.
  22. Fill the form as so, make sure the paths match your computer's information:
    Service Name: autodesk2015
    Path to the lmgrd.exe file: C:\Users\computername\Desktop\maya2015portable\autodesk2015netLM\x86\lmgrd.exe
    Path to the license file: C:\Users\computername\Desktop\maya2015portable\autodesk2015netLM\lic\Lic.dat
    !!If you do not see the license file, make sure you change the drop-down "License Files .lic" to "License Files .dat"
    Path to the debug log file: C:\Users\computername\Desktop\maya2015portable\autodesk2015netLM\lic\flexLm.log
    Tick both boxes so they're marked:
    - Use Services
    - Start server at Power Up
  23. Save your changes by pressing "Save Service", press Yes at the prompt.
  24. Continue using "lmtools.exe" and navigate to the "Service/License File" tab".
  25. Tick the box that says "LMTOOLS ignores license file path enviromental variables"
  26. Now go to the "Start/Stop/Reread" tab and press "Start Server". If you have a Firewall, you may get some notifications.
    Accept these notifications and create rules to let it work.
  27. Click "ReRead License File" next. It may fail due to the firewall if you have not set rules, click it again and
    wait for it to finish. Once it's done, navigate to the "Server Status" tab.
  28. Press the "Perform Status Enquiry" button.
    If you were sucessful, you'll see something like this...
    Flexible License Manager status on Mon 5/15/2015 05:15
    [Detecting lmgrd processes...]
    License server status: 27000@computername
    License file(s) on computername: C:\flexlm\License.dat:
  29. You may now close "lmtools.exe", it will continue running as a service on your computer as "lmgrd.exe".
  30. Move the "maya" folder found in "maya2015portable" to the "My Documents" path (C:\Users\computername\Documents)
  31. Run maya2015.exe found in "maya2015portable".
  32. Your firewall may send you notifications. Block all connections except for those with an IP of
    If you get a "FlexNet Licence Finder" dialogbox, click next, then enter, next and finish.
  33. After Maya has completely loaded (wait for 3delight to appear on the left of the help menu), then close it.
  34. Open Maya again, do a render test of the different scene files to be sure everything works.

Original instruction notes:

  • The autodesk2015 service you created should start automatically on start-up of Windows.
    If it doesn't, just right-click and start on it in the service's tab of the task manager.
  • Could make yeti work with vRay and arnold but not mentalRay & 3delight.
  • Could make fumeFx work with mentalRay, vRay and arnold but not maya's default renderer and 3delight.
  • If you move the maya2015portable to another computer you have to do the steps above again.


"Reread lic file failed"

Go to maya2015portable\autodesk2015netLM\lic
Right-click both "flexLm.log" and "Lic.dat" for their Properties
Uncheck the checkbox that reads "Read-Only"

Crashing with Maya explorer window open

Find maya.env file [Windows 7 C:\Users\computername\Documents\maya\2014-x64]
Open it in notepad.exe or any other text editor, it should be blank unless you've edited it before
In the first avaliable line add the following text

  1. Retrieve your computer's MAC address (Physical Address) Manually

    1a. Press Start and in your search bar type in cmd, launch cmd.exe from the results.
    2a. In the black window that appears (cmd.exe), type in ipconfig /all
    3a. Press enter, you will be shown information about your internet."
    4a. If you are using an ethernet cable for your internet, look "Ethernet [...]"
    4b. If you are using WiFi for your internet, look under "Wireless [...]"
    5a. Your MAC address will be there as Physical Address. It'll look something a little like...
    Physical Address 00-13-E3-A3-78-4F

    B) Windows 7
    1b. Press Start and open the Control Panel
    2b. Navigate to Network and Internet
    3b. Press enter, you will be shown information about your internet."
    4a. If you are using an ethernet cable for your internet, click "Local Area Connection"
    4b. If you are using WiFi for your internet, click "Wireless Network Connection (MIT)"
    5b. A window will appear, press "Details"
    6b. Your MAC address will be there as Physical Address. It'll look something a little like...
    Physical Address 00-13-E3-A3-78-4F

    C) Windows 10 [Ethernet Only Guide]
    1c. Press Start and open Settings
    2c. Navigate to Network and Internet
    3c. Select Ethernet and then press Ethernet interface
    4c. Your MAC address will be there as Physical Address. It'll look something a little like...
    Physical Address 00-13-E3-A3-78-4F

Note, you will erase all of the dash lines when you have to use this number in the tutorial.
Physical Address 0013E3A3784F

Pub: 29 May 2023 12:00 UTC
Views: 434